» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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German policy of genocide against European Jewry”. From the book Germany’s War by John Wear

Further Investigation

Other very useful books which will help you to understand what really happened during WW2 are:

The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry

The Bad War: The Truth Never taught about World War 2 by M.S.King

Gruesome Harvest: The Allied Attempt to Exterminate Germany - Ralph Franklin Keeling

Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany by Eckart Verlag

Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich by Ingrid Weckert

The All Lies Invasion by Mike Walsh

James Bacque’s Other Losses: An Investigation into Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after WWII

How Britain Initiated both World Wars by Nick Kollerstrom

Hitler’s War – David Irving

Churchill’s War – David Irving

The Artist within the Warlord: An Adolf Hitler You've Never Known by Carolyn Yeager (Editor), Wilhelm L. Kriessmann (Translator)

For further investigation about the alleged Holocaust the following books are essential.

A. Butz: The Hoax of the Twentieth Century

Professor A. R. Butz was the first (and so far the only) writer to treat the entire Holocaust complex from the revisionist perspective, in a precise scientific manner.

T. Dalton (PhD): The Holocaust: An Introduction

The Six Million: Fact or Fiction? By Peter Winter

D. Heddesheimer: The First Holocaust: Supported with many publications, in particular from The New York Times, the author shows that between 1890 and the late 1920s, mainly American Jewish organizations were claiming that up to six million Jews(!) would suffer terribly in Eastern Europe and would face a holocaust if they did not receive massive aid.

Professor R. Faurisson: The Leuchter Reports: Between 1988 and 1991, American expert on execution technologies Fred Leuchter wrote four expert reports addressing the question whether or not the Third Reich operated homicidal gas chambers. The first report on Auschwitz and Majdanek became world famous. This edition republishes all four reports, and accompanies the first one with critical notes and research updates.

Dr. N. Kollerstrom: Breaking the Spell: Breaking the Spell shows that “witness statements” supporting the human gas chamber narrative clearly clash with the available scientific data. The author juxtaposes the commonly accepted ideas about a Nazi extermination policy toward the Jews with a wide array of mostly unchallenged, but usually unmentioned evidence pointing in a quite different direction, among them most notably German radio messages from the concentration camps intercepted and decrypted by the British. Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD, has two history of science degrees: an MA from Cambridge (1968/73) and a PhD from the University of London (1995)

G. Rudolf: Dissecting the Holocaust

Dissecting the Holocaust applies state-of-the-art scientific technique and classic methods of detection to investigate the alleged murder of millions of Jews by Germans during World War II.

Victor Thorn’s excellent book The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Biggest Lie, available from The Barnes Review.

Since Amazon has banned all these books they can be found at: and

All of the above authors are Professors or PhD’s so they are extremely intelligent and they have researched and investigated the Holocaust and they have come to the conclusion that no Jews were gassed in the concentration camps during WW2.

You should also see the Youtube video and book ‘Hellstorm-The Death of Nazi Germany’ by Thomas Goodrich.

Although it is difficult because the Jewish owned YouTube keep banning the video.

The crimes committed against the German people – men, women, and children, soldiers, political officials, and civilians alike – during and after WWII is one of history’s greatest tragedies. And yet, for most of the Western world, it is a tragedy that is largely unknown. The war crimes committed by the Allies during and after the war, which included the indiscriminate fire-bombing of countless German cities and industrial centers, the sinking of German civilian ships on the high seas, the torture, starvation, abuse, and murder of millions of disarmed or surrendered German soldiers and National Socialist political officials, and the rape and murder of countless German women and girls, have been covered up and downplayed in the West.

The ignorance of the Western world regarding WWII may change with the release of Hellstorm, a documentary produced by Kyle Hunt of Renegade Broadcasting. The documentary is based on Thomas Goodrich’s must-read book thoroughly detailing the utter annihilation of National Socialist Germany during and after WWII entitled Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947.

“For seventy years we have had only the Allied and Jewish version of that war, and thus, in our name, we are even now allowing the same crimes to be committed around the globe,” Goodrich explained. “My hope when I began this book, my hope now, is that if enough men and women of good will read this book, then act upon this book, that never again will an abomination like World War II ever happen again – not in our name, not in our time, not to us, not to anyone. This, I know, is also the great goal of Kyle Hunt and his new film, Hellstorm.”

“Europe lost tens of millions of her bravest and brightest in an insane fratricidal conflict. The Allies defeated Germany so that Jews could run our banks, media, governments, and corporations, brainwash our children to hate themselves, flood our lands with hostile invaders, and enslave us as their ‘goyim.’ They are already planning and enacting another ‘Hellstorm’ in all White countries using their radicalized Communist foot soldiers. We must learn from history, reclaim control of our nations, our identity, our future, and never allow ourselves to be devastated like this ever again.” - Kyle Hunt creator of Hellstorm -

Two excellent videos which shows the truth about the Bolshevik Revolution and the Holocaust are:

The best video to see is the 6 hour WW2 video by Dennis Wise titled ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ which got banned from the Jewish owned Youtube but it can be seen at Sometime’s Mr Wise’s video re-appears on Youtube but when the Jews find out it then gets removed.

If you want to find the best videos about the Holocaust then stay away from YouTube. You will find the best ones one Brighteon or Bitchute.

Watch the video below The Truth behind the Gates of Auschwitz - by David Cole (who is Jewish)

Although The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews...

