» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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behind our backs as we scheme our personal dreams.
When you are ready, you will know what emotions are for, and you will call them all by one name: love.
love/hate relationship
How does one explain to another anything but by comparison? If that which is whole believes there's a gap, however insignificant, in its continuity, there only its relationship to truth will be discernable.
A gap is a boundary around or a limit on truth, willfully imposed. A gap is a judgment upon reality. A gap is the wishful usurpation of authority since it is based on only a perceived difference in unity. The gap implies a missing piece in what is complete and a lack that must be filled in totality. Nothing but a gap that isn’t there hides the face of our Creator. The perceived gap is a dream thought to be real within the perfect and complete continuity of Creator and created. The created, lost in dreams, is thus juxtaposed between realities that are fundamentally apposed, apparently caught in an unsolvable paradox. But there is no paradox so long as the dream goes on, from the perspective of the dreamer, and so the limit on truth needs willful belief in the gap. The gap is nothing more than a dream the created dreams, of being orphaned. In that dream the created has taken on the role of Creator and so must deny the true Creator’s existence. This is the gap. Only in terms of relationships can reality impinge upon the awareness of the dreamer in the midst of such a dream, even if the dreamer is the Child of God.
The term relationship is already conceding the idea of separation because the separated define themselves according to their relationship to the outside world. It is their relationship to the outside world that proves they are separate.
If we thought purely in terms of relationship, keeping in mind at all times the repercussions of that perspective, there would be a very quick end to illusions and an equally rapid return to truth. But we do not think in terms of relationships, we think in the only terms we understand and that is fear. Fear blocks relationships just as language blocks communication. It is not the first time we have heard the idea that language is primarily a tool of commerce and only indirectly applied to communication. It becomes clearer in these terms because both commerce and fear are employed by the separated to stay separate, apart and alone.
Before we can expand on this idea and correct the current bias in our thinking we must review an earlier idea. Love and hate are not opposites any more than light and dark are. We do not understand what love or light is and so we have compared them to things we think we do know. Hate we understand intimately, and dark likewise. They are the foundations of a thought system based on fear that spawns the world we perceive. To these we compare love and light as our loftiest ideals.
But consider: ideals cannot be attained and so the true meaning of love and light are lost to us. This is because love belongs to another thought system, diametrically opposed to one based on fear. So completely different are these two thought systems that they literally manifest two separate realities. Although one reality is false it is still coherent within itself. It is only the nature of the experience that changes, not the truth of the experience itself. The integrity of the individual is truth, therefore it is the experience that must alter depending on the basis of the thought system employed.
(I wish I did not have to write so formally, that I could just wing it and let the words come without ego involvement, but I cannot. My ego has a very big chip on its shoulder and I have to give it a voice in order to dispel it. This work is primarily a vehicle or a means to personal comprehension. As such it is a message from my higher self to my lower self, from my loftiest ideals to my most basic survival mode of existence - which is where I think I am. To make this currently unimaginable shift possible I must expose the errors in my thinking and correct them by examining in detail all the different areas of consideration to see that every false belief is corrected in the same way. There are no specially tailored ways of correcting certain false beliefs and other ways to solve different seeming errors in my thinking. They are all solved the same way because they are all the same: they are not real. This I don’t believe and so I have written these books to myself as my learning tools. Nothing more. See? Not even trying to explain my frustration comes out right because my ego intervenes. I was trying to say I wish I could just write like I would talk normally to friends and family. The only problem is that we use language far too loosely as a rule and so such language might be misunderstood. Formal use of language curtails that very real concern.)
Furthermore, there are only two possible thought systems available as candidates: the truth, and every other concocted notion. This needs restating because it can’t be stated enough. There is the choice between the belief in truth or in illusion. Nothing else, no other option, is available. There is the thought system of truth that works and there is every other system that will not, even though for a time each might seem as though it might.
Now we can continue with the idea that commerce is employed to maintain the illusion of separation. Commerce is the idea that to have one must get. It does seem logical, no doubt. However, in order to get, someone else must have it to give away. Thus it would seem that some have more than others. If they have more they are different. If they are different there must be a boundary between the two, dividing them and ensuring their permanent separation. Where separation is seen fear must follow, for those who need what they think they do not have must worry about their very survival.
