» Romance » Redemption, H.L.B. Adams [grave mercy txt] 📗

Book online «Redemption, H.L.B. Adams [grave mercy txt] 📗». Author H.L.B. Adams

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a pet,” Jason answered.

“Oh, well we could pet sit for you, when you have to work,” Mackenzie offered.

“Is that a sly attempt to ask for a pet?” Brandon asked smiling. He remembered trying something similar on his parents. He got a dog the next day.

“No, of course not,” Mackenzie said. “What’s sly?”

“Sneaky,” Jason answered.

“Oh,” Mackenzie said nodding her head. “So, are you going to get a dog?”

“I don’t know,” Jason said laughing.

“So, you want a dog?” Brandon asked Mackenzie trying to stifle a laugh.

“I didn’t say that. Uncle Jay wants a dog.”

“Uh huh, Uncle Jay do you want a dog?” Brandon asked Jason trying hard to sound serious. Jason acted like he was thinking about it before he shook his head and said, “Nope. I think Mac wants a dog.”

“Uh uh,” Mackenzie said.

“You sure? Because I’d been thinking about getting one, but if you don’t then I guess I won’t,” Brandon said.

“No, I want,” Mackenzie said quickly. Brandon and Jason both laughed outright then. “Okay, we’ll go get a dog tomorrow. “Yay! I get a dog,” Mackenzie said jumping up and down.

“What’s all the ruckus about?” Jasmine asked walking into the kitchen. “Daddy’s getting me a dog,” Mackenzie said smiling.

“Well that’s great,” Jasmine said smiling. It was good to see smiles on all of their faces. She hadn’t seen anything but sadness on their faces for a week. It warmed her heart to see them free for at least a moment. She knew they would go back to thinking about Ann, and be sad again. She understood, she was too, but she knew they needed to have some happiness too.


Later on Brandon and Mackenzie left Jason’s and went to the hospital. Brandon hated thinking of Ann there alone, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He had to take care of their daughter. Their little miracle.

Brandon sat in the chair beside Ann’s bed with Mackenzie in his lap, and told her about their day. Mackenzie joining in to tell about how many fish she had caught and the dog they were getting. They stayed there for about an hour, then went home.

“Daddy,” Mackenzie said as she settled into bed, “will you tell me a story about you and momma?”

“Yeah,” Brandon said, “Let’s see. Ah, I’ve got one. Our first kiss was under the oak tree out back. Now I wasn’t always so suave with the ladies. I had been trying to get my courage up to kiss your mother all day. We were twelve and I had just realized she was a girl. I mean I knew she was girl all along, but I had just realized the difference that actually made. I had a huge crush on her. Where I had been confident around her before I was now shy. She had been at my house all day. It was getting late, and we heard her daddy pull. I thought I’d lost my chance until your momma leaned over and kissed me. She said, ‘Well you weren’t going to do it’. “Brandon laughed. “All I could do was stare at her. I couldn’t believe she had just kissed me. By the time I got my wits back her dad was on the back porch telling her it was time to go. So, your mom made the first move, and she has never let me forget it.” Brandon laughed and sat there for a second lost in his memories.

“So, momma kissed you first,” Mackenzie said and laughed. “You were shy.”

“Yep, I was shy, and that’s what she won’t let me forget. She always asked me why I was so shy with a girl I had known my whole life.”

“Well, that’s okay, at least y’all ended up together,” Mackenzie said. “And when mommy gets better we’re going to be a real family.”

“Yeah,” Brandon said as he felt his heart break. He didn’t know if Ann was going to get better, and if she did would she even want him. “Good night sweetie,” Brandon said and gave Kenzie a kiss. “Night daddy.”

The next morning while Brandon was getting Mackenzie ready for school he got a call from the hospital, Ann was awake. Brandon raced to the hospital with Mackenzie sitting in the back seat with a big smile. When they arrived they went to the third floor, they had moved Ann to a regular room.

Mackenzie ran into the room ahead of him. “Mommy!” Mackenzie yelled when she saw her sitting up in bed awake. “Sweetie,” Ann said smiling. The doctor told her she had been in a coma for a week. She couldn’t believe it. She knew everyone must have been scared, especially the little angel running toward her. “Mommy, you’re awake,” Mackenzie said as she climbed up on the bed with Ann. “Yep, I’m awake,” Ann said hugging her. “How’s my baby?”

“Fine, daddy’s been taking care of me. He told me you’d wake up.”

“He did, did he?”

Brandon stood at the door watching them. He couldn’t stop the tears. He was so happy. She was back.

Ann looked up at the door and saw Brandon crying. He mouthed, “I love you.” Ann felt tears come to her eyes, but she smiled and said, “I love you too.”

“So, now we can be a real family,” Mackenzie said looking at her mother then her father.




Brandon stood under the oak tree in the back yard and waited for his bride. The music started and Mackenzie came skipping down the aisle. She waved at everyone and stopped in front of him for a hug and kiss. Brandon laughed and complied, then he pointed to where she was supposed to stand. Mackenzie ran to her spot and stood their grinning.

The music changed and everyone stood. A very pregnant Ann came down the aisle on Jason’s arm. When they reached him, Jason place Ann’s hand in Brandon’s, and said, “It’s about time you married her. You can’t do anything in the right order.” All three of them laughed as Jason went to stand on the other side of Brandon. They turned to the minister and he began, “Dearly beloved…”

As Brandon and Ann walked back down the aisle as husband and wife, Ann said, “Okay, now we need to go to the hospital.”

“What?” Brandon said going pale. “Your, umm…”

“Yeah, I’m in labor. No snap out of it. I don’t feel like driving myself to the hospital.”

“Right,” Brandon said and then yelled to everyone gathered at his house for the wedding, “We’re having a baby. Got to go.” Ann laughed at him as she walked around the house to his car.

Brandon got into the car after helping Ann in. “How close are the contractions?” Brandon asked remembering the teacher in their labor and delivery class saying something about it.

“Close,” Ann said wincing.

“How long have you been in labor?” Brandon asked afraid of the answer. “Since I woke up this morning,” Ann said calmly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, I kind of wanted to get married before this one came.”

“Ann Mackenzie Cooper you completely crazy,” Brandon said laughing. “And I’m completely in love with you.”

About two hours later Ryan Cooper was born.



Text: H.L.B. Adams
Publication Date: 04-19-2014

All Rights Reserved

To my mom who has always supported me. Being a single mom isn’t easy, but some days she made it look like a piece of cake. Thank you for everything Momma. I love you.

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