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I had in mind for you?

I know the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. Trust in Me, that I know what is good for you.

As I rode into Jerusalem on the donkey, on My way to fulfil the Father’s will and calling on My life, I had unspeakable joy over you because I knew the Father’s plan for you. Because I understood the impact of what was about to happen on your life, I was obedient to the Father’s will and plan. Now you can partake with Me in the fruit of what was done 2000 years ago. Do you understand how one act of obedience can change many lives? Do you understand that one act of obedience can influence and bless somebody in all eternity?

My child, I am calling My sheep to obedience to Me. Not only for the sake of themselves, because I know what is best for them, but for the blessing of others so that they can partake in the one Body and help
one another. If you love Me, you will obey Me. 

I am the only true God. The God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob. From David’s throne, I was born to be the vine tree to please My Father because of His great love for you.

Come and seek My face. Come and seek My Father’s heart.”

“Those who wait on Jehovah will renew their strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles; They will run and will not faint; They will walk and will not became weary.” (Isa. 40:31)

Chapter 3: SURRENDER!

 24 April 2011


“Today, My child, I broke open a seal. The seal is the heart of My people. I am going to crush the shell that held My people’s hearts captive. I want to remove the stone (shell) around their hearts and give them a heart of flesh. Then the people will be called children of the living God. I, the Lord, will do all this. This shell around their hearts prevents My people from responding to My ‘quiet, small voice’. I long for them to have fellowship with Me, but this wall around their hearts must be crushed. Do you know how I will crush that wall?”

“and My people, who are called by My name, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their evil ways; then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chr. 7:14)

“I will heal your hearts! Surrender, My precious people, surrender before Me and turn away from your sin. Repent your sin and forgive those who wronged you. Let Me be the Judge in that situation. Surrender, surrender, surrender! Then I will crush that shield around your heart. I will forgive you and wash your heart clean. I will welcome you into My throne room and I will welcome you in My presence.”

“He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be God to him, and he will be a son to Me.” (Rev. 21:7)

“Come and lie down all your problems, sin and hopes at My feet. I can give you rest. Come give Me those people who trespass against you. Forgive them and give them to Me. Remove that bitterness from within and give it to Me. I want to give you a clean heart, a heart of flesh. Only I, the Lord, can do it for you. No human can ever heal, deliver or restore you.”


“I want to heal, deliver and restore you, My Bride. I long for you to be spotless and clean. Let Me cleanse and sanctify you. You are going to be so beautiful at that wedding feast. You are My precious Bride. Allow Me to bathe you in My forgiveness, My grace, My mercy and My favour. Allow Me to prepare you to come before the King at the wedding feast. Like queen Esther, a preparation needs to take place, a preparation of cleansing and purifying. Only through My Spirit, We can prepare you. I adore you, My Bride. Allow Me to bestow My favour on you. Surrender, My Bride. Your reward will last forever. Forever you will be known as being part of My Bride. Forever being known as the King’s Bride. Can you see a little spec of the greatness of this reward, My Bride? Forever your name will be linked to being My Bride!

I love you with such love. I long for you to seek Me, to seek the Truth. I long for you to look Me in the eyes. Come alongside Me and dance with Me. I long for you to desire a relationship with Me, for I am your Maker, your Husband. Do you love Me above your husband or wife? Do you love Me above all else? I desire for you to put Me first in your life. Call on Me first in any circumstances. My desire is that I will be your desire. Can you stand before Me and say, ‘I love you’? Can you declare your love for Me as you do to your husband or wife? Do you love Me above all else? My Bride, you are going to spend eternity with Me. Do you love Me above all else?

Some days I long to talk to you, but you do not hear Me talking. Some days I long to answer your many questions, but you do not quieten down for Me to speak. Make time for Me, and you will hear Me speak. I will answer your questions. Come and draw yourself to Me. I long to interact with you and speak to you. If you make time for Me to build a relationship with Me and become quiet before Me, I will tell you great things. I will speak into your heart and comfort you. I will bestow favour on you. If you are not ashamed of Me and you lift Me
up as your Beloved before others, I will also lift you up as My beloved before the Father. My Father is drawing My Bride.” 

“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and him who comes to Me I shall by no means cast out.” (John. 6:37)

“My Bride should be in relationship with Me. I want to call you My own; I want to love you. My eyes constantly search the earth for those who seek Me in truth, for those whose love is set upon Me. Can you turn from your circumstances and focus on Me?”

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matt. 6:33)

“My Bride, what you go through and endure on earth will all make sense in hindsight. It will be like a speck of dust compared to what awaits you in the millennium and eternity thereafter. Do you not know that what you sow, you will also reap? What you sow here in this earthly life will be reaped in the millennium and the time thereafter. If you do My Father’s will, His perfect will, by being obedient to Him, the fruit that you reap will be good, plentiful and enjoyable in all eternity. You are what you eat. If you eat Me, you will start to ‘smell’ like Me and people will be drawn to you because you are what you eat. My Father requires many sons and those sons eat Me (My Word) and enjoy Me because they know the Father takes in that. The sons of God are obedient to Him and they are taught by God”.



“The sons of God know the Father’s will and purpose. The Father’s will and purpose is one Body, with Jesus Christ as the Head. No other human can be the head, only the Son, Jesus Christ. The sons of God are the overcomers in the one Body of Christ, those of whom only Jesus Christ is the Head. Only Jesus Christ is the covering and authority. Why is it that so many children of mine believe that a church, a ministry, or a leader is a covering over them? Where did they come to that idea? Only I, the Lord Jesus Christ am the true covering of any person who calls on Me to be their covering. Only I can protect you against the forces of Satan. It is a false message that you need to be part of some church, ministry or leaders to be covered. A husband still covers His wife (like Christ covers the Body) and if you are part of the Body of Christ, not a ‘church system’, then you are
covered by the Head. Satan trembles at the oneness of the Body. If the Body stands in unity (like a husband and wife), I, the Head of that Body, covers you. Why do you accept that some church covers your ministry? Does a church have more authority and power than I do? Stop being deceived, My children. I, the Lord, am the only true covering. Any other covering is part of a Babylonian system. You should pray for one another as I also intercede for you at My Father. However, one system cannot cover another system. Do not trust in man but trust in the Lord only. My precious children, this is hard to understand for some of you, but I tell you the truth.”

“I am the way and the reality and the life.” (John 14:6)

“Remove the idols from among yourselves and return to Me, because I created you and only I know you by name and can protect you. Always ask Me in all circumstances what My will is first. Do not ask others what they think My will is. If you ask Me for the absolute truth, do you think I will hide the truth from you? Ask Me if I, the
Lord, will be your covering. Ask Me and I will answer you.

A human cannot do anything for you. A human cannot protect you. Turn your eyes from humans unto Me. Only I, the Lord, can deliver you. People made it so complicated by building one system on top of another system. That system upon system is just building Babel again and that is where division starts. Call on Me only! Trust in Me and I will answer you.”


25 April 2011


“My child I want to speak about love. What is love? It is something you hold very dear to your heart. What is the treasure inside your heart? “
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt. 6:21)

“Are you fixed on Me in your heart? If you seek Me, you will find Me. It is like seeking great treasure, if you find it, you know the worth (Matt. 13:45-46). I can be the treasure of your heart. What a man thinks, so is he. Are you thinking of Me?”
“I am the bread of life; he that comes to Me shall by no means hunger, and he who believes into Me shall by no means ever thirst.” (John 6:35)
“I know you. I know every part of you. I knitted you layer by layer in your mother’s womb. Your walls are before Me all

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