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timetable of his own choosing…in line with legal boundaries….and everything will come to pass in its right time as the Bible declares


Or Father is Honourable and consistent….


He works within his own boundaries, that He himself has implemented, and will not break them……that's why He is God…..He is faithful to his own words and laws…


He is subject to man's wilful obedience to get where he needs to go, and to do the things He needs to do….ie. Noah, Abraham, etc…..He trusts human beings to do the right thing even though He was surrounded by centuries of carnage and desecration and distrust…….what  an amazing trusting being He is!!!


He will never override your will, and depends on your co-operation and wilful obedience for success…. that is why Jesus had to present to us ….a Father that we would wilfully choose….. 


I will explain that statement more, a little further down the track and it will become clearer to you….


I'll say it again…….


The amazing thing about our Heavenly Father is that, He will never break his word,…. He will never break his promise,…. He will never ever take away from you what He gave you, even if it destroys you…for example…..(Romans 11:29) 'the gifts and Callings of God are irrevocable’


An Evangelist (or suchlike) can destroy his own life by misusing the gift, but his Heavenly Father will never remove it from him…


If He took back, or took away, just one thing, then we could never trust him,…. because if He could take back one thing,…. then He could take 3 things from us couldn't He, …..or 10 things,….. or 100 things,…… or everything.


Perhaps He might say, I will just take away one thing from mankind if I need to,….. no,…..better make that three things, just in case……no,…. 4 things,…….no…… maybe!!!!!


you get the idea,….. how absurd that thinking is…… no….. God is true to his word, and He will not transgress his own rules……  he gave Satan certain rights in this world…. and He is then bound by his own words…..



So then the question is……..(for The Father)



How do I get my kids back……. legally


If the Father set legal parameters in place in this world, and operates himself by those same parameters,….. then His plan of redemption (to get his kids back),…must also operate within those same boundaries…(He will not transgress those legal parameters that He Himself has put in place)


Satan knows this,….. and that's why Satan is always trying to get God to operate outside of those legal parameters,  so that he can usurp his throne, and that is exactly what would happen if God didn't stay true to his word,….Satan would usurp Gods authority and then 'the father of lies' (father of Evil) himself…..would then be enthroned


Satan tried very hard to get The Father (Jesus) to do that in the wilderness….. but the Father said to Satan …..the Father said to Satan (through Jesus)…. "man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God"……..(remember….Jesus said…I only say what my Father tells me to say)…it was the Father speaking through Jesus….(so to speak)


What The Father was saying to Satan was……." You won't move me Satan…..I will remain and operate within the parameters of my legal boundaries,  and stay true to what I have previously spoken"….

 Chpt 14




so now…..


His plan of redemption involves people……



and so… He will not transgress his own laws……….God the Father……has to influence……. (not override or control)… but influence…mans will, and somehow manoeuvre mankind (by his own choice)…to co-operate with him and develop a legal plan, to rescue his kids….(you and me)….


God will not override your will…..that’s what dictators do.!!!


Your Dad gave you free will…. and will never override it……That's why we must co-operate with God for good outcomes to happen…..


for example……. "all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose"( Romans 8:28)…….. yes…… they do work together for good…..but only, when you co-operate with God……They don't necessarily work out for good if you don't co-operate with the Holy Spirit in prayer…… Who is constantly interceding for us…….. see the context of the's about walking in the Spirit and co-operating in the Spirit……. It's about prayer co-operation and being led by The Spirit of God…


"The spiritual person is exhorted to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess 5:17)


"stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth………and the sword of the spirit…which is the Word of God…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit…being watchful ……" (Eph 6:10-18)



No……if everything just works out for good….why should we bother praying…..and why are we exhorted to 'pray without ceasing'


no…things won't necessarily work out for your good, unless you pray, and stay in agreement with the Holy Spirit as best you can…


and of course, to say that domestic violence, rape, marriage break-ups, murder, children on drugs, Corporate collapses, theft, destitution, poverty, vile acts against you,… working for your good… me,…seems somehow,….to be somewhat, of an insane perspective on life…..

no……..all things will end up working for your good, when you pray….and co-operate with the Holy Spirit, in prayer……and use your authority and command the situation or agree with The Holy Spirit to have a good or better outcome…….then you will see that situation turn around…..for your good...


However even though (I would suggest)….that perhaps….. some of us ( Christians)…. like myself… don’t entirely adhere to that …”all things work together for good” philosophy…..

Some other religions do adhere to that philosophy…for example…Islam……is a religion that embraces the 'all things work together for good' philosophy……"whatever happens is Allah's will" (all things end up good….doesn’t matter what you do)….and of course….that’s what they believe and certainly, no-one could question their sincerity in this belief….


