» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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guides us. You are never alone.
Fear has died its meaningless death for the unreal never existed. The phantoms of darkness dissolve in the light since deception is untrue! A meaningless life is death, as lack is but a grim measure of gain.
Rejoice, ye of good faith!
The truth is forever True!
The last chapter in A Course in Miracles, chapter 31, The Final Vision, and the last sub-heading entitled Choose Again (Choose Again!), the narrator emphasizes one final time the only temptation in all its forms of persuading the Child of God of being a body. For if the Child of God believes itself to be born in what must die, unable to escape its frailty and subject to what the body claims it feels, then is the Child of God lost to the truth. Yet can what is the truth loose the truth? Can that which is the truth set it aside awhile and take up suffering and death for an eon or two, until perhaps some other form of deceit be conjured to replace the first? Who can defy the Mover of Mountains and withhold even an instant of reality from The Creator of Reality? Or do you think the Creator mad? No my friend, it is you - and I. We are mad. But this is a message of hope for the Truth is True! Truth is not altered by our altered perception of it. The Truth is forever True, no matter what we think we see.
Listen to the Creator of Truth, which is you. Hear the entreaty of your inner self, the self before concepts reduced it to mere form. See the truth instead of a murky perception. God, the Source of your Identity, asks you to bend an ear. Via the angels and the heralds of light the one commandment to all creation resounds throughout the firmament. The voice for God beckons.
Will you hear?
Listen then, to the ancient entreaty in its ancient form:
release my son!
Look immediately past the exterior, the superficial, especially the sexist connotations. How else, how more fundamentally can this, the most crucial three words of human imagining, be put. Release my son! Hold him hostage no longer! He is scared and suffering needlessly. Release my son at any cost, for he is of the utmost value to me, his parent!
I Love Him dearly, and wish Him near me. There is no reality without His.
Release my son, You, the One I love. Do You hear me? I love You. And it is You I entreaty. Sons and daughters of man, release my Son. Give him the freedom he wishes to share with you. This is the Christ Child, The Forgiven, The Lamb of Peace, for heaven’s sake be sensible!
Release yourself to creation and let the most wondrous happen.
Release my Son and be free!
For if you are to change this world you must rise today!
Release my Son!
Rise today and join the ranks of The Chosen, The Messengers, The Teachers.
Release my Son!
The universe itself is at Your command, no law limits You nor holds power over You.
Release my Son!
Miracles You will perform, You Eraser of Time.
Release my Son!
You, the Child of Light, can heal the sick and raise the dead. You can join minds.
Release my Son! Release my Son! Release my Son!
You, Jesus, son of God and son of man, You. Through the love of One can all sisters and brothers unite. Jesus, my son on earth, forgive them your trespasses. Be for them the living symbol of Truth. Unify them in my name. Speak the words of power I will supply. Receive now what you will so abundantly give.
Rise today and change this world!
This is Your Will: Bring the light, dispel fear and change the world. Be at peace, then, but above all else be happy for You have risen and Your will will be done. There is absolutely nothing you cannot accomplish in the name of truth, anywhere, anytime, any situation. Love them as I Love You so they might know of my equal Love for each of them. There is no order of difficulty of miracles because there is no order to the importance of forms, each is equally false, being devoid of content.
release my son!
Planet X
There is a grand conspiracy that rides parallel to this work, but is being played out over vast stretches of time and distance. It need not overly concern us for contingency plans are being established by both sides in the age old conflict. When the conspiracy finally reaches the awareness of all the world's citizens, not a select few as has always been the rule in the past, it will be an utter shock and no doubt mass hysteria will result. The truth of our heritage will be revealed because there will be sufficient emphasis heralding the radical nature of it to cause us all to question what we have been taught.
Since this grand conspiracy is about conflict it is about form and therefore fundamentally unreal. Yet will this impending disastrous occurrence shake the son of man to his very foundations. He will find himself divided, grouped into one of only two camps. He will witness events unparalleled in human history. Life will flicker and almost extinguish on planet earth. And when the dust settles and the few average citizen survivors find their old masters rising up out of their cocoons to take up the shackles of governance once more, they will revolt.
A great battle will ensue in which no victory will be won.
