» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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All the angels and the entire host of heaven are at your command as you near the end of a seemingly long and ultimately useless journey. God awaits you as you finally open your sleepy eyes. Now you blink and rub them before fully rousing - but you are already awake.
You see things others may not yet see. You feel things others may not yet feel. You know things, they come to you in a flash, complete. You have connected to others, deeper than the world is yet aware is possible. You have strange occurrences and they are not all pleasant but many are ecstatic. You have an inkling about a force, a power that can be focused and bent to your will. You have odd budding abilities. But most of all, you feel as though there is just more love to go around. You have been surprised at the new meaning of intimacy.
Have faith, Holy Child, for now more than ever you have need of it. Believe in your God. The God of your new understanding cannot fail and no power in heaven or on earth holds dominion over God’s rule. The only conflict is the one you have imposed upon the truth. Heed the words of The Voice for God. That voice is always there for you to hear, if you will it, as God has willed for you. Your will is God’s gift. God created you with a will of a loving parent, equal to God’s own because it is one and the same. For there is only the One Mind and the one will, with the many eyes.
The state of creation
Earlier it was stated that if we thought purely in terms of relationships we would rapidly return to the truth. This would be easily understood if it were not for the fact that our use of relationships is based on language and commerce. Commerce is a means to distribute perceived needs among those that agree to believe in lack. But lack itself was and continues to be invented to support the belief in commerce. Again, we see the trademark circular reasoning of the ego's use of logic. One illogical premise supporting another does not make them logical but it does seem convincing to the deluded.
Language is employed to align the otherwise conflicting false beliefs of the individuals via the use of a common tongue. All false beliefs are supported by the belief in separation, and language reinforces this belief on a larger scale. To be separate is to be in a state of lack. If lack is seen, commerce must follow to distribute the needs of the individuals so afflicted. In such a state, relationships become the means to satiate the perceived lack.
The perception of lack can take many forms. That is why relationships seem to vary among individuals. Ultimately, that is the reason there seems to be different kinds of love. Love and lack are actually mutually exclusive: where one is seen the other cannot exist. Since this is obviously not so in our world at this time there needs to be a logical connection established between the two. Relationships alone cannot bridge love and lack because there is a true relationship between Creator and created that cannot be totally denied. Language was invented to provide a means to sort of bend the truth enough to make it seem unrecognizable. Thus, although the true relationship of Creator and created was lost, language became the platform upon which another type of relationship could take its place. This other type of relationship is the basis of commerce. It is the fulfillment of lack by the forming of relationships among those of similar beliefs.
The form of a relationship must be secondary to the content or reason for the relationship in the first place. Yet the reason must be true or else the relationship will be seen incorrectly. Here is where correction can be properly applied. It does no good to redefine the relationship to suit current beliefs as they arise. That only addresses the effects of the form of relationships and not their cause. The cause of relationships has nothing at all to do with lack. If the cause of relationships were understood to be due to the natural order of authority rooted in the Creator and extending to all creation, the form of relationships would be of little concern. The form of a relationship is the unique expression of its common cause. Therefore, it is not the differences that define reality but the similarities. The similarities are the cause of relationships and their effects can cause only similar effects. Seen correctly, the cause of relationships links all creation together in a harmonious whole and establishes an unbroken chain of Authority from Creator to created.
There is only one true relationship between Creator and Created, and that is creation itself. This is the mystery of life revealed. Yet the revelation can hold no meaning in symbolic form. The head is filled with symbols and their relationship to one another but those relationships are partial and hazily defined with some symbols unrelated at all to others. The head and the realm of symbols is at best a work in progress and must not be confused with truth in any way. Only the heart can assimilate information without prejudice because feelings are not judgments. Feelings are states of being; they are objective reality. And the state of being we are constantly in, although we do not see it, is the state of creation.
Since the denial of creation is imperative in order to believe in separation, the idea of objective reality had to accommodate a modifier. This modifier warps the true feeling of our constant state of creation, which is love, into any number of lesser feelings that continually change. In this world there are only two valid states: love and the call for love. Guess which state we occupy most. The call for love is a state of denial. As such it is never consciously acknowledged. The call for love is camouflaged by the many emotions that are sanctioned by the conscious mind. However, the state of denial allows the idea of love to enter because, since it is not understood, it can never really be experienced. Love can never be experienced only because we choose to exist in a state of denial and that is its prerequisite. Love unifies in the same way that the call for love separates and in a state of denial, love cannot be known.
