» Religion » The Fathers Heart....The Second Revelation, Mike JC [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

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it into proper perspective

 Chpt 24




no….the best way to correct someone’s wrong perception………is to do the opposite (as I just mentioned) ….…"Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil" (Acts 10:38)………"great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all" (Matt 12:15)…………..


that is how you destroy lies….by doing the opposite that people would expect you to do…according to what they have heard….


you see, ….the thing that Jesus was totally focused on, the thing that He was determinedly passionate about…..…was re-establishing His Fathers good name again….wouldn't you!!!!……..


If you had seen your dad…slandered ,… ridiculed…lied about……and you knew that he was the most beautiful, loving caring dad that ever lived………wouldn't you be passionate about 'sorting that out'….I would be!!!……trouble is you and I would probably punch someone who was slandering our dad………………


Jesus here, ….had the opportunity to put things right….and He wisely did it …..passionately ….Gods way……what an awesome person Jesus was……


"so let your your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven" (Matt 5:16)…its good works that will glorify your Heavenly Dad…


"love your enemies, and do good to them, that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven" (Matt 5:44-45)


'be perfect, just as your Heavenly Father is perfect "(Matt 5:48)


"why do you call me good, no one is good, but one, this is …your God (your Heavenly Father)"... (Luke 16:18)


in fact…"God the Father" occurs in more than 200 times in the New Testament and Jesus exclusively uses that term throughout his entire ministry.


There was only one thing on Jesus mind during that 3 years…..and that was to restore his Dads beautiful name ….that’s what He was passionate about……..He tirelessly went around connecting good to his Fathers name ….."that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matt 5:16)…… see the purpose of Jesus doing everything He did , ..even going to the cross (was…….in his mind).….was to glorify his Father…."Father, the hour has come, glorify your Son that your Son may glorify you" (John 17:1)


but of course, they were working together Father and Son in a partnership…."its the Father in me …He does the works….the Father and I are one ….he who has seen me has seen the Father…..I only do what the Father tells me to do"………complete obedience and co-operation…..


and of course…..clearly, the rescue mission of his estranged children was on the Fathers mind……that’s why Jesus was sent ….He was sent….by the Father…who wanted his children back…do you see it?


……Jesus passion and drive and purpose on this earth was to re-establish his Fathers good name again



…….The Fathers passion and drive and purpose on this earth was to get his kids back



……..Jesus was 'sent'



……..The Father was the 'sender'



………it was not you and me that Jesus was focused on ….but rather His Dad



……….it was His Dad who was focused on us…


The Salvation of mankind was "The Fathers" project…so to speak…Jesus was the instrument that completed that legal process…..but it was The Fathers initiative…do you get it ?


Your Dad wanted you back…and he would do anything to get you back……


(your Heavenly Fathers plan of rescue for His children was now in full mode…..and the 'father of lies' was losing ground fast…..)



The reason that I have laboured on so much about the Old Testament…….is because… you know…..confidence in a loving God, is essential when living in a world of faith, and if I have helped in any way, for you to get a clearer picture of God…then writing this book has been worth it...  and also a clear picture of The Father is vital in regard to what follows….

 Chpt 25




However….as we move closer to the second revelation



as the time came closer to that fateful day, Jesus makes an astonishing statement….at the last supper..


One would think, at the last gathering of Jesus disciples, that He would put out a very clear message about what had happened in the last 3 years and what should happen in the future'


That He would be very clear about his purpose here on earth….wouldn't He?…….isn't that what you would do if you were at your last meeting and was about to set up a kingdom (the Church)……….


These last words would be absolutely vital…don't you think?….Jesus parting words to his disciples would have to be "right on the money"…so that there was absolutely no mistaking the road ahead …right!!!!



and so Jesus. (in the form of prayer ) makes known to his Dad and to the disciples in the room some astonishing insight as He begins to pray…….






( John 17:4) "I have glorified you down here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do"……."I have completed the work you gave me to do"….."completed the work"…



I thought the crucifixion was the completed work of Christ!!!!!



Jesus had still yet to go to the cross and yet He stated that He had completed the work his Father gave him to do


what was completed?…….


well in (John 17:6) He begins to unfold this mystery as he prays to his Father in front of the disciples…….

"Father….I have manifested your name, I have revealed your very self to the people you gave Me out of this world….I have revealed (speaks of revelation)…."they were yours and you gave them to Me"



He's telling us here, that his purpose (the reason he was "sent") in coming to this earth …..was to complete the REVEALING OF HIS DAD…….and He says ….I have done my job…the Father has been revealed…and going to the Cross was the avenue that God would have to use ….so that we could meet His Father by revelation…. as well as the Son…


of course, we talk about the Father regularly in the Church….but this is far more than that….this is an actual revelation of another person….like Jesus was a revelation…as will become clearer as we continue on



we,….through the salvation process have been able to build a relationship with Jesus….which is great…..but He is saying here ….the amazingly intimate relationship that Jesus had with his Dad….that same astounding level of intimacy that Jesus had with his Dad….is here…in this room… that same revelation is on his disciples… can have the same level of revelation of the Father that Jesus had……….that’s pretty amazing!!!


