» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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sealed train to lead the conspirators to their Bolshevik triumph.

Three Jewish advisers to Kaiser Wilhelm, Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, Max Warburg and Albert Ballin, then had the Kaiser declare war, and the other nations were involved.

Why? To carry out the Zionist Jewish Plan.

To finance the State of Israel which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews, who had committed all the atrocities, now imposed enormous "reparations" demands on the conquered German people.

To date, they have extorted more than thirty-five billion dollars from German workers (now over $89 billion), money which has been collected at the points of bayonets, not Jewish bayonets, but the bayonets of the American Army, which has been maintained as an occupying force in West Germany for nearly four decades, solely to provide military power behind the puppet German Government, which has as its primary function the furnishing of money for the parasitic State of Israel.

Some twenty years after World War II, the Jews began to fear that scholars might focus on the terrible massacres of women and children during that war by armies directed by the Jews. The incineration of thousands of families by mass fire-bombings of the cities of Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden and other European cultural centers; the firestorms which killed many thousands of families in Tokyo; as well as the nuclear holocausts unleashed on civilian populations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the last days of the Japanese War, when the Imperial Staff was already suing for peace (the Jews did not want to lose this opportunity to test their new Jewish Hell-Bomb on human targets); these and their numerous other war crimes, began to concern the Jews.

Their guilt was inescapable; it seemed a mere matter of time until their crimes would call down retribution on their heads. To forestall this possibility, the Jews began a furious campaign of their own; a highly synchronized and coordinated worldwide campaign publicizing their new myth, the "Holocaust", in which six million Jews were said to have been burned.

Six million Jews were also said to have been gassed. Whether this meant there were actually twelve million Jews "killed" no one seems to know. That holocausts, or mass murders by fire, occurred during World War II was a matter of historical record.

There existed photographs of stacks of burned corpses, which had been made in Cologne, Hamburg, and Dresden after the mass fire-bombing of those cities by Allied aircraft. The problem the Jews faced was that there had been no holocausts of Jewish victims during World War II, nor were there any photographs of burned Jewish bodies.

Not to worry ~ the Jews simply appropriated the photographs of the bodies of their German victims, which are exhibited today in gruesome "museums" in Germany as exhibits of dead Jews. It was a matter of record that the Jews had actually done quite well during World War II.

In Germany, incredible sagas of bribery and corruption on the home front had secured the mass evacuation of all Jews from German cities just before the fire bombings began. When entire German families perished amid scenes of unspeakable horror, the Jews were safely ensconced in comfortable quarters in such refugee camps as Auschwitz.

The ultimate testimony as to their rescue by being segregated in these remote camps, far from the danger of the mass bombing raids, comes from ~ who else ~ the Jews themselves. As they never cease to assure us ~ they "survived".

Although they survived amid scenes of genocide or massacres of non-Jews in many countries, they realized several decades later that it was necessary for their purposes to claim that they had been "exterminated".

The protection camps in which they had been safely segregated by the Germans during World War II now became "death camps". Not only were they death camps, but they were camps such as Auschwitz, memorialized in the Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1981, as having "its own soccer stadium, its own library, its own photo lab, and its own symphony orchestra."

The same article proudly boasts that "the hospital at Auschwitz grew to considerable size, with about twenty doctors and more than three hundred nurses." This was a "death camp?" The fact was that there was not a single German military field hospital near any combat front as sizeable or as well-equipped as the hospital at the "death camp" of Auschwitz, yet Auschwitz is always cited by the Jews as the place where millions of Jews were "put to death".

The purpose of the large modern hospital has never been satisfactorily explained, since the Jews now claim that within hours after arriving at Auschwitz, the Jews were hurried to the "gas chambers". This claim might have more validity had it not been for one unfortunate oversight by the Jews ~ they did not build the gas chambers at Auschwitz until after World War II had ended.

Almost forty years after the war, in which “six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis", as they claim, there are annual festivals, conventions, and other mass gatherings of many thousands of the "survivors of the death camps". Even more peculiar, hardly any of these prosperous, healthy and well fed "victims" claims to have been the survivor of only one "death camp".

Nearly all of them claim to have been a prisoner in five or six of the camps, this at a time when Germany, fighting a two front war, could not keep its troops supplied in the combat areas. The Jews ask us to believe that every few months they were transferred from one camp, put on a train and carried hundreds of miles to another "death camp" to be killed, and then a few months later, apparently not having been killed, they were entrained to yet another "death camp", where they remained without being harmed until the end of the war.

The reason for the otherwise inexplicable claims of the Jewish "Survivors" that they were in many different "death camps" is revealed by a simple explanation, "gelt". The "survivors" regularly receive monthly payments from the conquered Germans.

"Beware of the Fables of the Jews". Titus 1:14. The Myth of the Holocaust or the "vanished six million Jews" is not solely a matter of collecting revenue from defeated enemies. It is also one of the most powerful weapons of propaganda in the hands of the Jews in their drive for total world power.

