» Religion » The Fathers Heart....The Second Revelation, Mike JC [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

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Christ today to the same extent that it was in the inception of the Church….although there certainly seems to be an awakening…


Just the other week, I heard a preacher touch on the subject, and he clearly had the beginning of this revelation floating around in him and spoke about it with great enthusiasm and passion… though he had never seen it before!!!…just like I hadn't...

Chpt 4




And of course, there is a reason why this revelation is not found within the Church today on the same scale as it was in the beginning


And this reason has a name….


in fact….more than a name…..but an actual presence…


… evil and deceptive presence


…whom the Bible labels as……the 'father of lies'…  also known as Satan, Lucifer, or the devil


….and also…I might add….referred to as …..'The Deceiver'


and as you well know,…..….. the devil hates God,…. hates Christianity,…. hates Jesus,…. hates you,… and severely hates the first revelation, …..because the first revelation has taken from his kingdom and…instead… expanded the Kingdom of God….


Satan hates and despises people getting born again, he loathes salvation through Jesus Christ, and attempts to quench it anyway he can…


But the truth is,….. he actually,…in many ways is more loathing of the second Revelation, but at the same time, very pleased with himself,  that he has all but quenched the second Revelation to some degree, and hidden it from the body of Christ as best he can….


Well ….guess what…..


God is doing an awakening amongst the brethren!!……why?


because…. the Church must come into its fullness before Jesus returns, …..and there is a spark starting to happen worldwide,




You see,….. the only way to reveal the second Revelation to you,… is, ….that…it has to become a Revelation,…like I mentioned earlier


and,… as was made clear earlier….You didn't receive the first one immediately,..did you?…it sank in as you meditated on it,… then one day you said…yes …I've got it"

Well,…. the second Revelation comes in just the same way,…. as you meditate on it


So, in order to make it sink in,…. I have purposely not mentioned it yet,….why?…. because it has to grow in you,….before the 'light comes on',… so to speak!


So,…. in order to do this,….


we need to take a reasonably longish journey,….so relax…, open your heart and mind, and allow the Spirit of God to bring this second revelation to you,... or reignite it in you,…. or clarify it more in you,…..or confirm it in you,……whatever is the case

Chpt 5






it all began in the garden of Eden…


well….. maybe, first question to ask is,….. what is the Bible actually all about.!!!


Can you,…. in one sentence,…….tell us what the Bible is actually all about.!!!


What is the story of the Bible?


I guess most of us would answer the question by saying something like this…..


The Bible is the story of creation,…the fall of man… and then redemption through Jesus Christ,….and the establishment of the Church


Well,…. that certainly is A story in the Bible, ….in fact,…you could put it this way….. it is A story, within a story


I will say it again….


It's not the story….but rather A story…within a story


So,…… what then,… is the story of the Bible….


Well,…. quite clearly…. the story is about…………


The Story is about…..


Two Fathers………..


(Matt 13:38)….clearly speaks about 2 kingdoms…'the sons of the Kingdom, and the sons of the wicked one'……….(the story of course,…beginning in Heaven (Lucifer)…and ending in the Book of Revelation)


The story of the Bible is actually about 2 fathers, and the story of redemption (rescuing those children)…. is A story within A story



Firstly …….we have the Father of all creation ‘all things were made by him and for him’ (Col 1:16)


and secondly,…… we have the fallen angel,…. Lucifer, or Satan… as we now call him,… also known as the devil


Jesus referred to him as a father…..(John 8:44 ….."like your father the devil")


In fact Jesus most potent description of the devil was, ….that he was the "father of lies" (John 8:44)….Jesus said that there was "no truth in him, and that he was a liar from the beginning"


And….. so we have two fathers found in the Bible that have their own kingdoms


The kingdom of darkness….and


The Kingdom of light



Now let's look at the story of the Bible….



Lets start at the fall of Lucifer….


Banished from heaven and cast down to the earth with one third of the angelic realm...


By some sort of legal process, Lucifer was given this Earth to spiritually inhabit….


He was to become "The god of this world" (John 14:30) (2 Cor 4:4) and took on the role of a father…..the Bible declaring… he has children (John 8:44)


 However, ….at the time of God creating mankind, in the garden of Eden,…Satan…( the father of lies), actually did not have any children…


He did have one third of the angelic realm (who followed him into rebellion),… but the Bible does not seem to refer to that angelic host as his children… (more likely "his followers")


They are known as principalities, powers, rulers, demons, evil spirits, and other demonic names, that do not indicate that they are his children,….and yet we know that he is labelled by Jesus himself as a father….. and that he has children…

 Chpt 6





Okay,…. maybe now…. we can go to the Garden of Eden



The book of Genesis tells us a pattern, and the way in which God went about the process of physical creation.


He made the earth and the stars, the seas, the animals, and so on,….. until finally he makes man….(Adam and Eve)…………why?


……Because he desires children….. he himself was already a Father (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)….but his greatest desire… is children


He is excited about the idea of children and creating a world for them….


Each time he made something …..He expressed excitement……"wow, this is great"….. "God saw that it was good"…"very good"….(Genesis Chpt 1 ,v 18,21,25)


He thinks this is great,….. creating an environment to bring children into… He's excited…


Tell me,…. what do we do, when we are about to bring children into this world for the first time.


Same thing ….'paint up the kids room'….  buy all sorts of things,…. tell everyone,… excitement.l!!!!


