» Romance » Redemption, H.L.B. Adams [grave mercy txt] 📗

Book online «Redemption, H.L.B. Adams [grave mercy txt] 📗». Author H.L.B. Adams

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Chapter Seven


It had been a month since Brandon and Ann got back together. Ann still couldn’t believe it. She had never imagined the possibility of them ever getting back together. They were starting to become a family, her, Brandon, and Mackenzie.

Ann and Mackenzie still lived in their apartment, and Brandon still live in his childhood home, but they had dinner together every night. They spent every possible moment together. Life seemed to be going great, it appeared as though nothing could bring them down.

Ann pulled up at Brandon’s at about seven that Saturday morning. Before she could even get out of the truck Brandon was out the door. He met her at the truck and gave her a kiss. “Good morning,” Ann said smiling. “You been watching for us?”

“Yep, and I’m not ashamed to admit it,” Brandon said and opened the back door to get Mackenzie out.

“Hey Dad,” Mackenzie said smiling as he help her out. Then she made an ugly face and said, “Do you have to kiss like that all the time? It’s disgusting.” With that she ran around to the back of the house to play on her swing set that Brandon had gotten her about a week ago.

“Disgusting, huh,” Ann said and laughed. “Well,” Brandon said grinning, “Since she’s not here I think we should do some more of that disgusting kissing.” Brandon leaned down and kissed her again.

At lunch time Ann was in the kitchen fixing sandwiches when she heard someone pull up outside. She went to the front door to see Brandon walking toward a red headed woman. When he reached her she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. It was a short kiss only because Brandon pulled back. ‘What’s going on?’ Ann thought standing there watching the two from the front door. No one had noticed her yet. The woman pouted for a moment and then said something that made Brandon laugh. ‘He is…she is…they’re together.’ Ann staggered as it hit her. This woman was Brandon’s lover, or whatever, from Texas. ‘Why didn’t he tell me?’ Ann thought.

Ann stood there for a second and then walked back into the house. She could her Mackenzie out back playing. She stood at the back door watching her daughter play for a minute composing herself. “Mackenzie,” Ann said walking out the door. “Come on sweetie, we’ve got to head home.”

“But you said we were spending the day with Dad,” Mackenzie said confused.

“I know sweetie, but something has come up. Your dad has some unexpected company that needs his attention.”


“But nothing Mackenzie, you’ll see him later,” Ann said. ‘Maybe, or he might just leave with Miss Red Head.’ “Come on sweetie. We’ll come back later.”

Mackenzie followed her mother through the house and out the front door reluctantly. Brandon looked up when he heard the front door slam. Mackenzie had slammed it and was now following Ann to her truck. “Umm hold on a second, Kelly. I’ve got to see what’s up,” Brandon told the woman standing in front of him. “Wait, who are they?” she asked.

“Just hold on,” Brandon said again walking away.

“Where are you going?” Brandon asked as he reached Ann. She was getting into the driver’s seat, Mackenzie was already strapped into the back. “Home, you have company,” Ann said reaching to shut the door. Brandon held the door open. “Why?” he asked.

“You have company.”

“So, she’s a friend from Texas. No reason for y’all to leave.”

“Yeah a friend, you know you could have told me about your friend before…” Ann stopped herself before she finished that sentence. Mackenzie didn’t need to hear this, and anyway she didn’t feel like dealing with him anymore. She should have known better. “Look I’ll bring Mackenzie back when your company leaves,” Ann said and shut the door. She cranked the truck and left.

“What just happened?” Brandon asked aloud. “Hey,” Kelly said walking up to him. “Since your company is gone how about we go have some fun inside.”

“What?” Brandon asked looking at her. “No, look not to be rude but you need to leave.”

“What?” Kelly said confused.

“Look the woman I love just drove away with my daughter because she thinks there is something going on between us so you need to leave and not come back.”

“What? There is something going on between us, or have you forgotten what we were doing before you decided to come back to your hometown to sell your parents’ house.”

“There is nothing going on between us. There never was. We hooked up whenever we were bored. That’s all and you know it.”

“That’s not true. You told me you loved me,” Kelly argued knowing very well he had never even come close to uttering those words to her.

“No I didn’t. I have only ever told one woman I love her and she just left. Now leave,” Brandon said turning around to go get his keys from the house so he could go straighten everything out with Ann.

“No,” Kelly said from behind.

“What the hell,” Brandon said turning around. “Listen I don’t give a shit how damn bored you are, or whatever limitations your dad has put on your trust fund. I don’t give a shit about you. All you ever were was a convenient fuck.”

Kelly just stood there staring at him for a second. She couldn’t believe he said that to her. No one had ever spoken to her that way. She couldn’t believe he was sending her away. No man had ever rejected her. She had always been the one to do the rejecting. “Fine, but when you get bored with the country bumpkin don’t come running back to me,” Kelly said and turned around and went back to her.

