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Chapter 12: I WILL TEST YOU

2 May 2011


“… I have come that they may have life and may have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

“There are many lost dreams. It is true that I have allowed many dreams to be lost, taken away, like with My servant Job, to see if you can just love Me above all. Choices like the two trees in the garden - the tree of life or the tree of knowledge of good and evil. When there is a choice, a decision can be taken to love Me or reject Me. If I do interfere and I remove all the idols from your life, will you love Me or reject Me? If you can love Me above all this and realise that I am God, the giver of all your treasures and things, you will realise that I can also replace them and give you back more than double that which you have lost.

I will test you. I will test you like gold and silver to refine you. I want to see what is truly in your heart. All this is also for you to see what is inside your heart. When you are tested, that which is inside your heart, will come out. This will also make you realise that you need Me more. More of Me, less of yourself.”



“The purpose of Me being the last Passover lamb to be slain for the sin of the world, was not only to redeem you of your sin, to wash you with My blood if you should call on Me, but also that My Spirit could enter man, to make you divine in life and nature but not in the Godhead. My Spirit enters you and grows inside of you, as you walk with Me. The closer you walk with Me, the more you will become like Me in life and nature, but not in the Godhead.

The Father is raising His sons. Those who walk close to God, listen and obey His instructions, will be sons of God. You are being led by My Spirit Who has entered into you. I am not far away from you. I am right inside of you. I know everything. I am inside your temple. Your bodily temple. I am available for you if you call on Me. Call on My Name. Those who call on the Name of the Lord will be delivered and saved. When you call on My Name, I will jump over a wall with you.

I AM God of the universe. With the fall of man, power was given to Satan on this earth. He is the prince of this world. Therefore, you need to call on Me for My kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. In the millennium I will come and establish My kingdom on earth. We will restore all that was destroyed with ungodly things.”



“My people, do not be dismayed with what you currently see happening around your country. Do not worry about what you read in the news. Turn your focus to Me, for I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is nothing and no one like Me. Whatever you feast your eyes on, will grow. If you focus on Me and look at Me, I will grow inside of you as a giant. When you focus on news and earthly happenings on what you perceive as the truth, then that will grow. What you are, whatever is in your heart, will come out. If you eat and drink Me, you will speak Me to others. You will also enjoy life. The enemy is controlling the current news system and what is filtered through to the people. Do not be deceived by what you think you see on the news. It is all making you lukewarm. The enemy will come as an angel of light and distract you in beauty”.



“My people, come out of sin! Sin can feel enjoyable and can be shrouded in a cloud of beauty, but it is only enjoyable for a season; then comes death and destruction. With sin, there are consequences. My people, there is little time. Turn back to Me from your ways. Turn from your sinful life. Choose now, life or death; choose now, because what you choose will have an eternal effect. You are sowing now what you will reap later. My people, listen to Me, the time is short. Are you willing to lay down your life, as you know it to get life in enjoyment of Me in eternity?”



“My children, do you know how many times at night while you are asleep, I take you to heaven to enjoy My presence and to be with the Father? We talk to you, encourage you and dance with you. We even show you things about My Father’s place. Many, many times I come and fetch you to enjoy Me in your sleeping time. However, We conceal it for you. You do not even remember or recall that you have enjoyed Our presence in heaven. You just feel refreshed, loved, and encouraged when you wake up the next morning. You will remember
this in the near future.

We love you, Our children. We care for you and Our thoughts and plans are good for you. Nothing is impossible with Me. I am the God of the extraordinary. I am the God full of great secrets and surprises, all stored up for those who desire Me more, for those who call on My Name. Because I am the Alfa and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I want to wrap you in My love. Will you allow Me to wrap you in My love? I will love you and press you to My bosom in all eternity.” 


3 May 2011


“My wheat field is ready for the harvest. Many are prepared to receive the truth. I have prepared many hearts through My Spirit. The labourers are few. Why? Every child of mine, touched by Me, should serve Me. Those who have been served by Me can serve others. They should labour in the fields. You should walk with Me on your daily journey, then you can labour and disciple those who live and work around you each day. You should give freely, because you have received freely. Why My children, do you keep My grace, My love, My favour I gave you for yourself? Why don’t you give out freely as I have given you?

To labour for Me is not to quit your job and go somewhere to win souls. I would specifically call you for such a mission. My servants are those who live their lives in front of others, by honouring Me first. Like walking the talk. Out of this, you serve others. You can serve Me like that in the workplace, school and your daily lives. If you speak and act when you obey Me, therefore you speak and act when you hear My instruction, then people would be touched by Me through you. My people, you should know Me to live Me.

You are human and you make mistakes. Yet I choose to work through you as a broken vessel. For I was broken for taking the sin of the world. The fields are white ripe since the beginning, because humankind is in need of their Saviour, their God. I am the Light of this world and those who do not know Me intimately will thirst and seek. They will not know why they thirst and seek or for what they thirst and seek. Only I will quench your thirst. Only I am the truth, the revelation and the life. Only if you seek Me, you will find the truth. Only if you seek Me, I will show and reveal things to you that you do not know. All other desires will be time consuming, in vain and fruitless. My people realise that all peoples are looking and yearning for Me. However, they do not discern Me. They know in their hearts about Me, but choose to reject or avoid their Creator. In My grace and mercy, I still draw them to Me. I gave man the gift of free will. Choose life or death, blessing or curse. All humans can choose. My Father’s heart is that all will be saved. However, many have sown in their hearts rebellion and hatred towards Me. Many have been called, few are chosen.”



“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I desired to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! Behold, your house is left to you desolate. For I say to you, You shall by no means see Me from now on until you say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” (Matt. 23:37-39)



“Many of the evil happenings on earth are not Satan, as many of you think. It is people, it is rebellion against Me, hatred against Me, selfishness and lawlessness. Because of sin and the choice of committing sin, being disobedient to Me, weed grows in your heart. And it just grows and grows over time. After some time you just cannot see or discern anymore. You are blinded. In this blindness, you cannot discern godly from ungodly. You then have no respect for man or God. This leads to death and destruction.

My people, there is no more time to be entangled in sin. Come out of that sin. Come to Me and repent from that sin. Ask Me to show you My heart about that. Ask Me if it is really sin. My Word is true. Many have twisted My words to suit their ungodly desires and needs. Did you know I set a boundary around things for a reason? I set a boundary, like the seashore around the sea. If there were no boundary, waves of the sea would consume you. Just like this boundary, there are other boundaries that need to be obeyed for your own good. For your protection. Why do you keep on challenging what I said in My Word? If you wonder about something or have a
question, come and ask Me. Then I will reveal the truth to you. Why do you argue with each other over My Word? Ask the Author. I know My Word. I know My intention with it.”

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