» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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the president warned David Ben Gurion that unless American inspectors were allowed into Dimona, Israel would find itself totally isolated and would not receive any aid from the U.S. Rothschild was the controller of the Israeli state (and the Federal Reserve) and to control the Middle East he needed Israel to have a nuclear bomb. The removal of Kennedy brought an end to American demands for IAEA inspections of the Israeli nuclear program.

In Kennedy's last fiscal budget year of 1964, Israeli aid was $40 million. In LBJ's first budget of 1965, it soared to $71 million, and in 1966 more than tripled from two years earlier to $130 million! Plus, during Kennedy's administration, almost none of U.S aid to Israel was military in nature. Instead, it was split equally between development loans and food assistance under the PL480 Program. Yet in 1965 under the Johnson administration, 20% of U.S aid to Israel was for the military, while in 1966, 71% was used for war-related materials. These figures show that Kennedy was not keen on making Israel the dominate force in the Middle East and that is one of the main reasons he had to be removed.

Freed Israeli nuclear spy Mordechai Vanunu said in an interview published in 2004 that Israel was behind the 1963 assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Vanunu, a former nuclear technician who was released from Israeli prison after serving an 18-year sentence for exposing Israel’s nuclear program at Dimona to Britain’s Sunday Times, has been barred from leaving the country, talking to the media or meeting with foreigners. This claim about Israel’s involvement in the Kennedy assassination was also made by the late Colonel Gaddafi of Libya. If anyone doubts that the RothschildJewish Zionist Establishment could have done this then you need to read Michael Collins Piper’s book Final Judgment, linking Israel to the Kennedy assassination.

Final Judgment documents how Israel's leaders, the Mossad, the Jewish Meyer Lansky-run organized crime syndicate, and a pro-Zionist faction of the CIA colluded to assassinate President, John F. Kennedy. The general pattern of the JFK covert operation, to include the skilful use of "limited hang-outs," "patsies," and "false flags," has very likely been repeated in various later forms such as in the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, the murder of Martin Luther King, the mysterious death of former CIA Director William Colby, the very suspicious Oklahoma City bombing, and the Mossad-linked "controlled demolition" of World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. More recently, we have seen how the "High Priests of War" have flexed raw Israeli-lobby power by pushing American interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq and by promoting saber-rattling at Iran and Syria.

The JFK Assassins

Of course the Illuminati and its secret intelligent agencies are clever, very clever as they always put in place a plan which shows to the world that it was a lone assassin or someone other than the real perpetrators who committed the crime.

The Rothschild Illuminati entrusted MI6 Operative William Stephenson with organising Kennedy’s execution. Stephenson brought in Major Mortimer Louis Bloomfield. Bloomfield was one of his agents and both were members of Special Operations Executive (SOE) of MI6. Stephenson had been part of Prime Minister Winston Churchill's circle, and a protégé of Lord Beaverbrook. Both were Canadians and Bloomfield was a Jewish Zionist and good friends with Prime Minister of Israel, Ben Gurion. Bloomfield was a major fund-raiser for Israel and known asset for Israeli intelligence. There are in the Bloomfield papers many documents showing that Louis M. Bloomfield was acting as attorney for the Rothschild family, and particularly for Baron Edmund de Rothschild. Bloomfield joined the British military and served in Palestine as an Intelligence Officer and was involved in training the Jewish army, Haganah (1936-1939).

Kennedy was killed through an organization called Permindex (Permanent Industrial Expositions) which was a MI6Mossad front company. It was a front company for espionage and assassinations.

Permindex was formed out of the World Commerce Corp and it worked closely with World Trade Mart of New Orleans. The founder and chairman of the World Trade Mart was Col. Clay Shaw, who had first joined up with the British in World War II when he was an OSS liaison officer. Shaw was based in London and became a friend of Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, whose personal advisor was Sir William Stephenson. Also serving with the OSS in London at this time was James Jesus Angleton, the CIA’s head of counter-intelligence and the Israel desk when Kennedy was killed.