“Go to hell,” Brandon said and ran into the house to get his keys.


Not five minutes later Brandon knocked on Ann’s door and prayed she would let him in. Ann opened the door knowing who it was. “Come in Mackenzie in her room sulking. Why don’t you go see if you can get her to talk to you?” Ann said standing back.

“We need to talk first,” Brandon said. “Talk about what. Everything seems to be perfectly clear to me,” Ann replied.

“Ann please don’t be like this. Just let me explain.”

“There’s nothing to explain Brandon. I made a mistake. I let you back in. I was wrong to believe that we wanted the same thing, but don’t worry I’m not going to keep you away from Mackenzie. It would hurt her too much,” Ann said with absolutely no emotion on her face.

“Annie please,” Brandon pleaded seeing the future he had started to dream about slip out of his reach.

“Dad is that you?” Mackenzie said coming out of her room. Brandon gave Ann one more pleading look before turning to Mackenzie. Brandon forced a smile onto his face and said, “Yeah baby.” Mackenzie came running into the living room and jumped into his arms. “Is your company gone now?”

“Yeah sweetie she’s gone.”

“Can we go back to Dad’s house now, momma?” Mackenzie asked looking at her mother.

“You can sweetie,” Ann said smiling at her. “I’ve got some work I need to do before Monday.”

“But,” Mackenzie started.

“No, I need to get my work done sweetie. How about you stay at your dad’s house tonight?”

“Okay,” Mackenzie said a little happier. She knew something was wrong, but she wasn’t sure exactly what.

“Okay, I’ll get you some clothes while you and your dad get your seat out of the car,” Ann said and headed to Mackenzie’s bedroom.

Ann came out of the apartment a few minutes later with a bag of clothes for Mackenzie. She didn’t even look at Brandon. She went to the passenger side of the car and put Mackenzie’s bag in the floor board in front of her feet. “I’ll see you tomorrow sweetie. I love you,” Ann said and gave her kiss. “Be good.”

Ann shut the door and headed back to her apartment. “Ann please,” Brandon pleaded again. Ann didn’t even slow her stride as she walked back into her apartment. ‘Dammit, I’ve lost her for good this time,’ Brandon thought staring at the apartment door. ‘No I refuse to let that happen.’

Brandon got into his car. For now he would have to wait about talking to Ann. He had more important things to do, spending time with his daughter. He knew he was going to have to reassure Mackenzie that everything was okay. He just wished he could reassure himself.


Mackenzie didn’t bring up what had happened earlier that day, until Brandon was putting her to bed. He had just finished telling her the story of how he, Ann, and Jason had become best friends when Mackenzie asked, “Why is Momma mad at you?”

“It was just a misunderstanding baby,” Brandon said. “She’ll cool down soon and I’ll explain what was going on and everything will go back to the way it’s supposed to be.”

“But what happened? What do you have to explain? What if Momma doesn’t cool down and let you explain?” Mackenzie said getting upset.

“Shh, sweetie,” Brandon said picking her up at setting her in his lap. “Listen Kenzie everything is going to be fine. I promise you everything is going to be fine. Don’t worry, I’m going to fix everything.”

“You promise,” Mackenzie said sniffling.

“I promise,” Brandon said wiping the tears of her cheeks. He kissed her forehead and just held her for a few minutes. It killed him to see his precious little girl cry. He had never seen her cry before. He’d seen her fall and scrape her knee, and get back up laughing and go again. He’d seen her have nightmares that scared her so much she shook, but she never cried. That he knew she got from Ann. Ann had hardly ever cried. She said tears were a waste of time most of the time. If she was going to cry she was going to have a good reason to.

When Brandon heard Mackenzie’s breathing return to normal, he looked at her and said, “Better now.” She just nodded. “Good, now time for bed,” he said putting her back in bed.

“Daddy can I sleep with you tonight?” Mackenzie asked. Brandon was shocked Kenzie had never called him Daddy nor had she ever asked to sleep in bed with him, not even when she had nightmares. “Yeah sweetheart,” Brandon said.

He picked her back up and carried her to his room. He laid her down and grabbed some pajamas and went to the bathroom to change. He came back into the room and laid down beside her. Mackenzie scooted over and clung to him as though she expected him disappear if she didn’t hold on to him. Brandon’s heart ached for her. I hated to see her hurting, and knowing that he part of the cause for it killed him. He wrapped an arm around her and lay there awake hours after she had fallen asleep.


Chapter Eight


It had been over a week since the incident with Kelly and Ann still wouldn’t talk to him about anything other than Mackenzie. Brandon was starting to feel

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