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Book online «Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer

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a pretty pink flush against my face as well.
"Y-y-your gay-dar is a little too off Gilbert," I said with a cracked voice.
Alfred gave me a handsomely cute look of surprise and confusion before cracking a grin. Gilbert's eyes widened and he smiled brightly. Then all of a sudden Gilbert wrapped his arms around my body and soon I was being spun around by Gilbert hugging me tightly while spinning around.
"Yay! Birdie is back! I missed your voice so fucking much! It was like I was talking to myself for the last four days!"
When Gilbert finally put me down I stared up at him.
"By the way, I still have that picture on my phone and I told you to never mention me being gay," I said plainly, splitting that look of happiness on Gilbert's face in two.
"What! You told me that I couldn't ask if you were gay or not, not this!"
"Fine, then I'll only show Alfred," I said taking out my phone from my pocket and scrolling through the pictures for the right one.
I was grinning madly while Gilbert was giving off an embarrassed aurora when I handed the phone over to Alfred. At first Alfred looked confused, then surprised, then he just went all out in laughter.
"Hahahaha! Dude, what chick gave you hickeys! Haha this is too funny!" Alfred bellowed.
"Actually I was the one that gave him those, then I took a picture and now hold it as blackmail," I explained in a simple tone like I was talking about the weather.
"Nice one Mattie!" Alfred praised me giving me a hive five while I blushed at another one of Alfred's compliments.
When Alfred was done laughing over the picture he returned my phone back to me. Gilbert decided to come to breakfast with us before we left and man, was it a hilarity to watch Gilbert do a bunch of things in a hurried and rushed manner so early in the morning. Usually he would take his time and be lazy, heck he even slept for another half an hour after his alarm went off.
That is why I own a pair of earplugs.
But Gilbert seemed really ecstatic after I started talking again. Though when I did talk during breakfast, instead of interrupting or adding quick comments, Gilbert would actually listen intently and wait patiently to speak when I was done talking. It was like a breath of fresh air for once to hold a normal uninterrupted conversation with him, but I know it wouldn't last for too long anyways.
Everything was rolling smoothly, until Gilbert, Alfred and I were heading our way to our first period that the three of us had together, before the bell rang when we crossed paths with Francis. All of us stopped and so did Francis, just staring at one another like a cowboy showdown scene.
"Ah monsieur~ I am so glad to see you this morning, so did you remember who I'am from that kiss?" he said in a thick French accent that I did not noticed he had the first time we talked, though I think it was because I was looking for a spot to sit during lunch and I was seconds away from a mental breakdown.
"So you’re the guy who humiliated Matthew," I heard Alfred mutter. "I'll make you pay for what you did!"
I flung my arm in front of Alfred just in time before he lunged at the smirking Frenchmen.
"Alfred, I can handle my own problems sometimes too. Look, Francis, I don't know what you were talking about the other day and I don't know you. Plus I think you should take responsibility for taking away my first kiss and explain to me why you did that," I said in my calm pacifist way I always spoke in.
"Oy, you confuse me, but I'll humor you. I thought you were a past lover of mine whom I'am looking for, but by the way you look and how you taste," Francis stopped to give me a proactive look and peak his tongue out to lick the corner of his lips haughtily. "I know you are the one I'am looking for, we are destined to be you and I, it's simply written in the stars can't you see? And fate gave me a chance to find you at this fortunate school, so don't think about loving anyone else, because you belong to me, no?"
I bit my lip and stepped back shyly with another blush on my face. There's no way that I would forget having a relationship with a guy like that, the only time I was touched by a man was that... That one time in the equipment shack getting beat and molested at the same time, but the touch from the guy who touched me that time... Was that what was familiar about Francis when he touched me in the cafeteria that day? Could he really be the guy who had molested me?
All these thoughts swirled in my head painfully that I was more irritated than shocked.
"Look Francis, don't start crossing the line with my roommate here, he hasn't talked until this morning because of what you did, and now he's getting bad rep because of it too," Gilbert said trying to converse with his French friend.
"My my Gilbert, when did you start caring about what your friends did to people you know? You did let Molly my science partner give you head when I was going to screw her next."
Gilbert flinched slightly, before retorting. "That is on a complete different level Francis, she was going to be your next victim, not your friend, and Matthew is my friend and I won't let you and your bi fantasies mess with him!"
