» Fiction » Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer

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can play some cement hockey, I know you brought that hockey stick with you from home so no buts!" Alfred said making me flush in embarrassment at how easily he knew me.
"Well see ya later!"
There was another slamming of a door which meant that Alfred had returned to his room, but Arthur was still there at the doorway.
"Sorry to of let him cause troubles, oh and Gilbert," Arthur said looking at the boy still perched on my bed.
"No molesting your new roommate, it's a new school year for bloody sakes and you already left hickeys on his neck," Arthur fretted at Gilbert before closing the door behind him.
Once I heard Arthur go into the room across the hall I launched from my spot, flying the bathroom door open leaving it wide open as I assessed the two purple blotches I had found on my neck. I heard Gilbert chuckling from the room, amused at my own exasperation and the little freak out I had in the bathroom of going through the cabinets for anything that could cover up those hickeys or what I liked to call: love bites.
"You know this is not fun, and quick question, how do you know that, Arthur guy?" I said threw my teeth, while glaring at Gilbert from the mirror.
"Aw, but it was fun for me, anyways, he knows my brother, that Brit also knows that jack-wad that nearly pummeled you. The guy has a lot of connections if you ask me."
"Well I'm not asking you, and I'm still mad at you," I said, finally finding some skin colored band aids and applying them to the marks on my neck.
"For what?"
"You sexually assaulted me then questioned my sexuality, no offense to anyone but if this place was Texas, you would already be burned at the stake, not to mention you did nothing while that guy nearly punched my lights out!"
"Well what am I supposed to assume when there's a guy that keeps at least a hundred stuffed animals on his bed?"
"I don't want you to assume anything! I like bears and I personally think that my interests should not effect the way I like which gender," I let out a deep breath and stared at Gilbert through the bathroom mirror. He stared back.
"Look, maybe we got on the wrong foot, let's just start over," after that being said, Gilbert got up and walked out of the dorm room.
At first I was just confused when I walked out of the bathroom to see if he really left, which he did, then there was a knock at the door. I went over and answered it a bit stunned when I found that it was Gilbert on the other side with a great big smile.
"Hi, I'm Gilbert Beilschmidt your awesome new roommate that has absolutely no records of sexually harassing people," Gilbert said, his smile turning into grin.
I just stood there for a moment, not making a move to let him in at all when I suddenly bursted out into laughter. Matthew never laughed this much and he did not know why, but while he laughed Gilbert couldn't help but grin more at Matthew's laughter.
"Yeah, I'm Matthew Williams, well welcome I guess," I said moving out of the way letting Gilbert in.
I closed the door behind him and went to open my closet and pull out my red hockey stick I used to play cement hockey with Alfred with.
"Well I'm gonna go play cement hockey, see ya," I spoke while running out the door, eager to play my favorite sport with the guy I loved.
Chapter 2: The Boy Who Cried

