» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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States, even with his fresh new passport. So we got online on our game and we played all night long, thinking it would be our last chance to hang out. I was supposed to spend the morning with him and then drive him to the airport but that wasn’t going to happen now.
Karmic correction or correct vision
I got offline with John at about 7:00 a.m. and took a very hot bath where I promptly nodded off. When I woke up the water was tepid and I got out. I dragged my butt to bed and slept until 2:20 in the afternoon. Before I had even made my coffee John called saying he hadn’t been able to leave and it might take months to sort it all out.
So I make my coffee and my daughter calls, to see how I am. Everyone knows how important that car is to me and fears how I might respond to not having one anymore. I talked with my daughter for a bit and put her mind at ease, I wasn’t going to give up that easily I assured her.
She told me she knew how much easier life is for her having had me as a father and how proud she is of me. She only wished I would realize how big a man I am, how good I am, how I don’t even know what an impact I have on the people I meet. She said it makes her so mad sometimes, so frustrated, that I won’t step into my power. Everyone around me sees it clearly except for me, and she lamented that no one could make me see it.
Soon after hanging up, Val commented that God obviously had new plans for us.
It was said matter-of-factly, like I would say it. You must understand, Val believes in God, but not in any illusions or direct divine interventions or such. For her to say that God was looking out for us was monumental, and it stuck out in stark contrast to her expected response. It came with the same feeling that this was again an inner message, a communication from on high, directed purposely at me.
So, what do we have? Do we have a string of unrelated events, each of relative importance to my current focus that haphazardly and completely by chance happened to occur in a particular twenty-four hour period? Or was it orchestrated by forces beyond my ken, yet intimately familiar, that responded to my conscious call for truth? Which reality will I choose to believe? Who’s eyes will I look out onto the world with, to send me back messages of what I want to believe? Will it be Truth or Consequences?
Karma is only the consequences of faith. If faith rests on truth, then its consequences are peace and joy and abundance. If faith is vested in the arrogance of the ego, the consequences are dire because faith in faithlessness is fruitless at best and actively calls for correction, which most of the time is not pleasant at all.

threshold status, selective amnesia, conspiracy theory, the other
True or false
The second threshold of reality focuses on awareness and the repercussions of false beliefs in the arena or realm of, fauna. Awareness is the second permutation of unity, life being the first. The focus has shifted from the form of life, now taken as a given, to the form of the environment. Thus the concept of inside is given meaning by introducing the concept of outside, from which is born the concept of space. And where there is space there must freedom be limited.
Creation occurs at the level of absolute truth, in the complete absence of illusion or its partner, perception. Only once it is fact does it cascade into the realms of the illusion, there to be interpreted and perceived according to the perceiver's current threshold status, which can and does change frequently. Thus, the same event can be seen as good, bad or neutral, sometimes simultaneously.
The Chart is a logical hierarchy. As such it is linear and inconsistent. Luckily, the archetypes are not. They undergird reality, no matter how it is perceived.
Put simply, the chart is attempting to illustrate how something that seems to have happened never did. The illustration relies on a twelve step program of instants (creation), one following the next in an unbroken chain. Yet the beginning and the end of the chain are one and the same. That is because the truth is All Just Is or, if you prefer illusion, Life Matters.
Refer to the Tabulation of instants to see the archetypes at work. Zero and one are outside the bounds of the universe altogether and two already carries the seeds of the illusion (plurality’s precursor, duality). Venerable three must concede the illusion to the perceiver even while being the representative of The Holy Trinity, rational thought and everlasting life. The four pillars of reality contain a compromised premise and the number of life, five, is overshadowed by death. The confusion of lie and truth becomes only more entangled as the numbers progress. But at the end of the morass of conflicting understandings is reason and fortune, and truth. Where there is truth, there truth always was, and shall forever be. That is the nature of archetypes, they lead back to the truth via corrective measures.
Archetypes are the Spirit in action. At the level of spirit the illusion is barely perceptible. This is because although spirit cannot perceive, spirit can sense the need for correction. Not being concerned with the form the error has taken, not seeing it at all, spirit offers perfect correction in terms of content. For it is what is contained that matters, not the shape of the container; it is the source of the problem that contains its cause and its solution, not the seeming form of its present effect. But Spirit can only offer what is received (perceived). What is not received can only cause conflict, being out of line with the perceiver’s small truth and limited reality.
