» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. Americans should know that the moment you hand over your guns, America is toast.

On February 14, 2018, a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. We are told 17 people were killed and there was one suspect a 19-year-old Nikolas Jacob Cruz. It is my belief that most school shootings in America or at least the ones that get the most publicity are not the work of a lone crazed gunman but done by the ‘deep state’ or the Zionist Cabal that runs America and probably the same organisation that pulled of the events of 9/11.

We go back to the Problem, Reaction, Solution scenario. This Cabal wants to remove the 2nd Amendment from the American people. But they can’t just do that for no reason so they need a problem to occur (school shooting) and then a reaction from the public and then they will be ready to offer the solution. They want to remove the guns from the people, the law abiding people and not the criminals. If laws came in to remove the guns it will be the law abiding people who respect the laws that will give up their guns but the criminals won’t and the law abiding people will then be defenceless should a catastrophe or crisis happen in the future such as an economic collapse.

Witness statements given by students and teachers at the Florida school contradict the official story, in fact make the official story to be a lie. This is nothing new if you have looked into the Sandy Hook school shooting which can’t possibly have happened the way we were told.

Videos indicate the accused shooter Nikolas Cruz was talking to a female student in the hallway soon after shots rang out.

A female student at Parkland, Alexa Miednik says on the video below she walked out of the building with the alleged shooter, Nikolas Cruz, while shots were still occurring in other parts of the building.

In another video Parkland teacher, Stacy Lippel, describes the shooter as looking like a policeman in full Armor. In the video below Lippel also says the shooting was occurring after the fire alarm went off. Isn’t the official story that Cruz pulled the fire alarm after his rampage was over so that he could escape by walking out with the other students?

“I suddenly saw the shooter about twenty feet in front of me standing at the end of the hallway actively shooting down the hallway, just a barrage of bullets, and I’m staring at him thinking why are the police here? This is strange because he’s in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armour, shooting this rifle that I’ve never seen before,” Lippel stated in the interview on Good Morning America.

Below is the official story given by the Jewish Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel who was actually accused of having an affair with a 17 year old (statuary rape) and forcing her to get an abortion.

“Within barely two minutes of being dropped off, Cruz started firing into four classrooms in Building 12, returning to two of them to shoot again. Cruz then went upstairs to the second floor, where he shot one of his victims, before proceeding to the third floor, where he ditched his rifle and backpack. He then ran down the stairs and outside, where he blended in with hundreds of terrified students, many of them his former classmates — and eluded officers as he left campus. Amid the chaos he’d left behind at the school, Cruz made his way to a Walmart store, bought a drink at its Subway restaurant and walked away again”.

Such a scenario seems not only entirely unlikely but almost impossible.

How does the purported shooter exit his Uber ride, put on full body dress, helmet, assemble his rifle, load it and start firing at targets within two minutes? How did Cruz get rid of his full armour in time to walk out of the building with Alexa Miednik?

The student Miednik (who was in the school at the time) believed that a second shooter was involved in the attack, stating "There was obviously, definitely another shooter involved". When KHOU11 reporter Matt Musil then asks Miednik "Oh, you think he was not the only one?” Miednik replies "Definitely not."

These videos are being scrubbed from the Jewish YouTube platform. If they have nothing to hide why remove them.

“Parkland was fundamentally a military operation. The multiple shooters and support personnel were expertly trained in Israel…by the IDF. Because this black operation was another Gladio psyop, the thing is way too deep to investigate. Or even analyse. No one can figure out these false flags because they’re made to be confusing on purpose. The complexity of Parkland is classic joint CIA-MOSSAD operation. The perps executed on a strictly need-to-know basis. Every piece was highly compartmentalized. Even the code name — Operation Eagle Eye — was known to but a very few in the chain.” — Intel Analyst & Former Military Officer.

Their plans for a totalitarian One World Government will only be impeded unless the guns are taken from every U.S. citizen and the attacks will continue until gun laws are in place in the 50 states.

Unbelievably we find that it is the Jews who are the ones trying to bring in gun confiscation laws into America. The big breakthrough came with the Gun Control Act of 1968 which was introduced by Emanuel Celler while later on Senators Howard Metzenbaum, Herbert Kohl, Diane Feinstein, Arlen Specter, Joe Lieberman, Barbara Boxer and Frank Lautenberg, Chucky Schumer and Mike Bloomberg continued pressing for gun confiscation laws. All the people mentioned above are Jewish. And it's not just politicians. As far as I can see all of the major gun control lobby groups have major Jewish representation and financing.