Language was invented to fortify this belief. When we speak we employ symbols that are already twice removed from reality. Firstly, the symbols represent ideas and concepts that are by definition limits on reality. Secondly, we arrange these symbols in various random ways, yet the meaning is transmitted according to the arrangement. Thus meaning would seem to be haphazard at best and meaningless at worst. The meaning conveyed by language is a percolation, a distillation - a contrivance. Communication based on language is a compromise, which is exactly what commerce is. Commerce is the substitute for relationships and is often mistaken for it. Commerce is nothing more than the compromise position agreed on between those that seem to have more and those that seem to have less. Thus, commerce is language used as a means to align false beliefs amongst individuals who believe they are different and ultimately separate.
Wake up call
Yet illusions are illusions because they are not shared. Illusions are secret thoughts, held only by the individual and no one else. This idea has been touched on before. Belief in separation is the belief in secret thoughts because it is the belief in many minds. This is the veil, the filter, the colored glass we raise before our sight. This is the limit we impose upon ourselves and the boundary we impose upon our relationships. It is the belief in limited relationships that manifests as the body and makes it real in our sight. A body can only share within limits. Ultimately, that means that the body cannot share at all and is therefore an illusion.
Language alone cannot solve what it is part of; this book cannot dissolve the illusion without dissolving itself. Perhaps that is its ultimate purpose: the dissolution of the central paradigm of the illusion. What is this cornerstone in the foundation of the ego’s thought system? Simply this: search but do not find.
On and on goes the words and over and over is the same answer given. Round and round goes the dance of riddles yet the punch line is always simple and direct. No matter how convoluted or how complicated the conceived problem is its solution is easy and effortless. This is, after all, a message of hope. But the hope is beyond the veil of fear. And the veil of fear is the dark glass of hate, a formidable seeming adversary indeed.
Is it clear that the last paragraph explained the last sentence from the paragraph before it? All the things that seem so real to us like trees and weather and loved ones and strangers and death and taxes are but means to never look where the problems could be solved. For which one in just the list from the last sentence has not at some point been considered a problem or a threat? Think about it. There is nothing in this world, nothing we consider real, that at one time or another has not become a problem to somebody or something somewhere. This was purposely stated vaguely because ... our model of the world is equally vague and we do not want to face that fact! We think complication equals comprehension when in fact the opposite is true. The truth is simple. The truth is consistent. The truth can be known by all, and in fact is - but we don‘t want to see it, let alone become aware of the necessity to deny it. For denial would first require the existence of what will then be denied and since the truth is simple, in that moment it would be understood and fully comprehended. Then denial would be impossible, just as the truth now seems to be. So not only do we not deny it, we completely turn away from and refuse to ever look at, or even near, the truth.
How do we do it? We make up a self image that is based on false beliefs made in error in response to an outside world also of our making. Neither are real, they are no more than hallucinations yet they seem real because the one world confirms the other. Only, we made the world and now we see it with eyes prejudiced or slanted to see what we believe, whatever that may be. It makes no difference what the individual pretends to see because it is always based on false beliefs. And false beliefs are designed for only one purpose: to hide what is true. Therefore: the ego’s thought system is based on the premise to seek but never to find.
This is consciousness as we employ it today.
Yet even through this clever deception The Voice for Truth beckons to the mindful.
Heed the words of truth.
Be silent and know your God. Magnificent beyond imaging - beyond images of any kind - your God radiates pure and powerful creative light outward. These Great Rays permeate All. Each is bestowed with a unique spark of everlasting life. The spark links to the Great Rays and uses the creative force to create in like manner.
Nothing but joy and peace are yours, holy child of God! And blessed are your creations! What you are cannot die but goes on creating. Joined in a chain of creation, equal under the eyes of God, you are loved and perfectly loving. You cannot sin but you can be in error. Yet the eternal cannot be mistaken and neither can you. You but dream a dream.
The choirs in heaven sing to you constantly, reminding you of your heritage, your true reality.
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