» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu constantly pushes for war against Iran in order to prevent another Holocaust.” - Bradford Hanson – Author,

It is a little known fact of history that the Auschwitz “gas chamber” story originated with a Soviet report (authorized by the known liars and murderers Joe Stalin & Jew Lazar Kaganovich). Do you really believe these two as they murdered 9 million Ukrainians between 1930-32? This report was then spread by the Jewish owned NY Times.

Allied and RussianJewish propaganda will falsely portray the deaths of the camp inmates as a deliberate extermination of the Jews. This was done to cover up the atrocities the allies had committed in the complete destruction of 160 of Germany’s largest cities and the murder of up to 2 million German civilians in the process. It will also take the world’s attention away from Russian atrocities in the east such as the Katyn Forest massacre were the Russians murdered 20,000 Polish soldiers and officers and the rape of over 2 million German women and girls. The invention of the Holocaust story would also get the sympathy of the world for the Jews so that they could then go into Palestine and remove 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and land. In forcing Palestinians out of their homes and land, thousands of Palestinians have been slaughtered throughout the years by Israel but the governments of the world stay quiet about this genocide because they might be seen to be anti-Semitic. What nonsense. Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians are far worse than anything Hitler did against the Jews in Germany, and that’s a fact. In fact Israel wouldn't exist if it weren't for the two world wars. The first war was for the Jews to take Palestine from the Turks and enable the Zionists to start the nation building process under the protection of the British mandate. And the second war was to get the Jewish immigration needed to become a majority in Palestine and the sympathy for the Holocaust was needed to get international acceptance. Israel always gets away with its crimes against Palestine because it always plays the Holocaust card to get immediate sympathy from the world. Throughout history Jews like to paint themselves as victims but they are never victims, they are always the instigator.

"The lie of the Nazi gas chambers will go down one day in history as one of the most fabulous impostures of all time. This lie has developed slowly, without plot or conspiracy, and without the general public’s becoming aware of it. If the good people have been so badly taken in, it has in a way been with their consent and cooperation. They have believed, then wanted to believe, then in the end wanted to have others believe and are now legally bound to believe. One of the most brazen lies in history, the alleged Nazi gas chambers, of course originated in hatred and in the inveterate habit of lying but it has thrived on naivety. In perfectly good faith, the good people were outraged at that “Nazi horror”. In doing so, they lent a hand to a gigantic slander, a criminal lie of worldwide proportions.” Dr. Robert Faurisson, Author, Holocaust revisionist scholar.

After the war, with their genius for perverting the truth, the Jews completely reversed the facts. Instead of the Holocaust engulfing German non-combatants in the cities, the victims were now the Jews, who had been "exterminated" in the "death camps".

How do Jews get away with perpetuating this lie? They control Western mainstream media - this is their main weapon (and Youtube). What people see on TV and in films - and read in popular publications - contributes 95% to how they perceive matters of politics and history. On extremely rare occasion, a story exposing Jewish lies will "slip through the cracks" and be shown on mainstream media, as we see in the following:

Incidentally, the editor at Good Morning America who allowed this piece above to air was fired the next day.

“Hollywood and the “entertainment” complex in the West – which is virtually entirely owned and dominated by Jews with deep ties to the Jewish state of Israel and the “Holocaust” industry – have produced countless propaganda films masquerading as objective depictions of the experiences of European Jews during WWII. These films and documentaries have served to perpetuate, reinforce, and even expand upon the false, entirely fabricated official narrative of the “Holocaust,” which has been manufactured and sold to the public during and after WWII. There are countless “Holocaust” museums and memorials all across the world, many of which receive official state funding and endorsement, including the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Not a day goes by without a mention of the false “Holocaust” story in the mass media, “entertainment” complex, or political establishment. This false narrative is constantly being reinforced and perpetuated to the public on a daily basis, often in the most crass, deceptive, and emotionally exploitative ways imaginable”. -

The official “Holocaust” narrative has advanced a number of important geopolitical, cultural, and economic agendas primarily benefitting international Jewry and Israel – the self-proclaimed Jewish state. These agendas include:

Elevating the alleged “suffering and persecution” of the Jewish people during WWII specifically, and throughout history generally, over all others;

Covering up the crimes committed by Jewish terrorists, Communists, propagandists, and the Western Allies prior to, during, and after WWII by projecting those crimes (and even fabricating new ones) on to the German armed forces and their allies;

Creating an extremely lucrative financial and sympathy racket, netting the Jewish state of Israel and the organized international Jewish community billions of dollars annually;

Serving as the basis for the creation of the Jewish state of Israel, while excusing and justifying the genocidal, illegal policies and state-sponsored terrorism the Jewish state has pursued since its founding;

Instilling a deep sense of ethnocentrism and strong Jewish identity within the Jewish community, while demonizing and delegitimizing White European ethnocentrism and identity;

Demonizing the one man – Adolf Hitler – and political movement who stood up for their country and race against the Talmudic forces of internationalism and globalism seeking the subjugation and ultimate destruction of the White race and all genuine nationalities, ethnicities, and cultures.

