» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author E.C.Nemeth

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Nine centers, or at least attempts to equalize. The complexity of nine is beyond explanation in purely mechanical terms because nine extends its influence into the realm of the perceiver's motivations, behaviors and beliefs. Nine defines and delineates. Nine not only unifies, completes and transcends, it extends.
Nine acts like a scaffold or supporting structure for the "bridge" of truth. It is a latticework of repercussions due to cause and effect scenarios that link the material world to the real world. Nine translates truth into illusion on behalf of the perceiver, and translates illusion into truth for those that choose instead to see. This strange ability of nine to handily interpret reality according to the will of the perceiver is exactly what keeps reality constantly changing. It highlights the fact that the perceiver’s will is out of line with truth. So, although nine builds a bridge to the truth, the perceiver must consciously decide to cross it.
The act of perceiving is the precursor to the construction of a worldview and thereafter perception supports the worldview of the perceiver. This is the same as claiming the created, created itself. The logic in any worldview is skewed and biased toward its perpetuation by intentionally selective input. The perception of scenarios that support the worldview of the perceiver does not prove its premise, it merely keeps its attention on what is already thought to be known.
Nine builds upon the powerful harmonic of three and its ability to synthesize old conflicts into ever new understandings. Three threes may increase the level of understanding but it is not stable. Entire worldviews, complete with their attendant false gods, vie for supremacy amidst a myriad of equally viable worldviews. These worldviews interact in a collusion of vast complexity and incredibly intricate design.
Nine brings up a number of related questions that polarizes the understandings of all perceivers into two camps. Can the orchestra orchestrate itself? If not then Who is the orchestrator? There is collusion at work in the reality of those with worldviews - it is only a question of Who has authority. Who is the ultimate ruler of the worlds? And is that ruler the same as the one Who rules reality? Is there even a difference? Could it really be that there is no ruler - only a bunch of servants with no master? The two camps of thought split the mind of the perceiver and demands a choice of allegiance be made. But every choice only fuels the further influence of nine and its polarizing effects. Thus nine actually influences the behavior of the perceiver and modifies their worldview by altering their motivations and beliefs.
To be centered, to truly act in accord with reality, to be motivated by a core set of beliefs in line with truth requires only the complete desire to heal. To heal is to give up all investment in worldviews and the interpretation of perception. That is what makes sick because such contrived realities are abnormal and the normal state of all beings is complete and perfect health. Nine defines and delineates so that what the perceiver wishes to believe will have its exclusive witnesses readily available. To act with integrity one must be integrated. Nine does not integrate for that can only be done by the Advocate of Truth. But since the polarized understandings of nine are divided into the two camps of truth and illusion, the camp of truth becomes the Advocate for the Truth made real to the perceiver.
Only desire to heal, and healing has come.
Thus does each perceiver arrive back at the place of the original mistake where The One mistook itself for another. Here the perceiver unifies all perception on behalf of healing and the truth. Once unified the perceiver can forgive and complete the transcendence of illusion. The only way to complete the transcendence is to extend the truth to all perception thereby unifying perception with comprehension. Comprehension leads to true sight. Those that see have no wish to perceive something else, thereby their worldviews dissolve and the Real World shines away all illness, illusion and death forever.
Nine is the enneagram, a complex interconnection of nine separate human character types. The nine equal-sided figure contains 1260 degrees. An ennead holds three and a half circles or seven half circles and so, it is a harmonic of seven.
Eight clarifies the position of seven and in the process becomes the best possible reason for the advocated paradigm shift. Eight is the triangulator, the locator, the coordinator. Eight closes the box of reality. To those with worldviews, eight introduces an unprecedented degree of complexity that swamps their ability to grasp the whole and leaves them floundering in the backwash of trivialities. Eight offers up copious amounts of minutia, otherwise known as facts, in a highly successful gambit designed to distract perception and thus hide the truth. Eight re-establishes the authority of materiality while simultaneously highlighting the remarkable attributes of its predecessor, the number seven. Eight reforms.
A circle drawn on a piece of paper cannot be divided into seven equal portions. Every other number, from 2 to 10, of equal portions can be mathematically and mechanically portrayed, but not seven. Although eight follows the logic of the others it also highlights the characteristics of seven. Eight is quasi-finite in detail, outstripping the perceiver’s ability to grasp the whole. Although not infinite, eight does express the main characteristic of the infinite, at least as far as those with worldviews are concerned. Infinity is unattainable to the perceiver and eight highlights this imagined fact.
Eight is the first cubed number, 2³. Cubes represent a higher order of reality that doesn't ordinarily manifest directly and yet many phenomena rely on them for expression. To cube is to express in three dimensions. Three dimensional expression is the reality of those with worldviews. It is a limiting factor designed to reduce the irreducible.
