» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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then it will be given an external explanation. Luck, then, seems to be relative. In fact luck has nothing whatsoever to do with a person’s work habits or attitudes; it is neither a derivative of internal or external forces.
Instead, luck has to do with a person’s focus in life. It has to do with their established purpose here on earth. Luck is nothing more than the lessons one has come here to experience. From our present point of view there is no luck, only what has been drawn to each individual according to their mission on earth.
We live in a world of our own making and so we make our own luck. As much can be learned from a string of bad luck as from good. Sometimes only bad luck can illuminate an area of experience where learning is stuck and sometimes only good luck can. It can be shown that in fact there is only good luck and that to see it differently only highlights the fact that the individual needs to learn a particular lesson to see that this is the case. That is the purpose we have given the idea of luck: to highlight our personal areas of ignorance.
To learn this lesson is to turn bad luck into good luck.
Fortune smiles on the fortunate.
The reason for this apparent discrepancy between good and bad luck is apparent from a higher point of view where duality and contradiction have been removed. Luck is nothing more than an awareness of something other than what is true.
Truth is completely fortuitous. Truth returns the power of the will to the individual, where it always is but wasn’t seen. Truth is understanding that everything happens not to you but for you. Of course, once truth has come, nothing happens to or for you any more but from you. Once truth is accepted the individual becomes a conscious co-creator of reality. In this ultimate state, the individual is no longer conflicted and so luck loses its meaning. There is only the will of the Creator, shared.
To others, however, such a person is very, very lucky. Of course it could also be seen by others that such a person is extremely unlucky. But those distinctions are held by others that are themselves still conflicted and is only an opinion based upon personal considerations that differ among individuals.
Hold truth in your mind and your fortune will be realized.

It is in the void, in the ether, in the holy space devoid of concepts where our savoir comes to us and leads us home. Our little effort to maintain this slight open area in our minds is all that is required of us to gain everything of importance. Our Creator waits for us in the gap between thoughts. It is only our willful and ignorant perceived need to stand in the seat of authority that keeps our true inheritance from our awareness. If we but relinquish our petty grasp on nothing, everything would take its place.
In the next chapter the truth will dawn on those who have honestly fostered this open space. Let us pray that you can count yourself one of the few who are truly ready to receive the peace of God.


Now comes the final sortie into knowledge and truth. At the level of context the arena of reality has expanded to include our limits and beyond. This is the summation of all the ideas presented within this volume and the one that preceded it. But another logical diatribe is not what is required to sum it all up. No digression or argument based upon reason, no matter how lofty, can even begin to approach the task. My friends, there will be no more attempts to persuade. We will finalize this study, to be sure, but it will be based on the premise of love and not on fear. The final sortie back to truth will be based on the one and only context: that of unity.
In order to synchronize our present day viewpoint with the only real viewpoint that we all in truth share, we will attempt a simple countdown. Except, since we have everything backward, the only concession will be that time will still behave the same way and march in the direction we have all become accustomed to.
For this countdown the awareness of open-mindedness should be kept forefront at all times. Also, an attitude of the eager student would greatly foster comprehension. This work has always heavily stressed the importance of unlearning the false and learning the first tenet of truth, which is that we do not know.
And so, my brothers and sisters, my fellow learners of truth, let us begin the countdown to the end of uncertainty and the return of truth and love. Let this book be the happy celebration of a host of Ministers of God stepping into their power!
Ten raises the harmonics of reality to a new level of complication. Ten is the recounted journey of the known to the unknown via the willful and false belief in illusions by the perceiver. Ten is the infinite field that unites all the imagined fragments of The Pure One and absorbs the parts into the whole in a way completely satisfying to every single entity. Ten heralds a return to fundamentals as a way to reprioritize all understandings and gauge the merits of isolated facts and assumptions. Ten is the symbol of the fusion of one and zero and as such it is the synthesis of grace, The Holy Trinity. Ten is yet another form or representation of the singular truth of the circle in the dot. Ten integrates.
