» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author E.C.Nemeth

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is the hardest to admit is true.
The reason we do not normally realize this seemingly easy deception is because of the method we employ to deny it. Good and evil evoke many forms of emotion but fundamental to each is the concept of fear. There is much to fear in our world. Many forms of terror haunt us but the underlying fear is the fear of what we might find if we went beyond the fear itself. For there we know we might very likely meet our Creator and that thought terrifies us.
Could it be that the Creator is right behind our fear waiting for us to conquer our inhibitions?
Seems terribly simple ... Good and evil are the final creations of a benevolent God. Huh? Why? It is very suggestive. Could it be that our most difficult problems involve the ideas of good and evil?
The wave of life
It is time to consider a new avenue of permutation based on the Chart. If you refer to the chart, the first word is All. This represents the state that never changes and thus existed before creation began. Following the large arrow pointing downward, the next two words are monopole/nopole. They are the first creations.
Notice however, that a new arrow now points to the right and indicates that a new direction has become available. This means that the next moment, when present/paradox are created, the repercussions of the previous creation of monopole/nopole manifests unity. That is, when the next moment present and paradox are created, unity becomes manifest because of the creation of monopole/nopole the moment before.
And now notice that there is an arrow diverging to the right of each of the six dual creations that constitute our universe. What this means is that there is a wave of creation/permutation that rises to a maximum then subsides again to a minimum. What is only implied in the Chart is that creation continues. Creation is a wave that continually washes over reality. Yet the permutations of reality are continually washed away only to be reconstituted again and again as creation continues.
The insert entitled The Twelve Instants of Creation tabulates the results based on the above discussion. The first list begins numbering from #0 to denote that All exists before creation. The second list starts from #1 only because we are used to that point of view. The second list also makes the point clearer that creation and its ramifications are wave-like.
Please consider this tabulation carefully, for it is the linchpin of the coming understanding.
In the first book, All Just Is, it was stated that the creation of zero and infinity marked a point of stability in the creation sequence, albeit a universe devoid of life would have resulted. Zero/infinity are the third creations in our universe. If we look at the first tabulation which begins with #0 we see that life was in fact a permutation that manifests at this exact moment. So a qualifier must be added to what we learned in the first book: the creation of zero/infinity marked a point of stability, albeit a universe devoid of life as we know it would have resulted.
And now we can reveal a startling fact: the first three instants of creation are God’s solution to our imagined creation of the final three instants. God created monopole, nopole, present, paradox, unity, zero, infinity, plurality, life! We thought we created the rest. But they are only illusion. Life as we know it cannot exist in God’s universe because God did not create the final three instants of creation - we did.
Look at the second list again. Whether you understand numerology or the history of numbers is irrelevant. The numbering in the second list is significant from either of those stances alone but they are not necessary. The second list makes it very easy to see that if God stopped creating after zero/infinity then we created a whole lot of things after that, way more than God did. In fact, God created or had manifest nine phenomena while we created or had manifest thirty-three. It is these other creations that we thought we made atop God’s true creation that spawned the need for so many further permutations.
Can you see this? God created three dual concepts that spun three additional permutations. We thought we created three dual concepts, but because we really didn’t our permutations totaled twenty seven. Is this clear? God created six concepts which required three additional permutations to arise. We thought we created six concepts also, but ours required twenty seven permutations before stability was attained.
Complication is a very effective way to hide what is true if for no other reason than it is confusing and distracts the ponderer with fluff. Inundated by multi-layered subterfuge, the seeker of truth cannot find the bedrock of truth. Even if for a moment the truth is encountered, it quickly morphs into various possible alternate meanings based upon the viewpoint of the searcher. The great thinkers of this world are left in an untenable situation where it seems an opinion must be formed, an argument with amassed facts submitted, a logical hierarchy of order and law put forward, supporting one of many seemingly equally valid explanations of reality. These proofs use axioms that are proposed tenets of reality and then proceed to substantiate the axioms' viability by demonstrating how their intrinsic logic is not violated throughout the entire logical sequence of the proposed proof. Complication deceives by offering concepts or partial truths as building blocks from which reality can be pieced together. Only, there are many different ways to assemble the pieces.