Eight triangulates a position, or more accurately, the perceiver triangulates relationships via the attributes of eight. The cubed position locates absolutely in absolute space, which could only seriously be considered a possibility by those with worldviews. The triangulated position allows for the co-ordination of relationships. Eight provides the arena within which all interactions can occur between separate phenomena.
Perhaps the best example of the extent of eight’s considerable appeal is in its very symbol. The number eight, 8, is the symbol for infinity, ¥, rotated ninety degrees. What happens when something rotates? It assumes a centripetal acceleration. This acceleration is in fact observable as the expanding universe of contemporary scientific theory. Although eight does impart an acceleration in the eyes of those with worldviews, it only provides a tendency or an inclination that can be interpreted as such. The number eight, like the harmonic of four, is precarious and slippery - it does not maintain a state, it simply passes it along in a manner consistent with the will of the perceiver. That is precisely its appeal.
There are configurations and amalgamations, interactions and consequences extending into the range of the infinite due to the expanding nature of perception, but it does not in fact reach to infinity. The idea of a range of variables is only possible under the guise of perception for infinity cannot have a range. Infinity is everything, all at once - and right now. Such a reality cannot be explained, but it can be known. Where seven shows how truth can be seen, eight provides a conducive atmosphere where truth can be found. In this case the truth is infinity and while seven opens the eyes, eight turns them and focuses them on that truth. Infinity as a concept that cannot be understood is useless and disheartening but infinity as real and here and right now, graspable and knowable - that's very useful indeed. Infinity is not a limit on being but a condition of it.
The reformative nature of eight extends from there. If infinity is a condition of being then it must be natural and already fact. If that is so then perception must account for the discrepancy. Eight reforms because there is a superior logic that runs counter to that understood by those with worldviews and it cannot be refuted. Infinity and the finite cannot co-exist because the one contradicts the other. With honest assessment it becomes evident that perception misleads due to the improper placement of authority. All beings either perceive or they see. The difference is not only a matter of semantics but a matter, literally, of life and death. Those that see are bestowed with sight, those that perceive are essentially blind. Eight makes possible a stark contrast between the two and that accounts for its palliative effect. From the point of view of perception, eight reforms by making it clearly evident how each moment is simply a choice for the many or for The One.
Eight is the octagon of eight equal sides of indeterminate length and eight equal internal angles totaling 1080° or three circles. Being six half circles or triangles, eight is a harmonic of six.
Seven takes a completely different tact than the others in the set. Seven reaches down from the infinite and cloaks the truth, hiding it between the cracks of perception. Seven represents a gray area in the field of perception that can be manipulated in various ways for various reasons. In many ways seven is the cornerstone in the progressing proliferation and complexity of numbers. Six destroys the illusion and in the vacuum created seven provides a stepping stone back to solid ground. Its logic is implicit yet out of phase with the others. Seven is a sudden unexplainable quirk that works unexplainably. Seven is a hole in the logic of the perceiver and consequently, an avenue back to the truth. Seven is restorative.
So far, each number has divided evenly into the three hundred and sixty degrees of the circle. Of all the numbers in the set, only seven does not divide evenly and this is the first clue that seven holds a unique position in the hierarchy. The perceived circle is not the actual shape of the true circle. The three hundred and sixty degrees of the perceived circle is only a convention and is no more accurate than any other division. The ancients often used to divide the circle into three hundred and sixty six. Seven did not divide evenly into that system either...
The perceived circle is material, it takes up space in the mind of the perceiver. The true circle is the Mind and Its creations. Due to this discrepancy, those with worldviews must have a mechanism in place below the level of their awareness that underpins their reality and links it to the truth. Seven does just this. Seven is not manmade, nor is it the number seven in truth. Seven is that part of the whole that remains unseen and thus unaltered by perception. Seven is perceived as just another unremarkable number by those with worldviews but Numerology long ago realized its divine attributes. Seven allows the superposition of illusory images and so it upholds every possible perception of the willful. The material realm is full of cracks, blind spots and attention grabbers. Each is but another means to hide the truth. For the truth, on this level of logic, is the cracks, the blind spots and the thing the attention grabbers obscure.
Seven, in a sense, undermines the worldview of the perceiver because although it is used to hide the truth in plain sight, it could be used as easily to reveal that self-same truth. Seven is not the miracle - it is the revelation. It is the sudden complete knowledge of the truth. It is the never-ending link to the Godhead, The Creator of All. It is this link to the truth that can be used to directly manipulate reality. The reality of the perceiver is not
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