Different religions, of course,…..clearly have different opinions on this particular philosophy…and Christianity to me,…….also seems to appear to have a divided opinion on this ‘particular subject…(the ‘Gods got it all under control’ phylosophy and its all gonna end up good….”all things work together for good” philosophy )


But in my thinking…No….. If God could override your will ,……then He would insist that you get saved (Born again)….. because his will is…." that no one should perish"…., but unfortunately hell is enlarging itself every day, and God can only rely on what he has legally set in place regarding his kids "choosing life rather than death"….and “choosing death” is not going to work out for your good

"Behold I set before you life and death"….. choose life ……our choice


What I have been trying to explain here,……as we move on to the next part of the story, … that Life has to be a partnership with our creator….a working co-operating partnership

(for our own safety and protection as well as future blessing…but it’s also not that hard to do)


…and so.. for good to work out for us, we need to be in a working co-operation partnership with God..(faith)..…totally ignoring God and expecting that everything is going to work out for our good (just because we are a Christian)  just aint gonna happen….


We are told to “cast down imaginations”…we’re told to “resist the devil and he will flee from us”…we’re told to “flee youthful lusts”…we’re told to “put on the whole armour of God”..we’re told :to be “aware of the devils devices”….we’re told not to “provoke our children to wrath…we’re told that …. “our conversation needs to be edifying and let no evil proceed from our mouth”…..”to forgive”….”to love one another”…”walk the extra mile””…pray without ceasing”…”walk by faith”…”etc”…”etc”…

No…we need to co-operate with God and his Word….a working co-operating partnership as best we can…co-operating with God has always been a Biblical principle for good outcomes,


 ……...and of course,… imé sure most of you reading this book, would already, be purposing to co-operate… as best you can,..with your Heavenly Dad…which he values greatly….

 Chpt 15




And now……..going back to the Old Testament…


The Father was faced with a terrible dilemma at the time of Noah….. (Genesis 6:11,12).. ..says….. 'that the earth was corrupt (as I mentioned earlier),….and filled with violence',……. and so,….. the only answer… (as I also mentioned earlier)…. was to find an avenue that would satisfy the legal requirements to bring Jesus into the earth…


The plan of rescue would come through a bloodline, that met all the legal requirements,…. and allow The Father, custody again of his children……


And of course….. we know the story… the earth began to repopulate again,….. so did the battle for souls…… 'The father of lies'…. continuing his deceit and lies, and our Heavenly Father working through the Prophets and Godly people to maintain that Godly bloodline, ….and at the same time, trying anything (legally) to diminish and change the wrong and ungodly choices people and nations were continuing to make….


Remember…God is bound by his own legal parameters that He Himself implemented…..even though the Old Testament seems to suggest God can do whatever He likes….the truth is, that He is subject, as much as we are to (His own) legal requirements….and that is why we see so much ritual in the Old Testament,…..all the delicate and fussy peculiarities were not implemented with the purpose of annoying the children of Israel….but were vital in the "escape plan" for mankind, that He was unfolding, and the pathway to the cross was very particular and precise and with very stringent detail to somehow remain within legal boundaries…..the Bible very clearly stating that Satan is "The god of this world" (John 14:30 , 2 Cor 4:4 ) and God The Father was restricted by His own laws……..


At the same time, The Father was trying to prepare his 'estranged' children,….. for a moment in time,…. that was about to take place,…… that would settle the legal battle for custody, once and for all..


But of course…… this would mean the sacrifice of his own Son,…..


no father would be able to handle that,…(just think about what The Father would have been thinking…….and don't say….oh well ….he was God…he's different……he was a dad about to see his son….separated from him, cruelly abused and hung until dead on a cross,……how would you like to witness that….with your child.!!!!!


But because there was no other way…… this would be the legal requirement

Remember the physical and spiritual worlds run parallel….(idea of a mirror image)


Abraham (co-operating with God)……offered his son Isaac, (natural world) as an offering, which paved the legal way, for The Father to offer his Son Jesus (spiritual world)……Eventually Abraham sacrificed a lamb ( natural world) and Jesus became the sacrificial lamb of God (spiritual world)……all the spiritually legal requirements were satisfied, and Satan would not be able to dispute it….


I'm sure that the Father would have willingly taken Jesus place if that were possible (As I mentioned before……. wouldn't you.!!!!… if your child was about to be crucified….. of course you would,)….


However…..what makes it even more heartwrenching for our Heavenly Dad,…..was,….that Jesus even asked that terrible question to his Dad….."Father if it is possible let this cup pass from me"…….. How do you think his Dad would have felt at that moment… would you have felt.!!!!……. But unfortunately the legal path required a son…

 Chpt 16








you may have many questions about the way that God is presented In the Old Testament,….. and so often appears anything but fatherly,… even brutal and hard,… however,… just consider some of the things that follow,… when interpreting The Old Testament.


Firstly…… everything that was written in the Old Testament was true record of what people said,….. But not everything that people said was true,…. for example the 'book of Job'


Job stated……" The Lord giveth and The Lord taketh away"…… However later in the book of Job,…. Job repents of that statement, and says "I have spoken wrongly of you"….. So the first thing he said "The Lord giveth and The Lord taketh away" ……was a true record of what he said ……but was in fact a false and incorrect statement,….. rectified by Job himself


Secondly….. there was no revelation of the Devil in the Old

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