Writing in Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler described the Jews as having an “unqualified capacity for falsehood,” and would go on to explain the concept of the Big Lie technique of psychological warfare and propaganda, which organized Jewry has used masterfully throughout history and to this very day, especially concerning the false “Holocaust” narrative, in order to falsify history and psychologically exploit mass audiences, -

State law now requires the holocaust to be taught in all Florida public schools. Ironically, Spanish River High has one of the country’s most rigorous holocaust education programs with the subject being taught both in ninth- and 10th-grade English classes as well as a component of both U.S. and world history. There is also an elective course as well regular holocaust assemblies for the entire school featuring keynote speakers. After the Latson controversy started, the school district required all 10th graders to read “Night” by Elie Wiesel. There are now plans to add multiple annual assemblies for students in every grade in the school district this year.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D stated this about the Holocaust on the Unz Review Website:

“If you go to school in Florida your English and history courses will be about the holocaust and you will have to attend holocaust assemblies just in case some alleged atrocity has not been described extensively enough in class. Well, when does it end? When does the almost incessant pandering to Zionists and Jewish groups become too much for the deliberately kept-in-ignorance American public to tolerate? The so-called holocaust was an historical event that took place in Europe seventy-five years ago. It has an established but very debatable narrative that pretty much has been contrived over the past fifty years for political reasons, see Professor Norman Finkelstein’s brilliant deconstruction of it in his book “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.” Those inconsistencies in the holocaust story and its general lack of credibility may have been what Latson was referring to. The imposed holocaust narrative is full of holes and contradictions in terms of who was killed and how, but it is impossible for genuine academics to critique it if they want to stay employed. Books like Wiesel’s “Night” are largely works of fiction. The narrative exists to perpetuate the belief in Jewish suffering, which brings with it a number of practical advantages. First, it is regularly deployed to excuse the horrific treatment of the Palestinian people by Israel – Jewish suffering means that the creation of a homeland is a debt that all the world owes to the Jews without regard to what has been done to the area’s other inhabitants. Second, guilt over the alleged holocaust means that reparations from countries involved must be continued indefinitely. Currently the Poles are resisting new Jewish claims while the Germans have been paying for years. It is now being asserted that the descendants of so-called holocaust survivors have been genetically psychologically damaged, in the womb as it were, so reparations will presumably continue forever. Third, holocaust guilt is used in the United States to counter any criticism of what Israel and Jewish groups are up to, as they use their wealth and access to power to corrupt America’s institutions and drive the country to needless wars. One might well ask, when confronted by the taxpayer funded holocaust museums that appear to spring up like mushrooms, why so much interest in a possible crime that has nothing to do with the United States? Where are the museums and courses in Florida schools discussing the mass killing that happened on our own shores, the genocide of the Native Americans? Lest we forget, the holocaust industry operates everywhere in America, particularly in the education system. Eight states already have laws mandating holocaust education (California, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Florida, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan) and there is considerable pressure to make it universal in the United States. An alarmed World Jewish Congress (WJC) is urging required holocaust education for everyone everywhere “citing statistics from a 2018 poll revealing half of millennials can’t name a single Nazi concentration camp.” A currently circulating WJC petition in Congress expresses concern over the rise in anti-Semitism, with a warning that “the horrors of the Holocaust are fading from our collective memory…” A bill to brainwash students so they will not forget, ‘The Never Again Education Act’, is currently making the rounds in the House of Representatives. It would make holocaust study mandatory in public schools and set up a Department of Education program that would train teachers to properly instruct students about the story of Jewish suffering. Yes, the “Never Again Education Act” will soon be sucking up taxpayer money like an enormous vacuum cleaner and creating lots of new jobs for holocaust instructors, who will, of course, all be Jewish. Public schools will be teaching the next generation about what a great place Israel is and how the holocaust justifies vigilant groups like AIPAC and ADL, though it will not mention how they have corrupted the U.S. government and turned America’s foreign policy into an Israeli wag-the-dog. But who’s complaining? It’s good for the Jews, isn’t it?” - Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and a columnist and television commentator who is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest.

The below is an excerpted article from ‘Trump peace plan The Culmination of a 125-Year Long Zionist Conspiracy to Rule the World’ which is on the Stateofthenation website:

Armenian Genocide,, World War I, Spanish Flu Genocide, The Great Depression, World War II, The Holocaust, 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, and the War on Terror all have one thing in common. Each of the listed cataclysms was stealthily carried out to create the modern State of Israel and/or to greatly advance the covert Greater Israel project. The long-planned World War III has the very same goal: the further advancement of the Yinon Plan (aka the Greater Israel project) in order to establish a totalitarian One World Government headquartered in Jerusalem. As difficult as it will be for many folks to embrace the hard truths contained in the preceding indictment, when the skeleton is sufficiently fleshed out, there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind about the existence of an extremely complex and convoluted multi-decade Zionist conspiracy to rule the world.

Zionist purpose behind each cataclysm

Armenian Genocide — Killed and displaced the indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands and destroyed numerous Christian communities throughout the Northern Levant in preparation for the apartheid state of Israel. Also cleared those homelands for the Big Oil companies that wanted both oil and gas reserves as well as access for their pipelines and conduits. Generating substantial oil revenues was a major goal to fund the preparatory phase of the Modern State of Israel.

World War I — Created a pretext for the inappropriate Balfour Declaration which was a “public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a ‘national home for the Jewish people’ in Palestine“. League of Nations

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