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that with it He might smite the nations; and He will shepherd them with an iron rod; and He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.” (Rev. 19:15)

“You need to practice to eat My Word daily, by eating Me. You need to stand up and wake up, because I need a warrior Bride, those with a sword in their mouths. In addition, you need to wait on Me. This waiting on Me, is sitting in silence before Me, just enjoying My presence. This is a great key. If you wait before Us in silence, We will fill you with oil and prepare you for the times that are coming upon the earth.”



“This is why you need to ask Me to prepare you for the rapture, because not every child of God will be raptured. Some teachings and doctrines are making My people lukewarm, saying that you only need to be filled with the Spirit and baptized in water. Then you will be raptured. This is not true. It is a false doctrine. It is good to be baptized in Spirit and in water, but you need to have the Sword and oil, which is eating Me, drinking Me, and waiting before Me daily, so I can fill you with oil and anoint you for the end time.

Ask Me to prepare you for this end-time, and then be obedient as I guide you to get this Sword. The rapture will be in the middle of the tribulation. (Rev. 12). Therefore, you need to endure what will be happening on the earth already by that time. I need to prepare you for these things.

Ask Me for the Spirit of Wisdom and knowledge of Me. Ask Me for discernment and the truth. You will see things you have never seen before. Things that will happen to this earth. You have only seen a glimpse of it at the start of this year 2011. Many things are coming, that you need to endure before I can rapture you in the middle of all this. Take note that you are the privileged generation that will see My book Revelation playing out right in front of your eyes. 

How marvellous, what a privilege, My Bride! I want to prepare you for this rapture. However, you need to be obedient to Me. Listen when I speak. Come and get the truth from Me. When you listen to people, you will be deceived. People should come and confirm what you already heard from Me. If you only listen to people and not from Me, how can you be sure that what you hear and believe is the truth? Remove the idols from your life, and then you will discern when I speak to you. In addition, you cannot judge another on what they claim they heard from Me, unless you yourself hear from Me to approve or disapprove that word. How many times do you judge
people or My prophets on what you perceive My Word says? How many times do you judge wrongly? The letter can kill, but the Spirit brings life. If you cannot hear My voice, you are not qualified to make a judgment call on a person. If you hear Me, you will know My heart and you will be able to make a righteous judgment, because you know Me, thus interpreting My Word correctly.

In these times before the rapture, many will be deceived. If you cannot hear My voice, you will be deceived. That is why it is so important to humble yourself, remove the idols out of your life, call on Me, look to Me, and be obedient. Then your ears will be opened and you will hear Me. Many are called, few are chosen. Many I called to be raptured. Many I called to come out of Babylon. However, not many listened. Only a few have I chosen. My people, there is still time. If you ask me to be part of the Bride, to be part of the rapture and you listen to what My Spirit says to you, and you are obedient to My instruction, you will be My Bride and will be raptured. Do you
know what reward that would be? Forever you will be known as My Bride and forever you will be known as having been raptured. Do you desire this in your heart? Ask of Me and I will give you the desire of your heart.”



“My Bride, you need to come out of Babylon. Ask of Me and I will open your eyes to the system that you know as religion. You need to see what I see, for you do not understand that the foundation is not built on the rock. The foundation should be built only on what the Apostles laid, which is I. (1 Cor. 3)”

“… Come out of her, My people, that you do not participate in her sins and that you do not receive her plagues.” (Rev. 18:4)

“Ask Me and I will show you the truth. Do not be dismayed, be strong and very courageous. I will show you the way, for your destiny will be Me. It will only be a short while, and then I will come and fetch you. I want to open the door of absolute truth to you. Will you allow Me to show you absolute truth? It might seem painful in the beginning, but you will be set free and you will understand that I am Jehovah, your Deliverer, who took you out of the house of bondage. Call on My Name and ask Me the absolute truth about the rapture, about the endtime, about Babylon. I will show and reveal the truth to you. I am for you, not against you.”

Chapter 8: IT IS “OUR THING”!

