» Fiction » Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer

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base of Gilbert's throat, grabbing a piece of skin between my teeth and sucking on the skin hard. When I thought that, that part of skin was sucked on enough, I made my way to another unmarked piece of skin.
After a long moment of giving Gilbert an equal amount of hickeys he gave me the other day, I climbed onto his lap straddling him while he was still asleep and took out my forgotten cell phone from my pocket and snapped a picture of him with his neck colored in reddish purple hickeys out stretched, yet you could still make out his face. I saved the pictures and emailed them to my laptop that I still haven't retrieved from my luggage under my bed. Then to wake Gilbert up I leaned back down to his neck and bit down hard on his jugular. When I heard a breathy moan escape from his lips I let go and sat back up on his lap. I started to get really giddy and full of energy when I saw Gilbert's red eyes cracked open slowly and his hands rub the sleep from the corners of his eyes.
"Hey there Birdie," he said reaching up and tugging on my hair.
Ok, maybe Gilbert was cute. He reminded me of a small cat waking up from a nap.
"So... Are we like gonna do it?"
Yeah, exactly... Like a lusty, devious, malicious and straight forward - cat.
Instead of freaking out and yelling lies that I was not gay, I hopped off him and flashed the picture I had taken on my phone in front of him.
"Lookie Lookie what I have~!" I said in a sing song voice letting Gilbert get a good look at the picture before he started grabbing for it.
"Where the hell did you get this picture from! When was this taken! Give me the phone!" Gilbert demanded shifting out of bed over towering my small body in nothing but distracting red boxers with yellow chicks on them. Being attracted from the same gender sucks when you’re distracted from sexual thoughts when said gender had a hot body. Don't laugh at my dismay please! He had the body built for pleasing the eyes, with a barely yet visible muscle structure, the right skin color and body structure that would make a crowd of middle school girls swoon.
And I still acted like a middle school girl instead of a guy.
When I was pinned down to the ground with a hitched breath, did I break out of my thoughts and actually realize that Gilbert had my phone.
I grinned up at him. "Yeah, I decided to return favors this morning, like my little paint job I put on your neck?" I said smugly.
Gilbert started feeling his throat with one hand surprised. I took the liberty of snatching my phone back and sliding my phone under my bed slipping a leg out from under Gilbert's pin and in between his legs. Then, throwing my weight as much as I could I flipped us over so that I was sitting on Gilbert's lap.
"I also sent the photo on my computer, think of it as blackmail in case you cross the line and ask if I'm gay or not. Yes I can be bad too, so stop asking me, by the way there's an announcement down in the lounge at ten," I said, getting off of Gilbert when I was done, heading towards the shower.
"Hey, where are you going?" Gilbert asked once I reached the door to the bathroom.
"I'm taking a shower, hey are there any towels in here?"
"Yeah, kept in the cabinet under the sink."
But no, instead of finding a towel I found a basket with a cloth over it with a red heating lamp above it. Carefully I lifted up the cloth and found a dozen tiny spotted eggs by a tiny saucer of water.
"Hey Gilbert! There are eggs in the cabinet!" I squeaked loudly.
Soon Gilbert was by my side looking down into the cabinet as well. He then reached in and turned every egg then grabbed the saucer of water and poured it out into the sink, refilled it then put it back.
"These are mine, don't worry it takes 6 to 8 weeks to hatch," Gilbert said bluntly.
"Why do you have eggs in our cabinet? You’re not even allowed to have these here!" I whispered scoldingly at him.
"Don't worry, I have a buddy named Alex here who's gonna buy these little guys off me for 50 bucks to incubate them for five weeks, hundred if it's six or eight, but they won't hatch then."
"Well I'm not going to be a part of this, but what are they?"
"Quails, I have two male and female bobwhite quails at home that were imported from Alaska. I was responsible for their eggs and I didn't want to leave them there, so I took them with me. Though I think my dad is going to be angry when he checks on the eggs and find that they aren't there," Gilbert chuckled.
"He was supposed to watch them while I went to school here, but I don't really trust my dad to look after something he can easily crush when turning them. He and my brother are big and burly, if you get a chance to see my brother you'll see why I don't want him or my dad looking after a dozen quail eggs, oh and here."
Gilbert handed me a towel from a stack of them on the other side of the cabinet.
"Towels are on this side, I'm gonna go mess with my brother, see ya Birdie," Gilbert smiled deviously, closing the cabinet and ruffling my hair before leaving.