For the battle, although the one side will use their technological toys to force compliance with the old order, will be one of ideologies, of realities, and not of social pacification and economic subjugation. There will be the old way, and it will have its victory. But they will find their victory empty of trophies for their enemies will have vanished from their sight in plain sight of all. The new reality will be aligned with truth and their proponents will alter their vision accordingly. Illusions will no longer concern those aligned with truth and the ghosts of darkness and ignorance will dissipate, vanish and no one will even remember they have gone or recall how they once entertained such foolish notions.
But the conspiracy is as real as is this illusion. It is inevitable that it be so since the unreal must at some point intersect with the truth. And it is this intersection that is about to take place. That is the point here. The conspiracy of denying the truth ensures that at some point in time the truth will be presented undeniably. This must be so if the illusion is unreal. Since the unreal does not exist those that believe in it and see it must at some point accidentally run across the truth in such a way that it can no longer be denied. The unreal must reconcile with the real and cease to be.
Here's the problem, though: the fervent believers in illusions will find an explanation of events that will satisfy their ability to continue with their beliefs and maintain the illusion. So although a transformation of mass ideology will take place, it will be interpreted in one of two ways, and seen according to that choice.
On the one hand, we have the scientific approach to the event, which will be one of stoic pragmatism: a caused b caused c and we’re screwed. On the other hand will be those that have been in training for decades to think for themselves and not accept the views of the so called experts. They will see in the new ideas a need to reconnect the dots of historical evidence and they will see the truth.
And the truth, on that level, will not be a pretty picture. It will tell a story of deceit and purposeful misinformation. It will talk of the origins of our species and the manipulation of our bloodlines. It will tell of super races, of beings from many worlds and their direct involvement in our history. It will talk of their past as well as present interference with our governments, of how they walk among us in disguise, often taking positions of power and influence in government and business. It sounds ridiculous, to be sure. And there is no point in trying to prove or disprove it just right now. The truth will come in its own time.
Context and concept are soon going to clash in a way that will require all the world’s people to choose either the fantastical or the mundane. Only it will seem like the mundane is the fantastic while the fantastic will seem beyond belief. For that is exactly where it will take its proponents: beyond belief to truth - and certainty.
It is truly a glorious honor to be alive at this time in history to witness this miraculous event!
The two camps
Do you yet appreciate the urgent message we are being asked to heed? Can you see the hand of God, the Creator, not the petty small gods these super beings wish to make of themselves, at work behind the scenes? God gave the answer to counter the incorrect thinking of God’s Creation. It’s perfect and seamless fit with our preconceptions and the beauty of the mechanism employed to facilitate the transition back to truth is simply astounding. There will be no denial when God’s answer rises in our skies. It will be so in-your-face that those that survive it will be radically altered for all time.
There is going to be two very different attitudes towards the coming disaster. The one will be the establishment's "business as usual" approach. The other will be very different and completely unanticipated.
The establishment feel it is their duty to ensure the continuity of the present system. They understand that it is impossible to save everyone, and so the best approach is to let the vast majority fend for themselves and focus on a select few to be saved using extremely elaborate methods. The first obvious choices would include prominent and influential people and their immediate families in fields as diverse as government, business, entertainment, high ranking armed forces personnel, influential religious leaders, statesmen, authors, scholars and others. But to continue the system they will need young professionals of breeding age, with a particular set of beliefs and modes of behavior. The people with the coveted set of criteria are being actively searched for using various high-tech means. Software giants are implementing the necessary covert invasion of our information networks to track individual preferences and interests. Personal profiles of every individual are being compiled as this is being written. From those profiles a short list of desirables and alternates will be assembled. These people will be whisked away at the last possible moment so no form of effectively organized association can form to search for their loved ones in time. The people on the shortlist may or may not have advance notice, but in either case they will be obtained and secreted away to their new lives. The chosen few will hide in underground quarters, currently being constructed. There will be many of them spaced far apart to ensure a good survival percentage against anything short of total cataclysm. These underground systems will be able to support small city sized populations for many months without any need for re-supply of any kind, including air and water. When the worst has past they will aggressively return to the surface and begin the task of regaining control of the land against any surviving threat. Then the stockpiles will be uncovered, vast storehouses of everything a small population would need to pick up the pieces and continue on from where they had
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