Examine the Jew-Bolshevik murder of millions of Russians here:

Examine The Holodomor: The Secret Holocaust in Ukraine perpetrated by Jews:

The Real Story about the Armenian Genocide Perpetrated by Jews can be examined here:

Israelis and American Jews perpetrated 9/11... see here:

Israelis murdered 34 American navy personnel while attempting to sink the USS Liberty...

see here:

The Holocaust is a fraud. Examine a holocaust deprogramming course here:

Europa the Last Battle – Parts 1 - 10

For a greater understanding of the World Wars, the Bolshevik Revolution and the Holocaust then watch the 10 part series titled ‘Europa-The Last Battle’ which was created by the authors of the website

YouTube has banned the full 10 part series because Jews do not want people to know the truth about these events. You can search on YouTube for these videos and you might find some, because people who have downloaded the videos keep uploading them when YouTube removes them.

The article below about Jewish Cultural Marxism is taken from the video ‘Europa the Last Battle- Part 2:

Towards the end of 1922, the Communist International, “Comintern” began to consider how they would succeed taking over Europe in the most effective way. On Lenin’s initiative, a meeting was organized at the Marx Engels Institute in Moscow. The aim of the meeting was to start the Marx Cultural Revolution. Among those present at the meeting was Georg Lukács, a jewfish Hungarian aristocrat, and a son of a banker.

In the summer of 1924 Lukács moved to Germany. Here he held the first meeting of a group of communist oriented intellectuals. This gathering was to lead the foundation of the Frankfurt School. The Institute had been officially established and funded by the jewfish millionaire Felix Weil. This Institute was called the “Institute for Social Research”. Later it will be known as the “Frankfurt School”. These new Marxists, under the direction of Max Horkheimer, believed that Europeans were too attached to tradition, race, nation, family, and faith, to be able to accept communism.

Antonio Gramsci, while in prison, described that Marxism and communism could only flourish after a “long march” through the cultural institutions. Only then, after they had corrupted all Western values, and made life impossible for us, could they impose the dictatorship of the proletariat. This was also what the Fabian socialists did to weaken the countries and slowly implementing international communism the mantra would now be change and destroy Western culture before communism would be accepted.

Out of this came Cultural Marxism. The subversive ideology that meant that gender, sexual orientation, family, race, culture, or religion, every single aspect of a White person’s identity was to be questioned. Every norm or standard in a society challenged and ideally altered and demolished in order to benefit supposedly oppressed groups, instead of Europeans.

This was to create a society in which the Jews would not be seen as an outside distinctive class. Where they could feel safer to climb to the highest positions in society without encountering much opposition from Europeans. The entire purpose of Cultural Marxism was to delegitimize and banish European ethnic interests and replace them with minorities.

To undermine Western civilization the jewfish extremists called for the most negative and it’s destructive criticism possible of every sphere of the Gentiles’ life. Their anti-White policies they anticipated would later spread like a virus. Cultural Marxism has given us anti-White policies such as racism offenses and hate speech laws, gender confusion, hookup culture, moral and transgenderism, homosexualization of children, mass immigration, racial tensions, forced multiculturalism, the systematic promotion of sexual deviance in society, an unreliable legal system with bias against the victim of the crimes, the breakdown of the nuclear family, and low birth rates.

Feminism was part of the Jewish group evolutionary strategy which came out of the think tank known as the Frankfurt School. Its goal was to cause resentment, division, and weaken the relationships between men and women in the Gentile society, to destroy the institution of marriage and the sanctity the family. Women would be turned into working units. Feminism is the idea that women are free when they serve their employers, but slaves when they help their husbands. Through promoting abortion and radical feminism the sexist would turn against each other and consequently lower their demography by preventing childbirth. Feminist propaganda would brainwash White women that marriage constitutes slavery for them, and that freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage and traditional relationships.

Notable philosophers from the Frankfurt School were Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, Friedrich Pollock, Leo Lowenthal, Jürgen Habermas, Alfred Schmidt, Axel Honneth, Siegfried Kracauer, Georg Lukacs. All of these intellectuals at the Frankfurt School were Jewish.

The intellectuals were first to be targeted in all communist states. Free-thinking is dangerous to the system. Social justice and feminism to name but a few are all anti-White anti-free speech movements inspired by and born out of critical theory, and thus come under the umbrella of Cultural Marxism.

Maurice Samuel was a Romanian born Jewish and Zionist novelist, translator, and lecturer. In 1924 he stated explicitly in his own book “You Gentiles” that: “We Jews we are the destroyers, and will remain the Destroyers forever! Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we want a world of our own.”

The Jew Dr. Kurt Mincer wrote in his novel “Der Weg Nach Zion”, “The Way to Zion”:

“We have corrupted the blood of all the races of Europe — perhaps we have infected them. Today everything is Jewdified. Our thinking is in everything living, our spirit rules the world. We are the masters, for everything that has power today is the child of our spirit. One may hate us, one may drive us away, our enemies may triumph over our physical weakness, but we are no longer to be gotten rid of we had devoured the peoples, conquered the races, defiled them, broken their strength, made everything rotten, lazy, and corrupt, with our stale culture. Our spirit can no longer be exterminated.”

To further the advance of their “quiet” cultural revolution, the Frankfurt School made the following twelve recommendations — all of them calculated to undermine the foundations of society and create the dystopia we now see all around us:

1. The creation of racism offences and hate speech laws.

2. Continual change to create confusion (e,g., in

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