» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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the same Jewish and crypto-Jewish Democrat cadre of coup plotters who have treasonously kept the borders open and unlawfully welcomed countless illegal aliens with open arms. This ongoing criminal conspiracy is undoubtedly the greatest act of treason in U.S. history by the same closeted-communist politicians who are hellbent on impeaching Trump. The Bottom Line: “The Hidden Hand Behind Every Global Criminal Conspiracy and Majorly Distracting Scandal” is the International Banking Cartel. However, there is an over-arching goal for each and every one of these disruptive events designed to cultivate a conducive environment for Ordo ab chao (order out of chaos). The ultimate objective, of course, is nothing short of total dominion over the Earth” -

Jewish writer Ellie Katsnelson sent in a 5300-word article to the website which describes a scenario in the near future where Americans (goyim, non-Jews) are all herded into death camps (FEMA camps) which are to be run by the Jews which is exactly what happened in the Jewish run Gulags in Russia in the early decades of the 20th century.

The Katsnelson article starts with the following:

“A good Israeli friend of mine recently suggested to me that I should occupy my time in writing about the dark clouds of terror that are about to descend upon America. Not knowing where to begin, I thought I should start at that turning point in the coming age in America, namely, the herding of the masses, that is, you goyim, into concentration camps, colloquially known as FEMA”.

Another excerpt from the article:

As in the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, when Jews came into absolute power under Lenin and Stalin, anti-Semitism will be the ultimate crime in our new world order. Anyone caught reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in our brave new dystopia under Jewry will be put to death. Indeed, those who criticize Israel in the slightest way or make disparaging remarks about Jews—referring disrespectfully to the Jewish nose, for example—will be dealt with in the FEMA camps with particular severity.

Jewish writer Katsnelson goes on to reveal what most serious researches already know that the Jews were behind the events of 9/11:

“Every trace of our crimes will be erased. For we are naturally anxious to avoid the embarrassing slip-ups of the past, where our hidden hand was unfortunately revealed: such as the Lavon affair, the USS Liberty incident, and, alas, our most catastrophic botched operation to date, the false flag attack on America on September 11, 2001. Here, I confess, we were almost caught with our hands in the cookie jar!

To be sure, we would have been caught in flagrante delicto and held up to universal opprobrium as international war criminals, had we not been in full control of the official enquiry and the corporate media. As it is, 95 percent of the American public still believe the Arabs did 9/11.

To this day, they believe the BIG 9/11 LIE. Just as they were conned by our Jew-owned media into believing that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And that Saddam Hussein was about to obliterate London in 45 minutes! A trick pulled on them by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, our well-paid Zionist lackey and serial killer still at large!

You’ve got to hand it to us. We’re smart. We know how to fashion the Big Lie. Yes, we can get the gullible goyim masses to believe just about anything! That’s because we have the media, the means of mass hypnosis, at our command.

My old friend Dostoyevsky once said to his fellow Russians: “If the Jews ever gain power in Russia, they will skin the Russians alive.” They ignored him, to their bitter cost. The Jews came, the Jews saw, and the Jews skinned the Russians alive.

If self-preservation is your aim, my friends, let me tell you this: all the prayers in the world are not going to help you once you have given up your guns to the Jews of Police State America! (School shootings Sandy Hook, Florida are false flag attacks carried out by Jewish Zionists) Remember this: the Russian peasants had no guns—they were unarmed!—all they had was pitchforks and sticks and stones!—and that’s why they died in their millions at the hands of the Cheka Jews after the Bolshevik Revolution.

“God has punished us,” Solzhenitsyn said, “because we Russians have forgotten him.” Not so, my friends! Solzhenistsyn was wrong. It would have been better had he said, “We Russians were killed in our millions because we were stupid enough to let our Jewish oppressors kill us — we should have killed them first!”

The Russians told us all this. It is written in their hidden histories. It is there for all to see in the banned book of Solzhenitsyn which your Jewish masters will not let you read—since they own all the big publishing houses and have the power to punish all those who transgress by disseminating the Truth.

Ah, Holy Russia, it no longer bleeds! It seems to have recovered from its wounds, though the Jewish oligarchs only quite recently descended on it like a pack of vultures and tried to suck the lifeblood from it. The Judaic vultures fled with their loot, as you know, taking refuge mostly in Israel and in Israel’s two other slave colonies, the United States and Britain—two countries ever ready to jump through hoops for their Jewish masters.