The above paragraphs flew fast and loose with the words feelings and emotions, interchanging their meanings almost on a whim. Except, notice, emotions were only referred to once and when they were it came with a partial definition. Although we have defined these words before quite clearly it has also become evident that the primary distinction between the two is that feelings are instantaneous while emotions require a duration. Emotions are rationalized interpretations of incorrectly perceived feelings. We know they are incorrectly perceived because there is only one feeling and that is love. This idea will be covered in more detail in the last chapter. In essence then: feelings can convey information that ride atop the carrier wave of love while emotions are the incorrect assessment of how the self should relate to events and situations in the absence of love.
Thought, word, deed
Thought, word, deed. This is the progression of truth from its inception to its fruition. This is relationship pared down to its fundamental nature. This is creation and its extension. This is the line of authority, of authorship. This is the holy trinity, the cross of intention and spirit.
The actual Thought of God is beyond the scope of this work, of course, but the Thought of God can be likened to a universal field of reality, a support structure that under girds all things. Upon further reflection on the ultimate nature of good and evil it can be added that this universal field must be for the good of all and support only that endeavor. However, the Thought of God is not like we would consider a normal thought. There is only One Thought of God and it was given completely to The Created. God’s thought is comprehensive and whole, where each part reveals the truth of the whole in perfect completeness.
The means for the accomplishment of the Thought of God is The Word. The Word is the miracle of life without end. The revelation of The Word is the direct communion of created and Creator. The Word is the Will of God freely received and fully accepted. The matrix of life is the Word of God in formation. The matrix of life is the universe. The matrix of life is vast beyond current imaginings and includes wholly incorporeal realities totally alien to our present experience. Therefore, The Word is not made flesh but felt with the heart and known with certainty.
The extension of The Word is The Deed. The Thought of God encompasses The Word as it extends by Deed to include All. Being suffuses The Truth as it extends by Doing to include All. The Deed is action directed toward Truth. Deed is the emulation of the Truth.
God’s Being is realized through thought, word and deed.
We have ensured that thought, word and deed lead anywhere but to the truth. We have corrupted God's Thought into a little thought unworthy of The Child of God. The Word we have nullified with our own words, strung together in meaningless arrangements and saying nothing. And our deeds reflect our ignorance, being but veiled attacks on ourselves.
Consciousness is our version of The Word. Consciousness is another voice, a separate and secret identity. Consciousness spawns another reality devoid of reason and of Divine Authority. Consciousness is the private universe of the ego, where it is god.
No one and nothing else populates our private world. Each of us has such an ego-centric universe where we believe we reside separate and alone. Our private worlds intersect in agreed areas, and the guidelines to behavior in those areas are the rules of commerce. Language facilitates our bargaining to acquire our constant needs but at the end of the day we retire to our separate worlds. We form relationships to secure a steady supply of our needs but we all have our secret thoughts that are never shared.
In answer to this absurdity The Word supplies the same content. It matters not at all what the specific absurdity a Child of God has adopted. The Word is still the answer. Since consciousness seems to exist, its existence must be supported by The Thought of God and so The Word must also apply. Even if we have our own version of the original, a little thought and consciousness as its voice, The Thought of God under girds it and The Word directs it. The Word insists there is only one reality shared by all and guided by a shared will. Reality cannot be a jumble of separate realities that only impinge upon each other where they overlap. That would be absurdity.
It must be acknowledged here that the world view does not support the idea of separate universes. Instead the understanding is that there is one universe into which we are each born, live a time and die. While we live we have the help of others to guide us, however it becomes quite evident early on that those that guide us do not know where they are going or how to get there or even why. Each gives a slightly different version of the same basic hard-knocks school of thought. That tidbit is learned early and visited often, sometimes with devastating results. At such times, when we are hurt and we feel like we have been unfairly treated -
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