If we look at the Chart in the light of this complication theory, it becomes evident that the first three lines of being, doing, truth are mirror images of the last three lines of faith, karma, concept. The first line is God's answer to the sixth line, the second the answer to the fifth and the third line of the chart answers the fourth. This fact is highlighted by the semi-dotted line across the Chart between the third and fourth lines of reality. The Chart could be folded up along that dotted line and rapidly return the perusor to Truth. That is the truth of our situation: we are continually returned to truth only to shun it with our petty judgments and ill-informed opinions and conclusions.
The next chapter will unify the disparate facts presented in this two-book-long diatribe but first we must finish with the separating forces brought on by our imagined authorship of reality. As has been stated so many times already: we did not create this universe and it does not exist as we think we see it. It is not up to us to define reality, nor to understand it. It is not our purpose. How can you define or understand what does not exist, in truth?
How? By employing concepts.
Out of context
Concepts are little bubbles of reality that seem to be tiny portions of the universe that have been surgically extracted from the whole. In such an intellectual state, it seems possible to completely isolate a bit of truth from all the effects and perturbations and influences of the rest of reality. Thus perfectly separated, it becomes innocent of subterfuge and capable of illuminating the truth that supports it.
So goes the rational train of thought, and it is obviously very convincing. What goes unnoticed is that before rationality gained our confidence we first had to be trained to think in terms of concepts. We had to focus our attention toward seeing disconnected and disjointed fragments of reality. We also had to learn to question everything. Only once we had completely torn down reality as we had thought we knew it could we come to the desired state of total ignorance. It is from this state that science and religion began asserting their claim to authority in the matter of what constitutes reality. Everything, all previous knowledge, had to be cast in doubt so that a basis for contemplating concepts could arise. For only then can concepts be accepted as possibilities. It took many millennia to reach the desired state. There have been many false starts with disastrous consequences but we, in the present day, have finally arrived at the desired goal: we are virtually completely ignorant of and wholly confused about the true nature of reality.
For the past one hundred years we have been ripe for the picking in terms of handing over authority to others in every area of our lives while believing we were actually choosing to voluntarily recant our personal autonomy. We think we have made the right choice, based on what we think we know. In other words, given the facts as we know them we have all decided to relinquish our right to self-reliance and self-determination in exchange for a life of servitude to elite organizations that hold total authority over our lives.
Concepts allow this modern-day slavery to perpetuate itself by separating ideas that cannot exist if they are brought together again. That should have been our first clue but it went unnoticed. If a concept proposes an idea that cannot be reconciled with the rest of reality the concept must have been separated out based on the wrong assumptions. Instead, on account of already being in a state of total confusion, the rest of reality comes under fire and not the concept itself. But by redefining reality the premise of the faulty concept is also undermined and is no longer valid.
As an example, the first book, All Just Is, employed the idea of the numerical equation: ¥ - N = ¥. This is a modern-day tenet of mathematics upon which rests the bulk of much higher understandings like: E = mc². The first book made the point that the concept of infinity includes everything so there is nothing left to subtract from it. Since there is nothing left to subtract from it, N can only be 0 and so, like any other number, if you subtract zero from infinity you are left with infinity. In other words, although the equation is correct, it is correct despite the wrong premise employed, not because a finite number subtracted from infinity still leaves infinity intact. The equation rests upon two concepts that are supposed to be mutually exclusive because the one contradicts the other. In fact, this equation is used to demonstrate the proposition that the finite world and the realm of the infinite can and do co-exist.
Concepts allow the contemplation of the impossible. But can the impossible be imagined? If reality cannot support a concept, the concept is impossible to imagine. Yet there it is, seemingly whole and complete in its isolation. It is the concept of isolation itself that is the impossibility. Still, there it is.
Lets do a little mental picturing to illustrate this idea, although if the reader is mathematically inclined the above example is perhaps the clearest. Another good example however, is the idea most people hold of the Creator as a powerful being, sitting somewhere upon the clouds on high. If God is infinite, this picture of God as a separate entity is impossible. For if God is infinite then there cannot be anything else in existence. We are confused by this because there is at least God and us. Since that seems to be the case we are left with a conflict of understanding that cannot be reconciled. In our uncertainty we must assign all sorts of concepts equal validity even if and when they contradict one another.
Concepts were invented to undermine our certainty; concepts facilitate our seeming inability to comprehend Who We Are. The choice to freely hand authority over to others as our voice for truth is an extremely dangerous tactic for so many reasons. Those reasons will not be expanded
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