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Book online «The OOBS, CC Raz [best ereader for academics txt] 📗». Author CC Raz

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OOB#Second text


So I haven't been able to send you an email today. Wait, no. I think I did send you one today. But... one email isn't enough. Just because... You're my Gwen. And I gotta talk to you. My other half. But I'll stop with the lovey dovey. I don't know if it will help you at all or what. Just know that I do love you. And I'm thinking about you a lot. Not in a creepy stalker way. Or... maybe it is a creepy stalker way. Maybe I followed you up to Colorado and am watching your every move and I'm waiting for the perfect opportunity to kidnap you and keep you in my basement until you die. But that probably isn't the case because I don't have the gas to go to Colorado, or time. Or a basement. Well... I guess you could count Michael Wallace's apartment as my basement. But I wouldn't store you there. They probably wouldn't like that. Maybe if I stalk Hay Bailes they'll let me store her there.
Michael wouldn't have a problem with it. *thinks for a while* It's decided. I'm no longer stalking you. I'm stalking Hay Bailes now. So... gotta go. See you soon. :)

Still praying, still staying strong.
CC Raz

OOB#Third text


All I want is a little of the good life
All I need to have a good time
Oh oh oh oh oh
The good life.

Ar at least a good feeling in my insides. :( I threw up today at the camp. And got puke on my pants too. Ew. But it's all good now because I changed my pants. And now we're heading to Ken's. I think I'm just going to sleep when we get there.

OOB#Fourth text


Threw up at the stem camp and so I went home and went to sleep. It's 4:30 now and I still don't feel too well. :( I don't really ahve much else to say because I've been asleep all day. So I'll talk to you again later.

Still praying, still staying strong.
CC Raz

OOB#Fifth text


I'm pretty sure that my mascara is melting. It's supposed to get up to 109 in Wickenburg today. And I've been in Phx all day. Yay. I love it when my body shrivels up and dies because of the heat. And they didn't even have the ac on in Walmart. I'm surprised our milk didn't curdle in the parking lot on the way to the car.

But I also have something that made my day. You know how I didn't get Hay Bailes anything for her birthday, but I said I would eventually? Well... I finally found something worthy of the raging carrot whore. So let me tell you the story...
Yesterday she was talking about how stupid of a name corn is for a band. I told her it's actually spelled Korn, and she said, "Okay so now we're a stupid vegetable that can't spell" and I said "That would be like us having a band called Rajing Karott Hor"  and she decided that we should make a band with that name, despite the fact that we have no musical talents or abilities whatsoever. She said "We can play the carrot and the asparagus and play in the name of awesome!" but she couldn't tell me what sound they made. Because... they're vegetables. Ya know. But today we were at Petsmart. And I found a dog toy that is a carrot. :) So I bought it, and at Walmart I got a birthday card and a bag... And when we get back to Ken's I'm going to write "Rajing Karott Hor" on it, and give it to her. I figure it's a pretty good birthday present, even if it is several months late. :)

I was talking to Jacob last night. He asked me if I believe in the zodiak signs... He was saying that he's water and you're fire but it says that if you work together and talk about everything it'll all work out. I tried to explain that yeah a lot of times they sound right because it's vague. But how many times are they not right? Plus I believe in free will and to me, zodiak signs don't really shout "FREE WILL". But maybe that's just me.

Still waitng to hear from you. When we get home on Sunday I'll check my email to see if you've had a chance to quickly send a short email to the three of us, or if your dad got a chance to talk to you (because he said if he heard from you he'd let us know) or something. And maybe I'll check your email again to see if you've read anymore but not been able to respond or something. You know? I don't know. I'm just trying to stay optimistic about this whole thing. I wasn't able to talk to Kenny though. I finally remembered about it yesterday, and I couldn't find him. I looked at each of those kids in the 5-6 grade group at least 3 times and none of them were Kenny. So that was really disappointing. But I'm sure you'll find a way around everything so you can contact us somehow. You always have found a way.

So I have a question. Does it count as spontaneous combustion if it's just so farming hot outside that things just catch fire? Or would that not be spontaneous because ir had the heat from the sun beating down and all that? Just a question. You don't really have to answer it.

Well, we're back at Ken's now so I have to take care of my dogs and Mom is probably gonna have the kids take a nap so I'll help her get them to stay in the room and all that. So... I'll talk to you later.

Still praying, still staying strong.
CC Raz

OOB#Scattered thoughts. Lots of them.


More emails have been read. Halfway through Thursday. Hopefully, it's you who's reading the messages and not your mom. I sure hope so. :) I like to think that you're getting some word from us, and laughing at Bailey's emails (because I'm sure they're hilarious- Hay Bailes always is), smiling at Jacob's sweet emails (because what would his emails be besides sweet and caring?) and hopefully smiling at the random topics that I find to bring up. And did I totally hit the nail on the head with my description of Bailey and Jacob's emails? Of course I did. Because I'm awesome. No wonder you love me so much.
But I'm pretty sure it's you checking the emails, not your mom. If it were your mom, she'd be checking every day, and probably deleting them. She wouldn't be checking every 2 or 3 days, and just leaving them there to sit and wait for you to find a way to check them. You know? Does that make sense?

Last night, I stayed the night at Ken's son and daughter-in-law's house. They have a son who Lawson and Jolie like to play with (he calls them Dawson and Julie), so the kids went to spend the night, and she said that I could come over for some steak and watch a movie with them, and then I could just stay the night. I figured it was WAAAY better than having fish for dinner and listening to my mom say gross things to Ken.Ew. So I went over...  And Amy is just as crazy as Bailey's Crazy Amy. All 3 of her dogs have middle names. Jackson Goliath, Tido... I don't remember Tido's middle name, and I don't remember the third dog's name at all. Who gives their dogs middle names? Crazy, crazy woman.

Harvey's funeral is today. I don't have to go, since I'm watching the kids. And since I didn't really know Harvey. He's my uncle Jeff's dad. His real dad. Jeff's had several step dads throughout his life. But Harvey died like a month and a half ago. So I was really freaked out that his funeral was today. But he was creamated, so it's not a big deal. But can you imagine keeping a body that long? The family had so much stuff to deal with right after he died, so they just put it off.

How are you doing? You probably won't be able to answer that question. But I feel bad because, in all the emails, I've told you how I'm doing, but haven't asked you. It's not because I don't care, but

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