» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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Do you think every single Jewish person believes in the six million story? No absolutely not, there is quite a few prominent Jews who say that six million never perished in some type of Holocaust.

Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman, who is from Austria and speaks German, is a prominent Holocaust denier who has traveled the world warning people about the dangers of Zionism.

He has made international headlines as an orthodox Jew who vehemently denies the official Holocaust narrative. In 2006, Rabbi Friedman traveled to Iran where he attended and spoke at Holocaust denial conferences and also made various media appearances. Quoting Rabbi Friedman:

“The existence of the Zionist regime is based upon the belief that they have to destroy the belief in God throughout the world. Another one of their goals is to destroy the other peoples both physically and economically. Every believer throughout the world should fight Zionism. Whoever cooperates with Zionism in any way is, in fact, opposing his own religion. Whoever believes in Islam and wants to support the Zionist regime in any way, rather than be hostile to it is, in fact, casting doubt upon the sincerity of his belief. We have a great problem. By fabricating lies about the Holocaust global Zionism has succeeded in distorting historical truth in its favor…Throughout this period in which Hollywood succeeded in influencing global public opinion and creating the myth of the Holocaust which they interpreted to their advantage the Islamic Republic of Iran was steadfast and exerted efforts in the struggle against the global myth of the Holocaust to the benefit of all peoples of the world. May God protect you. We are grateful for your support. In order to accomplish their goals, the Zionists had to create a global disaster such as the threats, pressure, and oppression that the Jews suffered. They needed to use this in order to establish Herzl’s philosophy. It was the Zionists who drove the Third Reich in Germany to publicly use pressure and oppression against the Jews. It should be pointed out that it was the Zionists who promoted this policy and who led Germany down the path”. Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman, Iranian Channel 2 TV interview, September 30, 2007

David Cole is one of the more famous Jewish people who say that six million were not gassed. Cole was born and raised in a Jewish family in California and rose to fame in the late 1980s and 1990s. During this time, a growing number of people were questioning the “6 million” number and the existence of homicidal “gas chambers” during World War II. David Cole set out to prove these deniers wrong by thoroughly investigating the matter and traveling to various concentration camps throughout Europe.

After thoroughly investigating the Holocaust in an attempt to prove the “deniers” wrong, David Cole himself became a Holocaust denier with a wealth of evidence. David Cole visited Auschwitz in 1992 to investigate the accuracy of the Holocaust. He paid extra for a personal tour, and he wore his yarmulke to make sure everybody knew he was Jewish. He came to the conclusion that the gas chambers could be described as "life chambers" rather than "death chambers" because they were designed to kill lice, not people.

You can find numerous videos of David Cole touring concentration camps, giving interviews, and providing evidence for his beliefs. One of his most famous videos is where he tours Auschwitz while wearing his yarmulke, interviews the museum staff, and explains why the gas chambers are a hoax. Below is David Cole summarizing on his video after touring Auschwitz:

