» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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Limo passed the ‘grassy knoll’ area two mysterious men were photographed on the sidewalk. They became known as the ‘Umbrella Man’ and the Dark Complected Man (DCM).

There are several key theories as to the purpose of the Umbrella Man. Most believe he was part of the conspiracy and was there to signal to the shooters that Kennedy was definitely in the car and which car he was in. Other people believe that the umbrella was actually used to shoot a dart (flechette) at the President to disable or paralyse him. Kennedy had been in the navy so he knows how to duck if he hears shots fired. The reason to paralyse Kennedy was so that he would not be ducking down to avoid the fatal head shot.

Dark Complected Man (DCM), like Umbrella Man, was on the Grassy Knoll, and, like Umbrella Man, appears to reasonable observers to have been signalling. At the precise moment that JFK’s car passed, as Umbrella Man opened and pumped his umbrella repeatedly, Dark Complected Man shot his fist up into the air. To some, DCM seemed to be calling for a halt to the presidential limo, which did in fact either come to a complete halt or slowed down to a crawl. So it seems this man put his arm in the air to signal to Kennedy’s driver that he needs to slow down so that the fatal shot can be fired. The basic training of all drivers in intelligence agencies and security firms all over the world is: If you hear shots, your right foot hits the floor, and you get the hell out of the area as fast as the car will move. You do not slow down, the Limo slowed down when DCM raised his arm and you can see this on several videos on Youtube.

There is also several videos on Youtube which shows the Connolly’s (sitting in the front of JFK’s Limo) are thrown forward by the driver hitting the brakes.

It’s not just their actions at the moment that Kennedy’s head is blown apart. It’s how Umbrella Man and DCM behave afterwards. Instead of reacting with horror and springing into action, these two purported strangers sit down together, on the curb, and calmly just watch the chaos.

While almost everyone in Dealey Plaza was reacting to the assassination by either falling to the ground or moving towards Grassy Knoll, both men sat down on the sidewalk of Elm Street. In this situation, several photographs indicate that the dark-complected man talked into a radio. An antenna or an antenna-like device can be seen jutting out from behind the man's head and his hands holding an object to his face. Just moments later, they both got up and walked away. Was he passing the message on that JFK had suffered a fatal headshot?

Above DCM man and the Umbrella Man calmly sat down.

There was no security agents on JFK’s car blocking line of sight and no motorcycle cops flanking JFK limousine blocking line of sight, all part of the plan.

JFK Witnesses Deaths

Many of the key witnesses in the plot to assassinate JFK were murdered or died mysteriously.

Lee Harvey Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby while in Police custody. Jack Ruby was able to get into the Police building because he worked for the CIA and he used his CIA I.D to get in.

Although Oswald was known to be a poor marksman with a rifle (several months earlier April 6, 1963, to be exact, he had taken a shot at right-wing Major General Edwin Walker and missed) yet the Warren Commission credited him with the miraculous feat of inflicting eight different wounds on President Kennedy and Governor John Connally within six seconds from a distance of more than 200 feet and at an angle that would have taxed the professional skills of even the world’s most expert marksman.

The Warren Commission claims that only three shots were fired and all came from Oswald’s Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. Two of these shots were fired within 1.2 seconds (according to the Commission as evidenced by the Zapruder film). Officials of the Mannlicher Steyr factory in Italy found this most flattering, but stated that the time lapse between shots from their rifle had never been less than 2.3 seconds.

Clay Shaw, age 60, died five years after he was charged by Jim Garrison for his involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Shaw was reportedly found dead in his home. Then he was given a quick embalming before a Coroner could be notified. It was then impossible to determine the cause of death.

Jack Ruby (Rubinstein was his real name, he was Jewish) was in prison after he shot Lee Harvey Oswald. He died of cancer. He was taken into the hospital with Pneumonia. Twenty eight days later, he was dead from cancer. Mary Gray McCoy visited her friend, Ruby, in jail about a week after Oswald was shot. She continued to visit him until a few days before his mysterious death. The last visit was right before his death. At that time, McCoy says Ruby appeared to be in good health. Ruby's official cause of death was a pulmonary embolism caused by lung cancer. That's something McCoy doesn't believe for a second. "He didn't have cancer," said McCoy. "They poisoned him. Somebody did." It is believed that Ruby was injected with a fast spreading cancer while in the police jail cell. Of course they couldn’t walk into a police cell and shoot him so this injection was used instead. Mossad agent Bernie Weissman was the one who arranged for Mossad Sayanim asset, Jacob Leon Rubenstein (Jack Ruby), to assassinate Oswald. Weissman was seen talking to Ruby at Ruby’s Carousel Club in Dallas a week before the assassination.

On May 15, 1975, Roger Dean Craig died of a massive gunshot wound to the chest. Craig was a witness to the slaughter of President Kennedy. Only Craig's story was different from the one the police told. Craig testified in the Jim Garrison trial. Before this, Craig had lost his job with the Dallas Police Dept. In 1961, he had been "Man of the Year." Because he would not change his story of the assassination, he was harassed and threatened, stabbed, shot at, and his wife left him. He stated the rifle that they found in the book depository building was a Mauser 7.65 caliber and not a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle that Oswald was supposed to have fired his shots from.

