» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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was established in the aftermath of WW1 to rubber-stamp all future Israeli initiatives. Rearranged the whole Middle Eastern map in favor of the establishment of the Modern State of Israel.

Spanish Flu Genocide — A global depopulation event that put every nation on notice that they were vulnerable to bioweapons that could cause deadly and decimating pandemics. The ensuing societal pandemonium created an opportunity for Big Pharma to implement the Super-Vaccination Agenda which would be used to sicken societies worldwide while generating enormous profits and creating a docile global population.

The Great Depression — Effectuated a massive transfer of wealth from the wage-earner and emerging middle class to the banksters who engineered the 1929 stock market crash. Engendered the global financial insecurity and economic instability which fostered the volatile international environment necessary to trigger World War II. Concentrated and expanded the power of the Central Banking Cartel across the planet. It showed Corporate America that the banksters rule the realm; therefore, wherever the International Banking Cartel smart money goes, every Fortune 1000 company must follow or risk their continuity.

World War II — Created the circumstances required for the Holocaust hoax to be fabricated and the false narrative disseminated worldwide. Generated immense profits via the arms trade and war profiteering whereby the International Banking Cartel greatly profited from both sides of the war. Set up the establishment of the United Nations which was necessary to green-light the outright theft of Palestinian lands to form Israel. Also produced global chaos post-WW2 which was taken advantage of whereby the world community of nations could be cowed into supporting that transparent wrongdoing.

The Holocaust — The Holocaust was fabricated for several reasons. Chief among them was to scare European Jewry to the future Modern State of Israel. In view of the ‘Auschwitz ovens’ that never existed and ‘lampshades’ that were never made, the fear-mongering got the job done. High-level Zionist co-conspirators populated the top echelons of Hitler’s Nazi Germany where secret collaborations took place to ensure that the Jews were trained to concentration camps which were really work camps. Nothing frightened the wealthy Ashkenazi Jews in Europe more than doing hard work in the camps. This predicament eventually provided the false pretext to inaugurate the extremely lucrative Holocaust Industry, which is still going strong 75 years later.

9/11 Terrorist Attacks — The US Government-sponsored, false flag terrorist attacks conducted on September 11, 2001 accomplished many objectives for the Neocon Zionists to include launching the deceitful War on Terror. Not only was the USA completely locked down via the unconstitutional Patriot Act and the KGB-like Department of Homeland Security, the war on Christianity and the Constitution began in earnest. The fierce war on the Bill of Rights broke out into the open, especially the numerous attempts to gut the First and Second Amendments. 9/11 was especially used to demonize Muslims here at home as well as abroad so that Islamic nations in the Mideast could be ‘justifiably’ attacked and conquered for their lands and energy reserves.

War on Terror — The bogus War on Terror was started by the various acts of state-sponsored terrorism perpetrated by the Western powers (e.g. 9/11, 7/7 & 11-M) in order to justify the clandestine implementation of their New World Order agenda. NATO, also known as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, was employed to conduct Gladio terrorism on all 7 continents. The War on Terror also provided the false pretext to export the Zio-Anglo-American National Security State to the four corners of the world. The “Five Eyes plus Israel” is just one example of the pervasive spying and surveillance regime throughout the entire planetary civilization put into place as a predicate to the formation of a One World Government.

Toward that end, the hardcore Israeli Zionists set their sights on the United States of America. Their immediate goal was to contrive every single scheme necessary to milk the American people of every dollar they could get their hands on. There’s no other cash cow like the American economy and the Zionists required massive amounts of stolen capital to fund their warmongering ventures.

“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do. America is a “Golden Calf” and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s God’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” — PM Benjamin Netanyahu

(Benjamin Netanyahu was in a meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording, which was witnessed and which has been 100% fully authenticated.)

Now, with Trump in the White House, the United States is firmly in the hands of the Neocon Zionists who rule both here and in Israel. Every foreign policy decision that’s made must first be approved by Trump’s Zionist handlers in the West Wing and his masters in Tel Aviv. Mideast foreign policy revolves primarily around how American blood and treasure can be put in the service of MIGA not MAGA.

The Zionists knew the perennially trusting and naive American people would always go along to get along because they had been socially engineered by their Jewish masters that way from the very beginning. As long as Americans have a financial stake in the enterprise, they can be easily corralled into the pen of compliance where it concerns Israel’s expansionary goals and imperialistic designs.

As a predominantly Christian nation, the U.S. citizenry cold be counted on to support any scheme that saw the Jewish people return to their biblical homeland. Even though the Jews had not resided there for nearly 2000 years, the Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians were easily manipulated to support Israel’s theft of Palestine from the indigenous Palestinian people.

Because so many different Christian denominations are really led by Christian Zionists (and crypto-Jews), it was quite easy for the Jewish Zionists to con them into parting with their money. After all, it’s the Holy Land, home to Jesus the Christ, that’s being protected from the 21st century infidels.

