» Mystery & Crime » Fears, Kaitlyn Garlets [black books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Fears, Kaitlyn Garlets [black books to read txt] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Garlets

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was fine. I didn't want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful sleeping," Zeth said and Mia let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh, good. Did he say anything about Lucas?" Mia asked and looked out the window and saw that they whole lake shore was covered in trash from the storm had blown around.
Zeth shook his head.
Mia stood at the window and finally walked back over to Zeth and laid beside him and leaned her head on his chest.
"Zeth, what are we doing?" Mia asked almost too low for Zeth to hear barely.
"What do you mean?" he asked, looking at her.
"This. We are still spooning. What does it mean?" Mia asked, knowing what he was going to say.
"Mia, you should know what it means. I like you, you like me. There isn't nothing wrong with it."
Mia nodded and thought for a minute. "My mother told me once that if two people who spooned meant that they love each other," she whispered without looking at Zeth.
He looked into her eyes and realized it was true. He did love her.
"Mia, I think I do love you," Zeth whispered after a while in silence.
"Me too," Mia said, closing her eyes. Zeth kissed her on the forehead and closed his eyes too and they soon fell into a deep sleep.

Later in the afternoon

Mia and Zeth woke up to hear the door open fast and saw Lucas standing in front of them.
"Lucas?" Mia asked, sleepily.
"Mia, Zeth. Kyle's missing."
Mia and Zeth sat up quickly and Mia's heart raced fast in her chest. She yanked the covers off of her body and slipped her flip flops on and ran out the door.
"What are you talking about?" Mia asked, turning back to Lucas, who was staring at the bed Mia and Zeth had slept in.
"Mia, did you and Zeth sleep together in that bed?" Lucas asked, frowning.
Mia stopped and looked at him. She couldn't believe that he even thought that.
"Uh, yeah. I mean no. We fell asleep in the bed, but no we didn't do anything else. Why?" Mia asked, looking around the lake shore with her eyes.
"Just wondering. Isn't it kind of weird to sleep with one of your friends in the same bed?" Lucas asked, glaring at Zeth, who backed away from Lucas.
Mia looked at Lucas. "Excuse me? It isn't any of your business of we did or not. And I think you know that he is more than just a friend to me."
Zeth smiled and grabbed her hand.
Lucas glared harder at Zeth.
"Where's Kyle?" Mia asked Lucas. Lucas shifted his feet back and forth like he knew something, but he didn't want to say anything. "Lucas."
Lucas looked at the ground.
"I cannot tell you."
"What?" Mia asked, all her anger coming out. She let go of Zeth's hand and ran at Lucas, who didn't even move away from her. She grabbed his throat and they fell to the ground and Zeth was trying to pull them apart.
Zeth finally forced Mia off of Lucas and they fell to the sandy ground and Zeth held her while he waited for her to calm down.
Lucas laughed.
"What did you do with my brother you son of a bitch!" Mia screamed at him and he just laughed.
"Where he was supposed to go when he first came here."
Zeth held Mia as she screamed at Lucas, cussing with all her might.
"Lucas, are you possessed right now?" Zeth asked, looking at Lucas, who hissed.
Suddenly, Lucas' body went limp and fell to the ground. Mia stumbled up and backed up grabbing Zeth's hand. A strange black smoke was raising out of Lucas' mouth and she knew that he was possessed.
The smoke raised into the air and finally stopped once all of it was out of Lucas' mouth and formed into a figure.
"What is it?" Zeth asked, still backing up.
"What do you think?" Mia asked, holding her breath.
"You are right, Mia. I am what people call the Devil. But I am not. I an nothing, really," the figure said.
"What did you do with my brother?" Mia screamed and it just made the smoke figure laugh.
"Nothing, really. I will give him back once I am done with him. He made a deal with me last night when he walked into my home, or should I say your home, last night and asked Lucas to call me. When Lucas called me, he made a deal to leave the house if he gave his soul up. I agreed, of course."
Mia screamed and closed her eyes against Zeth's chest. He had to be lying.
"Why would he do that?" Zeth asked, taking a step towards him.
The devil hissed and backed up. "Stay away from me, you!"
Zeth took another step towards him and he hissed some more and disappeared, causing them to fall to the ground from the force of his leaving.
Mia looked up and saw something falling from the sky and saw that it was another figure. She screamed and saw it was her brother.
"Kyle!" Mia yelled and began running to where he landed in the water.
"MIa!" Kyle yelled, spitting up water. Mia jumped into the water and splashed around as she swam to her brother. But the current was too strong.
Mia stopped swimming, knowing she was going nowhere in the rough water.
Suddenly, Mia saw Lucas jump into the water and he began to swim towards Kyle with such force.
"Lucas! What are you doing?" Mia asked.
Lucas turned around and swam over to her and kissed her right on the lips. "Mia, I love you and I should never have let you move to that house. I'm going to save your brother. Once I do, you have to kill me. If you do not kill me, then He will come back and try to take your brother from you again. I don't know why He gave him back, but he did."
Mia was shocked. She should have seen it coming. "You love me?"
"I do. More than anything on this earth, minus Zeth. He loves you just as much as I do, and I hope you both live your life long and full of happiness." Lucas looked into Mia's eyes and kissed her again on the lips and then turned to go save her brother.
She didn't know what to say. She couldn't talk. Her lips were numb. Actually, everything was numb from the cold of the water.
She waded in the water, watching as Lucas helped Kyle over to her. She grabbed Kyle by the arms and pulled him into a hug and they cried together.
"Mia..." Kyle said, looking over her shoulders.
"Kyle, I thought something bad happened to you. What just happened?" Mia asked, looking at Kyle.
"I don't know. I remember coming home during the storm and then I couldn't get a hold of you and then I called in the morning to let you know that I was alright. Lucas wasn't there anymore and then he showed up and killed dad." Kyle began sobbing violently.
"What?" Mia couldn't believe that. He had to have been possessed. "How?"
Kyle just sobbed and she knew it had to be bad.
Zeth waded in and grabbed both of them and they waded to the shore and Mia looked back to see Lucas wading close behind them. Mia let go of Kyle and ran to Lucas and helped him out of the water. He collapsed in her arms.
"Lucas?" Mia asked, holding his face in her hands.
"Hmm?" He asked, rolling his head around.
"You okay now?" Mia asked, looking into his eyes.
He nodded but then closed his eyes again.
"Mia, we need to get him some warm clothes or he is going to die."
Mia looked up at Zeth. "No. He told me that he had to die or He will come back and get Kyle. I think he wants to die anyways."
Lucas stirred in Mia's arms. "I do, I really do. Please, let God take me. I don't want to be alive when He has a hold of me! Please!"
Zeth looked at Mia then back at Lucas, who's eyes kept rolling in the back of his head.
"I don't think so," Kyle said and grabbed a log that had a sharp edge and Mia gasped.
"NO!" Mia yelled and Zeth ran to take the log from him, but he held it up to his neck.
"I have to. If I do this, then the devil will leave all of you alone and he won't need Lucas anymore! I have to!" Kyle began to cry hard and he barely couldn't see through the tears and Zeth took the chance and grabbed the log from him and turned, but then Lucas grabbed it from him and thrust it into his heart making Mia scream as blood seeped out of his mouth.
"Lucas!" Mia, Zeth and Kyle said at the same time.
Lucas didn't answer back.

