» Romance » Redemption, H.L.B. Adams [grave mercy txt] 📗

Book online «Redemption, H.L.B. Adams [grave mercy txt] 📗». Author H.L.B. Adams

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everything straightened up in Texas. He had talked to Mackenzie and Ann both everyday he had been gone. It bothered him that Mackenzie was still giving Ann a hard time about him. Ann was starting to think her daughter hated her.

He had finally been able to explain what had happened with Kelly. That had been a rough conversation. He had to admit that he had used Kelly as a spot of normalcy after he had found out he had a daughter. He knew that had hurt Ann, but he also knew that she now believed him when he said that there hadn’t been anything going between him and Kelly since about a month after he came back, not so much as a phone call.

Jason had been right when he said that Ann had already forgiven him. Ann told him that herself before he even explained things. It had warmed his heart to hear that, then she told him she still couldn’t be with him and he felt his heart freeze over again, but he truly believed he was making progress with her.

Mackenzie on the other hand was another story. She didn’t seem to have a problem with him, but her mother was a different story. Mackenzie had decided to blame Ann for all the problems between him and Ann. Brandon tried every time he talked to her to get her to understand that it was all Ann’s fault, but she refused to believe that he was the one that had screwed up. He was hoping he could get her to understand that when they talked face to face.

Brandon reached Troy at midnight. He thought about going on home, but he wanted to see his girls. He pulled up at Ann’s apartment and saw all the lights off. Instead of knocking on the door, he called Ann’s cell phone. He knew it would be on and sitting on her night stand.

“Hey, I’m outside,” he said when she answered. “Okay,” she said without asking any questions and hung up. He wasn’t sure whether that meant she was going to let him in or just go back to sleep. A minute later he got his answer when the door opened.

He walked in and gave Ann a hug. “I’ve missed you,” he said holding her for a second. He was happy she didn’t pull away, but he was afraid that had more to do with her being asleep on her feet and not him.

He pulled away and said, “Sorry, I probably should have just gone on home, but I wanted to see you and Mackenzie. Go on back to bed I’m just going to look in on Kenzie and go.”

“No,” Ann said. Brandon stopped he was afraid that she was saying he couldn’t go see Kenzie. ‘I thought we were making progress,’ he thought.

“Stay here,” Ann continued, “It’s late and you’ve been driving all day and night.” Brandon let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, I will. Thanks,” he said and went into Mackenzie’s room.

Mackenzie was sound asleep clutching the teddy bear he had gotten the first night they had met. He stared at her in awe for a few minutes, then gave her a kiss on the head, and headed back into the living room to sleep on the couch.

When he came into the living room, Ann was sitting on the couch sound asleep. He picked her up and carried her to her bed. She awoke as he laid her down. “You can sleep in here,” she said. He wasn’t sure if she knew what she was saying or if she was dreaming. “The couch is horribly uncomfortable to sleep on. It would inhumane for me to make you sleep there.” Brandon laughed at how she could use words like inhumane when she was practically asleep. “Okay, I’ll sleep in here,” he said.

He stripped down to his boxers and laid down in bed beside her. ‘Home, I’m finally home,’ he thought right before he fell asleep.


The next morning Brandon was awoken by a scream of happiness and someone jumping on him. Mackenzie had gotten up before Brandon and Ann and come into her mother’s room to find not only her mom but her dad. “Morning Kenzie,” Brandon said not opening his eyes. “Can you take it down a few decibels?”

“Huh?” Mackenzie said not understanding.

“Quieter please,” Ann said, “Morning baby. Come here and I’ll sing you happy birthday like I always do.”

Surprisingly Mackenzie went to her mom. Mackenzie hugged Ann and laid down in bed between her and Brandon. Ann sang Happy Birthday to Mackenzie in her off key voice. Brandon lay there smiling, not wanting to ruin their moment. After Ann finished singing Mackenzie gave her a hug and kiss, and said, “I love you mommy.” It seemed she was over being mad at Ann all of a sudden. Brandon and Ann both decided not to question and just accept the miracle.

“Happy birthday Kenzie,” Brandon said finally opening his eyes. “Thank you,” Mackenzie replied. “But why in the world would you get up at this ungodly hour?” Brandon asked looking at the clock and seeing it was only five.

“Umm, I woke up,” Mackenzie said shrugging. Brandon could tell Ann was almost asleep again. She must have been getting enough sleep recently. “How about we go back to sleep? I could really use a couple more hours,” he said looking at Mackenzie. “Okay,” Mackenzie said with a long suffering sigh. “Can I sleep in here though?”

“Sure, you’re the birthday girl,” Brandon said and closed his eyes. He was asleep in seconds.


The next time Brandon woke up was when he heard someone open the bedroom door. He looked at the clock and saw it was now nine. He looked beside him and saw both Mackenzie and Ann. He looked over to the door to see Jason standing there with raised eyebrows. Brandon slid out of bed and pulled on his pants.

He walked out of the room with Jason. He went to kitchen and put coffee on without saying a word. “So, you going to tell about that?” Jason asked pointing towards Ann’s room.

“Coffee,” was all Brandon could manage.

