» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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Hitler had won the war then Europe would be a far pleasant place to live than it is now. White people would not be faced with being a minority in a continent that has been their home for a thousand years. If the masses of the people knew the truth about WW2 and Hitler then the future might be different but alas they don’t and that is simply because the Jews own the media and they have made people believe the lie that Hitler was the most evil man who ever lived and he wanted to conquer the world but it is the Jewish Bankers who want to conquer the world not Hitler. Isn’t it strange that every WW2 movie or documentary ever made makes out the Germans to be the bad guys when in fact they were the good guys fighting on the side of truth and justice?

Rabbi Harry Waton admits in his book that Hitler was right about the Jews.

“Adolf Hitler has no doubt in his mind that the Jewish problem is the center of all problems, not merely in Germany, but in the world. It is useless to dismiss this as an illusion because if it is, it demands explanation. But it is no illusion it is the truth. Hitler’s declaration that the Jewish consciousness is poison to the Aryan races is the deepest insight that the Western world has yet achieved in its own nature, and his capacity to realize this is the proof of his genius”, - Rabbi Harry Waton – ‘A Program for the Jews and an answer to all anti-semites’

Jewish supremacist, Rabbi Harry Waton, admitted not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews and a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud.

“Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews.” — Rabbi Harry Waton p. 99 of his book

“Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” — Rabbi Harry Waton p. 100 of his book “The Jew World Order Unmasked”

Look at the comments by Rabbi Waton, is he not saying that Jews have a right to be masters of the world. Many more leading Jews such as Harald Rosenthal have said this. I am just presenting what Jews have said, readers can make up their own mind whether there is any truth in this or not.

Next we have the Bolshevik Revolution and the Holodomor genocides carried out by Jews. It is an indisputable fact that Jewish financing and Jewish psychopaths were behind the Bolshevik or Russian Revolution (we covered this earlier) were anywhere between 30 and 60 million Christian Russians were systematically murdered. But this fact is kept from the public in the Western World, obviously because the Jews own the media, educational establishments and publishing houses and all the major organizations on the internet. Wikipedia (owned by Jews) claims that the idea that the Jews being behind the Bolshevik Revolution is a ‘conspiracy theory’ which is just one massive lie. But anyone searching (in Google, owned by Jews) for information on the Bolshevik Revolution on the internet will find that Wikipedia will show up at the top of the search results. The truth is important and the people are not being told the truth, they are being deceived or letting themselves be deceived. That is how people are easily brainwashed. We also have the Holodomor genocide in the Ukraine between 1930 and 1932 were anywhere between 8 million and 15 million Christians were systematically starved to death by Stalin and the Communist Russian government. But the leaders of this Communist government under Stalin were still Jewish and the ones in charge of the Ukraine massacre were Jewish. The three men who were in charge of the murder of up to 15 million Ukrainians were Jews, Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Nikolai Yezhov and most of the Cheka and the leaders of the Cheka were also Jews. The Cheka are the ones who did the killing.

An investigation published in 1999 in Moscow revealed that in Kiev, Isaac Schwartz (Jewish) was the director of the 10-member Kiev Cheka collective during the time of this genocide. Initially seven of its members were Jewish. The Cheka personnel in Ukraine—with Ukrainians being 80% of the population—was 75% of Jewish origin.

I will repeat what I said earlier in this book. The Bolshevik and Holodomor massacres are never highlighted in documentaries and movies (because Jews own the media) because they were Christians who died and they are not as important as the Jews. The Ukrainians don’t have Holocaust days and memorials throughout every country in the western world, the Jews do. The Jews have received billions for their alleged Holocaust but the Ukrainians and the Russian Christians have received nothing because the Jewish Zionists control western governments and that is fact. We continually get taught about Jewish children who allegedly suffered during WW2, such as Anne Frank but how many know about the millions of Ukrainian and Russian children who died of starvation and were brutally murdered by the Jews. Nobody knows about it because the Jews own and control the media so they keep this information out of the public eye. Let’s highlight the so called Jewish Holocaust again. The Jews have collected from Germany alone £90 billion in Holocaust payments and billions more from white countries and they collect millions and millions every year for their Holocaust which supposedly happened over 70 years ago. Let’s say 6 million Jews were killed during WW2 (which I doubt very much), that figure is dwarfed by the amount of Christians killed by the Jews in Russia and Ukraine, which stands at a minimum of 50 million. That does not include the 60 million Christians who died fighting in WW2. Now I ask you is that fair and just? After WW2 Communism took over all the countries in Eastern Europe and Jews were placed at the head of these governments.

