» Religion » The Fathers Heart....The Second Revelation, Mike JC [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

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causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depths of the sea” (Matt 18:6)….…(such is the passion that God has for His family)



Well,….. as I have said before….the physical and spiritual worlds are in parallel



When the sperm left my earthly dad, (or thereabouts)…. so did the sperm (if you like) of my spiritual Dad leave him……a piece of God left him and conceived in me… and I became a living spirit being,….possessing all the creative qualities that my Heavenly Dad possesses…



( after the 'Born again' experience,…my 'dead, or dormant, to God' spirit, came 'alive to God', and suddenly, all these creative qualities became available to me)….before the 'Born again' experience, I was alienated from God…because only a clean or forgiven person can access the world of God….no corruption has a place in the world of God…we must be sterilised (like a radio-active shower cleanse…the blood of Jesus), before we can enter his Kingdom…..


However….We see these creative qualities in Jesus, who was 100% man, yet Jesus operated in that other world to extraordinary measures…..


He could defy natural laws and walk through walls and walk on water,…… He could control the elements (storms) and create something out of nothing (coin in fishes mouth)……

His Spirit was in perfect harmony with his spiritual Dad, and He even knew when his spiritual Dad was not there with Him……"Father why have you forsaken me" (Matt 27:46)



Of course Jesus has always been around, but he did prove that the 'Spirit-man' Jesus could operate as heaven operates….. creatively,… (like we can) in a human body…..'as He is, so are we in this world' (1 John 4:17)


Jesus demonstrated to us, ….that this relationship that He had with an 'unseen person' (his Spiritual Dad) was as real as his own earthly dad……


He even said "I came from my Dad and I will return to him" (John 8:14)


Now… may think, from what I have just said,…. that, yes okay, that was okay for Jesus, because he was God…. but you know the Bible says that…. "He stripped himself of all his deity, and became a man such as we are……He was tempted on all points such as we are (Heb 4:15)



He physically died…. just like we do...


No,…. he was just like us

Chpt 8




Anyway,….now,… after all that,……. time to get to the point…..


….. and it is this……the thing that so glaringly stands out,….when we see the life of Jesus,….. is,… this amazing love that he had for his Dad. (his Heavenly Father)


He loved his Dad, and his Dad loved him….He could never stop talking about his Dad,…..He couldn't even stand being away from his Dad for even one second,….. He relished and loved his Dads company…… just amazing,….He had continual fellowship with his Dad and just adored him..


Jesus showed us that our spirit has the capacity to love and to be loved,... and


We are able to love and adore our unseen Father,…. and He in turn, is able to love and adore us….. Jesus proved that to us…( and of course He loves every part of you, spirit, soul, and body)



And so, God loved Adam (his first conception if you like),… the same as he loved Jesus….. 'this is my beloved son, of whom I am well pleased',….He could easily have said about …or to…Adam and Eve,…….. or do you think that God doesn't love you… (or Adam),……as much as He loves Jesus?




(John 16:27) says….. 'For the Father himself tenderly loves you, because you have loved me,


(John  15:9) ….As the Father loved me,…I also have loved you,…


In fact,…the Bible makes very clear statements about the fact that we are his children….and that He dearly loves us…


……even before we knew him….He still loved us….(John 3:16)…For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son…that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish


and as we return to him,….like the prodigal son, (Luke 15 21-30)…He opens his arms,….loves us,…puts the ring on our finger,….kills the fatted calf,….and places the family Robe on our shoulders,….


He demonstrates His love to us….




Adam was fully connected to God, as a son to a father,….however,….because of the legal implications of 'The Fall' (of Adam and Eve)…….


our only way of fully connecting back to our Heavenly Dad today, is via a 'legal door'….. and of course that's Jesus ( as I mentioned before)…..He provides that legal door back into the presence of our Father



The point I'm so painstakingly making here is…..



That the relationship that your Heavenly Dad has with you,… as intense as you would ever find on earth ( and more so of course)…. because you came out of your Father….. you are a part of him……..(just like you came out of your earthly dad)



So…. with that in mind…



your Dad in heaven….


jealously protects his children……(just like you do)……he never wants to see his daughter or son,….taken advantage of,…or hurt,…or abused,….or bullied,… or whatever…


His heart aches when He sees his children in difficulty or pain….( just like we do… with our kids)….. he wants to instruct his sons and daughters with wisdom, so that they will make good choices (like we do as parents)…. He wants his children to see him as a…'good dad'…. 'a wonderful dad',…..'a beautiful dad'….( just like we do with our kids)….



Remember the physical and spiritual worlds are in parallel

Chpt 9







There is one thing that Angers him……



to the point of retaliation….to the point of going on the offensive…. (just like we can)



And that is…..



When another person lies to his children about his integrity and motives and slanders his parenting to the point of regarding him as an unfit father…..( remember …The Father had a great relationship with Adam and Eve and would commune with them in the Garden of Eden in 'the cool of the day"..(Gen 3: 8-9)


I'll say it again….


