» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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It was a message to all future President’s, ‘if you try to remove the Federal Reserve, if you don’t do what we tell you then this is what will happen’.

Do not dismiss the fact that a Jew and probable Mossad (SAYANIM) asset, Abraham Zapruder, just happened to be at the perfect place at the perfect time to capture the gruesome film footage of the actual murder and recorded the gruesome murder without flinching (just like the 5 dancing Israelis who had a video camera already set up to capture footage of the planes hitting the Twin Towers on 9/11). The question must be asked: Was Abraham Zapruder (Jewish) a Mossad operative on assignment positioned at exactly the right place at the right time to capture the gruesome murder as a graphic lesson for posterity? Zapruder either had incredible nerves of steel to be able to capture the event without so much as flinching; or he knew exactly what was coming and performed his assignment perfectly.

As soon as Kennedy was removed Lyndon B. Johnson (33rd-degree Freemason) escalated the war in Vietnam and removed Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 and removed the $4.3 billion dollars of silver backed currency that was printed by JFK. L.B Johnson then turned a blind eye to Israel’s nuclear bomb facilities at Dimona and money that was given to Israel’s military budget by the USA was increased dramatically. In Kennedys last budget 40 million dollars was given to Israel for development loans and food assistance. Two years later under Lyndon B. Johnson, Israel was given 130 million dollars with 70% for military purposes. That money to Israel has increased ever since to the point where Israel now receives at least $3 billion dollars per year from the USA. Johnson had always been Israel’s man. His electoral campaigns had been funded since 1948 by Zionist Jewish financier Abraham Feinberg.

If you ask who profited from Kennedy’s death, the answer was the Rothschild’s and Israel and I would suggest they were the major players behind his assassination.

To further cement Israel as the dominant force in the Middle East and to remove its main enemy’s, Iraq, Syria and Libya another catastrophic event had to be brought about by Israel and its Mossad and that event was 9/11. One in which they used their expertise to set up another Patsie, just like Lee Harvey Oswald but this time the Patsie was the Arabs.

“The government's handling of the investigation of John Kennedy's murder was a fraud. It was the greatest fraud in the history of our country. It probably was the greatest fraud ever perpetrated in the history of humankind. That doesn't mean that we have to accept the continued existence of the kind of government which allows this to happen. We can do something about it. We're forced either to leave this country or to accept the authoritarianism that has developed - the authoritarianism which tells us that in the year 2029 we can see the evidence about what happened to John Kennedy”.  - Jim Garrison (Closing speech at trial of Clay Shaw Feb 28, 1969).

JFK was also trying to get the Jewish lobby AIPAC to register as a foreign entity. That is what it is. AIPAC’s aim is to get all American Presidents and Politicians to favour Jews and Israel.

“The Israeli Government, working in tandem with the Chicago Jewish Mafia and Zionist-controlled Military-Industrial Complex, ordered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy which was actually carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency. There were several reasons why the Khazarian Mafia killed Kennedy, each of which represented a direct threat by JFK to the global power structure bankrolled by the International Banking Cartel. As a matter of historical fact, the Zionist perps went so far as to circulate “Wanted for Treason” leaflets all over Dallas during the week of Kennedy’s assassination. Furthermore, Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson, a crypto-Jewish politico, was the point-man in the White House overseeing the assassination plot and especially the cover-up” - See the link below titled ‘The Chicago Supermob: The Jewish Mafia That Killed Kennedy’ -

“So what are the possible repercussions of the Kennedy’s not being able to get the Zionists and Jews to register as foreign agents? How powerful have the Zionists become? What do the Zionist/Jews/Dual-US-Israeli Citizens own and control? Nearly all major media (96%) and global means of communicating. Banking and finance are controlled at every corner and the Rothschild Zionist’s Crowning Jewel? The Not-So-Federal “Federal” Reserve that has been destroying America and the world around us since 1913 along with their Criminal Collection Agency the IRS that same year, and the creation of the Anti-defamation League in 1913 to protect the Jewish bankers that had taken over America”, - Charles Maultsby, American Researcher, Author of ‘Who Should Go Down in History’,

“Israel’s Mossad was a primary (and critical) behind the scenes player in the conspiracy that ended the life of John F. Kennedy. Through its own vast resources and through its international contacts in the intelligence community and in organized crime, Israel had the means, it had the opportunity, and it had the motive to play a major frontline role in the crime of the century—and it did”, - Michael Collins Piper - Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy

Illuminati Bankers - Wars and Revolutions

Jewish Zionist Harald Rosenthal stated in an interview in 1976: “This truth is evident even to the dullard when one views history and sees that all wars have been white fighting white in order that we maintain our control. We controlled England during the Revolutionary War, the North during the Civil War, and England and America during World War I and II. Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant white Christians in war against themselves which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest. Anytime truth comes forth which exposes us, we simply rally our forces -- the ignorant Christians. They attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families.”

