» Fiction » Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer

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Ave and for Lincoln Street. I let out a breath of relief when we stopped at Alp Ave and saw that we were only a few minutes away from Lincoln from Alp.
"We're getting off here, it'll take us a few minutes to get to Lincoln if we walk back there," I replied, hastily folding the map back p and grabbing my luggage from under the seats. Alfred did the same and followed me off the trolley. Once our sneakers hit the dry pavement it took me a while to navigate where we should go to get to Lincoln.
"It's this way!" I exclaimed pointing up one of the sloping and infamous San Francisco hills going up.
With disappointed frowns, Alfred and I trekked up the slope until we reached Lincoln and from there we went down the street until our gazes rested upon the black iron gates of Powers Academy. It was like a dream behind those open gates, a friendly and docile environment of guys, no one was getting beat up, picked on or being teased, just friendly pats and the rough housing game of basketball from the sporting courts to the west wing of the campus. Alfred and I checked in at the dorm house which was in the east wing across from the sporting courts and dining hall. Luckily Alfred and I were not late to registration and made it half an hour before dorm registration was done.
Our Dorm Leader was a senior named Roderich who was very strict and specific about time dates on when meals are ready, wake up times and curfews on school nights, all the regualr stuff Alfred and I went over by text a week ago.
But more importantly, I was soon sad to find out that Alfred and I were not room mates, but surprisingly our rooms were across the hallway from one another.
We wished each other good luck outside our doors before we left each other to unpack and get settled in. I had found myself being the first one in my room, which meant I had first bed picks. The room was nice, there was two closets on either side of the room, two regular sized beds, two desks over by the beds a medium sized bathroom and a large bay window in the wall in between the two desks with navy drapes. I chose the bed on the right side of the room and started making the bed with the sheets I had brought with me as well as my pillows, most of which were shaped like bears. By the time I was done my room mate had not come in yet. As I started to hang up my clothes in the closet on the right wall by the foot of my bed, I started to wonder what kind of person they were and if we would get along or not.
Once I was completely done unpacking I decided to take a nap because of how tiring the trip was to get here and the low amount of sleep I had left.
There was a hot sweet sensation on my neck. With the haze of sleep still affecting me with this intoxicating sensation I felt like I was floating on bliss. Then it seemed to get a little more hotter and I felt the heat pool in my stomach. I let out a breathy moan then a gasp as I felt something sharp come intact with my neck instead of that hot sweet sensation I was feeling. Letting out shallow breaths, my eyes fluttered open, a bit hazy and blurry from sleep. I blinked rapidly and took in a deep breath. Something smelled nice, like an old vintage type of cologne that was pleasing to smell.
That sharp pain came back and this time I helped jumping up at how much it hurt the second time. At first I was confused when I saw a smirking guy with white hair and mischievous red eyes staring at me in interest sitting too close to me on my bed. I closed my eyes rubbing them over with my hands before reopening them and staring blankly at the same guy.
"Um..." I said blushing at the proximity and awkwardness at this.
The guy's smirk deepened into a cheshire grin.
"You taste really good for a virgin," he said in a husk voice that sent cold shivers down my spine.
Before I could respond, I let out a tiny yelp when he pinned me down on my mattress and began assaulting my neck with nips and licks. As much as I wanted to give in and sigh with the pleasurable pain, I couldnt just do such a thing. This guy probably thought I was a girl (I`am very feminem) and was going to rape me.
He finally pulled back sitting on his knees laughing like a hyena. I sat up crossing my legs and snatching Kuma, gripping the soft creature to my chest.
"I'm just messing with ya, no need to be serious," he laughed ruffling up my hair.
I fidgeted as I combed my hair back I to it's original neat form with my curl sticking out. Now that the guy was quite a distance from my sight I groped for my glasses on the desk and put them on getting a better look at him. He wore a heavy rock band shirt under a red hoody, black skinny jeans and a pair of red converse with the laces tucked into the shoes. The guy's hair was messy and spiked up everywhere in a white spiky mess and his eyes truly were red, not the kind of red that happens when you`ve cried too much.
"I'm Gilbert your awesome room mate," he said jabbing his thumb towards his chest.
My eyes went as wide as saucers. "E-ex-excuse me, but you just sexually assaulted me just now, so I’m a bit lost."
Gilbert rolled his eyes. "Sorry 'bout that dude, but as awesome as I'am I couldn't let the opportunity to pull a prank on my room mate slip up because I don't know you. And you should of seen your face! It was all like terrified and fucking cute like a rabbit or something! Hahahahahaha!" he bellowed with his head lolled back in laughter.
