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stems from chaos. How can that be? If the chaotic is free then law must imprison. Yet ‘free energy’, which is considered chaotic, still operates under the control of certain laws. And does chaotic law mean anything, or lawful chaos?
There seems to be an incongruity present in this sequence, but wait. What if there is only One Source and One Will? Then there would have to be an agent in place to covey meaning until the meaning can be witnessed to directly. This is intuition. Intuition is the means to contact or access universal meaning. And if this channel of information is heeded then alignment with truth is inevitable. In order to realign with truth, however, there must be a mechanism in place to facilitate the conversion. That mechanism is the miracle. The miracle witnesses to the truth despite only partial willingness.
Intuition operates all the time, it is a continuously open channel. It is our link to our Source, without which there would be no existence of any kind, real or otherwise. What is perceived of the miracle depends upon the perceiver’s beliefs. There is one thing for certain, the miracle is always perceived correctly. The miracle is a glimpse of truth revealed to the otherwise truth-blind. The miracle always has maximal effect upon the perceiver, from where it extends to include everything in reality.
The perceiver is free to interpret their relationship to the miracle any way they wish. And we do perceive it in that haphazard fashion. Our inconsistent perception leads to the perception of divided wills and multiple sources. The inconsistency of perception stems from false beliefs and the faith entrusted to them. Wherever faith is placed there the truth will be present, either in the form of a miracle or in direct witness to the truth. In the case of perception, where faith is based upon false beliefs, the miracle will witness to the truth and be the common thread to unify the perceiver’s disjointed world.
To answer one of the earlier questions, then, the concept of freedom means we are free of all effects without a cause. What is not real can have no effects, nor cause them. Just as faith in the unreal does not make it real. There is a reality out there or inside us or both, to be sure, but what it is we do not know. The surest thing we can know is that we did not create ourselves so it would behoove us well to try and retrace our origins and reconnect with our Source.
At the level of fauna, freedom is the space between inside and outside.
At the level of faith, freedom is the release from illusion by the unification of divided wills.
And here we must digress.
What is coming in the next few years, probably begun since the writing of this material (March 17, 2008), will be a significant test of our comprehension. The events to unfold must be understood in their proper context, in order to see they are an opportunity of, perhaps, singular significance. Many streams of consciousness are converging on this point in time and space in anticipation of the coming event both as participants and as observers. This intersection in the fates of so many races is a rare, maybe once in a galaxy opportunity. Yet that is just the surface observation in light of the cosmological event itself. There is so much more...
Our Earth history is also intrinsically linked to this event, and its cyclical nature. Its cyclical nature refers to both the fact that it repeatedly returns following a semi-predictable pattern and that it has a cycle of severity as well. This time around seems to be expected by our ancestors to be extremely severe. It has been prophesized by many different ancient societies as the end of days. There are hints that there may be more to this part of the story but the details are sketchy.
Now let us look at this situation a bit more esoterically. Okay, a lot more!
At the time of this writing there are about six and a half billion people on the planet, that’s: 6,500,000,000 people. At the turn of the last century, 1900, there was about 1,000,000,000 people. In 1800 there was maybe 500,000,000. These numbers are not verified, it might be added, but they are not far out either. So in two hundred years our population has increased by six billion people. That’s not an increase, that’s an explosion!
So many people alive at a time of greatest crisis for humankind. Coincidence?
There has been a steady increase in UFO and paranormal sightings in recent decades along with incredible discoveries in archeology and the understanding of ancient texts. Coincidence?
There is also a string of rumors involving all sorts of secret conspiracies taking place all over the world, not the least of which is the terrorist attack on New York city. While there is talk of an astronomical cover up, a flurry of satellites on strange missions to the comets, the sun and the asteroids have been launched in the last few years. Even the Vatican has commissioned a satellite to be built and launched later this year. Coincidence?
More and more evidence is being presented that claims to prove that all our knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, even our religions, myths and legends from all around the globe have a common root, a single source! The story tells of an incredible history far different than we have been taught with a bloody legacy of deceit and manipulation. Coincidence?
And now let us try to interpret all these things in light of the truth.