Well, we’re no different to God are we….’we are made in the likeness and image of God’  (Gen 1: 26,27  Gen 5:1)



just keep this in mind, as we read on….



So God is excited about bringing children into this life,….his own children who will love him,… spend time with him,… and He will in turn love them back, and be a Dad to them….




As He creates physically, the first human being,… He suddenly breaths into Adam, 'the breath of life'…… Another way of saying this, is,…. that a part of God the Father (DNA if you like… 'we are made in the image and likeness of God'),….went into Adam,…..and Adam became a living being (Gen 2:7)



This living being part of Adam is known as his 'spirit'….the real Adam….the part of Adam that will live forever, (as will his soul)


This spirit part of Adam is alive to his Dad….. there is a connection there, that makes him a legal and 'spiritually biological' son of his Father…( if you get what I mean.!!)


Something left his Heavenly Father, and went into Adam,… which gave him life, because it came out of the Father, the Father can rightfully call Adam….'his son'.


When conception takes place in human beings, the same process is in motion….. The DNA of the father goes into the egg, and suddenly a new life is conceived. (We are made in the likeness and image of our parents).


It's very important here to realise that the spiritual and physical worlds… run in parallel…(remember…."paint up the kids room"…so to speak!!!…as I mentioned earlier)


The two worlds are not a lot different from one another….(heaven and earth)…


'What you bind on earth is bound in heaven, what you loose on earth is loosed in heaven…(Matt 16:19, 18:18)


Sewing and reaping is a spiritual and physical experience ‘we lay up for ourselves treasure in heaven’…(Luke 12:28-34, Matt 6:19,20, Gal 6:8,9.)


‘For it was in Him that all things were created in heaven and earth’,…… there's creation in heaven too.!!!! (Col 1:16)


* His will is to be done on earth as it is in heaven… (Matt 6:10)


* There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body ….(1 Cor 15 44-47)



The spiritual world has thrones, dominions, rulers, flutes, incense, spices, precious stones, clothing, crowns, lightning, thunder, love, peace, joy, emotions, musical instruments, music, singing, new songs, wisdom, horses, swords, houses, roads, cities, family…(Father, Son and Holy Spirit)… (mostly all found in the book of Revelation)


Commentators say (quote)…that we 'reflect the nature and life of the Divine family through our earthly family'…. in (Col 1:15) says…'now He (Jesus) is the exact likeness of the unseen God, the visible representation of the invisible.


In (Eph 3:14,15) says…I bow my knee to the Father, of whom every family in heaven and earth is named. That Father from whom all fatherhood takes its title and derives its name…


"Show us the Father", the disciple said


"He who has seen me, has seen the Father"….was Jesus reply.


God created Adam and Eve (male and female) and in (Genesis 2:24) it says… 'they shall become one'…. replication of the Godhead (were made in his own image)


as you well know,…..… we create with words (according to the Bible.. Matt 17:20)….and God creates with words…and we find that the principle of warfare is the same…we take authority with our does God…..



And so …..


DNA comes from our biological father (parents)… (at the time of conception)…and at the exact same time, spiritual DNA comes from our Heavenly Father….. (unless you believe in reincarnation of course…:)


No, ……my spirit did not exist before my biological mum and dad conceived…….. Do you remember flying around in heaven somewhere,… then suddenly dive into a physical egg the exact moment it was conceived….. I don't recall that happening to me, do you?



No….  at the moment of conception I became 'me', as the sperm of my dad united with the egg of my mum…..this is the amazing wonder of creation….. I am part of my dad (and mum)…..I was actually in my dad…..I came from him

Chpt 7





(of course, the terminology of the Bible seems to use the term 'Father'….more often than not…but just remember,…. that there is no gender inequality in God…..Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE….even though the Holy Spirit is clearly suggested as being more maternal, like a mother…Holy Spirit is regarded as 'The Comforter"…the 'Parakletos'…'the one who draws alongside of'….also referred to as 'the many breasted one", and so on,… we can conclude (even though the Holy Spirit is often penned as 'He')…that the fullness of family, is somehow (tied up in the mystery of the Godhead)…


….and make no mistake….the greatest vocation….that towers above all our futile and carnal activities and careers on this earth….…is Parenthood and family….if you honour your parents, you will live long on this earth (Eph 6:2)….Parenthood and Parental honour, holds the greatest value in Gods kingdom…by far.!!!….nothing that you do on this earth ,will ever….even come close to the Majestic world of family…or being a Parent or Foster Parent sibling that honours family…..even if you’re not a Parent.."honour your Parents"…..and if you are unable to do that (an Orphan perhaps)….then honour your Heavenly Parents…..  


And of course, we see that the first commandment that was given to mankind….in relation to our conduct one to another ……..was not……“ÿou shalt not murder”…”commit adultery”…”steal”..”bear false witness” or ..””covet your neighbours whatever” ……the first commandment in relation to our conduct…’one to another’, was………”honour your Father and Mother that you may live long on this earth…(Exodus 20:12)…


This was the first commandment to us….in relation to our brotherly conduct…


God the Father places parenting …number one, after Himself…because He Himself is a Father who has family, and nothing is greater in His eyes than family……..and if we don’t find that out here on this earth, then we most certainly will when we finally depart this earth…


And Jesus passionately said (using a child in reference to the innocence of a new believer)….

”but whoever

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