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real and so it can be anything at all. With this knowledge and a great deal of discipline it is very possible to contrive alternate, more desirable realities. However, widening circles of repercussions demand that such alterations must adversely affect others. It is this final obstacle that must be dealt with, for if everyone contrived to have more desirable realities then everyone would be adversely affected by everyone else. This is precisely the problem that faces all those with worldviews - no matter how hard they try and irregardless of how good-intentioned they seem to be, things always seem to get worse.
Seven increases the sense of panic within the perceiver due to the seeming futility of existence and the impotent affect of even their most dedicated efforts. Panic in turn induces fear, and the fearful are naturally savage, brutal and fierce. In such a scenario, the reality of the perceiver must be riddled with pain, suffering and death.
Yet that gloomy interpretation is only the thing the perceiver believes, but it is not true. In fact, it is the reverse that is true. More desirable realities are not contrived, they are orchestrated. The false authority of those with worldviews requires false outcomes filled with misery for all. True autonomy requires the placement of authority firmly where it belongs - with the Creator of Reality. The One Mind is not split, divided or differentiated. The One Mind is whole, inclusive and equal. Seven speaks of this to those with ears to hear.
Whereas the other numbers provide means to add complexity, thereby obscuring the truth to greater degrees, seven ignores the logic of limited worldviews entirely and entwines the finite in the web of the infinite by virtue of its alternate and unassailable reasoning. Seven represents the remaining unbroken communication link of the created with The Creator. Seven is the bridge between realities of illusion and the reality of truth. Seven restores the awareness of Truth to the perceiver of illusion without destroying the perceiver's carefully constructed worldview.
Seven is the hectogram of seven equal sides and angles, totaling 900°. Seven, being two and a half circles or five half circles, is a harmonic of five.
Six is the number of replication. It is the six pointed star and the double triangle. Six is sturdy and stable. It is the latticework upon which the reality of the perceiver hinges. Being two interconnected circles and although hidden by the complexity imagined by those with worldviews, six represents the truth. Six is an intrinsic part of the logic of those with worldviews. Six not only transcends, it completes.
Notice the hierarchy of the numbers and the theme of each, disregarding for the moment the number zero. One is the number of The Created Entity, The Child of God, The One. One is God's thought. Two is the number of the illusion, it is the worldview as understood by those that choose to be the authors of perception. Two separates. Three is the number of reunification, its flaw being the premise of the other, the alternative or counter argument that must be absorbed and melded into an all-inclusive synthesis, a super-argument beyond the scope of either side alone. Three transcends. Four is the number of raw power and is the materializing medium. Four perceives. Five is the number of life, being the basis of the fundamental archetype of Phi and the perfect proportion of 3:4:5. Five evolves. Six is the number of Godhood, a concept of use only to the perceiver, which itself is a fundamental error and therefore elicits an answer that grants its viewpoint in order to respond at all, and be understood. Six reiterates.
Just as the stability of reality seemed assured a very basic flaw in the premise of that reality threatens to bring it crashing down in ruins. For Could God dream such an insane dream? Imagine the Supreme Being, lost in a dream where there are billions of individual consciousnesses and surrounded by incomprehensible amounts of space. In the dream, the dreamer has no control over the events in the dream and so becomes the dream itself. Thus twice removed from the awareness of the source of the dream, the dreamer merely rides along the trail of life helplessly thrust into situations not of the dreamer's choosing. And the final experience of every life form is its own demise, the body set aside to decompose and disintegrate and return to the dust it once long ago was. God would have to be mad if perception were reality. Perception is an error in authority, and its tenets are biased by unconscious control of perception.
Six in fact tears apart, shreds and decimates. That is precisely its strength. Its great stability arises from its destructive characteristics because within the stuff of the illusion is the truth. The destruction spoken of here is the removal of the veil and the return to true sight. In this sense, six is the number of completion in that the illusion is no more, and only the truth can be seen. And where the truth is seen no illusion can come to undermine it - but it first must be seen.
The stability of reality only seems to be supported by the number six. Six attempts to deny the truth by the repetition of the perceiver's mantra, which is the belief in physicality above all else. Yet that mantra is merely the belief in death, for all physical forms must eventually succumb to the law of entropy. Careful contemplation on this subject would reveal this truth. As it stands, six succeeds in duping the perceiver and warping the worldview by focusing on the error as if it were the truth, repeatedly offering examples to uphold the belief in the solidity of physical matter.
All worldviews believe in the material world and so they all share the same error.
