» Mystery & Crime » Fears, Kaitlyn Garlets [black books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Fears, Kaitlyn Garlets [black books to read txt] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Garlets

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past the teacher, who was staring at the no the ground with a shocked look on her face.
"You get back here!" the teacher yelled, but let them go anyways.

A few minutes later, at home

Mia, Kyle and Zeth ran into the house and burst into the kitchen, where Lucas was sitting down at the table, eating something from their fridge.
"Lucas!" Mia said, hugging Lucas, even though she didn't know why.
"Mia, what happened?" Lucas asked, looking at Mia and Kyle.
"I'll tell you later. When did you wake up?" Mia asked, both sitting down at the table. Zeth and Kyle sat down in front of the two.
"A while ago. All I remember is waking up in your bed and then I walked out into here and saw a number on the fridge, so I called it and you answered."
Mia sighed. She was happy that he was awake, but now she had to explain this to her dad and to Zeth, who was just sitting down at the table, not talking.
"Zeth, I bet your wanting to know about Lucas, right?" Kyle asked before Mia could.
"Uh, yeah. I think. Who is he?" Zeth asked, a questioning look on his face.
Mia and Kyle exchanged a look, which told them that they needed to talk alone and figure out how and what to tell him.
They stood and exited the room and when they thought that Lucas and Zeth were out of ear shot, they started talking in a whisper.
"What are we going to tell Zeth? We can't just tell him the truth, he might think that we're crazy!" Kyle said, looking around the corner.
"I know, but I want to tell him the truth. I think he should know. I mean, if we made something up about how Lucas ended up in one of our beds, he might think something is off and then suspect something. Or, like you said, think that we're crazy!"
"So lets just tell him the truth and if he doesn't believe us, then lets just burst out laughing and say we got you! Like a joke, you know?" Kyle said.
"That could work, but I think he just might believe us!" Mia said and walked back into the kitchen, obviously the conversation was over with.
Kyle followed behind her.
"Zeth, what we are about to tell you is the truth and I don't want you to just laugh and say something like, 'bull shit' or something like that. If you don't believe us, then its your problem, not ours. Okay?"
Zeth nodded, not saying anything, so they told him everything starting with the moment that Lucas showed up in front of Mia when she was talking to Jake to the moment he awoke.
Once they finished, Zeth's face was white as a ghost.
Mia looked at him. "So, do you believe us?"
Zeth didn't say anything for a long time. Then he sighed and looked at Mia. "I believe you."
Mia sighed with relief. She didn't know what she would do without him now that he knew everything they did.
Lucas stood and looked around the kitchen. He began to breath heavily and Mia and Kyle stood and grabbed his arms, which were cutting into his skin.
"Lucas!" Mia said, fearing that he was going to hurt himself. "What's wrong?"
Lucas looked at Mia with wide eyes. "He's here."
"Who's here?" Mia asked.
"Him. He's here and he knows that you know!" Lucas jerked out of Kyle and Mia's grip and knocked her onto the floor, making her hit her head on the side of the table. Zeth was at her side in a split second.
"Mia? You okay?" Zeth asked, grabbing her hand. She nodded and rubbed her head where she had hit it.
Lucas was on the floor, hiding under the table, looking at Mia. "Please, help me, Mia. I need your help. He'll get me unless you get rid of him. Please."
Mia gasped at the pain in her head. She could see that Lucas was in need of her help, but she didn't know how to help him or what he was talking about.
"Lucas, I want to help you, but I don't know how. Please, just tell me what your talking about!" She stood with Zeth at her side and ran out of the room, a dosen emotions flooding her all at once. She ran and flopped onto the couch and let the tears fall. She didn't even know why she was crying.
She felt Zeth put his arms around her and held her until she stopped crying. When she was done crying, she looked up at Zeth and looked him in the eyes, seeing that it hurt him to see her like that. She had never seen Jake look at her like that.
"We'll help him, Mia. I promise," Zeth said and laid her head on his chest again and Mia didn't remember anything after that.