28 April 2011


While I was waiting on the Lord, the following song came to me “In die Hemel is die Heer en Sy glans is soos kristal. Hy’s die Heilige van God en Hy heers oor die heelal. Daar is mag in Sy woord! Soos die waters druis Sy stem. Soos die son op die see se blou, so die rykdom van Sy trou….”

Yesterday the Lord showed me a rainbow on Melkbos beach. The bond between the Lord and a rainbow comes from January 2005, when I saw clouds in the sky and I said to the Lord that it would be nice to see a rainbow, and then suddenly on that spot in the clouds a rainbow appeared. I was as excited as a child. Then in October 2009 I thought about the abovementioned rainbow incident and right in front of me in the clouds a rainbow appeared. Since then, every time I think of a rainbow, the Lord gives a rainbow in the sky. Then the Lord told me, “it is our thing”. I was very blessed by it. 



The Lord said to me: “The rainbow on the beach My child, was for you. I surprised you, didn’t I?” 

“Yes Lord, it was awesome!”

“It is indeed ‘our thing’! The Me-and-you-thing. How I love to see your face every time you see a rainbow I give you. Your face lights up like an awe struck child!

The Father delights in you. He just loves to surprise you. He is going to surprise you much more. You are the apple of His eye. Like explained, if you have five children, then you love them all the same. Every child of yours, you love. Then there is one child who obeys you, honours you, respects you, loves you and takes note of your needs. That child you will love with a special love and you will give favour to that child, as Jacob did with Joseph. A blue-eyed boy.

I love all My children. There is nothing you can do to make Me love you more or less. However, if you love Me, obey Me and set your will upon My will, I will love you with a special love. I will give you favour and I will raise you up and set you in high places with Me. Because I am your first priority. Your focus is on Me. Your love is to Me. If you love Me above all else in your life, if you are willing to lose your life, your dreams, your desires, if you set your love on Me, I will raise you and make you the head and not the tail. You will know that I am your God and you are My child. You will feel My presence and you will look for Me. Keep looking for Me. Search for Me.”



Many times at sunset, I wait on the Lord in my garden. The Lord said to me:

“I love what you do, by waiting for Me in your garden, in nature. Did you know it, My child?”

“I believe so, Lord.”

“We love it! As it is written in Genesis, when I walked with Adam in the garden, so I love to walk with you in your garden. You can’t see it, but as you wait on Me in your garden and you love Me, hosts and hosts of angels are drawn to that place where you love Me. For My heart burns like a coal if you touch My heart by loving Me like a child. The angels are drawn to My heart being touched! My child, I will fully open your eyes so that you will see them in all their glory. They do protect you and minister to you, because of My command and because they love Me and they love what I love. 

My child, I opened your eyes to see them partly, and I’ve seen how you loved and appreciated the gift I gave you.”



“I know many of My children want to see My protecting and ministering angels. Tell My children, those who want to see My servants at work should tell Me their desire. I will touch their eyes and I will remove the veil from their eyes to see My angels. But take caution – only I command and talk to My angels. You should not speak to them or command them. They are working under My control. If you try to interact with them, you can be deceived, because Satan can come to you as an angel of light.

Therefore My children, be wise in what you ask from Me. If you ask anything from Me, also ask for wisdom to deal with it. If I open your eyes to see My angelic hosts, it will be a gift to you, to see My hands working. To see how they love Me, and serve Me. If you ask Me for help or protection, I will command them. They only take instructions from Me. Therefore be wise in what you ask from Me.

There is abundance in the spirit realm, which many of My children cannot see. It is just as you always tell others. You have eternal past, current time on earth and eternal future. You can look at it, as being in the Matrix on earth. Only if I unplug you from the world, the system, you will get a much bigger perspective on everything, because you seek and look for Me. The more you seek Me, the more you will get a bird’s eye view on My eternal economy. 

Do you want an eagle’s view on My perspective of things? If you seek Me, you will find those secrets. Those secrets will enlarge your outlook. The more you seek Me, the larger your outlook will be. Your eagle’s eyes will enlarge and you will see that this life on earth, though very important for your shaping and moulding and eternal purpose, is only a spec in the cosmos of everything. This very spec is very important to Me. Even the smallest aspect needs to fit into place to form the bigger picture.”



“Why do you argue and wonder whether

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