» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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proper proportion to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one." Benjamin Franklin

The Rothschild bankers in England had a law passed by the British Parliament prohibiting the Colonies from issuing their own money, and ordering them to use only the gold or silver debt-money that was provided in insufficient quantity by the English bankers.

Then the Revolutionary War was launched against England, and was followed by the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

Benjamin Franklin said "The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament, which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England, and the Revolutionary War."

The American founding Fathers then tried to protect their new country from the bankers by having this inserted into the American Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 5: "Congress shall have the power to coin money and to regulate the value thereof."

Which basically says that only the American government has the power to create or print money and not the private bankers.

But the Bankers don’t give up that easily, Rothschild had his agent Alexander Hamilton, in America and he was named Secretary of Treasury in George Washington’s cabinet.

The first Bank of the United States was then formed in 1791 and Thomas Jefferson was against it as he knew that bankers could take control of a nation "I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale,"

The name ‘Bank of the United States’ was chosen to deceive the population into thinking that it was owned by the government, but it was not, it was owned by the Rothschild private bankers.

The second president of the United States, John Adams was also against a central bank, in 1811 he said, "Every bank of discount, every bank by which interest is to be paid or profit of any kind made by the [lender], is downright corruption. It is taxation for the public for the benefit and profit of individuals".

In 1811, when the bank's twenty-year charter came up for renewal, it was defeated by one vote in the Senate thanks to the influence of Thomas Jefferson and the later President Andrew Jackson.

Jackson said, "If Congress has a right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations."

Of course this made the Rothschild Illuminati bankers angry. Nathan Rothschild, of the Bank of England, issued an ultimatum: "Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war."

Jackson’s answer was “You are a den of thieves and vipers," Jackson told them. "I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out!"

The British Government launched the War of 1812 against the United States. Even way back then it just shows the Rothschild’s bankers control of governments. Rothschild’s plan was to impoverish the United States through this war to such an extent that the legislators would have to seek financial aid and reinstate his central bank. Britain had the majority of its land and naval forces tied down in Europe fighting the Napoleonic Wars and this was probably the main factor in Britain losing the war. The bankers wanted the war to last long enough (it lasted nearly 3 years) so that America would be broken financially. General Andrew Jackson actually fought in the war. He was the hero behind the defeat of the British at Battle of New Orleans in January 1815.

It is estimated that about 15,000 died from all causes directly related to the war of 1812 thanks to the Rothschild bankers and their quest for power and control.

The costs of the War of 1812, along with chaotic financial conditions, prompted Congress to issue a twenty-year charter to the Second Bank of the United States in 1816. It had been vetoed 5 times but on the 6th attempt it was passed on April 10, 1816, President Madison signed the bill into law.

This central bank ended in 1836, after President Andrew Jackson in 1832 vetoed a congressional bill to extend its charter. In January 8th, 1835, Jackson paid off the final instalment on the national debt, which had been necessitated by allowing the banks to issue currency for government bonds, rather than simply issuing treasury notes without such debt. He was the only President to ever pay off the debt. (The debt today (2017) stands at 22 trillion dollars thanks to Illuminati puppet Obama who doubled this debt while he was in office.)

A few weeks later, on January 30th, 1835, an English Rothschild assassin by the name of Richard Lawrence, tried to shoot President Jackson. But amazingly the gun misfired not once but twice. David Crockett of Tennessee helped to disarm Lawrence.

It was later innocuously & illegally resurrected in 1913. This time however, under a new innocuous sounding name “The Federal Reserve”, which is still with America today.

American Civil War

If they couldn’t get their central bank any other way, America could be brought to its knees by plunging it into a Civil War, just as they had done in 1812, after the First Bank of the United States was not re-chartered.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States in 1860, under the promise of abolishing slavery. Eleven southern States, favourable to the human slavery of the black race, then decided to secede from the Union, to withdraw from the United States of America: that was the beginning of the Civil War (1861-1865). Lincoln, being short of money to finance the North’s war effort, went to the bankers of New York, who agreed to lend him money at interest rates varying from 24 to 36 percent. Lincoln refused, knowing perfectly well that this was usury and that it would lead the United States to ruin.