“Now that I've gone through the Auschwitz main camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, Mauthausen, and Dachau, I feel more secure in my position as a Revisionist that there exists no convincing evidence that Jews or anyone else were taken en masse into gas chambers and killed by the Nazis at these camps. In fact, the remains that I inspected at the camp sites seem, in many different ways, to directly contradict these claims. I returned to the United States with more than 25 hours of video footage from the camps. The high point of my visit, though, was my interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper, Senior Curator of the Polish government's Auschwitz State Museum. He has worked there for more than 26 years. On tape, he admits that the so-called gas chamber in Crematory Building (Krema) I, which is shown to half a million visitors a year as a genuine homicidal gas chamber, is in fact a reconstruction-- even down to the holes cut into the ceiling. Piper also admits that walls were knocked down and bathroom facilities removed. He went on to tell us that the remains of the "white cottage," supposed site of the first preliminary gassings at Birkenau, are also reconstructed. This was hardly news to me. Even a quick examination of the remains of the "white cottage" shows that the bricks are not connected in any way, but are simply laid on top of each other like children's building blocks. We've never been asked to accept the Holocaust story on anything but faith, and for me, that's not good enough. On the issue of the Holocaust -- and perhaps uniquely on this issue --- we are told: "Close the books, there will be no more learning, no more discussion, and no more questions. Not only will no questions be tolerated, but anyone who dares to ask such questions will be slandered and viciously attacked." Now as someone who believes that part of being human is to learn something new every day, I respond: "How dare you tell me there will be no more learning?" The establishment that maintains the Holocaust story on life support admits that there is no direct proof of homicidal gassings. No order, no document, no pictures, only "eyewitnesses." And what of these eyewitnesses? The Holocaust lobby insists that this is convincing evidence. But what kind of evidence is this? In some European countries, a person who denies the gas chambers can be jailed, fined, or physically attacked. He might lose his job, his standing in the community, maybe even his life. Something similar has happened in Canada. In the United States, he might be attacked and vilified. And if he says that he comes by his knowledge from first-hand experience -- in other words from helping to run the camps during the war years -- then he might easily find himself deported to Israel or eastern Europe, where he might be sentenced to death or at least stripped of his US citizenship and denied due process. In other words, we only hear of eyewitnesses from one side because witnesses from the other side have been strong-armed into silence. This is governmental coercion of the worst kind, and on a worldwide scale no less. One kind of eyewitness is encouraged, the other is warned that his words might lead to deportation, imprisonment, loss of livelihood, property, and even life. Some great victory for the Holocaust lobby: The game has been fixed! Let people speak! If only no one else, I demand this for my own sake. I want to know what happened during World War Two, and yet how can I if those who might have firsthand knowledge are told: "Speak only the official line, or suffer the consequences." I insist on my human right to learn. Of course, I understand that people can be cruel and stupid, but I also believe in the human ability to learn, and to grow with each new piece of knowledge. Rather than censor information that we subjectively perceive to be "dangerous," we should teach our children to think critically, to remain open-minded, and to look for truth rather than cling to emotionally appealing falsehoods. And that is just about all we can do: teach our children and hope for the best, realizing that people cannot be programmed like robots. Eighty years of failed Communism should have taught us that. To use the power of the state to force men to be what the state defines as "good" creates a world far more hellish than the one that is supposedly being prevented. I would rather live in a world where people are free to be cruel and stupid than one in which "goodness" is enforced at gun point. Keep in mind also that truth, objective truth, does not need threats and intimidation to prevail. We Holocaust Revisionists are often likened to those who said that the earth was flat. But just the reverse is true: It is the other side that acts like a Holy Inquisition, institutionalizing one viewpoint and punishing heretics. Remember: We only accepted that the earth is round after the debate was opened. And since then, the round-earth adherents have not needed false news laws, hate crimes laws, and libel or slander laws to protect the truthfulness of their view. Likewise, all we ask is that the Holocaust story either stand or fall according to the evidence -- or lack of it”. David Cole (Jewish) 1992.

After Cole rose to prominence as a well-spoken Jewish Holocaust denier, he began receiving death threats from the Jewish Defense League and went into hiding. In response to new Jewish Defense Leagues threats against his life, and a $25,000 bounty on his head, Cole decided in 1997 to leave Holocaust revisionism. He adopted a new identity (“David Stein”) and in 1998 began a career as a filmmaker, Republican Party activist and conservative commentator. He continues to deny the Holocaust to this day.

Jewish professor Roger Dommergue from France is another outspoken Holocaust denier who states his only passion is for the truth. He calls the Holocaust an “absolute lie” and has worked with other prominent Holocaust deniers including Ernst Zundel and Robert Faurisson.

He states in the video below that debunking the “6 million” number of the Holocaust is a “simple technical arithmetic problem which can be solved by a child in high school.”

Dommergue even wrote a letter to movie director Steven Spielberg, part of the letter stated:

“No Sir, you will not find ONE witness who saw 6 million Jews slaughtered. You will not find ONE witness of Zyclon-B – gas chamber’s to exterminate 1000 or 2000 people at a time, close to the crematoria. See my “Shoa Sherlockholmized” herewith: it is the summary of 20 years study on the subject. The “6-million-gas-chambers myth “is an arithmetic and technical nonsense. As a matter of fact the howling, snivelling, Shoah business, 50 years after the war, is disgusting, debasing: it is a disgraceful shame. No people in History has ever been wailing about its losses 50 years after a war, even its true and real losses. Even if the 6-million-gas-chambers were true, it would be a dishonor to make such din and pump up so much money everywhere: who were the usurers of the Weimar Republic? You know it as well as I do. It is all the more so as we know that 6.000.000 is gross exaggeration and that the Zyklon-B gas chambers are a technical impossibility. (See Degesh Trial in 1949). In fact 150,000 or 200,000 Jews died in the German camps of typhus or starvation. Many others died but as fighters against Germany to which we, the Jews, had declared war in 1933!”

The full article Dommergue is below.

Nathanael Kapner is an outspoken Jewish Holocaust denier in the US. He was raised in an orthodox Jewish family in Brooklyn. Today, he goes by the name “Brother Nathanael” and claims to be an orthodox Christian, which explains his outfit. Nonetheless, he is Jewish by blood and vehemently denies the Holocaust in various videos. Kapner also runs a website where he discusses other aspects of history and Jewish power in the world.

Bobby Fischer, whose father was German and mother was Jewish, rose to international fame in the 1960s and 70s as a world chess champion. Bobby Fischer is considered by many to be the greatest chess player of all time. Later in his life,

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