Lord Victor Rothschild, another close friend of Churchill, the man behind Israel’s nuclear weapons project and one of the key people behind the creation of Israel. Rothschild knew Shaw, Bloomfield, Stephenson, and Angleton, who were all part of the team which conspired to kill Kennedy. Rothschild’s connections with Mossad and Israel were fundamental. He was at the heart of the Jewish terror and intelligence groups which brought Israel into existence

Louis Bloomfield and Clay Shaw came together on the board of Permindex and worked together on its cover operation, the setting up of trade exhibitions around the world. On November 22nd 1963, President Kennedy was on his way to speak at the newly created Dallas Trade Mart when he was assassinated. JFK’s trip to Dallas was sponsored by a powerful business group known as the Dallas Citizens Council, dominated by two Jews Julius Schepps and Sam Bloom. It was that appointment at the Dallas Trade Mart which led his motorcade to pass through Dealey Plaza where the fatal shots were fired. A coincidence? I don’t think so, somehow.

According to former British Intelligence Officer Colonel John Hughes-Wilson, it was Sam Bloom (Jewish) who suggested to the Police “that they move the alleged assassin [Oswald] from the Dallas police station to the Dallas County Jail in order to give the newsmen a good story and pictures.” Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby (Jewish) during this transfer. Hughes-Wilson adds that, “when the police later searched Ruby’s home, they found a slip of paper with Bloom’s name, address and telephone number on it”.

Permindex was connected to the assassination attempt on French President Charles De Gaulle in 1962. A French colonel, Bastien Thiery, commanded the 1962 group of professional assassins who made the actual assassination attempt on DE Gaulle. Colonel Thiery set his group of assassins up at an intersection in the suburbs of Paris in this final attempt in to kill DE Gaulle. The gunmen fired more than one hundred rounds in the assassination attempt. But General DE Gaulle, traveling in his bullet proof car, evaded being hit, although all of the tires were shot out.

President Charles de Gaulle forced the Swiss and Italian governments to expel Permindex after it was caught orchestrating this failed attempt to kill him and in fact Permindex operations in France were shut down after an investigation by SDEC (French intelligence) revealed that Permindex as an MI6Mossad front. General DE Gaulle’s intelligence had traced the financing of his attempted assassination into the FBI's Division Five Permindex in Switzerland and Centro Mondiale Commerciale in Rome. The overall command of the DE Gaulle assassination unit was directed by Division Five of the FBI (Louis Bloomfield).

Why would the Jewish controlled Permindex want to assassinate De Gaulle. Well De Gaulle was critical of Israel’s attempt to create a nuclear bomb and he also wanted to give Algeria its independence something Israel was against.

Permindex and its subsidiary Centro Mondiale Commerciale in Rome was also behind the assassination of Enrico Mattei, leader of Italy's post-war industrial reconstruction. Mattei was deliberately killed by a bomb which blew up his plane on Oct. 27, 1962. Mattei was already a legendary figure, known throughout the world for his fight against the London-centred oil marketing cartel and for his anti-colonial policy. Mattei was trying to break up the ‘seven sisters’ (Exxon, Mobil etc.) that had a monopoly on world oil production which is owned by the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers.

Some of the board members of Permindex at the time of the JFK assassination were:

Bruce Medaris, Clay Shaw, Edgar Bronfman (Jewish), Ernest Israel Japheth (Jewish), Hans Seligman (Jewish), Louis Dreyfuss, Mortimer Louis Bloomfield (Jewish), Roy Cohn (Jewish), Viscount Samuel (Jewish), Tibor Rosenbaum(Jewish) and Max Fisher (Jewish).

Don’t forget Clay Shaw was the one arrested by District Attorney Jim Garrison which was made famous by the movie JFK starring Kevin Costner. Shaw came under suspicion when he provided defence advice for Lee Harvey Oswald when Oswald was arrested. When Clay Shaw was arrested who provided the funds for his defence against Garrison? It was the powerful Stern family, leaders of the New Orleans Jewish community--were primary shareholders in the Apollo, Pennsylvania-based NUMEC nuclear facility from which American nuclear material was illicitly channelled to Israel with the collaboration of CIA chief of counterintelligence, James Angleton, a devoted ally of Israel as head of the CIA's Mossad desk.

