» Mystery & Crime » Fears, Kaitlyn Garlets [black books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Fears, Kaitlyn Garlets [black books to read txt] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Garlets

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see that I am not wanted here. And for your information, I have been here longer than you have. This is my house. And you do not belong here. But, I have moved on to a different place and I am allowing you to stay here as long as you do what I say.”
Mia was so shocked. Who was this man? How did he know so much about her and what is he talking about? “Excuse me?”
“Mia?” Kyle’s voice rang out down the hallway. “Who are you talking to?”
Mia peeked around the corner of the kitchen and saw her brother’s head, pocked out of his bedroom doorway. “No one, just some kid I met.”
Kyle walked out into the hallway and frowned at Mia, who was staring at Lucas.
“Who is it?” Kyle asked, walking around the corner of the room. “I don’t see anyone.”
Mia gasped. “He’s right here. Are you blind or something?” She pointed to Lucas, who was smiling at Kyle.
Kyle looked to where she was pointing, but all he saw was the stove. “Your talking to a stove?”
“What?” Mia asked, frowning. “Seriously? His name is Lucas and I met him on the night before we moved here. He’s been following me and claims to have lived here a long time ago,” she said, looking back at Lucas, who was hiding a laugh. “but looks way to young to have lived here. And now he won’t leave me alone.”
Kyle stared at his sister. “Okay, then. I’m going to leave now. Have fun talking to your imaginary friend.”
Kyle walked out of the hallway and Mia heard his door shut behind him.
“Why didn’t you say anything to him?” Mia asked, staring at Lucas.
“He cannot see me.”
“Why not?” Mia asked; hardly believe what he was telling her.
“Oh, Mia. In time you will learn my ways. Oh, and Mia, I would advise you not to go out into the cemetery out back. People say its haunted.” Lucas turned to leave, but suddenly Mia had the urge. She grabbed his wrist and stared at him in the eyes. She gasped and saw the same eyes she had seen before. His eyes intrigued her and it felt like all she could see was him.
“Mia…” Lucas said, turning away from her gaze. He seemed different as she looked at him. Not the way he always did with being mysterious and all, but somehow vulnerable and weak and small on the inside. “Help me.”
Mia almost didn’t hear what he said and blinked. When her eyelids came open, he was gone from her grip and out of her sight.
She fell to the floor, dizzy and fainted.

Hours later

“Mia? You awake yet?” her brother stood over her, staring down.
She nodded and blinked the black dots away. She felt tired and weak and stiff in one whole moment and it pained her to think about what Lucas had said to her. Help me. He had said, and then he was gone. Was it possible that something strange was going on with this strange man? He seemed to know enough about her and her knew home, but she knew nothing about him or thins town and this house.
“Yeah, what happened?” Mia asked, sitting up once the black dots were gone from her eyesight.
Kyle stood. “Well, you passed out I think and I didn’t find you until later last night. Did someone do something to you? I mean, ever since we moved here, you’ve been acting really weird lately. You can tell me, you know.”
Mia nods. “I don’t think you would believe me if I told you, anyways, so I don’t think I should tell you.”
Kyle made a sound in his throat, obviously thinking that her statement was wrong. “Come on, Mia. You know me better than that. You can tell me anything. I promise I will not laugh at you.”
Mia thought about that for a minute. If she was right about what she was thinking, then he probably would laugh at her because it even seemed silly to her!
“I don’t know, Kyle. It’s nothing really. Were you really not lying when you couldn’t see Lucas?” Mia asked, her heart racing.
Kyle’s face went white. “Mia, I think that you are hallucinating or something. I swear I didn’t see anything. Please, you really are scaring me. Especially when you hurt yourself falling when you were with that Zeth kid and then you fainted in the kitchen. Something is going on, and I want to help you. I am your brother, and I don’t want anything to happen to you, so please, just tell me.”
Mia nodded. “Okay. Let’s get something to eat first, my stomach is growling at me to feed it. I’ll tell you while we’re eating.”
Kyle nodded and waited for Mia to lead the way to the kitchen to make sure she didn’t faint on him again.