Ten is nothing more than one perceived instead of one seen. It is only the willful usurpation of reality by the Created One. But reality is unchangeable - that is what makes it real. Since reality cannot change and The Created One insists that it do, an untenable conflict arises. Reality seems to alter according to the whim of The Created One because of what The Pure One is. Nothing really happens. What is perceived to happen is that a gap appears between zero and one and between one and infinity. This gap represents the idols The Created One wishes to believe in. This gap can appear to be anything at all, according to the perceiver. It can be anything at all because in truth it does not exist, being solely in the mind of the perceiver and thus unshared. To understand ten is to forget the truth. Perception and vision have this same sort of tension between them. Ten highlights this basic conflict.
So it can be said that ten is the tale of the journey of the known to the unknown. To perceive first requires the conscious choice to forget the truth. Once the truth is forgotten it must forever be avoided - that is perception. Perception avoids the truth and in the process forgets the truth once clearly known. Perception is the willful and false belief in illusions in exchange for the known truth of love and peace. In basic terms, what this means is that the truth was first known, then it was purposefully forgotten. Something had to fill in the vacuum left by the forgotten truth, what has remained unnoticed is that that something could be anything at all. For if it is not the truth it is a lie and one lie is exactly the same as any other, in terms of being true. This is the unknown. The unknown can be anything at all because it is unknown.
To the perceiver it is impossible to picture ever having been in a state one could say is completely known. Yet is this not exactly what would have to be the case? If the perceiver realized that there was a time when everything had been known then the knowing would have to return. Perceivers have a name for this: remembering. And to remember is to become a member again of the known. For the truth is one and it is known by One and All. Therefore, to remember is to drop perception altogether and to see again.
In order to see again the perceiver must have help. To accept the help, the perceiver must want to be helped. But to accept the help requires a reason to want the help in the first place. The reason must be the conclusion that perception is an unreliable means for determining reality. To that end, the inconsistencies of personal beliefs must be brought to the fore of awareness. Once the perceiver begins to question the validity of various personal understandings an interesting phenomena occurs. The questioning is perceived to cleave the worldview of the perceiver in two and the perceiver has a momentary experience of a different perspective, as if standing to the side and observing from afar the self as it acts out a given situation. Once this happens the perceiver becomes aware, however dimly, of another aspect of the self. This other self is the witness to another possibility. At first it is not understood what that possibility might be but it eventually becomes clear that the perceiver might be wrong and may not know anything at all. With this realization comes further questions that then provides more witnesses for this other self. This is the help the perceiver must accept. This help has to be wanted because the perceiver has come to understand the one true fact at their disposal - that they do not know anything with certainty. This understanding need not be consistently applied to receive the help referred to, and it rarely is, it only needs to be accepted as the true state of the perceiver’s reality.
Ten fuses the disparate images of perception into a comprehensive whole by integrating the parts into the whole. This integration occurs beyond the realm of those with worldviews. In fact, it is not an integration but a return to. To integrate is to take all the puzzle pieces and put them together into a picture. Each piece is real and is required to form the picture. A return to is more like waking from a dream. The dream may have been so real, so compelling, that the perceiver was tricked into thinking in the dream that they were awake. But as soon as they wake the dream is dropped, and reality returns. The elements from the dream are simply discarded as having been a substitute for reality. Such is the integration spoken of here. When the perceiver sees again, those elements of perception that sight does not see are simply dropped and forgotten. The rest of perception, being the truth, merely melds into the whole where it always was.
Ten is the symbol of the fusion of one and zero. That is no mere coincidence. The consequence of the belief in two eventually results in the fusion of zero and infinity. The perceiver opened a gap between zero and infinity where all perception resides. Yet the circle and the dot are One and the Same. Only perception perceives a difference. To see them as they truly are is to see The Totality - The One.
Ten is the decagon of ten equal sides. The ten internal angles add up to 1440 degrees, or four circles. Being eight half circles or triangles, ten is a harmonic of eight.
Nine introduces an impulse to reality that keeps it constantly changing in the eyes of the perceiver. Nine, being three sets of three, is not only a harmonic of three but carries on the work of unifying perception on behalf of the perceiver. Nine rotates and examines from all angles. Oddly, also being the square of three, nine has certain aspects in common with the attributes of four.
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