I gave a shy smile and buried my chin to nose in Kuma's soft fabric trying to hid my embarrassed flush on my cheeks. There was a sudden bang right by the wall my bed was against that stopped Gilbert from laughing and made me jump.
"Shut the fuck up!" the person on the other side yelled angrily.
"You shut the fuck up!" Gilbert yelled back.
"Suck my dick asshole!"
"Not unless you suck my five meters of awesomeness without choking fagot!"
I flinched when Gilbert yelled fagot. It brought back those three miserable years of middle school from being called a fagot by every bully in the school. Somehow Gilbert noticed my reaction when he said this and turned to me.
"No offense bro, don't mean to insult you," he said apologetically.
I cocked my head to the side. "What do you mean?"
"Well your gay right?"
"Eh?... I'm not gay," I said bluntly, keeping the key to the lock around the closet that kept me from coming out tightly grasped in my figurative hands.
"Fuck you penis milk! You’re the gay one!" the guy on the other side answered back before Gilbert could express his confusion further.
"Nice Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged reference pencil fuck!"
"What the fuck? You still watch Yu-Gi-Oh and yet I'm the gay one? Fuck you, I'm gonna come beat the shit outta you!"
The yelling ceased and there was a sound like a door slamming shut in the room where Gilbert was yelling at. Then suddenly the door bursted open and a guy with brown hair with a curl coming from the right side of his head and furious golden brown eyes that seemed to be on fire. He was not wearing a shirt, his sport shorts were on backwards and his hair looked wet and damp, which assumed that he was changing when Gilbert started yelling at him.
"Who's the fucking fagot who fucking called me a pencil fuck?" he yelled through gritted teeth.
Gilbert did not answer and instead blinked at the guy. My eyes were wider than before and my cheeks were extremely flushed at the guy's exposure of skin. Some how assuming the angry guy stomped over to my bed, and dragged me off by the collar and pinned me to the wall by my collar.
"Was it you, you fucking fagot?" he spat in my face.
It all seemed to happen again like that night at the dance, I was immobilized like a slab of cement, but this time I was able to speak and think. This guy was like all the others, he just wanted to let out pent up anger on someone like every other being. But I will not be someone's chew toy. I started thrashing against his old and when nothing work I went for second best.
"Alfred! Alfred! Alfred! I could use some heeeeelp!" I called out in the loudest voice I could muster up while my feet began to grow numb from being held up too long from the ground.
Then like before, my heroic beacon of light came for my rescue in a flash. I ended up dropping to the ground, while Alfred wrestled the guy to the ground, until he had him pinned by sitting on his stomach.
Yup, that's my hero.
"Hey Mattie, I see you got unpacked, so how's it going?" Alfred asked casually, not budging slightly as the angry guy began to thrash violently.
"P-Pretty good, what about you?"
"Oh it's pretty awesome, got all my posters and stuff up, but my roommate is a bit pesky, but he's a cool Brit with a cool accent, so who's this guy I'm sitting on? Is he your room mate?"
"No, just some random assaulter."
"Do I need to break some bones?"
Suddenly another sound of a door slamming came from across the hallway and another person bursted through the door. It was a blonde green eyed guy with bushy eyebrows and probably half a foot shorter than Alfred. When he saw Alfred he glared at him.
"You bloody git! You don't go running out of the room while in the middle of helping me move a book shelf! I nearly ripped a muscle!" he yelled with a heavy British accent lacing his words.
Alfred scratched behind his head nervously. "Sorry Arthur but my pal was in trouble."
"Can you get the fuck off me now! I won't do anything just let me go back to my fucking room!" the guy underneath Alfred spat, catching the attention of -assuming- Arthur.
"Lovino, what did you do to tick off this bumbling American?" Arthur sighed pressing his fingers against his temples.
"I have no fucking clue!"
"A-Alfred, maybe you should just let him go back to his dorm, I'd hate for you to get in trouble over this," I finally spoke up having the spotlight put on me now.
Eventually Alfred got off the guy and he got up restlessly, turning towards me.
"There's no fucking way you’re the asshole who called me a fagot your voice is too girly, sorry about that," he mumbled the last part before leaving.
"Well alls well that ends well, the hero Alfred saved the day again!" Alfred cheered pumping his fist up in the air.
"Hey Mattie, come meet me at the sport courts later so we
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