This is what happens to people who have ears to hear, but do not hear”.

The full article can be seen at

So is this article a work of fiction or the truth, you decide.


Do I believe that there is a plot by Jews to rule the world, in short no? There is 15 million Jews in the world and of course they are all not engaged in a conspiracy? That is nonsense. When the British government was Empire building a few hundred years ago all the British people were not involved it was just a core few elitists and bankers who were behind the expansion of the British Empire, well it is the same idea at play here. There is a select core of powerful Jews, maybe a few thousand such as the Rothschild’s and the other Jewish bankers. Don’t forget these are Kazars (described this earlier) who have no connection to the Hebrews of the bible such as Abraham and Moses.

So let’s ask the main question. Is there a plot for Jewish Masonic Bankers to rule the world or at least the Western World and the Middle East (Oded Yinon Plan)? The answer is yes because the facts bear that out. In summary let’s go over some of these facts. First the Jews own writings in the Protocols match exactly what has happened in the world over the past 100 years. Henry Ford (business magnate and the founder of the Ford Motor Company) knew this 100 years ago and laid it all out in his book ‘The International Jew, the World’s Foremost Problem’. You should have a read of this book it is freely available on the internet in PDF format.

Henry Makow sums up the predicament we are in quite well below.

Henry Makow (Jewish Historian, Ph.D.) – “It is forbidden to mention the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (1905) without the Disclaimer that, of course, they are a "forgery" of Maurice Joly's "Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" (1864.)  The assumption is that since Protocols appeared some 40 years after Dialogue, it plagiarized the earlier work. But the Protocols actually predated Dialogue and Joly borrowed from it. In other words, far from being an anti-Semitic ruse, the "Protocols of Zion" are authentic. I have already argued that the two documents are neither similar nor derivative, although they have some lines and words in common. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is essentially a brilliant Master Plan for dispossession and tyranny, i.e. the New World Order. It is the key to understanding our present predicament. (This is not a condemnation of all Jews, only the nucleus of bankers and high-level Masons directing this diabolical war against the human race.) If your plan for World Domination leaked out, what would you do? Would you admit it? "No, you'd employ an army of ciphers to convince everyone the document is a hoax motivated by "prejudice" and "anti-Semitism." They have executed this "damage control" perfectly, a measure of their power to deceive even in the presence of the truth. This is the only Conspiracy that has prevailed in spite of the Blueprint being freely available. It demonstrates the credulity (or venality) of the intelligentsia and the masses.  They have colonized our minds first. We cannot name our oppressor for fear of being accused of "anti-Semitism." It's as though Black slaves working on cotton plantations were taught it was "racist" or "bigoted" to mention the White slave driver. Since the majority of Jews are ignorant of this plot, and are manipulated like everyone else, racism is a ploy to divert attention from a very dire problem. The Illuminati (top-rung Masonic Jews and their non-Jewish allies) have distributed some wealth and power to the masses (liberalism, socialism) as a way of securing ultimate power for themselves. According to the Protocols, they will eventually withdraw these benefits once their "invisible government" is invincible. The "war on terror" should be seen in this context. In my view, "Protocols Deniers" are complicit in this Conspiracy, which is responsible for most human suffering and will lead to a great deal more. As a Jew, I don't want this responsibility on my head, or on other innocent Jews or Masons”.

The above is from

“Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the Protocols, indeed for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press? The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same. Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world who know. I participated with Dr. Herzl in the first Zionist Congress which was held in Basle in 1897…At the Jewish World Congress. Herzl foresaw, twenty years before we experienced them, the revolution which brought the Great War, and he prepared us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey, that England would obtain control of Palestine. We may expect important developments in the world.” — Chief Rabbi of Sweden Ehrenpreis in 1924

Next Adolf Hitler knew about this Jewish banker plot and that is why he removed the Jews from power in his country and after he did that Germany flourished after the Jews were removed from their banking control. Hitler wanted to remove the threat of Jewish Communism in Europe by taking out Stalin and the Jewish Communist Russian government. But the Jews who controlled both America and Britain through Roosevelt and Churchill sent massive military aid to Stalin to stop that happening and then Roosevelt who was surrounded and advised by Jews sent in the American Military to finish the job. Hitler said in his last statement ‘that in the future you will see that I was right’ and he was. If Germany and

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