Shaw was tried on charges of conspiracy to assassinate JFK and acquitted. Yet, but for a legal technicality, Shaw would have been found guilty and his conviction would have led the investigation of the Kennedy murder directly to the door of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, Permindex board member.

So Shaw's Rothschild--and Mossad--connection via Permindex was solidified by the Stern link to Israel's nuclear weapons program we now know JFK was so determined to stop.

The former Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky, has confirmed all this in his books, By Way Of Deception and The Other Side of Deception, which massively expose the extent of Mossad’s world-wide operations.

At least eight of the board members of Permindex were Jews. All told, a variety of evidence indicates Permindex fronted for a Mossad operation funding Israel's drive to assemble the atomic bomb. Bloomfield, board member of Permindex and Rothschild stooge was good friends with David Ben Gurion (Israeli Prime Minister). Below is a photo of them together. Louis Bloomfield is on the frontleft, Gurion on the right.

The man who bankrolled Oliver Stone's JFK film, Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan--listed as "executive producer"--was a primary player in Israel's nuclear program. Head of a global empire in weapons, chemicals, electronics, aerospace and plastics--operating in the Rothschild sphere has been described as "Mr. Israel," and is a close friend and business partner of Rothschild-sponsored media baron Rupert Murdoch. The reason he bankrolled Stone’s movie was to make sure that there was no Mossad or Israeli link in the movie to the assassination of JFK.

William Stephenson MI6 owned a Jamaican property at Montego Bay and named it the “Tryall Club.” The elite British club became a watering hole for Bloomfield, and others implicated in the JFK conspiracy. Stephenson was also colleagues with former MI6 Operative Ian Fleming and it was no coincidence that Ian Fleming‘s very first “James Bond” movie Dr No was filmed there. It was at this Tryall Club that the plan to Kennedy’s assassination was carried out.

Mortimer Louis Bloomfield then chose the best seven marksmen from his intelligence agencies and sent them to Pueblo, Mexico in the summer of 1963 for training and rifle practice with German-made Mauser sniper rifles at a Christian mission run by Reverend Carl McIntyre.

Louis M. Bloomfield, arranged for his close friend Reverend Carl McIntyre to found the American Council of Christian Churches. The ACCC was to conceal an extensive espionage and intelligence unit to be deployed throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Latin America. The spies and saboteurs were to operate under the cover of Christian missionaries. As part of the ACCC espionage net, Hoover, Stephenson, and Bloomfield created a secret assassination unit in 1943 under the direction of ACCC Minister Albert Osborne and it was ran from the missionary in Pueblo, Mexico. The group of twenty-five to thirty professional executioners have been based in Mexico and have been used by espionage agencies of the U.S. and various countries all over the world for political killings.

It was Osborne and a team of seven expert riflemen from the Puebla unit who carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison documented that on October 10, 1963, Osborne had visited New Orleans, making three stops in town. First he visited the offices of Clay Shaw at the International Trade Mart building. Later that same day he visited the offices of FBI Division Five courier Jerry Brooks Gatlin (who transported money to France for the De Gaulle assassination attempt). Osborne’s final stop in New Orleans was at the office of FBI Division Five southern chief Guy Bannister, at 544 Camp Street. This is the address that Lee Oswald distributed his Pro-Castro leaflets from.

The reason that New Orleans assumed a special role is that it headquartered the major U.S. subsidiary of Permindex, the International Trade Mart, directed by Colonel Clay Shaw.

The rifleman with their Mauser 7.65 caliber sniper rifles arrived in Dallas in October to become familiar with the Dealey Plaza setup. The Mauser rifles have an accuracy of 1200 yards. At least three of the seven would do the shooting and the others were there as backup and to get rid of people who knew too much such as Oswald, Ruby, Ferrie, Bannister etc.

When President Kennedy’s

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