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Testament like there is in the New Testament,…. And generally everything was attributed to God…..good and bad


The Old Testament (being 3 times larger than the New Testament) only mentions..the devil or Satan (apart from the book of Job) about 8 times…..The New Testament (being 1/3rd smaller than the Old Testament)…mentions the devil or Satan 160 times …..


For instance…….Bible commentators make this statement in regard to (Genesis 38:7) …"and The Lord killed him" (New King James version)…and I Quote from the Bible commentators…"Israel attributed both good and evil, life and death to God….(a professional Bible Scholar and commentators margin quote)



Professional Bible Scholars and commentators often enlighten us on peculiar irregularities and statements found in the Bible, by some of the statements they make in the margins…


For example….


Gen 35:5 …"and the terror of God was upon the cities….(Bible Commentators quote…this may have been a natural disaster or plague or great fear of the son of Jacob. this expression normally indicated some kind of catastrophe attributed to God)


Gen 42:25-28 "what is this that God has done to us"….(Bible commentators quote….their sense of guilt, prompts them to declare God must be punishing them)


Leviticus 26:27-30…(Commentators quote…"by Jesus time, the religious community had used various Levitical laws to so isolate people, that they felt estranged from God himself)


Numbers 20:13…..(Commentators….this appears to be in direct contradiction to the earlier verse)


Numbers 31:8 …"and The Lord commanded that they kill the King of Balaam"….(Commentators….this verse creates great difficulty in understanding why God would want to kill someone who only ever did good and blessed Israel)



Deut 1: 5 and Deut 5: 6-21…..(Commentators quote…..when reading this, one needs to realise…. that this seems to be…… not a word for word repetition of Gods words, but rather an exposition or paraphrase of the Law)


Book of Ruth….(Commentators….It is not necessary to presume that Naomi's viewpoint is meant to be understood as a spiritual revelation intended as doctrine….. But rather an historical record……Naomi therefore represents more of a folklore theology)


1 Samuel 1: 6-7…."because the Lord had closed her womb"……(Commentators……a woman in Old Testament Times who could bear no children was viewed as cursed by God)


1 Samuel 13:5, 1 Kings 4:26, 1 Samuel 1:25, 1 Chronicles 1&2….(Commentators…..there appears to be several discrepancies between parallel accounts of the same events…and also figures do not correspond with one another)


1 Samuel 4:3….."why has The Lord defeated us"…..(Commentators…..The Lord was tended to be blamed in situations like this, whereas, it's clear that their own sin and ignorance bought about their own defeat)






im'e not trying to be picky here…..but just to get you…for a moment….. to consider that Jesus came to put things straight….to demonstrate and give us a correct perception of God as there appears to be many discrepancies in the Old Testament and difficult phrases to digest…..wouldn't you agree?


Sometimes reading the Old Testament can do your head in…….right?….


Leviticus 26:27-30…."and The Lord said,….if you do not obey me….you shall eat the flesh of your sons and daughters….and my soul shall abhor you…..


Numbers 5:21-22…"The Lord will make you a curse, and will make your thigh rot and your belly swell"


Ex 22:24…..and I will kill you with the sword, and your wives will be widows and your children will be fatherless


Numbers 11:33…..and The Lord struck them with a very great plague …(like, the Aids virus, or Zika virus or whatever….)


Deut 8 15:16…….I will put terrible diseases on all those that hate you, and you are not to have pity on any of them


Deut 28:63-68 …….just at it pleased The Lord (made Him happy) to do you good and prosper you……so the Lord will be pleased (rejoice over you…and will be happy) to utterly destroy you (kill you) and bring you to nothing….(so God will enjoy getting rid of you…..and the Lord will give you terrified  hearts and will be in fear 24 hours a day!!!!the Message )

God was happy…….even rejoicing,….enjoying giving you fear and then destroying you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Deut 2 31…….and The Lord said to us , destroy all of the cities and utterly destroy everything…men, women, and even the little ones…..spare no one…kill them all….



oh my goodness….this was Jesus.!!!!!!..



the word 'Elohim' is found in the Old Testament 2,500 times and was continued to be used in the New Testament because it apply describes or denotes the tri-une or one true God , of whom Jesus, naturally is part of……


one can only conclude then, that Jesus was responsible or associated with the events written above



are you getting my drift.!!!!

 Chpt 17




The best way to interpret the Old Testament is, in the light of the New Testament….


There are many confusing statements in the Old Testament, that can easily be rectified by reading what the New Testament has to say about that issue


Jesus knew the Old Testament better than anyone…..and scripture tells us that He even 'confounded the wise' at the tender age of 12 and the scholars were astounded at his understanding of the scriptures


He always elevated the Old Testament scriptures and often referred to them…mostly from the Book of Deuteronomy….in fact, most of the Old Testament was referred to by Jesus and the writers of the New Testament in one way or another, (and many quotes) but seemingly with little New Testament controversy


Jesus held the sacred scriptures in extreme high regard….and refused to get into controversy over scriptural arguments…..however,….. He did have a plan in motion to bring a more correct interpretation of God….which we will get to, …a bit further down the track…



however, just keep in mind,….. that God was able to somehow legally implement 'The Law' into this world, with the purpose of continuing to provided the righteous bloodline throughout the ages and to help people stay connected to a righteous lifestyle that would work in their favour and keep them connected to God…(this was legally implemented by God with the future purpose of legally bringing Jesus into this world)…..