Rose Cheramie was a close friend of Jack Ruby. On November 17th she was travelling to Miami when she was involved in a car accident. Cheramie was taken by ambulance to the East Louisiana Hospital at Jackson. On November 19 as doctors were bringing her out of a coma, she told them that President Kennedy was to be killed on November 22. The next day she told another doctor and two nurses that Kennedy will be assassinated. The doctor’s did not believe her and gave her a sedative. Rose Cheramie returned to Texas after her recovery, only to be killed in a hit-and-run “accident” in the Dallas area. The driver of the other car was never found.

Another one that turned up dead was David Ferrie of New Orleans. Before he could be brought by Jim Garrison to trial for his involvement in the Kennedy assassination, he died of a brain haemorrhage. Just what caused his brain haemorrhage has not been established. Ferrie was to testify in the famous Jim Garrison trial, but death prevented him. David Ferrie was a pilot and it is said that he transported different people involved with the JFK plot around to different locations when needed.

Guy Bannister was working for Division Five of the FBI who was closely involved in the Jim Garrison trial. Guy and his partner, Hugh Ward, died within a 10 day period. Guy supposedly died of a heart attack, but witnesses said he had a bullet hole in his body.

Brooks Gatlin was part of FBI-Division Five and worked under Bannister and it was he who transported the money to Paris for the De-Gaulle assassins for Permindex. He was thrown out of a sixth-floor window in a San Juan Puerto Rico hotel in 1966.

Dorothy Kilgallen was another reporter who died strangely and suddenly after her involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Miss Kilgallen is the only journalist who was granted a private interview with Jack Ruby after he killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Miss Kilgallen stated that she was "going to break this case wide open." She died on November 8, 1965. Her autopsy report took eight days. She was 52 years old. Kilgallen died weeks before a planned second trip to New Orleans for a meeting with a secret informant, telling a friend it was “cloak and daggerish.” “I’m going to break the real story and have the biggest scoop of the century,” she told her ­lawyer. According to David Welsh of Ramparts Magazine, Kilgallen “vowed she would ‘crack this case.'” Another New York showbiz friend said Dorothy told him in the last days of her life: “In five more days, I’m going to bust this case wide open.” She compiled a thick file of evidence, interviews and notes, ­always keeping it close or under lock and key. It was nowhere to be found after her death. She also gave a copy of her drafts, including interview notes, to her friend Florence Smith. Smith died two days after Kilgallen of a “cerebral haemorrhage.” Smith’s copy of Kilgallen’s draft was also never located.

Gary Underhill, a CIA agent, told friends he knew who killed Kennedy, and that he was sure that they would soon get him (Underhill) also. On May 8, 1964, Underhill was shot to death in Washington

William Pitzer, a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, had photographed the military-performed autopsy of JFK’s body, He told friends he had been ordered to keep quiet about what he saw and did so for years. Nevertheless, he was found dead with a bullet in his head on October 29, 1966.

Tom Howard was Jack Ruby's chief attorney and we are told he died of a heart attack in March 1965. He was 48. The doctor, without benefit of an autopsy, said he had suffered a heart attack. Some reporters and friends of Howard's were not so certain. Some said he was "bumped off."

Warren Reynolds was minding his used car lot on East Jefferson Street in Oak Cliff in Dallas, when he heard shots two blocks away. Then he saw a man having a great difficulty tucking "a pistol or an automatic" in his belt, and running at the same time. Reynolds gave chase for a short piece being careful to keep his distance, then lost the fleeing man. He didn't know it then, but he had apparently witnessed the flight of the killer (or one of the killers) of patrolman Jefferson David Tippit. Reynolds was not questioned until two months after the event. The FBI finally talked to him in January 1964. The FBI interview report said, "he was hesitant to definitely identify Oswald as the individual. Two days after Reynolds talked to the FBI, he was shot in the head. He was closing up his used car lot for the night at the time. Nothing was stolen.

On Saturday November 23, 1963, Jack Zangetty, the manager of a $150,000 modular motel complex near Lake Lugert, Oklahoma, remarked to some friends that "Three other men--not Oswald--killed the President." He also stated that "A man named Ruby will kill Oswald tomorrow and in a few days a member of the Frank Sinatra family will be kidnapped just to take some of the attention away from the assassination." Two weeks later, Jack Zangetty was found floating in Lake Lugert with bullet holes in his chest. It appeared to witnesses he had been in the water one to two weeks.

Listed above are just some of the mysterious deaths of people associated with the JFK assassination but they are at least eighty more according to sources. If you believe all these deaths are just a ’coincidence’ then you are delusional. They were killed so that that the real perpetrators behind the crime remained hidden.

The autopsy forgeries, the tampering of the skull, the replacement of Kennedy’s brain could not have been done without the complicity of the Secret Service, the FBI and elements of the CIA. The removal of Kennedy’s body from the jurisdiction of the State of Texas is another example of complicity by the Secret Service. The forgeries were intended to bolster the case of the “lone gunman.”

The man who played the key role in fabricating the government lie purveyed by the Warren Commission was the Jewish Arlen Specter, the inventor of what came to be called the “magic bullet” theory: a single bullet supposed to have caused seven wounds to Kennedy and John Connally. 38 years later the Jews would also run the 9/11 commission, what a coincidence.

The Illuminati’s public execution of the President of the United States was shown in front of the whole world on T.V.

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