“The wealthy Jews rule the world; the fate of the governments lies in their hands. They start wars between countries, and when they wish, governments make peace. When the wealthy Jews sing, the nations and their leaders dance along, and meanwhile the Jews get richer”. Theodore Herzl, Jewish Zionist and one of the founding fathers of Zionism.

“A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind The role of money-lenders in history was once aptly termed by many acute observers as the 'Hidden Hand.' It is the power to create, lend and accumulate interest on 'credit,' and then re-lend that interest for further interest, in perpetuity, that creates pervasive, worldwide debt, from the individual, to the family, to the entire state. The ability to operate a fraudulent credit and loan system has long been known, and through all the slickness of a snake-oil salesman, the money-lenders - the same types Jesus whipped from the Temple - have persuaded governments that banking is best left to private interests. Many wars, revolutions, depressions, recessions, and other social upheavals, have been directly related to the determination of these money-lenders to retain and extend their power and profits. When any state, individual or idea has threatened their scam they have often responded with wars and revolutions. The cultural and material progress of a civilization will often relate to the degree by which it is free from the influence of debt, and the degradation that results when the money-lenders are permitted to regain power. Hence, Goodson shows that both World Wars, the Napoleonic wars, the American Revolution, the rise and fall of Julius Caesar, the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and the revolution against Tsar Nicholas, among much else relate to this 'Hidden Hand' in history. This is the key to understanding the past, present and future” - Stephen Goodson Author of A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

The IlluminatiRothschild bankers are working endlessly to keep their banking control over as many countries as possible, since one country freeing itself from this dictatorship and issuing its own interest- and debt-free currency, setting the example of what an honest system could be, would be enough to bring about the worldwide collapse of the bankers’ swindling debt-money system. In the decades before the Federal Reserve was created several presidents tried to free the US money system from the central Rothschild bankers. Germany and Hitler was another example of a country who tried to free itself from the control of the central banks and they were successful for a ten year period but then the bankers were able to bring the might of the USA, British Empire and Russia down onto Germany and bring it back under their control. The Illuminati use the same trick over and over again because they brought the same destruction to Gadaffi and Libya in 2011 when Gadaffi tried to bring in gold as the standard currency to the whole of Africa and do away with the Illuminati central banks. If you don’t learn from history you are likely to keep repeating the same mistakes.

One method of how they control the population is through the Hegelian dialect (David Icke has been saying this for 20 years), problem, reaction, solution. Let’s say the Illuminati want a certain solution to happen in the world. First they create a problem, the public then reacts and clamors for a solution, the Illuminati then offers the solution, the solution that they wanted in the first place. This happened in 9/11. They wanted to take over Iraq and Afghanistan but they can’t just do that for no reason so they plan 9/11 and blame the Arabs and Osama Bin laden. The American public wants revenge so they come up with the solution to attack Afghanistan (were supposedly Bin Laden was hiding) and Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 but they did have weapons of mass destruction, yeah right.

Again the mainstream media just goes along with these blatant lies, sorry stories, without investigating them. The mainstream media are the ones who give out the ‘fake news’. It just goes to show how controlled they are.

The Illuminati or secret cabal wants to take away your freedoms. But again they can’t just do this without a reason so we go back to Problem, Reaction, and Solution.

Problem: They create the fake war on terror, Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Isis, threats of bombs on the streets, on planes, on trains etc.

Reaction: The public reacts and wants security and a solution.

Solution: They offer the solution which is mass surveillance of the population, CCTV across the whole country, they can listen to any phone call, read anyone’s email, check any website that anyone has been on, invasive body searches at airport security, keep track of anyone through their bank card etc.

This mass surveillance will get much worse. The end solution for the Illuminati is to insert RFID chips (Radio-frequency identification) into the body of every human being on the planet. This is already being done to pet dogs in Britain to keep track of them, I believe it is law now.

American Independence and the Bankers War of 1812

We are told the 1776 War of Independence in the U.S.A was started because of the tax on tea but it was more than likely that the colonists refused to be controlled by the Rothschild’s banker’s paper money.

“In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Scrip. We issue it in

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