A slick sheet of sweat glistened off Alfred's abdomen where a stray line of developing muscles shinned out as well from his glistening body. Deep in the game Alfred had shed off his shirt while Matthew had only shed off his hoody and only now wore his black tank top and jeans. Some people had stopped to watch us play, placing bets and by the way the poles went, everyone thought Alfred was going to win now.
But I had the puck now and the only way to score is to use my super cool scoring move I had practiced tons of times over the summer. Squaring my shoulders towards the heavily protected goal I had to hit, I brought my hockey stick up, then with a fast down drop of the stick, I scooped the puck up onto the flat side of the stick in a swinging movement. Trying not to get distracted by Alfred's naked exposure, I balanced the puck out well on the stick, taking a few running boosts forward. I then tossed the puck up forward in the air, just in time to make the cut off and swing my hockey stick at the puck, hitting it dead on and creating a crackling sound when the hockey stick and puck made contact. The puck was nothing but a black blur heading straight towards Alfred, whom had ducked down just in time and turned to see the puck in his goal.
I smiled triumphantly at Alfred, who retrieved the puck and clothes from the side, before coming up to me, ruffling my hair and slinging an arm around my shoulders.
"Haha! I guess I didn't see that one huh?" Alfred said, detaching himself from me to hand me my hoody while he put on his shirt, to my disappointment, though it did free me of dirty thoughts running amok in my head.
"I've been practicing that move really hard, I got the idea from a baseball game after a hockey game back home," I said, a bit embarrassed from Alfred's praise.
"You should sign up for hockey dude," he suggested as the two of us made our way back to the dorm house.
My cheeks heated up at that comment and the overheat of the game we had just finished up. But mostly from Alfred's words.
"No, I'm not that good, besides I don't think they have any ice rinks here," I said trying not to gaze off at the other shirtless guys we passed on our way into the dorm house.
"Well what about cement hockey? Hey what’s going on over there?" Alfred pointed out to a small group of guys around a small blond boy quaking under a white bath towel and eyes clamped tightly shut with tears streaming down his feminine facial features. At first sight I thought he was a girl at first, but once I had remembered that this was a strict all boys school I started noticing how slightly broad his shoulders were and the fact that he had no chest comparing to the likeliness of a girls.
The small blond boy clutched the front ends of his towel tightly closed while his body shook violently from sobs and maybe even fear. The more Alfred and I stopped to join the group of guys asking the sobbing blond whats wrong, the more I noticed blooming red marks around his arms and shoulders like as if he was grabbed too roughly. It reminded me of the time I was molested in that equipment shack, high on pain and stinging from the touch of rough hands pinning me down along with that dark look.
Without thinking I pushed through the small crowed and fell to my knees before the small trembling boy, tenderly placing a hand on his back.
"Its ok, I know how you feel," I spoke in my calm pacifistic voice like I normally did, but this time it had meaning.
The boy only trembled more for a moment, but eventually it simmered down to just a hiccuping fit of tears and the boy finally opened his sad, dard, cerulean eyes that were red from crying too hard. I put on my best comforting smile and gently brushed the boy's sweaty bangs back from his face.
"B-b-but, but... But I-I-I- I can't-"
"Don't start talking, it makes it worse when the tears haven't dried up," I said, knowing from experience.
The boy was rubbing at his throat with one hand, swallowing deeply and shushing down till he stopped crying after a moment of wet sniffles.
He swallowed deeply, "I-I can't move without feeling th-those hands. God I feel so... I just want to die," the boy choked out.
"I know the feeling, can't let go so easily on the memory, thats ok. Do you think you can manage to get up?"
Alfred finally made his cue to step in and wave his arms in front of the crowd yelling random things along the lines of, "Theres nothing to see here!" Once the small crowd had dispersed from the scene I helped the boy to his feet, letting him lean on me.
"My names Matthew, by the way that’s Alfred," I introduced the two of us.
"My name is Tino, it’s funny how I end up making dramatic scenes like this without even knowing it," Tino sniffed against my arm.
While I was trying to get Tino to sit on one of the chairs in the lounge room where Tino was recently shaken down to tears in. The lounge room per say was like the main room with chairs and couches in this one convenient area by the front doors, sort of like a lobby. I was wiping the wet splotches of tears on Tino`s face with my sleeve, when the room got suddenly cold and a needle like pressure of a sharp stare bore into my back. I paused in the middle of cleaning Tino`s face to turn my head around, looking over my shoulder at the very tall guy with a sharp, blazing, blue glare that intensified somehow by the slight shimmer reflecting off his glasses. His size was starting to intimidate me, seriously, he was built like a skyscraper, all broad shoulders, tall figure and a slight square look in his jaws.
But when Tino saw the intimidating guy, he leapt off his seat bursting into tears again, flinging himself at the guy.
"Ber-chan!" Tino wailed, wrapping his legs- somehow -around the tall guy's hips and wrapped his arms around his chest, clinging onto him.
The reaction of the his face was first a bit fazed and shocked, then a small smile crept onto his lips and he held Tino against him. The small blond's bath towel, which was now tied around his waist, was begining to hike down past his hips, which gave the boy a hint that he should get off his friend and hike up his towel without flashing anyone.
Carefully he got down, fixed his towel and stared up at his friend whom he like calling Ber-chan instead of Berwald. Again the corners of Tino`s eyes weld up with fresh tears seeing his friend and knowing what he had to tell him what had happened.
"Berwald..." Tino began snifflining again before hugging the giant teen with his head buried in the Swede's stomach.
Berwald looked up to mett

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