Unknown time of day or night

Mia awoke to see Lucas and Zeth standing over her. She sat up and smiled at Zeth, who looked really tired.
Zeth looked at her and smiled back, but then it faded away within seconds.
"Mia, how are you feeling?" Lucas asked.
"I don't know. My head still hurts. What happened? All I remember was Zeth sitting on the couch with me crying all over him. Did I fall asleep?"
Zeth and Lucas exchanged a look. "Uh, not exactly."
"What happened?" Mia asked.
"Well, we figured out what was going on with Lucas," Zeth said, turning to the door as Kyle walked in.
"Kyle!" Mia said, holding her arms out for him to hug her. She needed a hug right now. Kyle smiled at her and sat down in the farthest chair in her room away from her.
"Kyle, what's wrong? And why are you all bandaged up?" Mia asked, getting a bad feeling in her stomach.
Suddenly, Lucas sniffed and Mmia and Zeth looked at him and saw tears rolling down his face. "its all my fault. I should never have asked for your help, Mia. He over took you and you attacked Kyle and Zeth. But then you fell to the floor and past out, which told me that you were back to normal."
"What are you talking about?" Mia asked, looking at all three.
"Lets just say that you were possessed and then you attacked us and Kyle and Zeth ended up in the hospital and then your dad came home and found Kyle and Zeth bandaged up and he freaked, so we kind of had to tell him everything that happened."
"What did he say to you?" Mia asked, dreading what was coming next.
"Well, lets just say he freaked out some more, but then finally calmed down and I think he is still sceptical, but I think he sort of believes us from what he saw in front of him."
"Oh, my God. So this whole time, Lucas has been possessed by something?" Mia asked.
"Yeah, ever since I moved in this house a long time ago. Whenever I am possessed, I don't age, so I look younger than I really am. Remember all those times when I would just appear out of nowhere?" Mia nodded. "Yeah, those times were when I was possessed."
Lucas explained everything that had happened to him over the years. As he talked, Mia, Zeth and Kyle learned that he moved into this house in the late 1300's and didn't even know that this house had been haunted by the devil.
"When I was first possessed by him, I reseached this house and found out that the previous owners who had built this house had a daughter who was obssessed with the devil and made a deal with him that the first man in the house he could take over and have as long as she had kept the deal they had made. My family eventually died, but I stayed because I had to. I didn't want any other man to end up like I did. So, I learned that you were moving here, and so I went to warn you, but I was taken over again by the devil and that's how we met."
"I don't understand any of this," Mia said once he was done talking. "So, a girl made a deal with the devil and her part of the deal was to give up the first guy that lived in this house to him and she would get his part od the deal? What was her part?"
"Immortality," Lucas said and bowed his head.
"Is she still living?" Mia asked, looking at Zeth, who was still looking at her with wide eyes.
Lucas nodded. "As long as I stay here she is."

Two weeks later, lunch time

Zeth looked at Mia and smiled. So far nothing has happened at Mia's house and everything seemed to go back to normal. Lucas had disappeared one night when Mia and Kyle were sleeping and they hadn't heard from him since.
"Mia," Zeth said, grabbing her hand.
"Hmm?" Mia asked, looking up at him. She loved to look at him and know he felt the same way as she did for him.
"Do you and Kyle still want to go to the lake after school? We never got to because of what happened when Lucas woke up, remember?" Zeth said, playing with her fingers.
She nods. She needed to get Lucas out of her head and the lake seemed to be like the thing that would. "Sure, why not?"
"Great, see you after school then," Zeth said and walked away.
She sighed and walked to class, looking down the whole time.

After school, at home

Mia grabbed her bathing suit and grabbed a towel from the bathroom shelf. She hated being in this house now that she knew what had happened in it a long time ago.
Suddenly, she heard something from in the kitchen and she walked into the kitchen to see Kyle raiding the fridge and she sighed with relief.
"You still coming with me and Zeth to the lake?" Mia asked, holding her belongings.
"Yeah, is it today?" Kyle asked.
"Yeah, right now, actually. I'm leaving," Mia said, slipping on her flip flops and turned to the door.
"Tell Zeth that I'll be there in half an hour. I have some things to do," Kyle said, shoving a piece of cake in his mouth.
Mia nodded and headed out the door to meet with Zeth down the street.
Mia looked around for Zeth and finally saw him and waved, almost dropping her towel and bag with a change of clothes in them.
"Hi, Mia. Where's Kyle?" He asked, looking around for him.
"He said he'll meet us at the lake later, he had something to do or something," Mia said, as they walked.
"Oh, cool."
"Yeah. So what is it that you were going to show me?" Mia asked.
"Oh, just something I think you'll like," Zeth said, smiling at her, which made her blush.
"Okay," Mia said and they walked in silence for a while before they heard heavy foot steps from behind them and saw Kyle running to catch up to them.
"Hey, guys. You all walk really slowly, you know," Kyle said with a smile.
They laughed and walked down the next street, where Mia gasped at how big the lake was from where they were.

Down at the lake shore

Mia threw her change of clothes onto the sand and took her shirt off, revieling her top of her swimming suit. She then took off her shorts and threw those down on top of her shirt and ran to the edge of the water,
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