» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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thrive there? And get super-rich there? The rank and file Jews have been CONNED by their own self-proclaimed Zionist Jewish leaders!

The rank and file Jews do not understand the true goal of Zionism. They believe, as they are taught, that Zionism is an international movement to secure a homeland for Jews in Palestine. But the BIG Zionist Jews know that the real goal of Zionism is to control the world completely, and to kill or enslave its citizens.

Many Jews claim to be anti-Zionism, but most, if not all, of these same Jews believe in the Zionist Jews’ version of the “Holocaust” which is the centrepiece of Zionism! So, while claiming to be anti-Zionism, they are unknowingly and unwittingly supporting the centrepiece of Zionism, the very cause they profess to abhor!

7. Without the Zionist Jews’ version of the Holocaust, the rank and file Jews would assimilate into the population of the country where they reside, live a normal life like everyone else, and the Zionist Jews’ goal of World Control could never be attained.

8. Without the Zionist Jews’ version of the “Holocaust”, the Jews could not collect millions upon millions of dollars from 1) Germany in reparations, 2) Switzerland from bank accounts, 3) the U.S. in loans that are never repaid, as “guilt” money for not somehow preventing the “Holocaust.” This money is then used to support the state of Israel, to allow them to become the Number One nuclear power in the Middle East, to allow them to return a sizeable portion of that same money to the U.S., to buy and own our U.S. Senators, Congressmen, and President, and thus, to undermine and control our government.

That is why the Zionist Jews must intimidate and imprison those who know the truth about the “Holocaust.” What are they trying to hide? If they were real men, they would come out of the shadows and sit down and discuss the issues. That is all the Revisionists are asking!

Holocaust Revisionist: Revisionists, in general, spend their time in research, attempting to find the truth in history, and then “Revise” back to truth, the myths that have so often been written into the textbooks and the history books by hired agents of the elitists for their propaganda purposes”, - Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author -

Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopaedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics. She was also Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital and is recognized world-wide as an AIDS expert.

As an orthopedic trauma surgeon at San Francisco General Hospital during the beginning, and rapidly escalating, AIDS epidemic, Dr. Day arguably operated on more AIDS patients than any other doctor in the country. She strongly advocated the handling of the AIDS epidemic as a public health issue rather than a political issue, a position that was contrary and offensive to the controlled media.

When she was speaking out publicly, in the late 80’s and early 90’s, on the government’s cover-up of HIV/AIDS, she was invited to be a guest on virtually all the major news and talk shows in America including, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes, and many others, their objective being to attempt to destroy her credibility. But their attempts were unsuccessful.

Subsequently, she was contacted by some of the remaining good people in high places, including some in positions “above” the American government (Yes, there is a group “above” the American government), who proceeded to feed her information. Eventually she developed a very large network of reliable information sources on issues in politics, medicine and religion, including the machinations behind the plan for a One World Government and a One World Religion.

“No one is trying to ignore the suffering of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, but the suffering of a religious/ethnic group should not cause the world to forget the suffering of another nation or allow those who suffered persecution to do the same injustice to another nation. Every year on January 27 the media give wide coverage to the so-called Holocaust and Tel Aviv rebukes the world for the historic suffering that they claim they experienced in the past. The West, spearheaded by Britain and the United States, began sowing seeds for the seizure of Palestine and condemned the Palestinians to pay for a crime that the Westerners themselves had committed. Thus, this nation, which claims to have been the perennial victim of violence and torture over the course of history, is now doing the same thing to the Palestinians. It was not long before a group of revisionist historians in the West began to question the claim that six million Jews were butchered by the Nazis and even asked whether the slaughter of six million Jews during World War Two was possible or not. The revisionist historians have proven in two decades of study that if Hitler had carried out a systematic program to eradicate the Jews, it would have taken more time than the six years that the war lasted. They have also proven that such an act of ethnic cleansing through the use of the poison gas Zyklon-B, as the Zionists claim, was not possible at the time. Over the past several decades and since the event was questioned, Zionist propagandists have tried to substantiate this claim through various means. The Zionists are trying to revitalize an issue which has become discredited in the eyes of world public opinion by using the press, radio, television, the Internet, and, most importantly of all, cinema and the great filmmaking industry in Hollywood, since most of the significant players of this influential industry are Jews. The issue of the Holocaust and the anniversaries held for the event are only meant to promote the repressive policies of the Zionists. The Jews suffered as a result of Hitler's expansionism, just like other innocent victims but should not be granted special privileges over the others. The declaration that six million Jews were killed in World War II is an exaggeration of the truth. Furthermore, the suffering and pains of a nation cannot justify their crimes against other nations. The issue of the Holocaust is only being highlighted to cover up Israel's crimes in Palestine”, - Hossein Amiri, Tehran Times.

Harold Rosenthal Interview

The amazing admissions made by an arrogant, 29 year old Zionist Jew named Harold Wallace Rosenthal, administrative assistant to Jewish Senator Jacob Javits of New York, in a paid interview with conservative Christian editor Walter White Jr. in a single day in July of 1976, has probably done more public relations damage to the world domination plans of International Jewry than all of the books, pamphlets, and lectures exposing the dire subversive threat of the World Conquerors.

