» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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left off, technology intact.
The other alternative that people will gravitate toward will be an entirely unique one. So novel in its simplicity and such a powerfully evocative learning opportunity will it be that it has no precedent. Many have glimpsed their magnificence and wondered what it could accomplish if it was allowed free reign. They will now find out. At first they will gather together into small pockets of self-sustained units living out on the ravaged countryside. Persecuted by the "imperialists" and their wild technology they will begin communications with each other in earnest. As the mounting pressure to bow to the old order begins to take its toll a counter effort will result in a mass transformation. The transformation will result in an actual shift in reality, like pressing a magical reset button. In an instant enough minds will unite that the ancient forgetfulness of The Child of God will drop away. When the Child of Creation remembers the face of God, the Creator, the level of its overall vibratory rate will increase significantly. In that moment The True World will rise to the awareness of all linked minds. Having manifest a new reality, its witnesses will be forever unwilling to return. More than that, in the new reality, the thought of the old way would be inconceivable. Once secure in their new environment, they will quickly come to realize that they have no needs and unlimited freedom to create in line with the will of God. What happens from that point on would be their joy and their happiness to accomplish in the name of God, The Creator of All.
The missing link
How can words describe what is so far beyond symbols and concepts. The best way is to go back to the beginning and restate it yet again. Eventually an intuitive leap will be made by every son and daughter of man.
God created a perfect being to be as a companion to the Lord. In this way, it might from our perspective be correct to say a difference was created. Something was created and that something was new, was different. However, this something was not created the way we consider making a new product or machine. When we make a new product we must use resources that are then depleted by that amount. In other words we believe that to create something new requires the consumption of resources. But God consumed God in the creation of the Perfect Being, not some outside source of raw materials. God gave All to the Child. Not one iota of God was held back. Everything that God is, The Child is. Yet in that total giving a line of authority was established, for the Child did not create its Source, nor did it create itself.
Yet such power given freely to a new-born! Would it not be inevitable that such a being would eventually consider remaking itself in its own image, as The Creator had? Perhaps. Yet would it not also be inevitable that God would have anticipated it? It does seem like God is ineffectual in that it takes The Creator billions of years to correct the thinking of The Child. But exactly how long is infinity? From the perspective of Infinity, is there any difference between a billion, an instant or an eon? Time is encompassed by infinity. Any point in time is equidistant to infinity. God’s answer to correct the thinking of The Child is immediate and the correction is instantaneous. The moment the error occurred is the same moment it was corrected.
How can a state of absolute calm be expressed to those obsessed with action?
You are not a body and what you are cannot die or be hurt in any way. That is the statement, the premise, the ideology that must be employed as a starting point to comprehension. As a body none of this makes sense. But as an aspect of the Godhead, a spirit, a spark, a flame, a thought in the mind of God it does. What you are never changes.
We are trained to believe that each human life has an ideal potential of achievement that the individual can aspire to. Success is measured by how close to that ideal potential the individual actually achieves. This premise is incorrect on many different levels. To start with, such a premise presupposes failure, at least in the ultimate sense. No one can reach their ideal potential, or it would not be ideal. Such a belief, one based on ultimate failure, can only foster the natural conclusion that humans are flawed in some fundamental way that predisposes them to failure. Not only that, but the futile nature of life lived under such beliefs becomes increasingly intolerable because the flaw is seen beyond the control of the individual.
The term ‘each human being’ is already an incorrect assumption because it gives primary relevance to the body. There are not many, there is only The One with the many eyes. When this being looks upon creation it sees itself looking back at it. From deep within, in a place of absolute calm and peace, it knows itself as the Creator of Worlds. At the center of that place is a Light so bright it cannot be shielded against. And so the light increases and extends forever outward bestowing abundance.
We are family. We are part of a symbiotic relationship with all life, where the sum of the parts is greater than the parts alone. That is the clue. The sum totals more than the parts. What is added that makes it more?
You hold the key
When you join the ranks of the enlightened the sum will total more than its parts! Heaven will rejoice and the angels will sing your praises. In fact, your place is held for your eventual return, because you never left in truth! How could you leave the truth? The truth is what you are. Thank God it is not your will to remake yourself or to oppose your own happiness. You will return.