Communism has been responsible for at least 100 million deaths over the last 120 years and as we know Communism is a Jewish ideology as we learnt earlier. When you call out about the power the Jews have or try to mention the crimes they or Israel have committed the Jews try to shut you up by calling you an Anti-Semite and unfortunately that stops many people from saying anything and that is how they get away with their crimes.

If you are interested in reading it I go into greater detail about the Bolshevik Revolution, Holodomor, WW1, WW2 and the Holocaust in my other book ‘The Truth about Germany and the World Wars’.

“The Armenian Genocide, World War I, Spanish Flu Genocide, The Great Depression, World War II, The Holocaust, 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, and the War on Terror all have one thing in common. Each of the listed cataclysms was stealthily carried out to create the modern State of Israel and/or to greatly advance the covert Greater Israel project. The long-planned World War III has the very same goal: the further advancement of the Yinon Plan (aka the Greater Israel project) in order to establish a totalitarian One World Government headquartered in Jerusalem. As difficult as it will be for many folks to embrace the hard truths contained in the preceding indictment, when the skeleton is sufficiently fleshed out, there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind about the existence of an extremely complex and convoluted multi-decade Zionist conspiracy to rule the world” -

The next stage in this Jewish Cabalist plan was to remove White people as majorities in their own countries and this will be complete in about 40 years as we have already seen earlier. Also nationalism is not allowed. White people are not allowed to have their own culture, if they try the Jews say we are racist or neo Nazis or white supremacists. We have to accept immigration or we are labeled with the same names as above. If any white people form a group and protest in the streets as in Charlottesville America (2017) then the Communist Jewish groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter are sent in to break them up and beat them up. The Jewish media such as the Washington Post and CNN then claim that it was white supremacists that caused the trouble. What nonsense. Antifa and Black Lives Matter were created by the Marxist Jewish billionaire George Soros.

The white race is the only threat to Jewish Zionist power as the Europeans have been the ones who have got wise to the Jews and through them out of our countries over 100 times over the past 500 years with Hitler being the last one to accomplish this but this will not happen again when the white race is a minority in every Western Country. Then the Jews will be the most powerful and it will not be a good time for the white people when they are minorities. Look at South Africa for evidence of this and many cities in America.

If we fight back against this mass immigration into white countries then it is classed as hate speech. So if you say ‘why do immigrants come into our country and get everything for free but I have to work for a basic living’, then that is classed as hate speech. The Jews are so powerful in European governments that they have brought in laws that send white Europeans to prison in 17 countries if they say that 6 million did not die in the Holocaust but no mention is made of the 50 million Christians who were holocausted by the Jews in Russia and the Ukraine. Then we have anti-Semitism laws which have been brought into America and other European countries which makes it a crime to criticize Israel or Jews. Don’t forget anti-Semitism was made a crime under Lenin’s Communist Jewish Bolshevik revolution. Of course this is all the work of the Jewish lobby groups that exist in their dozens in every white country. Jez Turner in the U.K was sent to prison for one year for saying to many people on the streets in London that the Jews hold great power in the U.K and control the British government. If what he said was a lie why was he sent to prison?

Then we have the events of 9/11 and the war on terror which has been a Jewish Zionist plan all along to destroy Israel’s Arab neighbors, to take away the freedom of Americans with the patriot act and to bring terror to Europe so that it will bring a clash of civilizations between Muslims and Christians. Along the way they use these terror incidents in Europe to bring in massive surveillance laws which is in the Communist manifesto. Why have so many distinguished people such as ex-Italian President Francesca Cossiga and the head of the US Army War College Alan Sabrosky said that they are certain 9/11 was a Mossad operation? Obviously they must be privy to certain information that we are not. I don’t think they would just make that comment lightly. Also why do thousands of Professors, Architects and Structural Engineers say that it was a controlled demolition that collapsed the Twin Towers and WTC7 at free fall speed? This would rule out the Arab done it theory.

The question is how can such a minority have so much power and influence in the world? Well they do. There is 15 million Jews in the world out of a population of 7 billion but it is probably only the top 5% who are trying for this global domination.

We know

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