» Religion » The Fathers Heart....The Second Revelation, Mike JC [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

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life, the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, …..


and declare that eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us, that which we have seen and heard, ……..


we declare to you, that you may also have fellowship with us…….and truly….our fellowship is with The Father"……


"and truly..our fellowship is with The Father"………."and the Son"

“these things I write to you that your joy may be full”……...knowing the Father …..and the Son is …..‘fullness of joy’ to us…..


…….this is an astonishing statement…..


can you see the magnitude of this statement……this is not just kneeling down beside your bed and praying to your Heavenly Father (as ritual)


this is dialogue with someone…this is interaction with someone that John is talking about here…..fellowship……."may be felt in their hearts"…(which will bring..’fullness of joy’)


"Fellowship …with the Father"….


this just astounds me ….the level of intimacy that there was with our Heavenly Dad at the inception of the Church…..clearly a significant intimate revelation has taken place here among the disciples




(1 peter 1) …"elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, sanctified in the spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ"…..


"blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to his abundant mercy, has begotten us again to a living hope"…….


.this is amazing stuff….intimacy



(Eph 1 3-5) "blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ"…….


"just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love…having predestined us to adoption as sons"……


……incredible intimacy


"that we should be holy and consecrated, set apart for Him (our Dad), and blameless in our Dads sight….for He (Dad) foreordained us, destined us, planned in love for us, to be revealed as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will"


……astounding !!!


Jesus job was to make sure that……….."We are to be revealed as Our Heavenly Fathers own dear children"….which also… seems to be our job!!!….


This was made clear when Phillip who met the Eunuch from Ethiopia in... (Acts 8:26-37) (being sent by God to the Eunuch…by an Angel visitation)…..and the Eunuch had been reading from the book of Isaiah…"He was led as a sheep to the slaughter"………"for his life was taken from the earth"…….


….and the Eunuch said to Phillip….."who is The Prophet talking about?"…..


…and one would expect Philip to answer (in relation to the passage that the Eunuch was reading ) that Phillip would say something like…."It is Jesus the Messiah, who came to deliver us by hanging on a tree and if we believe in Him we shall be saved……


Now i'me sure Phillip certainly did say something like that to him….however the revelation that the Eunuch got that day was significantly more than just "Jesus being The Messiah who came to deliver us"…..because…when Phillip said to him as he wanted to be baptised…..


"do you believe with all your heart"……and the Eunuch replied…..I believe that Jesus Christ (is the son of a heavenly father)…."I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God"….


Phillip preached Jesus to the Eunuch and the significant point of the revelation that the Eunuch received,….. was that….. Jesus is a son…who has a Father..


Which lines up with revelation at the last supper…."that these men know and understand, I was sent by you"…..and that’s what Phillip preached to the Eunuch…..

and the Eunuch got it……."I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God"…..


Chpt 28




Apostle Paul….


then in (Eph 1:16-23) Paul prays an absolutely amazing prayer…….


"for I always pray to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, that He (our Dad) may grant us, a spirit of wisdom and Revelation of insight into the mysteries and secrets in the deep and intimate knowledge of your Dad"……..(S/F/L Bible)


this is an incredibly deep revelation by Paul of his Dad…...



It is in this intimacy……. that your Dad will reveal to you your purpose in life……



"the eyes of our heart flood with revelation, so that we can know and understand the hope to which He (your Dad) has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the set apart ones"…….(S/F/L bible)


v19….and so you may know, and understand what is the immeasurable and unlimited, and surpassing greatness of your Fathers power, in and for us who believe (you and me) as demonstrated in the work of his mighty strength which he exerted in Christ when he raised Jesus from the dead and seated him at his own right hand in heavenly places



Paul again….intimacy….(and…. revelation of The Fathers power)


(Col 2:2)

"hearts knit together in love, and attaining to all the riches of His full assurance of understanding…to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ"


amazing intimacy!!!!!……………that we will have …..deep knowledge..revelation..and uncomprehendable intimacy with our beautiful Dad…….wow!!!!





and in (John Chpt 17:1-3)….. this idea of intimacy is taken even further when Jesus deals with the question of eternal life

how would you describe …eternal life?



I guess I would describe eternal life like…….eternal life is living forever in a place called heaven…and eternal death is living forever in hell…something like that



well lets find out how Jesus describes eternal life….



(John 17: 2-3)…."now glorify your Son, so that He can glorify You"…



now Jesus is about to reveal to us what eternal life is…..which is also the second revelation



the first revelation being …..that Jesus is the Son of God and that whosever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life



…….the first revelation is for the world…



……..the second revelation is for the church alone…


in fact, …the only way you can enter the second revelation is that Jesus himself must reveal it to you personally



the second revelation is …..



this is Jesus speaking ….."and this is eternal life"…..


…."that they may know"……which means…."To perceive"….."to recognise"…"to know" …."and become acquainted with"….


…"and become acquainted with" …."and introduced to" …..


…."and understand"…


…"your Father"……second revelation….which is for the church alone…..


…"and likewise to know Jesus Christ whom you have sent" …first revelation become acquainted with the father …..and Jesus Christ….two revelations



…two revelations



the second revelation can only come after the first revelation….because Jesus himself has to reveal it to you….


