» Religion » The Fathers Heart....The Second Revelation, Mike JC [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

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(if you see what I mean)… He doesn't override your authority……if you won't forgive… give him no choice….He cannot forgive you either…'s a law…a parallel law


For instance…. 'what you loose on earth' (forgive)…'will be loosed in heaven' (forgiveness)..(so to speak)(Matt 16:19),……'we have favour with God and with man' ….like Jesus (Luke 2:52),….. favour runs in a parallel world,…..God Feels like we feel ……He responds like we respond…


The Father was moved (in Jesus) when He saw the people lost,…… 'like sheep without a shepherd' ( his kids…. lost)



Ok then….just try and get hold of that last statement……..'The Father' …was moved (in Jesus)


Remember…..that Jesus said many times…..' it's the Father in me'.. not me …..'but the Father in me… he does the works'… was 'The Father' through Jesus eyes…that saw the lost without a shepherd'….. (Kids without their Dad)


Jesus wept……NO…… it was your Dad weeping for you….. not Jesus…..'I only do with the Father tells me to do'


It was your Dad's rescue mission…… not Jesus


Jesus was the vehicle…. yes…… and He became obedient even to the cross of his death (Phil 2:8)…..(to complete Dads rescue mission)….  'not my will but your will be done' Jesus said to his Father


Your Dad Was hell-bent on getting his kids back……. Jesus was the vehicle.. yes…but the 'heart' was your Dads………………and we wonder if he loves us!!!!

Jesus was the vehicle for your Fathers compassion,…….(your Dad was hurting ….if you like… losing his children) ….  more on these thoughts later…


The Bible tells us that….'Jesus was the perfect representation of the Father'…. and Jesus showed strong emotion…… yes… question….your Heavenly Father is angry at this other father….very angry …….. and it started 'this time around' at the Garden of Eden


"Who told you, you were naked"…!!!!( Gen 3:11)


Oh,…. He's mad alright,…. just like I would be, and you would be….


He's hopping' mad...

 Chpt 11




Okay….. now let's leave the Garden of Eden now, and move on to the story of the Old Testament


Imagine for a moment that this was your story


You are the father, and you find yourself frantic, having lost your children……A stranger has taken your children away from you by lying to them…


"Oh your dad told me to pick you up,…. come on hop in my car,.. and I'll take you for a ride"


What do you think your reaction would be.!!!!!!!


Remember… God just spent all this time making everything for you and me…. beautiful planet…. animals…. Gardens…. galaxies….. all for us…He put a lot of work in, because He wanted us to have everything…..


He was 'over the moon' with the idea of children,( just like you and me) and then someone comes along……a stranger…. and says to your kids….  "Let me take you for a ride"


Are you getting this…….


Our Father is 'beside himself' with rage (just like you and I would)


Not only was your beautiful little four year old….. taken for a ride with a stranger…. . and you've been unable to communicate with that beautiful little girl….. but as she grows a little older …you find out that she's actually beginning to despise you now….


Little Sarah…. your baby….. your offspring…who came from you…. doesn't want to talk to you….. and even worse, starts to do violent acts to her siblings (your other children…who are also lost)….depravity and cruelty start to surface


People….this is the story of the Bible, as you well know…this is what happened… didn’t it.!!


Now tell me…… what would you want to do to that other father…. that lying good for nothing father…..Huh!!…what would you like to do.!!!!


Remember…..'we are made in the likeness an image of God'….. when God created us in his own image,….. He created family,…. because He is family…


Our community of family, is a reflection of the community of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) …..our reaction in a situation like this, is no different to Gods reaction, as is made clear by the book of Revelation


The Bible regularly talks about Gods vengeance (revenge)…. what do you suppose the Father is so angry about?…… that He talks so often about revenge..!! He is severely 'ticked off' about something………."vengeance is mine I will repay' says the Lord (Rom 12:19)"


is it you and me?….….


hardly.!!!!!….do you seek vengeance against your kids when they are deceived and taken captive by someone else…….no!!!….you want to do something nasty to that person who stole your kids from you….don't you!!!



People…as you know,..we can often make the Bible into some sort of unreachable mystical holy book…and of course, it is the powerfully written Word of God…..but it is also a true practical story of family and the number one place that God elevates family too…..and His passion for family and its challenges from Gods perspective……..and consider this……when Jesus came into his ministry…His only focus was His own family (not you and me)……He was focused on His family….Father, Son and Holy Spirit…not you and me……more on that later…



Somehow…somewhere during the end times and suchlike,….you will see the Fathers rage in full flight….. God is preparing for a battle and these last days, because He is totally over  Satan, and He will get his revenge for Satan taking his children off him…..


just stand back, the Father says to us….. "vengeance is mine, mine, …. I will repay says the Lord"…..The Father is going to avenge himself


When Jesus began to read in the temple about himself…..he began to read……. "the Spirit of God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me"…  and so on…(Luke 4:18-19)


And finishes with ……"to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord"


What's that all about ?…..


well….. it's all about getting his kids back …..through Jesus


But…..What's the next part of the verse.!!!



