» Fiction » Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer

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Chapter 5: Nurse Office Shout Out

I suddenly felt this void where I was not anywhere at all.
I was not in the arms of a complete stranger.
I was not kissing this stranger.
And I was not in the cafeteria in the arms of a stranger nor kissing that stranger as well.
Of course these were big fat lies.
But I didn't know what it was that felt so good about kissing him. Maybe it was how his jaw was aimed in the right angle, the way his lips tasted or was it the fact that I never experienced kissing before and this guy was just a professional at it. There was something too oddly familiar about his hold on my neck and chin. I honestly didn't care, my head was too far off past reality and I didn't want to come back.
That is until he pulled back with dilated eyes searching my eyes for an answer.
Everything was quiet. Stares burned my skin in embarrassment some looks of shock and disgust painted a new scenario I wanted to be in. Like I was a prince running off hand in hand with a princess escaping into the wood by persecutors. But I could not go to that scenario, no I was stuck in reality and I never fancied reality. I felt panic hitch in my throat.
What was going to happen now?
I was surly never going to stop rumors or the new bullies.
Everything was going to happen again.
With my nerves starting to tear at me, I shoved out of the stranger's grasp and fled from the scene.
I didn't know where to go. This school was new to me and my eyes started to tear up making my vision more blurry with wet tears streaming down my face. My throat and chest tightened with fear.
Without knowing it I had ran into someone knocking myself down as well as my glass which tumbled off in another way. The person turned up in a blur because of the distance I was between the bystander I had run into. But I did make out that familiar frame that looked like Alfred's and I calmed down a little on instinct.
"Matthew?" I heard him say and I was suddenly calm knowing it was Alfred.
I flung myself at him, probably hugging his legs, and let out a small sob.
"Y-you weren't anywhere, a-and I didn't know where you were," I cried softly, my voice cracking a little at the end.
"The teacher wanted to give me a scolding after I did something sort of stupid during class. Matthew why are you crying?" Alfred said softly in his most caring voice I had ever heard.
"It’s gonna happen again, I-I just know it."
"Shh, Matthew it’s not going to happen again, as long as I'm here, remember? As long as I'm your friend I won't let anyone hurt you. Here."
I felt my glasses slide back on and I could see Alfred's face right in front of me adjusting my glasses with a kind smile that made my nerves melt down and my throat and chest unwind from that tightness.
Alfred always made me calm. Just that look from his happy and playful blue eyes of his made me feel all better.
Suddenly Alfred looped his arms around my body and picked me up so that I was being held against his chest while he tightly held me up from under my butt. Don't laugh, it’s true, he actually held me like a baby koala or something. My arms hung limply over his shoulders while my head was resting on his chest. I was soon dropped gently on a bed and I found myself in the nurse’s office. I knew this because the room smelled sterile and there was a nurse with a stethoscope around her neck checking my pulse for some reason and doing all these little check ups with the listening to my heartbeat, shining that little light in my ear, all the little things doctors would do on monthly check ups.
"You seem fine," the nurse said in a Swiss accent.
"Nothing is broken, your heart beat is uneven and you seem to be dehydrated, just lay here and relax, and you." the small nurse fixed her gaze on Alfred. "Stay here, I need to go make some copies for the before and after pictures on what meth does to you... Don't do drugs," the nurse gave us a two fingered gun with her hands before taking her leave out the door.
It was awkward for a moment of not saying anything. Luckily Alfred finally spoke.
"So, what happened in the cafeteria?" he asked getting into a rare and deep serious persona that was uncharacterized of him.
I gulped pulling the blankets up to my face to hide my blush. "W-well I was looking for you and this guy just came up to me and started saying that he knew me, next thing I knew he-he..."
Alfred abruptly yanked the blanket off my body letting the earth of the blanket leave me. "What did he do Matthew?" Alfred said in a deep voice that was so husk that I thought he was smoldering at me.
"He kissed me in the middle of the cafeteria an-and everyone was watching, that’s what makes it worse," I muttered the last part to myself, turning to my side, not wanting to see Alfred's expression.
I heard something slam which made my jump and turn around to see what happened. Alfred's fist was against the wall with an angry look in his eyes.
"Why can't people leave you alone!" Alfred yelled.
"It pisses me off so much, how complete idiots who think their all high and mighty just goes and messes with you like that! It’s not right!"
"Alfred stop!"
"It’s not right to just do whatever you please!"
"ALFRED STOP IT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs causing Alfred to whip his head in my direction with a surprised look in his eyes.
I got up and crossed the room to place a hand on his shoulder.
"Just, just calm down alright? I have you so I know I'm going to be safe," I said smiling at Alfred which made him give a small smile too.
In a secret room behind a hidden passage on the Alpha floor was a room among rooms that was never supposed to be there. But inside that room were beds, couches, pillows and cushions made of the softest fabric and a few tables lite with white candles. Around the biggest table in the room was three young boys of a different heritage all gathered in this secret room.
It was midnight and everyone in the dorm house was asleep, a perfect opportunity for the secret club to hold a meeting in the only soundproof room in the building.
"So, that kid with those glasses today... got the info on him Emil?" the smallest boy asked the pale haired boy on the other side of the table.
Emil nodded and silently placed the paper folder on the table. Inside it was the file of Matthew Williams and some other cute looking boy's and their profile as well that the Icelandic boy had snatched off of Facebook as well.
"Raivis I don't think we should try expanding the club to new members... I mean wouldn't Eduard-"
"I don't need Eduard's permission to do everything Toris! Sigh... Sorry I just want to dip into some new members who might have younger brothers who'll carry on the club like Emil's bro did for him," the small boy said stressed out, apologizing to Toris.
"S'ok, so should we really convert all these people to the club?"
"Let's go over them tonight, but I really do want that Matthew kid in. Before that French bastard gets his hands on him like he did to you Toris... Ok," Raivis held up his hand which was giving a thumbs up. The two other club members did the same and together they chanted once the name of their club.
"Secret Uke Club!"

Chapter 6: Two Conflicts One Day

I had stopped talking for a while again like I did that awful social deprived year of middle school. For the rest of the first week of school I did not speak to neither Alfred nor Gilbert even when I had to listen to Gilbert apologize for his friend Francis who apparently was the one that had kissed me. Sure I seemed fine when I snapped Alfred out of his rage in the nurse's office, but after that I had to go to the rest of my classes and those looks turned directly at me smothered my voice from my grasp.
Because Alfred was my only longest term friend I had, he understood why I wouldn't talk, but others didn't. Teachers did not call on me, because of my nature to seem to not be in the room, but now I heard whispers and rumors about me right in front of my eyes because of that invisible nature.
Maybe that’s what made me lose my voice again.
It was now Friday and like all the failed attempts made on the previous days, Gilbert was trying to get me to talk.
"Hey, hey, hey Birdie, want to go play some hockey? I know you like hockey. Look out the window there's a naked chick running around flashing her boobs!... Penis? Hey Frenchy is getting beat up!" Gilbert randomly yelled while looking out the window.
I yawned in a reply.
"C'mon Mattie, I know I'm not your best friend, but can't you tell me your fine? I worry too ya know!"
I sighed and continued to tie up my shoes as a knock came from the door. Gilbert went ahead and answered the door while still ranting.
"I mean, I can tell that your gay so what's the big deal that the rest of the school thinks that?" Gilbert practically said in Alfred's face when he opened the door.
Alfred glared at Gilbert and I sighed, finishing tying up my shoes and grabbing my backpack, walking up to Alfred stopping by his side and swallowing deeply. My face a heated up and I bet there was

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