This is also why the Zio-Anglo-American Axis covertly created Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia. It provided the perfect pretext as to why Israel needed protection from the violent sects found on the very fringes of Sunni Muslim groups. They are not really practitioners of Islam; rather, they are terrorist organizations created by the Western Powers. That especially includes ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra. Not only is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia not led by a Muslim monarchy, the House of Saud is actually a crypto-Jewish extended family who stole the monarchy from the rightful Muslim heirs. This is why the Saudi crown prince — Mohammad bin Salman — gets along so well with Israel and yet hates Iran with a passion just like his fellow Jewish co-conspirators in Tel Aviv

The list of manmade calamities shown at the top of this post is as incomprehensible as it is inconceivable. Just because a tribe of Jewish fundamentalists, who have both lots of money and power, desperately covet a small patch of land in the Middle East, the rest of humanity suffered unimaginable adversities and great tribulations. Were the perps held accountable, this whole world would change in a day and a night.

However, only when the millions upon millions of human beings, who have been murdered and victimized by the various Zionists scheme for world domination are acknowledged and honored for their sacrifices, will this civilization change for the better.

So, to be clear, each event on that list was perpetrated by the same group of Zionist zealots who decided to steal the ancestral land of Palestine from those who lived there for centuries. The Ashkenazi Jewry who has relocated to Israel from around the globe are not even a Semitic people; they are descended from the incorrigible tribes of Khazaria whose king purposefully adopted Judaism as a way of taming such an unruly group of thieves, murderers and warmongers.

There can be only one conclusion to this totally unacceptable and deteriorating state of affairs.

The Zionists who currently infest the U.S. Federal Government must be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Every dual US-Israeli citizen must be identified and barred from holding any public office. Their subversive think tanks and brain trusts, lobbying groups and law firms, NGOs and non-profit foundations must be shut down post-haste.

Most importantly, their secret network of Sayanim must be exposed and dissolved on pain of prosecution for treason and genocide. The clandestine Cahilla must be revealed for the perfidious organization that it truly is. As long as that secret society is permitted to operate within the 50 states, there will only be dissension within our borders and conflict abroad. Zionists only know war and chaos as a means of manipulating outcomes that only benefit themselves and which always occur at the expense of everyone else. - From ‘Trump peace plan The Culmination of a 125-Year Long Zionist Conspiracy to Rule the World’ which is on the Stateofthenation website:

The Jews have the power to invert history, to make people believe in a false history. Just look at the Bolshevik Revolution were the vast majority of people do not know that the Jews were responsible for the slaughter of over 40 million Christians or the Ukraine Holodomor genocide were Jewish men participated in the mass starvation of over 9 million Ukrainians. Then unbelievably the Jews get the Christian world to honour, pay ($89 billion extorted from Germany alone), set up memorials (at a cost of millions to the Christian taxpayers) for their fake Holocaust that did not even happen. Why doesn’t the world honour the millions of Christians the Jews killed? On top of that it was the Jews who wanted to wipe Germany from the map as the Jew Theodore Kaufmann said ‘Germany must Perish’ as did many other leading Jews as mentioned earlier. The Jews did not just want the disappearance of the German people they wanted the disappearance of the ‘white race’ in Europe and America. This has been happening for decades in only ‘white countries’ with the mass immigration of non-whites into Europe and America. Did you know that the immigration laws were brought into America, Canada, The U.K and Ireland by Jews? I go into this in greater detail in my book ‘The Illuminati and the Deception of History’.

So WW2 was not Hitler’s Germany carrying out a genocide against the Jews it was the Jews who brought a genocide against the German people.

So when you hear the word "holocaust" remember that there is a big lie six million holocaust that the Germans were accused of, and there is a true sixty-six million holocaust (Bolshevik Revolution) that the Jews keep covered up because they were behind this genocide.

“Germany did not conduct a program of genocide against European Jewry during the war. As we have seen, the existence of homicidal gas chambers in the German concentration camps has been disproven with scientific evidence. Tons of German wartime documents were captured by the Allies, and not a single one of them refers to a policy or program of extermination. Likewise, the British broke the ultra-secret Enigma code used by the Germans to transmit secret communications. During 1942 and 1943 British intelligence intercepted daily coded messages from Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, and seven other camps. None of these secret transmissions refer to homicidal gas chambers or a German program of genocide. As gruesome as these scenes were, it was soon discovered that most of the deaths in the German camps were caused by disease and other natural causes. None of the autopsy reports show that anyone died of poison gas. Also, contrary to publicized claims, no researcher has been able to document a German policy of extermination through starvation in the German camps. The virtual collapse of Germany’s food, transport, and public health systems and the extreme overcrowding in the German camps at the end of the war led to the catastrophe the Allied troops encountered when they entered the camps. Although the Nuremberg and later trials attempted to prove a German policy of genocide against European Jewry, the trials were organized not to dispense impartial justice, but for political purposes. Crucial witnesses such as Rudolf Hoess were tortured into making confessions, and witnesses were hired to give false testimony. The evidence produced at the Nuremberg trial to prove the number of 6 million Jews who died during World War II is based solely on hearsay evidence from two German SS-bureaucrats. As we have seen, the number of Jewish survivors of the German camps makes impossible either the number of 6 million Jews who died during the war or a

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