» Mystery & Crime » Fears, Kaitlyn Garlets [black books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Fears, Kaitlyn Garlets [black books to read txt] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Garlets

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was moving to.
"I was born in this house. I told you when we first met that I would meet you at your new house. I am here now."
"What do you want?" Mia asked rudely.
He smiled, then turned to the angel statue. "This angel was put here by my father's father. My grandfather. He was a brilliant man who loved it here, but I never liked him at all. Nor my father. I hated my whole family."
Mia looked at Lucas in the eyes and gasped. He didn't have any pupils.
"What's wrong with your eyes?" Mia asked.
Lucas looks at her and smiles. "Hmm? Oh, my eyes. I was born like this. I wish I could see, but I cannot. I can only see the evil on this planet."
"What do you mean?" MIa looks back to the angel, but something was different about it. She looked scared now rather than what she had been looking like before Lucas came over here.
"Do you remember when I asked you if you believed in Hell?" Lucas asked, ignoring her question.
She nods. "Yes, I do. But I didn't answer you."
"Right. Please, don't answer me just yet," he said, turning away from her.
"Where are you going?" Mia asked, not wanting him to go.
He twisted back to look at her and he smiled. Something about his smile sent chills up her spine. "No where. I'll be back, but for now, lets just keep this little conversation to yourself, alright?"
She nods and blinked slowly. When her eyes opened again, Lucas was gone. Who was this strange man that knew so much? Was he really born in her new house? What was wrong with his eyes and why did he say he could only see evil?
She was confused, but she dropped her thoughts as she looked around the foggy yard. Something was strange about all this, but she didn't know what. She walked farther into the foggy yard and the fog got thicker as she went farther into the yard.
Then suddenly, a shadow caught her eyes to the left, then another and another. She gasped when she finally realized that she was standing in a cemetery. She looked down and saw she was standing on a grave sight and she looked closer to see who's grave she was standing on.

Lucas Malcolm Sands
September 4th, 1324-September 4th, 1765

A son, a father and a wonderful grandfather

Mia blinked. Was she seeing what she thought she was seeing? How was that even possible? Was this the same Lucas that kept appearing out of nowhere? She shook her head and blinked a couple times.
This didn't make any sense. Someone named Lucas was buried here and had died on his birthday more than four hundred and fifty years after his birthday! That couldn't be right. She blinked again and looked back at the grave stone, but it was blank.
Could she have imagined it? She shook the chills she was getting and walked back to the house, flabbergasted.

"Hey," her brother Kyle said as she walked into the old house, silent.
She nodded to him. "Hi. Where's dad?"
"Kitchen. He's trying to figure out what to make for dinner. You better go in there and stop him from making something nasty like he always does."
She nodded again and walked into the kitchen and found her dad running a pan that was on fire to the kitchen sink. She sighed and looked around. The kitchen was an old fashioned on and she already didn't want to cook in here, even though she loved to cook. Everything was old fashioned even the stove, which you had to light to get it started.
"Dad, do you want me to make dinner?" Mia asked him, taking the now burnt pan away from him. He swiped sweat off of his neck and nodded.