I stopped trying to ward Alfred from attacking Francis to stare at Gilbert. He never claimed that I was his friend before. I only thought that he thought of me as only his roommate that he liked to tease.
"Heh, you've grown distant my friend, whatever I'm still going to have him; like I said him and I were destined to be together, it's only simple," Francis declared before winking a sparkly blue eye my direction and walking away.
"I'm gonna kill that French bastard someday, I just know it," Alfred seethed.
"Alfred, it's not the heroic thing to kill the bad guy," I sighed patting his back a few times before we started walking towards our destination again.
"Ah~ Nothing beats eating a fresh bowl of pasta right after school in the middle of the hallway while walking. I would eat it in my room, but my brother likes to nag at me for eating in the room and not offering him some, it's not my fault that I didn't make pasta for two this morning," the easy going Italian boy named Feliciano said out loud narrating his own thoughts like he always did.
The Italian soon thought that walking while eating was a lot of work so he ventured around for an unlocked classroom he could eat his pasta in.
Meanwhile this was going on:
What happens when an Icelandic, Lithuanian and a Latvian walk into the chemistry lab, (where they usually discussed S&M while watching graphic videos and discussed other things about the Secret Uke Club) to find a perfectly defenseless Brit bent over cleaning up the chemistry lab?
The most hilarious thing that you can't get so easily on t.v if you wanted folks.
Back to Feliciano who was hearing strange noises coming from the unlocked chemistry room up ahead. Curiously, the Italian opened the door when he reached the room.
To his disbelief, there was his brother's acquaintance, Arthur, getting bondage tied by a petite boy that kept yelling: "Please join the Secret Uke Club," while another held up a piece of paper discussing the rules of their club while the other member, that was closest to the door, was sitting in front of the t.v watching gay porn he had took from the Secret Uke Club's DVD collection in the secret meeting room.
Feliciano, shocked and flabbergasted, stopped in the middle of eating his pasta.
"What the hell?" the Italian said so bluntly and unknowingly that all three boys stopped what they were doing to see what was going on.
Not knowing what to do, Feliciano ran.
The three stood there stumped until Raivis stomped his feet on the ground angrily.
"What are you guys doing! Chase after him! The secret of the Secret Uke Club will be exposed!" Raivis yelled and the two boys started chasing after the Italian.
Because he was faster and the closest to the door, Toris was at heel to heel with the Italian who was heading straight towards a boy with long blond hair, whom was not paying attention and had his face down at his phone while texting.
The Italian did not want to get caught, so with misty eyes he did the bravest sacrifices among Italians.
He dropped his pasta to slow down the Lithuanian.
Indeed it did, but only for a moment when Toris had to skip over it, but not too sooner did Toris instead tripped on the fork than the pasta, heading straight towards the blond boy who was now done texting.
I grinned as I flipped my phone shut and putting it back in my pocket. Girls were so much fun to talk to, they were always in on the fashions and pop culture and stuff like that like I was. If it wasn't for the fact that they get too over dramatic and clingy I would of have a girlfriend right now and be the one on top every night at my house. Buy yet I was gay, yeah I'm not ashamed to say it, it was who I'am. That reminds me that I also heard this rumor about that Frenchy that too my virginity, Francis, had a make out session with this one guy in the middle of the cafeteria. I would of been there if I didn't have to stay back and clean the room for texting in class. I mean seriously old man I was just texting my girlfriends and you had to go all up on me for texting. So now I had to take time after school just to pick it up.
Not cool.
Suddenly there was a clamor and an Italian just ran by me and there was pasta and a fork on the ground.
What the...?
Then there was this cute boy with long brown hair that seemed to have the same hair length as me and had amazing blue eyes. He was running this way right towards me and then everything changed. I was against my back on the floor and I felt some extra weight on my lower torso. Wincing a bit, I tilted my upper body up with my hands and looked down only to find that same boy had fallen down with me, but his head was in between my legs in a suggestive way. He lifted his head from my crotch and looked at me before looking down, before snapping his head back up to me.
"No, no, no, no! It's not what it looks like!" he panicked going all shy on me.
~Totes that was cute!~
"It's ok, matter of fact, want to skip second and go all the way to third?" I asked taking my two fingers to lean in and tilt the shy boy's face up by the chin, while smirking deviously at him.
Oh how he blushed
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