'and the day of vengeance of our God'……(Isaiah 61:2)


'to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God'…..(Isaiah 61:2)


Make no mistake… God is into vengeance….. fully into vengeance…

oh yes, he is 'ticked off' alright ….at the 'father of lies'…… (just like you and I would be)


Jesus job was to complete his task (Isaiah 61:1-2) …which was to display the goodness of his Father….that’s why Jesus didn't complete the last part of that verse…


but the Father was the one who would complete the last part of that verse…"and the day of vengeance of our God"……('vengeance is mine I will repay…says the Lord')


Jesus wanted to make it very clear as He quoted Isaiah in the synagogue that He was to represent the goodness of The Father …….. that’s why He left out "and the day of vengeance of our God"……. because that was his Fathers vengeance…..not His


and that the Fathers 'vengeance' was against that 'other father' ….NOT PEOPLE….  Jesus job….'as He only did what the Father told him to do ….and say'… was to unashamedly love on his children….you and me…..


…. 'and Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil' (Acts 10:38)…..


…'its the goodness of God that leads people to repentance' (Romans 2:4)

 Chpt 12




So now…….



Continuing the biblical history of mankind…..


The Father now has to face the most terrible moment (apart from his Son on the cross) in existence,….. even to the point of saying "I wish I had never made them" (the time of the flood)..(Gen 6:6)


Why did he say that?……"I wish I had never made them"( Gen 6:7)


Because of what He was seeing them do to themselves……living a depraved life…. and the Father in anguish thought… "for their sakes…. it would have been better that I had never made them…….. to see what they have become, and what they are doing to themselves"…


"If I had never made them, they would never had experienced this terrible, depraved, lawless and violent life…..destroying one another"….


"And God repented that He ever made man, and He was grieved to the heart"…… you were never made to live like this and I can do nothing about getting you back (at that time)…


(because the legal process that He had set in motion to recover his children still had hundreds and hundreds of years play out…….Satan had legal rights to this world and God is bound by his own laws…..if He broke them and illegally snatched back his children, then He would be regarded as a lawless renegade and would forfeit his Godly role and would have sinned….that is why Jesus had to remain sinless…and that’s why Satan tempted him….to try and make him sin)


Now……..Imagine if this had happened to your kids and grandkids and so on ……wouldn't you be grieved to the heart.!!!!



And so the Father in his mercy towards mankind actually had to end our depraved and wicked ways, so that hell would not continue to enlarge itself with the godless and depraved offspring of mankind rapidly filling the earth…..


The flood was at an act of Mercy towards his lost, present and future children……..


Imagine seeing your kids like that…and there was nothing you could do about it….."  And the Father was grieved to the heart ("sick in the stomach"…. metaphor of course)……but wouldn't you be sick in the stomach.!!!!! …


(Genesis 6) ..'and the Lord saw that the wickedness of man (his estranged kids) was great in the earth, and that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was only evil continually'…..

(Genesis 6:11) 'and the earth was depraved and putrid in Gods sight, and the land was filled with violence, desecration, infringement, outrage, assault, and the lust for power'….



…and you think that you have a few problems with your kids!!!!……



spare a moment for your heavenly Dad here…sheeesh…thank you Jesus we live in todays world…where we have Salvation…thank God, we were not born in that dispensation……Dear Lord..I'me so grateful….


 v12… and God looked upon the world and saw how degenerate, debased, and vicious it was, for all humanity (his estranged children) had corrupted their way and were lost….


What a terrible thing for a parent to have to deal with, ….the apple of your eye,…. the darling of your heart,… depraved and lost forever…..


 Wouldn't you say that your Dad was not only grieved (feeling sick in the stomach) ……. but was livid at the thought of that other father..the father of lies…


 Now I'm saying all this to build a foundation so that when Jesus finally arrives on the earth…… what do you expect his attitude would have been?…..remember….Jesus is as much involved in this, as the Father (the Father and I are one..Jesus said)..(John 10:30)



Are you following this?……

Chpt 13




What would have been the driving, and purposeful, and relentless message that Jesus would have been trying to get across to mankind


Think about it for the moment, and try and keep that in mind……'s not people He's mad with…remember that!!....

(of course imé not talking here about the discipline of your Dad or His future judgement for mankind……that’s a different subject all together….however....all I know….is that He will be just and fair)



Now lets continue on…..



And so the Fathers driving motivation was to look for a day when this whole scenario would do a 180° turnaround, and then He could get his kids back….


And so Noah found favour in Gods sight….. how relieved He must have been to see a speck of light in such a dark world (yes…I know God doesn't get relieved ..but just pretend for a moment…then again…maybe He does..who knows!!)….I certainly would be.!!


And so the Father began the legal pathway to accomplish his plan of rescue, and turn the whole scenario around in his favour…


The Bloodline and legal pathway was underway and there would be no stopping the plan of rescue now…..


You see, the whole of the following Old Testament was a rescue plan that needed several thousands of years to come to its climax….


The Father new the exact time to bring Jesus into this earth, but He was still subject to a legal pathway……the Father is the only one who knows the dispensation time sequences….He initiated the plan of Redemption and the day of vengeance….(Mark 13 :32) 'but of the day and hour…no one knows, neither the Angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father'….The Father will and has executed his

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