» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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Intuition is considered, secretly or overtly, as the impossible possibility. Complete disbelief is not an option. Since we did not create ourselves but we believe we did, the truth of who we are remains beyond our awareness. What is forever securely tied to the very definition of what we are must always be linked to us even while it is seen to be beyond us. No one can completely deny the possibility of the supernatural for this very reason. It is seen as the one undeniable and unverifiable truth. Many are not sure what to believe and have deferred their final judgment until they pass over ...
This paradox, the enigma that is synchronicity is guarded by a final layer of fear. The fear can be expressed in many different ways but whatever the form of the perceived reason for the fear, it is ultimately the fear of God. Most might see this as the fear of death, which really only further obscures the fear of God. The fear of God is the final defense in a long string of defenses all designed to hide the truth from the perceiver. It is God’s role we have usurped and it is God’s wrath that we fear. This final fear has yet to be unraveled and seen for what it really is. And it won’t, can’t, be dealt with here on this side of the threshold.
On this side of the threshold the best we can do is have faith.
God is good. We are created in the image of the Creator. We are good. Our creations are created in the image of the created. Together we are One Creation, forever extending, forever fully and completely given and received. In the Love of God we live in peace, secure in our home, wholly wanted and blessed.
Have faith in yourself and God. Refrain from imposing your views on what is. Stay open to the impossible possibility that you have been mistaken. Your fear of God is really your unrelenting misery at not being able to express your utter yearning to acknowledge your Love for God. God Loves you, little Child of God. As you do God. The only difference is God knows this now, and you do not.
God will never forsake you, for what you do in time is already done in heaven, where time holds no meaning. You are already home, this is what God, through the many channels attuned to truth, whispers to all creation. The nightmare is over and you have come back to the truth, only to see that in fact you never left.
All power is yours, holy child of God, they are your gifts. Wield God’s Love, the only defense the innocent require, and smite the enemies of life in all its forms. Love your brothers and sisters with the perfect love of an equal. As members of a completely exclusive club, they are your universal family. Only the living are allowed within its confines. Abolish death in all its twisted forms in the name of the Creator of Truth. This is your task. Go back and save God’s children from themselves!
Have faith that it is this miracle that is natural. You will be provided for. You must have your witnesses, that is the primary article of faith. Your faith is of such great importance that all of heaven bends to lend you theirs. You will have your happy witnesses, that is God’s promise. Your faith is strengthened by your joyful witness to the power of God. You will receive specific instructions. Be sure to heed them. Be equally sure not to impose your judgment upon how your witnesses must show up. Remember: you do not know. Most likely they will be quite unexpected at first, until you learn to expect miracles because they are natural.

The next chapter exposes another arena of the truth that has a profound effect upon our ability to grasp the truth. Consciousness is the seat of logic and the throne of intellectual authority. Consciousness is seen as a passive entity, sort of like an unobtrusive observer. Consciousness is a sea of reality in which entities swim, yet the sea is not seen to envelope reality, only to lap at its edges. It is as though consciousness swallows itself and turns inside out, leaving this thing we call reality outside our perceived personal parameters where consciousness resides.

logic, the gap, consciousness, relationships
Life and the self
Riding on the wings of faith, a new realization becomes evident: there is a conspiracy of love afoot. At the present it is no more than a word denoting the highest level of feeling that tops a long list of emotions, each with its own definition and symbol (word). The third permutation of reality lands us on the alien shore of an unknown and novel arena we will later call consciousness. Suddenly, the inside world gains greater significance if for no other reason than that it is closer than the outside world. It seems to be a more immediate concern to sort through the chaotic storms of the inner world and make sense of them. Life becomes far more personal and introspective. Seen through the new lens of consciousness, the individual looks out upon this arena of reality and sees the elements of self, atom, universe, emotion, intuition, and reason strung together in a tenuously cohesive whole.
Over the millennia we have learned enough, we believe, to offer a fairly good model of reality which encompasses a wide area of study and a comprehensive range of phenomena. Intrinsic to this worldview is its underlying premise that the world is ultimately grainy - that is, composed of discrete and focused packets indivisibly small that convey the forces between the particles, and ultimately compose the particles themselves. The graininess idea is the premise of the model laid bare and upon this colossal miscalculation does its entire construction falter.