Two days later

Mia didn't know what day it was, and she surely didn't care what day it was. All she knew was that Lucas was dead and she had almost lost her brother. They were orphans now, and they didn't tell anyone, either. Kyle and Mia just kept it a secret and stayed with Zeth.
They had quite school because they didn't care about that anymore, either.
Mia was laying on Zeth's bed, looking at the ceiling when Zeth and Kyle came in.
"Hey," Zeth said, kissing her on the cheek.
She didn't reply back and she just stared at the ceiling until she needed to blink again.
"Mia, please, talk to me," her brother said from her left side.
Zeth laid down next to her and grabbed her hand, but she didn't notice.
"Mia," Zeth said moving a lock her hair out of her face.
She turned to look at him, which was a start considering that she hadn't done anything for two whole days since Lucas killed himself.
"What?" She asked in a whisper.
"Mia, I know its really hard for you, but I do think that he wanted to die anyways. Being possessed by the devil is hard, you know. I wanted to show you something that Kyle and I made just for you."
Mia looked to where Kyle was standing. He smiled and looked at her.
She nodded and Zeth and Kyle helped her out of his bed and walked her out the door of the old shack and made her close her eyes.
They walked her over to where a bunch of rocks were and stopped.
"Okay, Mia. You can open your eyes now," Zeth said into her ear.
She slowly opened her eyes and gasped when she saw a clay figure of Lucas, standing on the rock, looking out to the lake. It was the most beautiful figure she had ever seen and it brought tears to her eyes.
"How long did this take you to make? How did you make it? Its so beautiful!" Mia walked over to the rock and ran her fingers over the lining of his shirt and for some reason, she felt that he was there, watching over her and her brother and Zeth, keeping all evil away from them.
"We've been working on it since we sat you on my bed. We stayed up all night working on it, too. We wanted to make it just for you because he loved you, you know," Zeth said quietly.
Mia nodded, knowing he had. "I know. He told me when he went to get Kyle out of the water."
"He did? I hadn't seen him," Kyle said.
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