Faith in false beliefs leads to two things: perception and its correction. The correction of perception, the miracle, is a perceived string of events that once aligned in a particular sequence contain the truth in a way that is impossible to ignore. This is so because the miracle is a very personal correction aimed directly at the perceiver. In a world where the belief in divided wills is the norm what happens when each individual sees the truth tailored exactly to their perception? What else could it induce but a rapid return to the truth. Well, except for maybe an equally fierce recoil away from it.
The truth is coming. It is rapidly approaching. There is no stopping it and no denying it. Prepare, ye of little faith, The Destroyer of Illusion is upon us!
And herein lies the crux of the matter. When the ancient prophecies are fulfilled and we come face to face with our genetic manipulators and cousins, those that will once again wish to assume control of us, in the name of our well-being, how will we respond? Will we call them cousin, or master? Will we give away our autonomy yet again? Or will we hold onto our united will, and remember our common Source? Will we have faith in our Source, and our shared will? Will we listen to and follow the instructions and guidance we will be given? Or will we make fear real again and divide our will among the ghosts in our perceived realities?
Remember, those opposed to our success know very well the old adage, divide and conquer. They will do everything possible to persuade us, one by one if need be, to bow to them as gods. Yet all this is at a bodily level, the only level at which they have access to our divided will. For it is only there that our will can be divided. Yet our will in heaven is accomplished on earth., that is God’s promise to us. We have only to proclaim our right to our autonomy to receive the backing of the entire universe. It is this proclamation that the races have gathered to witness and they will immediately acknowledge it. But it must come from a unified will proclaiming their common Source. Then it will be answered swiftly and decisively.
Neutrality is not about remaining uncommitted in the face of a choice of sides concerning a certain issue or ideology or opinion. Neutrality is not like Switzerland amidst its neighbors. True neutrality is not only unconcerned with choosing sides, it is a state of choice made. Neutrality is not a higher position based on the understanding that neither side of any argument is ever completely right. Neutrality is not a balancing act between two opposing viewpoints. Neutrality is not fence sitting. Neutrality is not a place one comes to rest while deciding which side of an issue to join forces with. Neutrality is not a staging area for future attacks.
Neutrality, from the position of those who see opposition, is a fusion of opposing viewpoints. From the position of neutrality there is no opposition. This is because what neutrality entails is the relinquishment of judgment. Released from the unnatural act of judging events and circumstances, the truly neutral have removed the problem at its source - in their own minds. With no problem seen, no opposition can form. Thus unopposed, the neutral see only what is seen by all. Thus aligned with what is common to all personal realities, the truly neutral see only the truth.
There are not two sides to an issue, there are three. The problem arose out of its solution and so its existence is implied in the problem, just as the judgmental always see two sides to every issue, both the pros and the cons. But the judgmental believe the solution requires choosing the side of an issue judged as best suited to resolving the issue while the neutral see no problem to solve since they do not judge.
It is interesting to consider the work of science in this regard, for it closely mimics the truth before suddenly veering askew of the mark. In science, it is understood that there are three building blocks to matter. They are, in order of weight from smallest to largest: the electron, the proton and the neutron. Although this has been discussed before, it may be a bit clearer now. All the hundred or so elements are composed of these three things and nothing else. Whereas proton to electron pairing is understood in terms of electrical attraction of unlike poles, proton to proton and electron to electron pairing requires the invention of a specific force to keep them together against the force of electrical repulsion. Likewise, the neutron binding to another neutron or to protons or electrons requires an additional force because neutrons have no natural propensity to bind with anything. And herein lies the problem because neutrons do not seem to follow the same rules that apply to both protons and electrons. To understand this we must delve deeper into atomic theory.
The periodic table of elements is a list of the known elements arranged according to their proton number. Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. An atom of hydrogen is composed of an electron orbiting a proton. The next element on the periodic table of elements is helium, which has 2 electrons orbiting 2 protons fused together with 2 neutrons. How come hydrogen has no neutrons and helium has two, one might ask? The answer lies in the idea of isotopes. Isotopes of elements are the addition of neutrons to the nucleus of atoms instead of protons. In fact, only hydrogen comes in its pure form, and in two forms of isotopes. Every other element, every other type of atom, has neutrons in the nucleus, roughly equaling the number of protons and doubling the atomic weight. This is getting a bit complicated but the idea is simple enough. Scientists recognized a pattern based on the number of protons in the atomic nucleus that did not jibe with its observed weight. The weight discrepancy was answered by neutrons that bind with the protons in the nucleus
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