"I know longer call you servants, but friends, for everything I have learned from the Father I have made known to you"……(John 15:15-16)



and so as Jesus pray in front of the disciples


(John 17: 25-26)… "O just and Righteous Father"……

…"even though the world has never acknowledged You"…..


…."THESE MEN understand and Know that I was sent by You"……


……….. "that I was sent by You"……


as this revelation of Jesus unfolds……..firstly Jesus makes a critical point here …..that the Church of Jesus Christ must realise…that…. (firstly)…..that Jesus was sent


What did He want us to understand….that this was not his show…it was someone else's show…someone else's initiative

He wanted us to be very clear that your Dad was desperately wanting to connect with you again…..the true love of a father…..I want my kids back…want to hug and love them again….and put the family robe on them….your Dad desperately wanted you back….

and Jesus here is expressing confidence that the Church is about to be built on the right foundation…."these men understand"….


…."that I was sent by You"……


“for I have given them the words that you gave me and they have received them, and have known surely that I came forth from you, and they now believe that you sent me” (John 17:8)


In Matt 16 :13-20 we read………..'Jesus asked his disciples'………."who do people say the Son of man is"?….."some say John the Baptist, etc"……."but who do you say I am"?


….Simon Peter answered………"you are the Christ…the Son of the Living God …..Jesus replied….Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah…..for this was not revealed to you by man but by my Father in Heaven (revelation), and I tell you are Peter and upon this rock ….("this rock…. Peter"…the Fathers revelation to Peter) I will build my Church….. and the gates of hell will not prevail against it……( the father of lies and death will not be able to distort or lie about this truth ever again)


What was the revelation that Peter had, that Jesus said "upon this rock I will build my Church"….that Jesus was the Messiah….and that he is The Son of the living Father  (my Father has revealed this to you)


That Jesus was a Son and He had a Father…….


The commentators quote (next paragraph), in regard to this event is very significant


In regard to the next verse (verse 21)……Professional commentators quote…..

‘Peters confession here marks a significant turning point in Jesus ministry, for from that time he begins to teach explicitly about his atoning death’


One would therefore conclude…..


That Jesus is now convinced by Peters revelation that the Church is now going to be built on the right foundation ……and at the last supper Jesus said……"I have completed the work you gave me to do…..these men understand and know that I was sent by you"


Jesus was quite ready now to go to the cross, because He knew that they had received the revelation that He was a Son and that His Father sent Him…….and that we have a Father and we are his (adopted) sons and daughters


"The Father, before the foundation of the world, has chosen us in Him, predestined us as adopted sons by Jesus Christ to himself"….(Eph 1:3-5)


"I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters" (2 Cor 6:18)

Chpt 26




forgive me for my ignorance ….but I would have thought that the last words to the disciples and the initiation of the New Testament Church ,…would have been ….something like….


"Thank you Father, that they know Me, the Messiah, who came to redeem mankind,…the Saviour of the world…they've seen the miracles, and that I love them….and so on" …something like that!!!….


but no…..nothing like that whatsoever…….so let’s continue on with Jesus prayer


"these men understand and know that I was sent by You"……'


"and I have made known your name to them"……




"revealed your very character to them"…..


"your very self to them"


…..and here comes the amazing part……………..



"and I will continue to make you known" (by revelation)…



What is Jesus purpose today…in 2016



"and will continue to make you known"


"that the love that you bestowed on me"…



"may be felt in their hearts"



"may be felt in their hearts" …total intimacy


we should feel the love of our Dad……(not only the love of Jesus who acted in obedience)

But feel the love ….and the closeness ……and the caring heart of our Dad…..



How do you feel when you fall in love with someone?….it is felt..right?… do you feel towards your children when they have a bad day….or a good day!!… feel it inside don't you……Well, Jesus was making it clear here, …..that…we live in parallel worlds ……spiritual love can affect us in the same way that physical love affects us….a true revelation of The Father actually……physically affects us…'s able be that real…and it quite clearly was with the disciples and Apostles at the inception of the Church (as we clearly see below)


Feeling the closeness of our Father…….that’s the story of the bible…..never feeling alone….but knowing and feeling the love of a Father who desperately rescued you…so that you could live with Him forever….."may be felt in their hearts"


you see… we continue on…and as this revelation unfolds …you will amazingly, begin, to see that….the disciples were overwhelmingly in love with their Heavenly Dad …even though they had never seen him….like us.!!!…….their only revelation of the Father was through the actions and words of Jesus……yet they were smitten by this unseen Dad that Jesus was declaring to them… different for us today….Jesus same prayer and recorded miracles are still with us today…..



the last supper is still with us today…..

Chpt 27




the Apostle John declares….in (1 John Chpt 1)


"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, ……


concerning the Word of

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