Rosenthal was murdered at the EL Al terminal of the Istanbul airport on August 11, 1976 on his way to Israel (2 weeks after the interview), in what Walter White describes as a Mossad arranged hijacking blamed on the PLO, designed to take out Rosenthal for revealing too much about the Jewish Bankers ‘New World Order’. I mean why would they assassinate him if he was lying.

Although you have seen a few quotes from the Rosenthal interview in this book, the full interview can be read at:

Below is a part of the interview were Walter White asks Rosenthal about the alleged Holocaust of World War 2.

Walter White. There are two or three questions among my notes here Mr. Rosenthal which have yet to be answered and one is quite important.

Rosenthal. What is that?

Walter White. The story about the six million Jews supposedly cremated or murdered by the Nazis.

Rosenthal. What about it?

Walter White. Do you know who or what Jewish organization created that big lie?

Rosenthal. No, I don't know anything about its authenticity. I don't think it's too important anyway.

Walter White. Mr. Rosenthal, you know better than that, What about the younger generation who is growing up believing this big lie? And you say it's not important!!

Rosenthal. It was an outgrowth of the war and we all know that Hitler hated the Jews so someone, somewhere, thought of exaggerating the number. We know that many, many Jews were killed by the Nazis.

Walter White. I'm sure you know that when World War II broke out there were less than a quarter of a million Jews in ALL of Germany. Many thousands had already left Germany.

Rosenthal. So what? As I said before, the Jewish people are the cleverest people in the world. So somebody thought up a big number and perhaps it grew until now the number of Jews killed is six million. We have control of the news media and that is the great difference. Otherwise your people could tell YOUR big lie.

Below is an excerpt from the article ‘The Secret Holocaust’ by Eustace Mullins. The secret Holocaust being the untold millions of Russian Christians that the Jews killed in the Bolshevik Revolution. Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. (9 March, 1923 — 2 February, 2010) was an American political writer, author, poet, and biographer. After serving in the United States Air Force during World War II, he was educated at Washington and Lee University. Eustace dedicated his life in the service of true Christianity and the defense of Christ's name and all true followers of him.

“The devastation of civilization to date by the rapacious hordes of Godless Communism, as well as their planned annihilation of all non-Jewish societies and political organizations, began to ravage the world in the nineteenth century. It has resulted in incredible suffering and death for many millions of Christian victims in many parts of the world.

Yet as these Christian victims lie in their graves, unmourned and unknown, a new class of international citizens, (the creators of Marxist terrorism), profess to be the only "victims" who have endured suffering in the past one hundred and fifty years. They command the world to weep for them, because they control the world. These harbingers of terror claim to be "refugees", since they had no nation of their own, but infested the civilized societies in every part of the world for two thousand years, bringing with them, in every instance, disease and death.

They have emerged from one shattered nation after another, not as refugees, but as the final victors, bearing away their loot, and scurrying through ports which they have created and which they alone know how to follow, until they come to another host nation.

This plague is world Communism, and its known carriers, the furry scavengers who have found their way through the sewers into every civilized place, are the international Jews.

We are asked to weep only for the Jews, and to ignore the many millions of actual victims of world terrorism in the past one hundred and fifty years, a chronicle of such horror that one scarcely can bear to put down this bloodstained record, not merely in fear that the world might put away its business in order to mourn these countless victims of international Communist terrorism, but that the tragic fate of these innocents, most of them women and children, is one of such pathos that one's heart could break from the full impact of its terrifying implications for everyone alive today.

The Communist Manifesto of 1848 set Europe ablaze with revolutions, wars and counter-revolutions.

In August 1903, Max Nordau, in his address to the 6th Zionist Congress in Balse, Switzerland, revealed the plan for even greater conflagrations, the coming world wars:

"Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward ... The Zionist Congress; the English Uganda proposition; the future World War; the Peace Conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created."

Max Nordau, the man who dreamt of the deaths of 50 000 000 Christians.

Onward and upward, over the bodies of fifty million more dead Christians this was Max Nordau's ecstatic vision of the coming World War, and so it came to pass. Professional historians have never been able to offer a satisfactory explanation of how the European nations became embroiled in the First World War

Jewish Revolutionary Gavrilo Princip shown being seized by police moments after mortally wounding Archduke Ferdinand and his wife. The assassination of Catholic Monarch ~ Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand ~ heir to the Austrian throne, was carried out by the Jewish assassin Gavrilo Princip using a Browning pistol on Jun. 28, 1914. The Zionist newspaper PEIEWISCHE VORDLE wrote on Jan. 13, 1919, "The international Jewry... believed it *necessary to force Europe into the war so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world.

Arch-duke Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavril Princeps at Sarajevo; Austria demanded an apology from Serbia, Serbia apologized but Austria inexplicably declared war anyway. Max Warburg, Jewish advisor to the Kaiser who also helped fund the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution. He advised the Kaiser to go into WW1 so Zionists could push for an Israeli state. Both Warburg and Schiff were Rothschild agents. Warburg also arranged for Lenin to be transported through Germany to Russia in a

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