After Brandon had gulped down a half cup of coffee he looked at Jason. “I gotten at midnight last night. I wanted to see them so I stopped by. Ann told me to stay because it was so late.”

“Okay, but how did you end up in the bed with her?”

“She said it would be inhumane to make me sleep on the couch. How does the woman use words like that when she’s half asleep, actually I think she was asleep,” Brandon said shaking his head.

Jason just laughed. “Well, I’d say you’re on your way to getting her back,” Jason said. “Give it a little more time. Don’t push, but don’t get discouraged either. She’s starting to come around.”

“Thank god,” Brandon said. “Oh, do you know what has been going on with her and Kenzie? I tried to figure it out through phone calls, but all I got was that Kenzie was mad at Ann because mine and Ann’s misunderstanding.”

“Well that’s not exactly it. She missed you and she took her frustration out on Ann. Sound like anyone you know?”

“What do you mean?”

“She has your attitude. It’s not a bad thing, but the girl does have a mean streak. I’ve never seen a kid that young hold a grudge like she can,” Jason said smiling and shaking his head.

“Okay, so she might have gotten some of my bad qualities,” Brandon said shrugging his shoulders.

“I wasn’t saying it was a bad thing. That mean streak will come in handy when she hits her teen years, and she has more than you mean streak.”

“Okay, your right. Wait what do you mean by her mean streak will come in handy when she’s a teen?” Brandon asked looking scared.

“One word,” Jason said enjoying this, “boys.” He laughed as Brandon shivered. “Nope, not going to happened she’s not allowed to date until she’s married.”

“Yeah, that’s what my dad said too,” Ann said walking into the kitchen.

“Okay, she’s never dating,” Brandon amended.

“Sweetie, it doesn’t work that way, sorry,” Ann said grinning. “Don’t worry she’ll be a good teen as much hell as she’s given me this past month she better be an angel the rest of her life.”

“That bad?” Brandon asked.

“It could’ve been worse,” Ann said and shrugged. “But if you leave again you’re taking her with you,” Ann joked.

“Is the little demon still asleep?” Jason asked. “Yeah, she wakes us up at five this morning and watch she’ll sleep till noon,” Ann said shaking her head.

“No she won’t. I’m going to wake her up,” Brandon said and got up to go do just that.

Brandon hopped on the bed and yelled, “Get up!” He bounced on the bed yelling until Mackenzie yelled, “Stop! I’m up!” and laughed at him. “Good,” he said and picked her up. He tossed her over his shoulder and toted her into the kitchen.

“Whatcha got there?” Jason asked as Brandon came into the kitchen.

“Not sure, I’m thinking either a princess or brat,” Brandon said grinning.

“I’m not a princess or a brat,” Mackenzie said offended.

“I say brat,” Ann said.

“Nuh uh,” Mackenzie said. Brandon set her down on her feet and they all laughed at the insulted look on her face. “We were just joking, Kenzie,” Brandon said and kissed his daughter on the top of her head.

“Well, we better go get ready for the party,” Jason said. “I think Mac invited the whole school.”

“Yep, we better get ready,” Ann said and looked over at Mackenzie, “That means go get dressed unless you want to miss your on birthday party.” They all busted out laughing as Mackenzie ran to her room to get ready.


At noon the whole town, it seemed, was at Brandon’s to celebrate Mackenzie’s birthday. Brandon stood at the grill flipping hamburgers and hot days, and watched as Mackenzie pulled Ann into a dance. “That child can get her to do anything,” Rick said from behind him. “Yep,” Brandon said looking at him. “Ann‘s never been much for dancing or heights and have seen Mackenzie get her to get over both at least for a short period of time. So hamburger or hot dog?”

“Nothing just yet, I just thought I’d come over her before I got pulled into dancing,” Rick said laughing. “Jasmine almost got me a while ago. Jason was dancing with Mac.” Rick just shook his head and laughed.

“So, how’s everything going?” Rick asked. Rick knew he and Brandon had never been best friends, but they had been friends. Rick had been meaning to come by and see who Brandon was handling thing. He knew how Ann was handling it, the same way she handled everything with the determination that everything would eventually work out.

“Fine,” Brandon said, unsure of exactly what answer Rick wanted. “Okay, that’s good,” Rick said. “I’m here if you need anything. I know we were never best friends, but Jason has become Ann’s protector so if you upset her you might not want to go to him for help.”

“I’ve noticed. He broke my nose a few months ago,” Brandon said with a little laugh. “Thanks man. Everything seems to be heading in the right direction now. We’ve had a few ups and downs, but I think we’re starting to make it work.”

“Good, all of you deserve to be happy,” Rick said. “Oh, and so you know there’s nothing going on between me and Ann. Never has been. After she turned me down in high school to be with you, I gave up on that one. We’re just friends. I joke around with her, but you know everyone needs a good laugh sometimes.”

“Yeah, I’ve already been set straight on that one. Two punches from Ann, and a broken nose from Jason.”

“Yeah, I heard. Well about Jason not Ann. She doesn’t usually hit people,” Rick said and laughed. “Whatever you said must have really pissed her off.”

“Yeah, I said some stuff that was completely untrue and way

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