» Religion » The Fathers Heart....The Second Revelation, Mike JC [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

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regularly had issues more often than not,….how confusing He would appear…..


Deut 4:31….for the Lord your God is merciful, He will not forsake you, or destroy you


Deut 28:15-67….for The Lord will send on you cursing, and confusion, plagues, fever…and strike you with the sword, boils, madness, blindness,……


Or perhaps….


1 Samuel 15:29…”for He does not lie…or change His mind, for He is not a man that He should repent”

1 Samuel 15:35…”and the Lord repented that He made Saul king over Israel”


very confusing…….


You see….that other father…'the father of lies' has a made it his whole and single-minded purpose, ……to discredit and paint a horrible picture of our Heavenly Father, so that we will  distrust and distance ourselves from him,……. Even to the point rejecting him…..


"This is the 'father of lies' whole purpose," Jesus said in (Matthew 13:18-23)

"That if you hear the Word of God, but don't understand it (God The Father speaking to you),……. then 'the father of lies' will twist it, so that you will lose any revelation that may have taken root in you (even in your heart)"……..


……like he did in the Garden of Eden……. and he still doing the same thing today…..creating confusion and twisting our perception of God……


He is driven by hatred, and since the Garden of Eden, has done everything to try to make that other Father look and act like he does,…… and at the same time disguises himself as an 'Angel of light', (2 Cor 11:14)…….he wanted Gods throne in heaven, and he still wants it today…….



Both fathers, have fought an ongoing battle since the time of creation, to present themselves as 'The Truth'…….both presenting themselves as loving, caring and fit to be the rightful father of these helpless, gullible, fragile, distrustful and lost children…….


Remember the story of the Bible…….is about 2 fathers…..


each Father saying….."trust me"



the 'father of lies' ….even today…… presents other religions as… 'the truth' (gentle, loving, and caring)……. Bahai, Hari krishna, Buddism, etc…..genuine people, but according to the Bible…..deceived…….


He is the master of deception and deceitfulness……….


Satan doesn't even mind you worshipping Abraham,…… so long as it's not through Jesus Christ….



All mankind is looking for two things……


1…… 'to belong'….we have an inbuilt desire to worship something….

2……..'to be loved'


Satan will and does, provide both of these through false religions…….  to satisfy man’s basic needs, and at the same time very pleased with himself that he has captured a large portion of humanity, who unknowingly worship him……..


4,000 years or more (before the cross), of one father tugging this way and another father tugging that way…..

Chpt 19




So now….keeping all this in mind……



think about the Old Testament as it was presented to people 2,000 years ago……


Consider the fact….. that 4,000 years (or so) of conflict (prior to the cross) was put to pen and paper by the Jewish Prophets and Scribes, who supposedly provided the people of the day, with accurate Historical information about the Old Testament Nations and their ongoing conflicts……… I guess this should also provide them with a pretty good picture of Gods redeeming character as well….wouldn’t you agree?


…….after all,….one would assume, that all those volumes of the Old Testament,   were to give them accurate insight as to this unseen God….wouldn't that be so?… that the Jewish nation would follow Jehovah and love and worship this loving and caring God……


….that seems to be the intention of the Old Testament scriptures…doesn't it?….to give people a correct understanding of our Creator and His involvement in our affairs



Well then……… we could confidently say then, …..that the whole Old Testament is the truth about God and his behaviour…..about this Father…known as Jehovah..(The Eternal One)…….. and so,…… those that taught 'the truth'...(at the time of Jesus) must have a pretty good, accurate and correct picture of God …..( the pastors and teachers of the day if you like)


Surely if the Old Testament is meant to paint an accurate picture of God……..Then the Scribes and Pharisees of the day would be preaching the sort of Heavenly Father….or God that Jesus agreed with…..right!!!!


The Old Testament is ….. the 'Inspired Word of God'….. isn't it……


And it supposedly paints the correct picture of God…… is that right?…..


It wouldn't be intending to paint a wrong picture of God…would it!!!….


…and surely the Pastors and Teachers of the day (Scribes and Pharisees) would be accurately teaching the word of God….one would expect!!!


One would have to conclude that the interpretation and penning to paper of the scriptures, that had been passed down through the ages…would be accurate…one would think…

After all,…. the Jewish nation is absolutely meticulous concerning the Scriptures……. that everything is interpreted correctly and supposedly without error…..



Misunderstanding of the nature and character of Yahweh, or Elohim, or Jehovah Is not acceptable to the Jewish nation…….


The correct picture, and written account of Gods dealing with man must be protected at all costs…… and any falsity or diversion from the Sacred Scriptures is unacceptable……



With this accuracy,….. one would think that the Old Testament would paint a very clear picture of God……. After all,….. what's the point of painting an unclear picture of God….. a murky picture of God…… How is that going to help anyone.!!!……


No…. the Old Testament is not supposed to have us confused and disillusioned about the God we serve……. I'm sure that was not Gods intention, in supposedly have them write the Old Testament inaccurately…….. I'm sure it was supposed to present God accurately……






Jesus also knew the Sacred Scriptures particularly well as well…….as we all know……


He was masterful with the Scriptures and had the added bonus of clearly Knowing the original author of the Scriptures too.!!!…


Around the age of 30 ….Jesus masterfully turns his attention towards the difficult path that lay ahead of him…..and enters into the Ministry period of his life that would ultimately take him to the cross….


During his 30 years prior to his ministry…..very little is heard about Jesus….we know that He was a carpenter and would have spent many, many hours in the synagogue's and would have been listening to the scriptures opened up to him at a regular basis…..we know, at the age of 12 that He spent 3 days alone and was finally found in the Temple and made reference to the fact that He was going about his Fathers business (Luke 2:49)….


