» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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Donald Trump, despite his posing as an American patriot in many of his statements, is a tool for Israel. But this observation produces a much larger and darker question and that is . . .. Is there anybody today within the U.S. government who is not a pawn of the Jews?” — John Kaminski, American writer and journalist -

“Trump destroyed his chance at being a successful president by the stupid appointments he has made. At the moment he is being set up by his national security advisor John Bolton and Israel for a war with Iran. This is the likely situation: The deal between the Washington Ziocons and Netanyahu is that either Israel will attack an American ship or whatever is selected, and it will be blamed on Iran, thus forcing Trump to “defend America” and retaliate, or Israel using American disguise will attack Iran, thus provoking a response from Iran”, - Paul Craig Roberts - Chairman of The Institute for Political Economy and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Ronald Reagan.

Where will it all end. Well I believe if these evil communist Zionist thugs do start a war with peaceful Iran then millions will die but they don’t care the events of 9/11 and Iraq showed that. If the Zionists do take control of Iran then Lebanon will be next, then the Palestinians will be all alone and they will get no help. Then they will have another go at taking over Syria. If they complete those missions then Russia will be next and that is why the Zionists have overthrew the Ukraine and placed a Zionist leader in charge. They are already placing sanctions on Russia for this purpose. I don’t know how they could defeat Russia without there being a nuclear exchange but then that would be bad news for us all. Of course the Zionists will be thwarted if China stepped in on Russia’s side. Then it would be WW3!

The Economic Collapse

The global elites know full well that the Global Economic & Financial System is on the verge of collapse and that the banksters in London and the Federal Reserve are the primary culprits. This will make the 2008 collapse look like a game of monopoly in comparison. The western world is drowning in an ocean of debt unlike anything the world has ever seen before. Most people out there have no idea what is about to happen. Most people out there are working hard and are busy preparing for the holidays and they are hopeful that the economy will turn around soon. But that is not going to happen.

Willem Buiter, chief economist at Citigroup: “Time is running out fast. I think we have maybe a few months — it could be weeks, it could be days — before there is a material risk of a fundamentally unnecessary default by a country like Spain or Italy which would be a financial catastrophe dragging the European banking system and North America with it.”

“There is now nothing the USA can do to prevent the collapse of its currency, and its economy. It has no reserves to support its value, and has the most indebted country in the world, is dependant of the credit from America's former enemies. Over the last couple of days, both Russia and China have said they will be switching their considerable dollar reserves into Euro. This will only hasten the lack of confidence in the dollar, creating a global lack of confidence in the currency, and setting into free-fall. It will soon bring about the total collapse of the dollar, and the American economy. The collapse of the dollar will throw the world into a global depression. Those nations with large external debts will not be able to trade sufficiently to earn the income to service their debts, and will slide into bankruptcy. The economies of New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the UK will also totally collapse, as a result of their indebtedness and not being able to service their borrowings” - Bruce Porteous - Investment Solutions Director.

“The dollar collapse will be the single largest event in human history. This will be the first event that will touch every single living person in the world. All human activity is controlled by money. Our wealth, our work, our food, our government, even our relationships are affected by money. No money in human history has had as much reach in both breadth and depth as the dollar. It is the de facto world currency. All other currency collapses will pale in comparison to this big one. All other currency crises have been regional and there were other currencies for people to grasp on to. This collapse will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat currencies, as they are fundamentally no different. The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of ALL paper assets. The repercussions to this will have incredible results worldwide”. –

The largest economy in the world is the United States. The US government is currently 20 trillion dollars in debt and it is projected to go over 30 trillion by the mid 2020's. Paying the interest on that huge debt in future years will cost more than what is spent on national defence. As mentioned before it is the Illuminati bankers who control the Federal Reserve who are to blame. I say get your pitchforks out and go get the bankers now. For many years the USA has been importing hundreds of billions more dollars in goods and services than they are exporting each year. The trade imbalance averaged well over 700 billion dollars per year between 2005 and 2008. I think it is only a matter of time before another downturn in the economy or an unforeseen world event brings about the collapse of this house of cards.

The dollar is the world’s reserve currency. For example, if Italy wants to buy oil from Kuwait, it has to first purchase U.S. dollars on the foreign exchange market to pay for the oil, thus creating an artificial market for U.S. dollars that would not have otherwise naturally existed. This gives a unique privilege to the U.S. which means not having to use foreign currency but rather using its own currency, which it can print, to purchase its imports, including oil.

“If we want to better understand the answer to the elusive question of “When will the fiat US dollar collapse?”, we have to watch the petrodollar system and the factors affecting it….This is critically important, because once the dollar loses this coveted status…the destruction of the dollar is going to wipe out the wealth of a lot people, and that will cause political and social consequences that will likely be worse than the financial consequences”. – Ron Paul, American author, physician, and former Congressman.

When the US economy goes down it will take the world economy with it. This economic collapse will cause great civil unrest all over the world, cities will be filled with riots and later with troops and rioters will then be escorted to the FEMA camps. That is possibly why FEMA and the DHS have bought more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, 7000 assault weapons as well as 2,717 Mine Resistant Protected vehicles.

In fact in the NSD directives and Executive orders there is a plan to suspend the Constitution of the United States of America. FEMA’s real purpose is to take over local, state, and federal government in case of a national emergency. The only way FEMA could do such a thing is if the Constitution were suspended and martial law were to be declared. In fact there is an executive order signed in to law by the former President Obama where the government can take over all resources within the U.S.A. Executive order #13603 (national defence resources preparedness) was signed by President Obama on March 16, 2012 and the plan involves the takeover and seizing control of:

All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals.

All forms of energy.

All forms of civil transportation.

All usable water from all sources.

Health resources – drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment.

Forced labour ( or “induction” as the executive order refers to military conscription)

Federal officials would “issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources.

Although Obama has signed this into law in America it will be the men who are working behind the scenes in the shadow government who will profit from this takeover of all resources essential to life in the event of a national emergency or martial law.

REX 84: "Readiness Exercise 1984", is a contingency plan developed by the United States federal government to suspend the United States Constitution, declare martial law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens who were deemed to be "national security threats". This plan will be enacted in the event that the President of the United States declares a "State of Domestic National Emergency".

Below is a link that shows the government of the USA has been stockpiling secret warehouses in undisclosed locations which have been filled with medical supplies stockpiled across the country in the event of a catastrophe. Extensive networks of tunnels and bunkers have been constructed in, around, and leading to Denver, Colorado with secret deliveries night and day for more than eight years. Do they know something that the general public does not? You would only stockpile resources if you knew some event was going to happen.

This future economic collapse could be why we are having all these false flag terrorist attacks in America and Europe so they can bring in gun laws (remove our guns) and implementing surveillance laws to take away our freedoms so we can easily be controlled in the event of an economic collapse. The collapse of the dollar would lead to the collapse of the Euro and the British pound because the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Banks would close, cashpoints would have no money after about one hour and the only available source of income to buy essential goods for your family’s survival would be the money you have on you or in your home, unless you have gold or silver to sell. The food in supermarkets and shops will disappear in 24 hrs. The question is how will you feed your family with nowhere to buy any food and even possibly with no money?

People might vent their anger at their government or the Bank of England or in the case of America, the Federal Reserve. But in Britain the majority of the people do not have guns but the Police do, so the masses will be easily controlled. It’s a different story in America where there is more guns than grains of sand and as I said earlier the reason for these false flag attacks in America (Mandalay Bay-Vegas, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Florida etc.) is to remove the guns from the American people.

The solution to the crisis will be to abolish almost all debt and most of people's savings and to start over with a new world economic system. People would have to survive

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