A few minutes later, eating a sandwich

Kyle was listening to every word that came out of Mia’s mouth. He at first didn’t believe her when she said that she thought that this Lucas person was real, but was only letting her see him because he is a ghost.
“But,” Kyle said after Mia was done talking. “If this Lucas guy is supposedly real, then how is it possible for you to only see him and I want to see the grave that you saw.”
“So, you believe me?” Mia asked, shocked.
“I don’t know. I just think that some of this doesn’t add up. I mean, how would he know where we used to live?” Kyle asked, a suspicious look on his face. He obviously didn’t believe her and was just saying he did.
Mia stood. “You don’t believe me, do you? Just forget about everything I said.”
Kyle stood. “Wait, Mia. I never said that I didn’t believe you. I just think that some of this is hard to believe. I told you that I wasn’t going to laugh and I am not. I want to see the grave stone out back. So lets go.”
Mia nodded and they walked out the back door to where Mia had seen the grave stone, and sure enough, the grave stone was there, but this time, it didn’t read: September 4th, 1324-September 4th, 1765, It read:

September 4th, 1324-September 4th, 1408

Mia stood in front of the grave stone in disbelief. She looked at Kyle, who most definitly wasn't looking at Mia because he was staring at the grave stone.
"Do you believe me now?" Mia asked Kyle, who stared at her.
He nodded. "But didn't you say that the grave stone said something like the seventeen-hundreds or something?" Kyle asked.
Mia looked back at the grave stone. Had she imagined the writing? She was in fact very tired when she saw it. "I dont know. I think so, but maybe I was seeing things or something. But I think it is really weird because this Lucas person that keeps coming to me, I think this is him. And maybe his ghost is haunting me or something and that is why you didn't see him. Do you think we should look this up or something?"
Kyle looked back at the grave stone and then back at her and nodded. "I think so. We shouldn't tell dad about this because he might think we're just playing a trick on him or something. I don't want to seem like a crazy person or anything."
Mia nodded and turned to walk away but then stopped when she got the familiar feeling she always got when someone was about to come up behind her. She slowly turned around and saw Lucas standing behind her, frowning at her.
"I thought I told you to stay away from here," Lucas said, a grave look on his face.
Mia caught her breath as Kyle cussed under his breath.
"Kyle?" Mia whispered and backed up and grabbed Kyle's arm.
Kyle nodded, which told Mia that he was seeing Lucas now.
"Kyle, is it? Nice to meet you. I'm Lucas."
Kyle nodded in aknowledgement and backed up with Mia, who's heart was beating so fast and loudly, Lucas could probably hear it.
Lucas took a step towards them, but then suddenly dropped to the ground and he hit his head on the grave Kyle and Mia had been looking at. He landed on the ground, face down with blood gushing out of his head.
Mia screamed and her first thought was to run, but then Lucas looked up and she saw something she hadn't before in his eyes. She didn't know what it was, but she ran to him and helped him up.
"Mia..." Lucas said, looking into her eyes. "You need to leave. Leave me. You cannot help me. He is too powerful for you to do anything to him! He's here! Leave!" He gasped and Mia accidently let go of him and he once again fell to the damp ground and lay there, bleeding.
She screamed again and looked around for Kyle, but he was standing far away from her, pertrified. He looked at her, then back at Lucas, who was now thrashing around on the ground as if someone was kicking him.
"Lucas?" Mia asked, bending down to stop him from thrashing himself around. "What's going on?"
Lucas suddenly stopped and dropped his head, so it dangled in Mia's arms. She pulled herself up and dragged Lucas over to Kyle, who backed up as if he was a paracite.
"Help me ccarry him into the house before someone sees this!" Mia said, grabbing his arms. Kyle grabbed his feet and they carried him into the house.

The next day

Lucas was in the bedroom that she, Kyle, and her dad had decided was a guest room, and he was still in the bed, sleeping. Or what seemed to be sleeping. He hadn't changed since the day before, and Mia was starting to think that he was in a coma.
Mia didn't know if she should tell her dad anything yet, but he was starting to question why she had an unconcious teenage boy in the room to her right of hers.
She didn't know what to tell him, so she and Kyle tried their best to say he was wondering around, dazed, not knowing where he was and fell to the ground, (which fit in with all the blood bit, thankfully for Kyle and Mia), unconcious. And so they brought him into the house and let him use the guest bedroom. Their dad believed them, thankfully.
He had said when he saw the boy in the room, "Who's the boy? I hope your not dating him, Mia. He doesn't look your type. What's he doing in their and why is there dried blood everywhere?"
Mia sighed and closed the front door behind her, making sure it was locked. She couldn't help but think that she had to go to school and not be with Lucas, who hadn't changed since the last time she checked on him, which was only a few seconds ago. Hopefully he would know where he was when he did awaken, and hopefully he wouldn't leave until she got back from school.
She walked to the end of her front gate and closed it also and thought about the note she left him just in case he awoke saying:

Dear Lucas,

Hope you feel better when you awaken. There is some food in the fridge if you want, and don't worry about where Kyle and I are, we are at school. Please don't leave the house until I know your better,


She sighed and looked at Kyle as they walked and
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