Today, all officials seeking to continue in office or to seek higher office in the United States must not only make a ritual pledge of eternal and unquestioning faith in the Myth of the Holocaust. To question the Myth of the Holocaust means a challenge to the Jewish world dictatorship, and it must be punished at once by the most severe sentence. Thus the most fantastic elaborations on the basic lie of the "Six million" appear regularly on American religious programs, in educational books, and in the press.

"Never Again?" the well-publicized slogan of the Jews which refers to the Myth of the Holocaust, should more properly be "Never", meaning that not only did it never happen but that it is all right for the Jews to massacre the gentile cattle whenever it suits their purposes, because the Myth of the Holocaust gives carte blanche to the Jews to kill as many gentiles as possible, "The diminution, the killing out of the Goyim," as old Anselm so lustfully put it, because it is obvious that the more gentiles that are killed, the fewer remain alive as a possible threat to the Jews

The Myth of the Holocaust is interpreted by the Jews as giving them permission to maintain international murder squads whose assassins routinely carry out executions in every country of the world, not only against "enemies of Israel", but also against those who are merely suspected of being "potential enemies of Israel".

In no country are the murder squads of the Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Service, given greater freedom than in the United States (Mossad carried out 9/11 not Arabs). Cooperation with the Jewish assassins is the first line of business for the CIA, the FBI, and the IRS. Eustace Mullins” - The Secret Holocaust’ by Eustace Mullins

Eustace Mullins became a protégé of the poet Ezra Pound after visiting him when Pound was incarcerated. Pound asked Mullins to research the Federal Reserve at the Library of Congress. The result was Mullins ‘The Secrets of the Federal Reserve’ which shed some light on the Jews control of the Fed.

Ezra Pound was one of the most influential poets of his time. He was also the most outspoken, especially about Jewish bankers and the damaging effects of usury on nations and society.

Ezra Pound, a great writer had been punished by being confined in a madhouse, solely for his political views. The famous American poet had been convicted of treason for revealing in radio broadcasts that World War Two had been started by International Jewry to further its own ends of world domination. He was kept thirteen years in a lunatic asylum in a urine-soaked cell, originally in solitary confinement and forced to wear a straitjacket. Only much later was he allowed to receive visitors?

Pound was one of the greatest poets and thinkers of all time, and he displayed a rare courage in his stand against Jewish power. If what Ezra Pound said about the Jews was not true then why was he incarcerated in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital for the Mentally Ill in Washington D.C., where he was initially placed in solitary confinement in a windowless room with a heavy steel door? Shortly afterwards, he was moved to a regular ward, where he stayed for the next twelve years. They put him there to silence him so that the general public would think that he was crazy and therefore would not believe what he was saying.


This section on the Jewish Holocaust has proved the facts below.

Hitler wanted to remove the dissidents and Jews from Germany. This he did with the Haavara agreement and placing them in workers camps.

Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 and not the other way around.

The 6,000,000 number is a mythical number that the Jews use again and again throughout history whenever they feel persecuted.

The Holocaust has provided countless billions of dollars for the Jewish people and the state of Israel from pensions extracted from Germany and memorials all around the world usually at tax payers expense.

The number of Jews that died in the war is between 150,000 and 400,000 as the records of the Red Cross, World Almanac, and Germany’s own records prove. Also Germany received 4.3 million compensation claims from Jews after the war and there were only 4.5 million Jews under their control during the war.

Scientific tests conducted by Fred Leuchter in 1988 proved no gassings took place at Auschwitz.

Ground Radar tests in 1999 at Treblinka proved there are no bodies or bones from bodies buried at the Treblinka site. 850,000 are supposedly buried there.

Contrary to what people have been taught the concentration camps had facilities such as soccer games, swimming facilities, hospitals & maternity wards, Bar Mitzvahs and the Germans went through the trouble of printing money to be used in the camps.

The alleged Holocaust witnesses have lied time and again. Hundreds of thousands of people cannot be killed by carbon monoxide. Bodies cannot be cremated in 30 minutes 3 and 4 at a time.

Typhus was the real killer of the majority of the prisoners in the camps.

“But Jews have grossly exaggerated the Jewish death toll (more dead = more sympathy); they claim six million when in reality the number of Jewish deaths (of all causes) during WWII is more like one million (at most). Organized Jewry has turned the "Holocaust" (as they branded it back in the 1970's) into a marketing tool - selling to the public "Jewish victimhood" which garners world Jewry tremendous sympathy. Any Psychologist will tell you that people who are viewed as "victims" tend to get away with more than others. The Holocaust is essentially a psychological weapon which targets the Western World. Further, the Holocaust is implicitly used as a sort of "moral excuse" for Jews to commit horrendous crimes against the Palestinians and also engage in warmongering against many Muslim countries. The Holocaust is also used to extort billions of dollars in reparations from Germany (as a financial payback for this supposed "Holocaust"). Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein explains this reparations racket in his book, The Holocaust Industry. The

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