Other congressman advised Lincoln to just get Congress to pass a bill authorizing the printing of full legal tender treasury notes, and pay the soldiers and finance the war with them. These Treasury notes were called "Greenbacks" by the people because they were printed with green ink on the back. Lincoln caused $450 million of debt-free Greenbacks to be issued, to conduct the Civil War.

Lincoln said: "Government, possessing the power to create and issue currency and credit as money, and enjoying the right to withdraw both currency and credit from circulation by taxation and otherwise, need not and should not borrow capital at interest as the means of financing governmental work and public enterprise… The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government’s greatest creative opportunity."

The bankers did everything possible to destroy these Greenbacks and sabotage Lincoln's work. First, in order to cast discredit on the Greenbacks, the bankers persuaded Congress to vote, in February of 1862, the “Exception Clause”, which said that the Greenbacks could not be used to pay the interest on the national debt, nor to pay taxes, or import duties. Then, in 1863, having financed the election of enough Senators and Representatives, the bankers got the Congress to revoke the Greenback Law in 1863, and enact in its place the National Banking Act, which issued interest by privately-owned banks. Lincoln was re-elected President in 1864, and he made it quite clear that he would attack the power of the bankers, once the war was over. The war ended on April 9, 1865, but Lincoln was assassinated five days later, on April 14.

Other American Presidents were assassinated for their opposition to a Rothschild central bank.

President James Garfield (1881) was opposed to Private Bankers from running the USA money supply Garfield said “He who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation. Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce”. He was assassinated four months into his term of President by a lone gunman, Charles J. Guiteau.

The William McKinley administration passed the Gold Standard Act of 1900 making gold the standard for the entire nation’s currency. McKinley was assassinated on September 1901 by another lone gunman, Leon Czolgosz so we are led to believe.

Armenian Genocide

Don’t be fooled by the notion that Jews are always the blameless victims. We are talking here about the Jews in powerful positions on this planet. As mentioned earlier Rothschild Jewish Zionists control most banks in the world and control most of the media corporations in the western world. Zionist Jews and Jewish Freemasons were behind the mass murder of over 60 million Russian Christians between 1917 and 1950 and the slaughter of up to 2 million Christian Armenians although the Jewish controlled mainstream media says it was the Turkish Muslims who were behind the slaughter.

The Committee of Union and Progress, later known as Young Turk movement which was responsible for the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the genocide of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians, was created and controlled by Jews. They belonged to a group called Donmeh, crypto-Jews who converted to Islam in order to hide their Jewish identity.

Gavrilo Princip was part of this Jewish led Young Turk movement (Jewish Freemasons) and he was the one who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 which started World War 1 which was part of the plan for the Rothschild Zionists to steal Palestine.

The Jews desperately desired a war between Christendom and Islam, and the Jews pitted these two religious communities against one another by slaughtering Armenian Christians and blaming it on the Muslims. If the strategy succeeds you keep repeating it as noted earlier Zionist JewsMossad were behind the atrocities of 9/11 to get the Christian nations (America and Britain) to go to war with the Muslim nations, Iraq and Afghanistan and later on Libya and Syria. Zionist Jews had no compunctions whatsoever about mass murdering Christians or Muslims especially when it forwarded their agenda.

In conformity with the Jewish plans revealed in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in 1905, Jewish leaders met in Masonic lodges in Salonika, Italy, Paris and Vienna, and
plotted a coup d’état against the Sultan of Turkey Abdul Hamid II. Jews and crypto-Jewish of the Committee for Union and Progress took control of the Turkish Empire in 1909. They had several goals. Their primary objective was to establish a segregated “Jewish State” in Palestine. They also sought to instigate World War I which would then then break up the Ottoman Empire which at the time controlled Palestine.

Zionist Jewish bankers had long sought to destroy the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which controlled Palestine. These racist Jews sought to take Palestine from its indigenous population and turn it into a segregated “Jewish State” by expelling, or killing off, the native Palestinian population, and supplanting it with colonies of Eastern European Jews. These European Jews were largely of Khazarian, and not Judean, descent. Sir Gerard Lowther, who was Ambassador from the United Kingdom to the Ottoman Empire from 1908-1913, exposed this Judeo-Masonic takeover of the Ottoman Empire. He sent numerous letters to the British Foreign Office revealing the fact that the “Young Turk Revolution” was in fact a Jewish takeover led by old Jews

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