Yes, it is you the world waits upon. You who believe you have a will opposed to God’s. You who refuse to feel what you already know. You who absorb these words at a voracious rate then store them in your dusty crypt, where they lay upon your alter to death. You distract yourself with your belief in your petty authority.
Why not admit it, already. You do not know. You do not know what anything means. You do not know what you see or think or judge as this way or that way related to this thing or that event. You do not understand your relationships. This hurts you the most. Most blessed Child of a forever loving Parent, you are sorely missed in heaven. That is where your relationship is secure and nowhere else. God waits for you to acknowledge the line of authority so that you may receive the gifts awaiting you.
Why are you thrust into a body at this time? That’s not your concern. Do you propose your knowledge of such things would make a difference that God has not already considered. Remember your place, little Child of God, and rejoice. For your God is absolute. God gave you everything you need to succeed. Have faith and relax. Do not concern yourself with particulars. You are here to witness to the glory of God and the world of Spirit. You, the miracle worker, the messenger, the healer. Renounce the temptation to stand on the throne of judgment, you do not know.
What do you think holds together the cells of your body, making of it a monument to co-operation and harmony? Do you think your little cells go to work each day for fear of death? Do you think they bemoan their awful fate, the drudgery, day in and day out? Or perhaps you can see that, in fact, they are in love with life, with your life, and are in a state close to ecstasy most of the time. Or maybe you think they have no choice? Like you have no choice, right? Silly little misdirected Child of God.
You do know better - or you would not be reading these words.
You must shed yourself of fear and let it all go. Trust your God. Trust your own power. You’ve seen that power used with great success against yourself; you know it exists. Trust you will be given guidance now to use it in your own service.
You have not come here to fail. Remember that. And with correct thinking, you are guaranteed to succeed. Let the definitions be, though. They are not your problem. Just trust your God and Yourself. You have the resources to complete any task you set as your goal. Aligned with God, obstacles will remove themselves from your path and you will have everything you need provided for you. Believe this, do not judge any situation, and watch how quickly you will witness to the shining, loving truth rising clearly before your eyes. This is God’s promise to you. Only recognize the line of authority as it was established by God and God will move mountains to aid your cause, whatever it may be.

The importance of faith in God relies on the correct perspective and an understanding of the truth. Faith in a premise results in the perceived premise's reality. Faith in God results in seeing the truth. This idea will be explored in the next chapter.
freedom, neutrality, the marginalized, intuition
From energy to miracle
The fifth instant of the creation sequence is the line of faith and it is based on the created opposites, positive and negative. To put it in context: the last chapter dealt with the arena of fauna and in that context, its related permutation to the line of faith is the concept of freedom. The concept of freedom must be understood in a certain order of importance, along a particular line of reasoning if it is to be put in its proper context and ultimately understood. Faith is the foundation of freedom, in this context and, as we shall come to see in this chapter, the idea of neutrality is crucial to facilitate the connection between the two.
In the Chart the line of faith includes these ideas: energy, chaos, freedom, intuition, miracle. An interesting mix, to be sure. How does a thread of logic weave its way along this bunch of ragtag members of disparate concepts? Faith is very important, and has been alluded to in many discussions throughout this work. Here is the mechanism of creation revealed; the apparatus that constructs the universe unveiled. As has been stated in so many ways already in this book and by so many sources since time began: You Create Your Reality Based On What You Believe. And the basis of belief is faith.
Faith aligns the truth, the ‘what there is to see’, with perception, the ‘what you believe you see’. Notice: to align the truth with perception is obviously dysfunctional and can only lead to delusion. It is always the same error. Over and over, on every level of reality, we willfully bend the truth to our petty desires. But can a will divided have any effect at all? And if it did have effects, would they not also be seen as divided? Divided effects are chaotic and carry no intrinsic meaning. In many ways these divided effects are like our contemporary idea of energy. Divided effects must come from multiple sources, as does energy.
On the other hand, the idea of freedom begs a question - what are you free from? This is an interesting area of contemplation. Freedom is many different things. It can have many forms. Yet it must stem from an underlying premise. In the context being explored here, freedom
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