Materiality can be defined as the existence of phenomena that occupy space and time. To exist is another way of saying to occupy space and time. The word phenomena means physical forms or objects, and that again implies occupying space and time. And to occupy space and time is to be physical. Anything physical interacts with its surroundings, acting and reacting as circumstances dictate. Therefore materiality also implies inviolate laws that govern the behavior of all phenomena, each according to its nature.
Six fleshes out the reality of the perceiver by offering repeated examples of the same mistake raised to the power of belief. Six covers over the undefined edges of reality by filling in the gaps of reality with more dense and less ill-defined tenets of perception. Wherever the perceiver turns its gaze, there six contrives to offer up shreds of accepted reality to the eyes of the perceiver.
Six is the six-pointed star. Six is the hexagram of six equal-sided faces, its internal angles adding up to 720° or two complete circles. Being four half circles or triangles, six is a harmonic of four.
Five is the number of life. The tension and conflict of four is solved by transcending the seeming context, and removing the basis of its importance. Five does not in fact resolve, it evolves. Five plays on a theme, circling outward or spiraling inward in repeated patterns of matriculation. Each level emulates the one before it but on a different scale.
The five-pointed star, the skeletal image of the pentagram, is nothing but five straight lines that intersect at the vertices. Its unique structure allows it to express a truth otherwise hidden by the illusion. The truth is the number PHI, which reveals the incompatible nature of finite numbers to accurately portray the objects of those with worldviews. No phenomena in the world of the perceiver is completely represented. There is a kind of fuzzy, inconclusive border that outlines everything the perceiver sees. The reason this is so is because, in truth, there are no separate objects independent and inviolate. All are connected and all are part of the whole.
The proportion of five is evident everywhere in nature. The snail’s shell, the human face, the branches of a tree, all follow this divine proportion. The triangle is the object - the very first object. The triangle whose sides are in the ratio of 3:4:5 is the premise of Phi. Notice that 3²+4²=5². Those are the only three consecutive numbers that display this interesting proportion. Remember that a triangle is half a circle so that the proportion of 6:8:10 yields the truth without obscuring the lie. Everything real or imagined must base its existence upon the truth. The only dividing factor is whether it is the truth that is seen or a substitute for it.
Four merely rotates a quarter turn per side while five alters the rotation itself to allow more degrees per rotation so that the sum of its angles are greater than that of a circle. This increase of complexity is the hallmark of evolution as understood by those with worldviews. Evolution is advancement according to the hierarchical thinking of the perceiver. It is no such thing, for there is no such thing as evolution. Not in truth, at least. If all are one then there cannot be complexity because complexity relies on differences and to have differences there must be more than one. For this reason alone it is quite obvious that evolution is merely another way to obscure the truth.
Five attempts to complete the incomplete by changing scales and levels. It fills in the blanks in the observer’s field of view with repeating patterns that themselves leave blank spaces, gray areas not resolved at that level of scrutiny. Upon closer scrutiny, five just repeats the same pattern inside the now exposed blanks and in the process leaves more gaps at ever greater resolution. In this way five maintains stability in an unstable environment and allows the incomplete to be seen as whole.
Five is the expression of the attempt to unify the trinity and duality (3 + 2). In this sense the trinity can be seen as truth and duality as the lie. It has already been established beyond any doubt that truth and illusion cannot co-exist. Therefore five is nothing more than a futile effort guaranteed only to fail.
Five is the pentagram. It has five sides of equal and indeterminate size. Its internal angles equal 540°, or one and a half circles. Being three half circles or triangles, five is a harmonic of three.
Four represents many ideas fundamental to temporal existence. The foremost is the interesting space it implies. Four is also unstable and volatile. Furthermore it seems to foster conflict and tension. Being two sets of two it incompletely symbolizes the futile attempt to fuse the illusion and the truth.
Consider the earlier example of the box drawn by three straight lines, each drawn from where the one before it ended and subtending an angle of some positive, non-zero number up to but not including one hundred and eighty. Such a box would always lie on a flat plane. If another dot is drawn that is not on that plane and each of the first three dots were to extend fresh lines that met at this fourth point the area would describe a volume. Whereas three prescribed a space in general, four prescribes a space/time event. Four represents the volume of space subtended by a so-called object or event during part or all of its existence.
Although this last statement brings up a logical hiccup regarding the ability to definitively state the exact moment an object can be considered to cease to exist, there is more to get to. Four does not resolve. Instead, it perpetuates. In order to perpetuate four must pass on a given state. This is what makes it seem as though a perceived object has substance and continuity. However, to pass on the
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