(Matt 11:25)…"nor does anyone know the Father, except the Son, and also the person to whom the Son wills to reveal the Father"



Intimacy of The Father comes to us by revelation


…."no one comes to the Father , but by me"……Jesus said



(Romans 8:15)…."and you will receive the spirit of adoption whereas we cry out 'abba abba'…'daddy daddy'…..abba Father"

 Chpt 29




The disciples clearly had these 2 revelations



Paul …(Romans 1:7) …..'grace to you and peace from God the Father

                                  and the Lord Jesus Christ'….



John..(2 john 3) …..'grace, mercy and peace will be with you from God the Father

                                 and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father'



Peter….(1peter 1:3) 'blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ'


           ( 2peter 1:2) 'grace and peace be multiplied to you in the  knowledge of God

                            and of our lord Jesus Christ'



Jude…..(Jude 1 1-2) "a servant of Jesus Christ the Messiah ….called and chosen and dearly loved by the Father"….. (wow!!!!…."dearly loved"…what a relationship Jude has with his heavenly Dad)

                           …"and kept for Jesus Christ"



James…(James 1:17).."every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights, in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning…..of His own free will He (Dad) gave us birth as sons, by the Word of Truth"……….wow!!!!….what an amazing revelation!!!


The Apostle Paul clearly had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus…."who are you Lord"….."I am Jesus whom you are persecuting"…..(Acts 9:5)


and yet Paul clearly meets this other person called 'The Father' somewhere further down the track where he makes this statement…..


(Col 2:2-3)…. "that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit to together in love, and attaining to all the riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge and mystery of God,…..


……both of the Father ….and of Christ…


Paul clearly has had an encounter with 2 people here……"both"….."of the Father"…."and of Christ"..(and yet he only appeared to meet Jesus on the road to Damascus)


….."to the knowledge and mystery … both of God The Father ……and……of Christ”



Jesus himself said…”Father the hour has come, glorify your Son, that the Son may also glorify You………that they may know you Dad….and….Jesus Christ whom you have sent… (John 17 1-3)


Two revelations…..



And as I mentioned earlier……At the last supper Jesus makes the statement “these men understand and know that I was sent by you”


The last period before the cross……Jesus was convinced that we know that we have a Dad (in Heaven who loves us)


The first thing that Jesus says after the resurrection was…….


(Jesus speaking)…"don't touch me Mary…for I have yet to descend to my Father, but go and tell the church ………


"go and tell the church"


….(you and me)…..(they will know what you are talking about)…."that I am about to descend to…..

 my Dad and your Dad"…….


."to my Dad and your Dad"……… and….. to my God and your God"     Glory to Jesus!!!!!……


Last (paraphrased) words (last supper)………..”my Dad and your Dad”….


First words (after the resurrection)…………….”my Dad and your Dad”…


”go and tell the church”…………

 Chpt 30




NOW……..this to me is the most astounding and exciting part…….



because the world of the Christian…is a world of power…a world of Faith….a world of the supernatural….a world of the dynamic extraordinary revelation…a world of dramatic spiritual adventure …….and it all works on a foundation of love……"Faith works by love" (Gal 5:6)



and Jesus has provided us with access to this wonderful spiritual dimension….known as…'an incredible world of overwhelming love'…..The Fathers world…."God is love" (I John 4:8)



Jesus said…."I am the way…..the Truth…and the Life….no one comes to the Father but by Me"….no one comes into this secret place…the astounding world of love except through Jesus


(because the world of pure love can never be contaminated…that’s why Jesus became the sacrifice….to cleanse us, and give us free access to the World of our Dads love )



“In Christ, I have boldness to enter the Holiest, by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way He consecrated for me…” (Heb 10:19-20)



Jesus said ….in (John 10:9)….."I am the door"………..



(Matt 11:25)….all things have been delivered me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and also to whom the Son wills to reveal the Father….



Entering into the world of the Father comes through revelation…..Jesus reveals the Father to us by revelation….and Jesus is the gateway…



"If anyone enters in by Me , he shall come in and go out and find rest"(pasture)…..

Well………I just can't help but get a picture in my mind , of the movie ….The Chronicles of Nania…..


and I see Jesus as the mystical cupboard that opens up at the back into the wonderful magical world of Nania (except …with no evil of course)….


That is how Jesus seems to describe our Heavenly Fathers world…… a secret place!!!!….and Jesus is like the door….


The world of The Father tends to be …..according to scripture…..a very private place….in fact scripture does call it……… 'the secret place'


"When you go to talk to your Dad, go into your most private room and close the door, and then talk to your Dad who is in secret, and your Dad who is in secret will reward you openly" (Matt 6:6)


Well guess what…..(Eph 2:18) says ……."for it is through Him (Jesus) that we now have access and an introduction to the Father, so that we are able to approach Him…….therefore, you are no longer strangers…….."


We can boldly approach Him ….with confidence….(that’s why we need to have a clear loving picture of our Dad…..that’s why we did a little Old Testament study .remember!!…..if you fear God or uncertain about him…then it affect your confidence in him)….it affects your confidence to approach Him….


"and this is the confidence that we have in Him ……….that we have the petition that we desire of Him"  (John 5:14-15)


because……this is the

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