When another person lies to his children about his integrity and motives and slanders his parenting to the point of regarding him as an unfit father….


this would make anyone aggressively respond…… and what makes it even worse… when, it's another (would be) father that's making these accusations (as Satan would soon become)


Tell me…..would you be getting a little mad about now…… wanting to 'sort him out'….. I bet you would.!!!!


Parallel worlds remember



Jesus got close to this himself…..(Matt 26:53)…"Don't you know that I could call down more than 12 legions of angels now if I wanted"…… "so just back off" … you remember that?




there is a point where your Heavenly Dad draws a line in the sand…… and Satan crossed over it….. in the Garden of Eden…. (Gen 3:3) God said ,do not eat the fruit of the tree or you shall surely die…. Satan (the Serpent….Rev 12:9) replied…"he lying to you"…"he's not a good father"…"you won't die".."for your lying father knows that the day you eat of it you will become like him"


In fact it gets worse……


the would-be father actually succeeds in turning those vulnerable children against their true Father by deceiving them and then convinces them that they actually belong to him and they are taken captive by his deceit……………(Rev 12:9) 'so the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the devil and Satan, who deceived the whole world'



it's right about now that their Heavenly Dad actually initiates a vendetta (if you like)……


a rescue plan is thought through, and put into action by our Dad……. not Jesus


it’s important to note here, that this heavenly rescue plan was put into motion by our Dad…not Jesus…


Jesus was sent by his Dad……


(John 5:37)…..and the Father himself who sent me


For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world ….(John 3:17)


God sent forth his Son…. (Gal 4:4)


As the Living Father sent me….( John 6:57)


…that The Father has sent The Son as saviour of the world (1 John 4:14)


It was our Dads plan of redemption,…. not Jesus…… this is your Dad doing everything he can to get you back (not Jesus)…. and the same time, letting that other father know…. 'that he's going down'….and he's 'going down' big time….


I am pressing the point here that it was your Dads plan of rescue…..not Jesus's…for a very good reason, which will be made clearer further on…


But no…… Satan...'The devil',… is 'going down' big time, and he should of just been happy to be the 'prince of power of the air' ..(Eph 2:2). here on earth (where he was cast down to) …..God might have just left him alone for a while…….'but no'….The devil is never satisfied, he is the ultimate representation of bitterness and resentment….brutal vengeance is his only motive…

no…. it's 'fire and brimstone' now….. 'eternal torment' for him…. 'judgement'…..'lake of fire'…… Satan crossed way over the line,…. and he's going to pay (book of Revelation)



So our Dad is mad now… really mad at the 'father of lies'…..(and by the way…. not mad at you.!!) ….. God was not putting punishment on Adam and Eve,… when he spoke of pain in childbirth and hard work ……no…. The legal consequences of not being in a perfect (sinless environment), have their own set of laws, (that He himself implemented) and God had no choice but to explain them to Adam and Eve…so He could prepare them for what lay ahead…..that has always been his motive, right throughout the Bible….just like you prepare your children for what lies ahead of them…don't you?….or are we more caring and better loving parents than God.!!!!….…(this will be made clearer further down the track)



No…our Dad is majorly ticked off ..(just like you would be)  and lets Satan know, that he now has a fight on his hands….if you want a fight Satan (the other father)….you’ve got one…..…and you better get ready, because your about to get 'kicked in the head' big time….. 'and He shall bruise your head'….. (who?…..the one I am sending……my Son Jesus….of course Satan never found that out until several thousand years later that he was referring to Jesus)…..(Gen 1:15) God talking to the serpent…"and He shall bruise your head"



Kicked in the head, usually happens when the opponent is on the ground…. 'crawling on his belly, eating dust' (Genesis 3:14) (Bible commentators make the claim, that 'eating dust' is figurative for 'extreme humiliation' )……..Satan is going to bruise Jesus heel…yes.. (Genesis 3:15)……. but I'm telling you now, 'father of lies', who's gonna come off worse here…and it's gonna be you……..'cause I am totally over you….your future is extreme humiliation and then judgement

Chpt 10






this was your Dad remember…..not Jesus… you get it!!….


The Father had no choice but to send Jesus in the plan of redemption because of the legal requirements…..there's no doubt, if He was able, …The Father would have come himself, but legally He was unable to……Jesus came in obedience to his Dad… "I will do what you have sent me to do"…..obedience…(John 4:34)


Would you…as a father, send your son to die when you could do it yourself???…..of course we wouldn't.!!….well then, are we a more upright and caring parent than our Heavenly Father..!!!


Jesus motivation and personal purpose in accepting the obedience task from his Dad is vastly different from his Dads….(as you will be well aware of further on)…..both Jesus and His Father had completely different agendas on this earth


I’ll say that again……


Jesus and His Father had completely different agendas on this earth…..



Now …



Lucifer (Satan) has provoked Gods anger before,….. when he wanted to usurp his throne in heaven….


The response to that, was an angelic war with God the Father, as the supreme commander, and a display of his anger, by violently throwing Lucifer, and his followers out of heaven…


God has been angry with Lucifer before…. and now He's really mad,…..he tried to take my throne,… he's trying to take my children.


Are you getting the picture……


God is not a passive God……


Remember…..we live in parallel worlds

The authority today…( in Jesus name) is in our words now …..God merely Mimic's what you do

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