However, the legal ramifications of 'The Law' also had its own consequences if people chose to live outside those boundaries….and of course…because God was the one who initiated the law , …all of the blessings as well as all of the penalties would be attributed to God (which stands to reason)……however, the blessings and consequences of the law ….good or bad …were bought on themselves,… when they chose to take the wrong path …"behold I set before life or death…choose life"(Deut 30:19) …….a wrong choice initiates.. automatically…The Law of sin and death in their lives….and gives the devil access into their lives (who is termed…'the god of this world') ….( 2 Cor 4:4 )


for example….as it was in the Old Testament and as it still is today……if you choose to lie, then the devil has legal access into your world…to disrupt your world and bring chaos into it…..because he is 'The father of lies'….he has legal access to you……legally…..


……..however if you choose not to lie, then you are under the protection of the blood of Jesus (and similarly the blood of bulls and goats in the Old Testament)….and "the accuser of the brethren" (Rev 12:10) has no legal grounds to implement an accusation…..that's why we are exhorted to walk uprightly… that we "give no place to the devil" (Eph 4:27) in our lives……


….following Gods commandments is a protection for us and not only isolates us from the devils accusations but gives us confidence in the realm of faith……"this is the confidence that we have in him…if we ask anything according to his will……… then we have the partition that we desired of him" (1 John 5:14-15)….faith operates thru confidence in Him… choosing to walk in Jesus commandments….brings confidence…..not choosing to walk in His ways brings condemnation and accusation from the devil…..



So…….When interpreting the Old Testament or you are uncertain about certain Old Testament scriptures…..consider this…



'The thief (devil) does not come except to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come, (Jesus) that you may have life and have it more abundantly'……(John 10:10)


'Let no man say when the is tempted, "I am tempted by God", for God cannot be tempted by evil, neither does He tempt any man' (James 1:13)…."but each man is tempted when he drawn away by his own lust"


"He who does good is of God…he who does evil is not of God" (3 John 11)




as you can see, the New Testament will make clear statements about (the Old Testament) which you may have uncertainty about……





One of the closest of Gods children that we see in the Bible is King David of the

Old Testament, who was in the lineage of Jesus, and wrote us the book of Psalms……


David clearly had an understanding of his Heavenly Father that was simply outstanding, where he wrote some astounding insight into the way our Heavenly Dad deals with us, (His children)


(Psalm 89:26-34)….”he will call out to me,….


you are my Father, my God, the Rock my Saviour,


I will appoint him my firstborn,

the most exalted of the Kings of the earth,

I will maintain my love to him forever,

and my covenant with him will never fail,

I will establish his line forever,

his throne as long as the heavens endure….




If my sons forsake my law, and do not follow in my statutes,

if they violate my decrees and fail to keep my commandments,


I will punish their sins with the rod,…

their iniquity with flogging,….

but I will not take my love from him,

nor will I ever betray my faithfulness,

I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered”….



Unlike how the OT seems to present an often ruthless and short-tempered God….David ( “a man after Gods own heart”), gives us insight how he sees the way that God operates in this world, and of course, the way that he describes his Heavenly Dad here, is no different than the way that we would describe a good earthly dad….


We see the love of the Father…and yet…


We also see, the discipline of the Father ..“spare the rod and spoil the child”(Proverbs 13:24)


This is a very different interpretation of God than what the OT often presents about those that do not walk in Gods commandments and appear to be subject to the anger and severity of God …with hellish and brutal consequences




Your father in Heaven, loves and disciplines you, in the same way that we understand how Fatherly love and discipline operates here in our earthly world….there’s no difference….if there is,…..then God needs to learn a few lessons from us dosen’t he!!!!...God needs to undergo ‘anger management’ dosen’t He!!.....


No………He loves you with an everlasting love and discplines you with love…


(Hebrews 12:5-9) “and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as sons,


My son (child)… do no despise the chastening of the Lord,

Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Hin,

For whom the Lord loves He chastens,

And every son whom He receives


If you endure chastening , God deals with you as sons,….

for what son is there that a father does not chasten……


……….furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of Spirits and live”


No….Our Dad disciplines us….. in love ..




OK then….after that little interlude……..(the idea of that interlude was to perhaps give you a little better understanding of your Heavenly Father, which is important in regard as to what follows)

Chpt 18




So……Lets go back to the story…..



Jesus would be the sacrificial lamb….would be obedient to his Dad….and fulfil His extraordinary role as the Saviour of mankind….


However, as we have just been investigating (browsing through the Old Testament)….God, was very much feared and mankind's perception of God was very distorted and uncertainty about his conduct was somewhat worrying to the people of that dispensation……


However,……This twisted perception of God, was a beautiful sweet smell to the arch enemy of the 'One True God'…..Satan


During that dispensation….'Satan'….'The father of lies'….who has no truth in him…worked tirelessly to influence, persuade, and fiercely change peoples perception of God…..and as we meditate and often quote the Old Testament,….it appears he did a pretty god job……..God does appear to be like a cranky old man who

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