"Lock the door!" I yelled after him when I hear the front door close.
Don't need another molesting incident.
At ten every resident was squeezed together in the lounge around the dorm manager and the dorm keeper, whom I learned was the janitor that kept the halls of the dorm house clean and enforces the dorm rules. I also found out that the dorm manager was an easy going guy named Scooter who had the dorm keeper there just to keep every guy in line. After a while of getting elbowed and groped in the crowd I had found Alfred whom was bugging his British roommate with his Alfredness.
"Hey Alfred," I greeted him.
"Hey Mattie! How was your first night here?"
"Pretty good the beds are pretty firm but cozy."
"Well of course yours is Mattie, you have all those pillows on it, just like back in Sacramento."
I blushed at his comment and grew very shy that I didn't even notice my accent slip in what I said next.
"N-not really eh. I only took my small pillows and half of them aren't really pillows eh," I immediately smacked both of my hands over my mouth and took a new interest at my shoes as I felt my body grow uncomfortably hot. I swore I would never use that stupid accent once I was a high schooler and right then and there it just flew right out the window.
"Hey Mattie, your using your accent again, I like it, it's more you," Alfred said patting me on the back.
"No, I'm still trying to get rid of it, you know what happened back in middle school," I whispered the last part to myself, but I was pretty sure that Alfred caught what I said and decided to back off on the subject.
"Ok! Listen up! For today and today only I'm going to be serious with all of you!" Scooter yelled from onto of a take moments later.
"But first, welcome to Powers Academy!" everyone cheered and clapped in response to the dorm manager's words.
"Ok, first off, there was a recent incident that occurred on the Beta floor, I'm not going to go into full detail, but what happened was not acceptable, whether you like girls or guys this dorm house needs to stay between G and PG13 rated guys! This is the kind of incidents that caused the school to burn down three years ago and if you were freshmen here at the time, then you should notice the change with the new uniforms and the change from coed to all guys. Please also note that any sexual harassment, sex and bringing in girls, women or any adults without my permission is all off limits."
Many of the guys chuckled when Scooter said sex and some echoed what he said immaturely.
"Ok, next is that there are five floors here the second is Beta, third Omega and fourth is Alpha. There will be no switching rooms with buddies here guys unless if you have my permission. All boys must at least be on their floor by ten pm, the lounge room and my office is open from seven to five. If there is an emergency on one floor one of the dorm leaders will report to either me or another authority on the first floor. The basement and or boiler room is strictly off limits to all except for Mr. Ford here," Scooter patted the dorm keeper on the shoulder making sure everyone knew who he is.
"Also any porn or pornography will be automatically confiscated by me, so please make my day right now and hand over any Playpen or PlayBoy magazines you might have on you... No? Well see ya," Scooter ended the announcement by jumping off the table as the crowd desperate to their normal routines before school was in.
"Hey Alfred, what did Scooter mean when he said that the school burned down?" I asked turning towards Alfred who opened his mouth to reply when Arthur slapped a hand over his mouth with an irritated look on his face.
"This school used to be a coed school with no uniform regulations. Even the dorms were coed. Well, from what I heard from my brother when he was a Freshmen was that everything illegal like drugs, sex, alcohol, the secret clubs and cults was all going on. Then this crazy rumor started about a girl named Elizabeta Héderváry who was rumored to be a junkie who goes around sleeping with every guy in the dorm house. Things turned to worse and she ended up locking herself in the chemistry room on the sixth floor of the school and set the room on fire. After that all records and everything that happened at the school was wiped away. Now there's this stupid rumor the seniors made up about the ghost of the girl disguises herself as a boy so she can find the senior who started the rumor about her and-"
"Ah! Ghost where! Save meeeeee!" Alfred cried running off and out of the building in a panicky mess.
I sighed. "He's always been scared of ghosts," I explained.
"I can see that. Well I'm going to go back to my room, nice talking to you Matthew and if Gilbert causes too much of a problem then you can sleepover in our room," Arthur said about to walk away, but I caught up to him to ask him something.
"Wait, so how do you... Huff... Know all this?" I breathed from how fast Arthur was walking.
Arthur stopped to look me in the eye and for the first time I was scared of the green eyed Brit.
"I told you my brother told me, now if you excuse me I don't like useless twits, that can’t even brave their own native
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