I imagine that He would have been discussing the scriptures quite passionately during his 30 years, but there is no mention of him showing any sort of disapproval……… Jesus was God…in the flesh, and I’me sure He would have heard and seen many many things that were contrary to Gods standards……yet He restrained himself ……..until…….until….


He stepped into his ministry… 30 years of age….

 Chpt 20




when Jesus finally entered into his ministry….He was clearly fired-up about something…and was passionate to the point of aggressive……where He over turned the tables in the temple……


apparently…this Temple was the holiest site in Israel and was at the most solemn time of the year…….(John 2:13-16)…but that didn't stop him….


…….here….He gives us another glimpse into the absolutely determined and fired-up frame of mind that He was in, concerning something that was consuming his heart…….


in fact…for the next 3 years, He would stay strongly in this frame of mind and was clearly and aggressively trying to get something across to the human race…to you and me


Jesus in his fired up frame of mind began calling the Preachers of the day…..'liars",…… "fools",……"blind"……"whitewashed tombs"……"sons of hell"……"habitual liars"….."full of lawlessness"……"serpents"…….."hypocrites"…."your like your father the devil"…."brood of vipers"….



oh my goodness!!!!…….…this is the Prince of Peace.!!!!!


Jesus was severely 'ticked off'… question about it………imagine saying all those things to your Pastor!!!….man that's heavy duty….




I guess…the best way to find out what he was so severely 'ticked off' about would be to go to the beginning period of his 3 year ministry…..and find out about what He was publicly preaching about…..which, would no doubt reveal his aggressive frustration…'e sure …the first things He would publicly speak of ….would be the issue that is consuming him…wouldn't it?


(Matt Chpt 5)….so near the beginning of his public ministry, He went up to the mountain and starts to preach to his disciples and the people…… (known as The Beatitudes)….


…the first thing He brings to their attention….was not consuming fire…(like when the Old Testament God appears to be 'ticked off….like Jesus currently clearly is)……..


He doesn't talk about calamity that is due them (for their faithlessness and disobedience)…….I would have thought that if you were about to go around and call people.."sons of hell" or "your like your father the devil" or whatever…… that you would be in the consuming fire and brimstone mode……


…but no….He talks about blessings….He talks about the poor in spirit…about those that mourn…the meek…righteousness, pure in heart, peacemakers, the merciful…….


…..this is not the same picture we get of God from the Old Testament…….somethings wrong here……somethings very different here….


and then He gives us a hint of his grievance …(Matt 5:16)….'let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in Heaven"….


……"and glorify your Father in Heaven"…..


……."and glorify your Father in heaven"….


…….."see your good works"…."your good works"…"which will glorify your Heavenly Father" ……'oh boy'…..there is definitely someone who does not want to hear this…..


right about now …that other father….remember him!!!……Satan…that other father…'the father of lies'….is not a happy chappy…….4,000 yrs of branding that other father as an unfit and merciless starting to get unravelled ……this is not good….im'e gonna have to get rid of him (Jesus)………….and quick

Chpt 21







….we now start to see Jesus annoyance pin-pointing a particular area……"you have heard that it was said to those of old" (obviously by the Scribes and Pharisees that he was so ticked off with….…the teachers and preachers of the day)


….you have heard that it was said to those of old"… shall not murder" (Ex 20:13, Deut 5:17)………


…….."but I say to you"….


…….."but I say to you"……………Jesus is about to open up the true nature of his Father by giving correct interpretation of the Old Testament scriptures…


…the way that 'Our Heavenly Father " intended it…..


…."but I say to you"……."whoever is even angry at his brother without a cause"


…and He continues...


………."you have heard it said" ……….(in the Old Testament)…"you shall not commit adultery" (Ex 20:14, Deut 5:18)………"but I say to you"


……….."you have heard it said"………"you shall not swear falsely" (Ex 20:7, Lev 19:12, Num 30:2, Deut 23:23)………."but I say to you"


…………"you have heard it said………."an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" (Ex 21:24, Lev 24:20, Deut 19:21)……."but I say to you"….


………….."you have heard it said"…….."you shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy" (Lev 19:18, Deut 23:3)……."but I say to you….love your enemies…bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate and pray for those that despitefully use you and persecute you"………


….that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven…..for He makes the sun shine on the evil, and on the good, and sends rain to the just and the unjust alike…


…therefore you shall be perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect..

Jesus here….is fiercely defending his Dad……just like you and I would when your Dad or Mum are unjustly accused ……you would fiercely defend your beautiful , loving, caring dad too…..wouldn't you….even aggressively like Jesus did


Jesus begins his ministry here by fiercely defending his Dad…..


In fact……this is now an extremely formidable partnership…Father and Son working together to right all of the wrongs of the last 4,000 years….in fact it was also the Father defending himself ( through Jesus)….."I only say what the Father tells me to say"..Jesus said……the Father (finally)…now has direct (eye to eye contact…if you like) with his children, through the legal process of his Son…..finally, after 4,000 yrs, He inhabits a human body (Jesus) to directly influence His (estranged) children…….



Now….Lets see what the professional commentators ( Bible scholars)...have to say about all this…(in the margins)


Commentators……..The Beatitudes……commentators say…….that……Quote..."Jesus used 6 specific examples (during the day of the beatitudes) to expose the Pharisaic's wrong interpretation and their regular distortions of the Old Testament. Jesus own interpretation being in line with

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