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anyone has seen Me in heaven, or about people I’ve shown heaven, or about things to come? My thoughts are above your thoughts. If the earthly life is only running on time and I desire to lift you up to show you something about eternity past or something about eternity future, then time has
no place. There is no time in My sphere. There is just one clock and that is on earth. That is how I can show you things to come, like seeing yourself in heaven, because I can show you in the blink of an eye anything in the past or future, because I know the beginning from the end.”



“Why is it that people argue and wonder if there is a heaven? Yes, it is true that after My coming we will live on earth for 1 000 years so that I can establish My kingdom on earth, but My Father will still be in heaven. Heaven is the Spirit sphere where My Father and I and the angelic hosts live. You do not know every secret of all Our plans and the surprises We have for Our children. Stop being in disunity about whether there is a heaven or not. There is a heaven. The Father and I live there.

All will be revealed about the fullness of My grace, plans and your eternal future. The Bridegroom cannot tell His Bride about where and what the honeymoon gift will be. It is a surprise! My Bride, what I am preparing for you, will be such a big surprise! This secret will remain locked until the day of the wedding feast.

My beloved Bride, love Me, focus on Me. Speak to one another only about Me. Show your love for Me among yourself, My Body. Become one in the Body. Unless I’ve revealed a secret to you or gave you a revelation about Me, you shouldn’t argue about things you hear about heaven or Me. You need to hear from Me and get revelation from Me, to understand My workings. There are many things you do not understand. If you ask Me for wisdom and revelation, I will show you the truth. Focus on Me and come in unity in the Body. All will be revealed very soon.

Just press into Me, love Me, obey Me and I will give you rest and satisfaction in Me. I love you very much, My Bride. I desire for you to enjoy Me, by eating and drinking Me. Only I can quench your thirst. I am the Tree of Life from the beginning to the end. I am also the River of Life from the beginning to the end. Make Me your only Tree and River of Life!”


 29 April 2011


“My Spirit is like mist, like wind. You don’t know where it begins, where it ends and where it will blow. So are My thoughts and plans, above your thoughts and plans. My love, don’t you know that My thoughts and plans are to do you good, to give you a purpose and a hope? Don’t fear My coming. Don’t fear the things that are about to happen on the earth. As in the days of Noah, so will the signs and coming of Me be. People will be eating and drinking and getting married.

My love, if you walk with Me, trust Me, love Me, obey Me, I will protect you in the midst of all that is already happening on earth. Do not fear, for I am with you. Be strong, be courageous. This last generation will see all prophecies being fulfilled. And things will happen quickly. Don’t make plans around your dreams, your goals, and your ambitions. It will be in vain. Come to Me and ask of Me My perfect will and you will be in My peace and plans for you.

The time is now to listen when I speak. If I say turn left, you need to turn left. If I say turn right, you need to turn right. My sheep can hear Me. Remove the idols from your life and heart, and then you will discern My voice. Run into My arms, and then you will be shielded by My Truth. My love, don’t wonder about things that are part of this world. Come to Me for truth about My eternal economy.”



“The time is so short for My coming and the events to be happening on earth. You need to walk with Me and walk with Me closely. How, do you ask? How do I walk closely with the Lord? I will answer you from heaven if you call on My name and if you sit silently in My presence and wait on Me. You need to become silent and focus on Me, think of Me, love Me. Then I will be able to speak to you.

My people, there is such an urgency for you to follow My lead. Let Me be your Leader. You need to hear Me when I am going to direct you, because you need to stay in step with Me. One more time I am going to shake the earth, one more time I am going to blow the horn for My people to wake up from their sleep. Wake up My Bride, for your Lord is standing at the door!

I am moving up a mountain. Those who follow Me and listen to Me will follow along this mountain. You need to hear Me and obey Me and walk close to keep in step, because the road up the mountain can became narrow and dangerous. You need to follow Me up this mountain. The road up this mountain is not a straight line up, but a curvy road. Only if you focus on Me, will you reach the top of this mountain. There is no other way to get up this mountain than to follow Me, step by step, listening as I speak.”



“Surrender My Bride, surrender all your opinions and things you know about Me, concerning the end-time events. I’ve sent many prophets to warn you concerning what is about to happen on this earth. Those who have asked Me for truth, revelation, and discernment, I’ve shown the truth and sent the prophets to their areas. Those who have listened to My true prophets and checked with Me received My fear in their hearts. People who will listen to My true prophets, I will bless and I will reveal more secrets to them. Others who will listen to My true prophets but reject their words, because they do not ask Me if the prophet is speaking the truth, will not hear
any more warnings. They will just see the events as they happen. But if they come to Me and repent about rejecting Me within those prophets, I will answer them and open their ears again.

Don’t judge any prophet unless you hear from Me! How do you know if this prophet is true or false? Only if you hear from Me in the matter, ask Me for the truth, then I will reveal it to you. When you reject My true prophets, then you are rejecting Me. Those prophets who speak about My coming, telling you that you need to prepare, for the Lord is coming soon, are My true prophets. Prophets who only bless people and make them fall back into their comfort zone, who do not speak about fearing Me and My coming, those are the false prophets.

It is I that raise the false prophets. I will send the false prophets to those who have idols in their hearts. That is why you need to remove the idols out of your life and heart. Then you will see My true prophets, because they will always point to Me. Their hearts are on fire about Me. They will direct you, by pointing to Me. It is not about
themselves. I love My prophets. Whatever you do to them, you also do to Me. Leave them alone! Stop judging them. You will discern who My true prophets are if you ask Me for discernment. If you find a true prophet, listen to him. I am jealous of My prophets. They were touched by God Himself. For the Father is jealous of His prophets. The true prophet loves Me and will love Me to death. My prophets are also the humble and foolish ones. Don’t despise their words. If I send a prophet to you, listen to My prophet. I am sending them, because
you don’t discern Me and I send a word of warning to direct you back to Me. They didn’t choose to be prophets. The Father chose them. They’ve paid a price to walk with Me.”

“He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who has sent Me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward, and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward. And whoever gives to one of these little ones only a cup of cold water to drink in the name of a disciple, truly I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.” (Matt. 10:40-42)


 30 April 2011


“A bruised reed I shall never break. My child, many of My children have wounds that they carry around in their hearts. Many were inflicted by other people, being insensitive to one another. If someone has done you wrong, you must forgive him in order to break yourself loose from the hurt that binds you and that person. Even though it hurts, just tell Me that you choose to forgive that person. Every time you forgive, you are healed in the wounded area layer by layer. When you think about that person, forgive again, 70 times 7 I say. Then I will heal the wounds of that affliction. There are also darts from the enemy that can wound. The wounds from the enemy I will heal if you call on Me. When you call on My name I will deliver you. My people, if you forgive one another, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. This My people, is a basic principle. The sooner you forgive someone for an offense, the sooner your healing starts.

If you allow unforgiveness to grow, the root becomes bitter. When bitterness grows in you, you cannot enjoy Me, hear Me, and discern Me. Bitterness also causes much of the sickness that is on earth today. When you already have bitterness, ask of Me to remove it. Repent that you have allowed that bitterness, or offense that someone had done unto you, to grow. Then I will heal you. Remove all bitterness and unforgiveness from within your hearts. Forgive! My people, forgive one another!”



“Let go, so I can be God. Let go of situations that you want to fix. Let go of those you have prayed for whom you want Me to heal. You ask Me for breakthrough in your child’s or loved one’s life. You ask Me to save them and heal them. That is good My children, but after you’ve prayed for them, give

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