According to the contemporary worldview, existence is universal. What this means is that the world of matter continues to exist regardless of whether there is anything to observe it. This is only commonsense, it seems, since matter supports life whereas matter is not contingent on the existence of life. To depreciate life in this manner seems reasonable. However, its premise, the reason it seems logical, is disregarded in the logical sequence that supports it. The universe, so far as contemporary thought conceives of it, has no purpose and simply exists. The matter in it follows immutable laws that hold sway over them. In fact, the universe and all its temporal sequences and configurations could be predicted beforehand if a large enough picture of the entire system could be obtained at any given instant and then a second picture some predictable time later procured as well. Two comprehensive pictures of the universe is all it would take to accurately predict every other moment in the entire history, past and future, of the universe! Existence, then, is predictable and devoid of free will. So, if in order for existence to be universal it must be predictable, the existence of life negates that premise. Existence cannot be universal because life is not predictable. As soon as life began in the universe it threw the laws of the cosmos out the window. Life changed the rules of the game forever.
It is our definition of life that is in error. We see life as little separate packages, each an individual in and a representative of a larger grouping. Life seems to be a play on a theme. The theme seems to be about being born, living a time, and dying. Taken as a whole, from the perspective of the individual, goes our belief, the life of the individual has no meaning and counts for nothing. From the larger perspective of the species, the individual is of no importance except that the sheer number of them guarantees that the genetic code will be passed on to the next generation in sufficient quantities. In our contemporary worldview, life is considered to be a mindless force heedless of its constituents and bent on one thing alone: the perpetuation of the species. There is no higher premise in our worldview, it stops at the concept of species. The many different species find a natural balance in any given stable environment where all mutually benefit and continue to propagate. The many areas of study being touched on now precludes their inclusion in any meaningful way to support the worldview as presented here and will not be offered. They have been covered in the body of this work. The error in this worldview is that life is considered a play on a theme carried out countless times throughout history. The error is compounded by virtually infinite repetition until it seems natural and predictable.
In our worldview, consciousness is nothing more than a chance by-product of this mindless force that’s only concern is the perpetuation of the species. In this way consciousness becomes a completely freak occurrence that has no ramification upon the larger scheme of things. In the case of life on earth as we understand it consciousness is humankind’s defining quality. It is almost like a disease because we find conscious life confusing, and difficult to unravel in terms of living a happy and stable life. We are inflicted by it because consciousness makes a mess of our relationships. We see the other animals have no problems surviving without it, even thriving in its absence, while we flounder on the brink of destruction. We seem to understand a lot of things but know nothing for certain. It is our worldview that blinds us to the truth. We cannot see that we are not here by chance and that life is not what we think it is so long as we believe that existence is universal. It is not consciousness that made us sick, it is what we think that means, that did.
What does it matter how many chunks of rock hurtle through space if nothing sees it? And yet, we are not the eyes of the universe, it has plenty of those - we are its mind. Although we made consciousness in our attempt to become our own creators, God's use of it is far more profound. Consciousness links us and marks us all with its indelible imprint. We are each a part of it, not apart because of it. Consciousness can thus be seen as a double-edged sword. It can imprison or set free, just as all concepts can. And just as every concept before it is, consciousness is ultimately an illusion. It matters not one whit how many chunks of rock constitute the universe but it does matter what we think that means.
It is life that is universal, and matter is only one of several avenues that life expresses itself through. This should be obvious, and it was to our ancestors, but we have lost this knowledge in favor of observable facts based on a repeatable pattern. If we did not create ourselves but we believe we did, then the universe must by necessity be very large indeed to hide our Source from us. It has to be so if we believe we define our own self-image - if that image is not a true portrait of The Child of God. We’d have to be able to hide from our Maker some place far away, far removed from The Creator’s sphere of influence.
That is how we believe we have made a mockery of God’s Word, and defied the Source of our very existence. Yet we only make war on ourselves, and even that is but a dream gone bad from which we will awaken.
What are these strange emotions for? Intuition would show you, and reason would explain it. There is a conspiracy afoot, and it conspires
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