And it is this conflict, this resistance to truth, this intellectual arrogance that holds the truth at bay.
For Truth is total. It cannot be cobbled together with a little truth and a bit of lies, one denying the other. Truth is not a compromise, and thank God. One either sees the truth or is lost in lies - completely.
It has been stated many times before that you can only see what you believe. Perhaps you think that is only a generality? Not so.
There are almost always areas of personal reality that are way out of line with the truth and to honestly appraise the situation is to concede that I did this to myself. Sometimes the situation is tragic or debilitating in some way, other times it is a strange quirk or mannerism, and still other times we are born with it. No matter, it is always self created. And self creation is fiction, is a wish, willfully made real to the perceiver alone. In other words, the feared demon that seems to have skewed reality to suit itself was the self all along and not some outside force beyond the perceiver’s control. In fact the dreaded demon shielded by fear is a tremendous gift that only the faithful can claim.
What a character
But that faith must rest in truth. It must have a home, a place of succor and solace. And it must have effects plainly apparent. These are the conditions for faith. If these conditions are met or seem to be met, that will be the perceiver’s reality. If faith rests in truth then truth will be the perceiver’s reality. But if faith rests in false beliefs then a world of illusions will be the reality perceived.
Although the language above was as clear, concise and comprehensible as is possible, the question: “Why?” still clamors to be answered. So be it. Perhaps an analogy might help.
Imagine playing a role-playing game on the computer. The first thing you must do in such a game is create a character. There are always a variety of characters to choose from. Some games you even get to choose the appearance of your character and its gender or race. One thing is always the same in these games: once you have selected your character and begin play you can never change anything about your character again.
This scenario is much like the situation as we face it in what we call real life. We made the choices long before we were actually born. We chose our character and all its attributes. But we did not stop there, we chose our life paths as well. We are all exactly as we planned to be long before we were born. And we cannot change anything about our lot in life.
At first glance this may seem like a gloomy picture indeed. And up until this point the role playing analogy holds true. We really do choose our lot in life, based on our beliefs, but our beliefs are out of line with the truth. So what results is a false world based on a false premise.
To this analogy we can now add the truth, literally. To this false world God adds the truth. To each perceiver’s world God adds the perceiver’s personal truth. And so each perceiver wanders around seeing false images that ride atop the gift of truth. Each perception, each image, has the stamp of truth upon it or it would not exist at all. It is only that the perceiver has interpreted what is seen incorrectly, based as it is on false beliefs.
To this end is the body born and yet to this end the body does not even exist. The truth is that the body has only one purpose and that is to illustrate how the body is not real: the body is not an end, it is a means to an end. The false world would have you believe that you are a body and that you are therefore subject to its demands. This would make of the body an end in itself, with means placed outside and beyond the body’s control or input.
Would you make of God a tiny Entity, Itself unsure and fickle, with means beyond It’s control and thus leading to an uncertain end? Is this the God of your highest understanding? Would God create a mortal being, then punish that being for all eternity for not being immortal? Would God create an imperfect being? Could God create an imperfect being?
Upon the answer to these questions is the world seen to rise either in fear or in love.
Enter the villain of the play, the ego.
The body is the ego’s chosen home. From that vantage point the ego wages war on The Child of God. If the ego exists, The Child of God does not. That this stance is patently absurd is not at issue. It is what the ego was made for. The ego is an imagined alternate personality for The Child of God.
You imagine yourself as other than The Child of God.
But The Child of God is you.
Identification with the body begets a world of bodies, each separate and isolated. This is what we imagine, this is what we believe, that is what we see.
Yet are we One, always and forever.
God encompasses us, as we embody God’s creation. Given and received in equal measure.
Like the role-playing games, we cannot change our character, we are stuck with our lot in life - but unlike those computer games we can change the rules of the game. And by changing the rules we can finally see that our characters are perfectly suited for their true purpose and that our lot in
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