Twenty-three national Jewish organizations signed on to a letter to the U.S. Senate urging members to pass gun control legislation. Most U.S. Federal gun control legislation has been written, introduced, and sponsored by Jewish Congressmen and Jewish Senators. The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Jewish Congressman Emanuel Celler’s House bill H.R.17735. It expands legislation already attempted by the non-Jewish Senator Thomas Dodd. America’s biggest and most far-reaching gun law came from a Jew. In 1988 Jewish Senator Howard Metzenbaum sponsors Senate bill S.1523. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses. In 1990 Jewish Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone. The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional. In 1993 Senator Howard Metzenbaum sponsors Senate bill S.653. It bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of the Treasury the power to add any semi-automatic firearm to the list at a later date.

In February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy handguns, becomes effective. Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill. Senator Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill in the House was Jewish Congressman Charles Schumer.

It has continued right up until this present day where it is Jews and Jewish organisations that are calling for gun confiscation laws to be brought into America. They are not doing this for peaceful purposes, for a good reason they want the white people dis-armed. These same Jews are also calling for war with Iran were millions will die and the overthrow of Syria.

Jews and Jewish Organizations Lead the Gun Control Campaign:

Rahm Emanuel Calls for Nationwide Assault-Weapons Ban

Gun Control Plotted By Jews

Jewish Groups and Lawmakers Seeking Gun Control Get Major Boost from Obama

Jewish Groups Urge Senate to Pass Gun Control Legislation

Jewish Gun Control Backers Plan New Push

Jewish Politicians Lead Chorus Calling for Tighter Gun Laws

The overwhelming number of gun murders in the USA are not committed by White middle-aged law-abiding men who like to do a little deer-shooting; they are overwhelmingly the work of young Blacks whose victims are other Blacks. Should the occasional shooter be White, however, even if he acted in self-defence, only then does the howl go up about the need for gun-control. It is a known fact that if gun control does come in the people who comply will be law-abiding White citizens; the gun-toting criminals will not give a two hoots about gun control. The effect will in fact be to disarm and render defenceless the citizenry on behalf of the criminals.

Americans have the right to bear arms as stipulated in the 2nd amendment of the constitution. They have a right to bear arms against a tyrannical government and if you look at the patriot act were anyone in America can be arrested without evidence or trial and the events of 9/11 were it is almost certain that Israel, Mossad and treacherous American Jews were responsible for 9/11 were they murdered nearly 3000 Americans then yes they have a right to bear arms to defend themselves against the enemy within.

It is my belief and quite a few others that most of the mass shootings in America especially the ones in the schools are not done by a lone gunman as we are told but by the Jewish Zionists (the ones behind 9/11) so that laws can then be brought in to take away the guns from Americans especially the patriots. Yes they will kill innocent people just to get these laws passed because disarming Americans is vital for them to move forward for their one world government or the Jewish New World Order.

The ones doing killing are Blackwater Agency or Mossad. Sometime it is fake were nobody gets killed as in Sandy Hook and Boston or sometimes they do get killed. How come guns always get blamed and not the gun holder. What about all the millions of Americans who have guns but have never shot anyone they keep the gun to defend their family.

A good link with more info about gun control is here:

Will this civil unrest or war against the people come because of an economic collapse which is fast approaching, and DHS is likely going to use all this equipment to try to maintain government power during the chaos and riots that are sure to follow the economic collapse.

The Khazarian Mafia has thus transformed America into the world’s biggest Terror State which has been attacking innocent nations on behalf of the KM and Israel, which deploys synthetic terror all over the world to create new enemies that must be attacked by the American Military.

“Of all the ISMs created by International Jewry, clearly the most dangerous is communism, which eventually transmogrifies into bolshevism wherever it’s set loose. However, it is the International Banking Cartel that funds all the operations that create so much chaos through regime changes and color revolutions, civil wars and warmongering worldwide. The enforcement arm of the IBC has always been the exceedingly violent Khazarian Mafia. The whole world watched last century as Russia was morphed into the communist Soviet Union for over 70 years where the nation was transformed into the largest concentration camp in the world as described in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago. That national catastrophe was then followed by the transformation of China into the communist state of the People’s Republic of China. How could such a rapid takeover of a country the size of China — from within — take place except by way of a highly organized communist plot? Two of the largest nations on Earth were conquered so easily by Bolshevik movements only because they were funded and financed, armed and supplied, recognized and legitimized by the International Banking Cartel. The whole world now watches and waits to see if the American Republic will become a victim of a full-blown Bolshevik revolution. Certainly, there are now many armed Bolsheviks within the nation’s borders whose presence was only made possible by

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