After a sucky dinner

Once dinner was done, she went to take another look around the house, peeking in every room trying to find a place to have her space. She wasn't even going to go upstairs in the room with the dolls, so she finally found a room with a window seat and a large bare bed and a side table. She liked the room.
She stood in the middle of the room as the sky turned a deep red and orange. Back in her old town, there was never a sky that beautiful.
Suddenly, she heard a crash coming from somewhere in the house and she ran out of her room and into the living room where her dad was sitting reading the news paper and drinking something that probably had alcohol in it. He didn't even look up when she walked into the living room.
"Dad?" Mia asked, standing in front of her dad. He looked up from his paper. "Did you hear that crash?"
"What crash? I didn't hear anything," he said and went back to his paper. Mia groaned and called Kyle's name.
Kyle came running down the stairs. He looked scared. "Mia? I need you."
Mia's heart raced as she and her brother ran back up the stairs and into the room with the dolls.
She didn't want to go in the room, but something told her to. She took a step into the room with Kyle right behind her. "What happened?"
Kyle shrugged. "I don't know. I heard a crash and went looking for whatever it was and opened the door to see all these dolls on the floor."
Mia suddenly got mad. "I cannot believe you did this!"
Kyle looked at her. "What? I didn't! I was in my room all the way down the hallway and I heard a crash and I just opened the door and found them on the floor! I swear I didn't do it! They were not like that when I first looked in the room!" Tears fell from his eyes.
Mia hugged her brother. She knew now that he hadn't done that because he only cries when he was innocent. "I'm sorry I even thought it was you. How do you like your new room?"
They walk out of the room with the dolls still all over the floor.
"I don't know. It seems too dark up here. Do you think that we could be neighbors?" Kyle said with a smile. Mia liked having her brother near her. They were that close. She nodded.
"Okay. There's a room to the left of me. I still wish we never moved here. I want to go home, don't you?" Mia asked, as they walked down the stairs.
"Mia! Kyle!" their dad called up the stairs. Mia and Kyle looked at each other and then ran down the stairs two at a time. They hated it when their dad yelled their names because they knew it wouldn't be good.
"Dad?" Mia asked him as she turned the corner of the stairs on the ground floor. "What is it?"
"I want you to meet someone," her dad said, moving out of the way. Standing behind her dad was an old lay with silver hair. She was wearing something that looked like she was from the twentieth century and Mia could tell that she was Spanish.
"HI," Mia and Kyle say in synch.
"Hello, sweet hearts! I'm going to be your nanny!" she said, smiling at them. "You must be Mia, and you must be Kyle! I'm Hally, but you can just call me Nanny."
Mia almost wanted to burst out laughing. She exchanged a look with Kyle and she could tell that he was thinking the same thing.
Her dad smiled at them, obviously hoping they would say something nice to her because they just stood there in the living room staring at each other.
"Okay, well. I have to go see my new boss, so you can get to know Hally more," her dad said, kissing them both on the head. "Oh, and Mia. You still should clean your dried blood off of your forehead. Its looking gross."
He smiled again at her and Kyle then grabbed his coat and walked out the open door, closing it behind him. He never liked the door to be open.
Suddenly, Hally started to speak in Spanish. "Oh, Dios! Esta casa está llena de espíritus!" She waved her hands up in the air and began to cross her hand over her chest, in the shape of a cross.
"What's wrong?" Mia asked, hiding her smile.
Hally looked at them and frowned. "There are spirits here. You must leave now! Bad things will happen if you do not!"
What was she talking about? Spirits? Mia didn't believe in them. "I think you've breathed in too much dust, Hally."
She walked away from the crazy nanny and Kyle followed her behind her.
"Want to go take a look around the town? I already asked dad and he said he didn't mind as long as we came back before it gets dark outside."
Mia nods and opens the door, calling to her new nanny that they were going out to town and began laughing when Kyle closes the front door behind him. "Wow, I think our nanny is crazy. There are spirits in your house!" She mimicked how the nanny threw her hands up in the air and laughed again as they walked down the street.
Kyle laughed with her. "Yeah, I think so too. Hey," he pointed to someone walking towards them. "who's that?"
Mia shrugs and squints, looking at the boy coming towards them. She waves and a second later, he waved back.
"Hi!" Kyle said, stopping a few paces in front of the boy. The boy looked Mia's age and had brownish hair that was so wavy, it made Mia choke on the breath she was taking in when she saw him.
"Hey," he said and smiled at her, making her heart race. He was really cute and wore a white tank top that hugged his muscles. "You the new family in the old house over there?" he pointed to their house.
"Yeah, just moved in. Has a ton of rooms."
"Cool. What's your name?" he asked Mia more than he asked Kyle.
"Mia. Yours?" she said, smiling her best smile to him.
"Zeth. Are you going to be going to our school? It over on Humbing Street. I can show you around if you want me to. This your brother?" Zeth asked, looking at Kyle.
"Yeah, his name is Kyle. How old are you?" Mia asked.
"How old are you?" Zeth asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Sixteen. Kyle's only thirteen."
"Cool, I'm the same. As you, I mean."
Mia nods. "So, how long have you lived here?"
"Long enough. So, can I show you around?" Zeth asked, holding his arm out for Mia to take. She links her arm with his and they begin to walk away. She turns her head back to look at her brother who mouths, "Have a good time!"
She nods and smiles at him, thanking him in her head that he didn't want to go with her.
They walked to the end of the street. "So, what do you think of the town since you got here?"
Mia shrugs. "I don't know. Not much to say other than it seems to small and too friendly for my taste. Not including you, of course."
They laugh. "Well, I agree. I usually don't talk to strangers, but you seem like an exception."
"Ditto. So, where do you live?" Mia asked, not sure why she asked him that.
"Just down the street from your place. I heard that your house is haunted. Must take a lot of balls to move into a place like that. Never been in
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